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Author Topic: PVDimport problem  (Read 2151 times)


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PVDimport problem
« on: March 01, 2010, 09:27:43 am »

 Hi all,

 I am finally trying again to use the pvdimport plugin into MC14 in order to fluidly incorporate my pvd database into MC14.

 I am new to MC so please bear with me...
 I have started by adding all my files to MC14 (only video files) so it took a while but my media files got imported into MC. (by the way, is there a way to stop MC from playing the first 0.5 second of the file when adding it? I did not find an option to stop that happening, I think it's because it wants to create a thumbnail of the video file from the first frame and has to ply it).

 I have then installed pvdimport and it loaded OK.
 I then choose to mass import and it did it with success (at least that's what it said next to each of the files in the log at the bottom).

 The problem is that once this is done, I see that nothing has changed in my library. Files are still files, and not movies, and there are no genre, no poster, no nothing attached to them...? I have been trying to sort this out on my own but no luck so far.

 Can anyone help?


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Re: PVDimport problem
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2010, 01:02:17 pm »

I did not find an option to stop that happening...

I'm not sure if this is what is causing it, but you could try turning off the Build thumbnails Auto-Import option (Options - Library & Folders - Auto-Import Folders).

I see that nothing has changed in my library.

Have you configured the PvdImport field mappings, and have you included those fields in your view? PVD's genre, for example, should normally be mapped onto a custom list field (MC's standard genre field is a string field). So the default field configuration maps it to .Genre. You have to create this field in MC (Options - Library & Folders - Manage Library Fields) and include it in your view.


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Re: PVDimport problem
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2010, 01:56:03 pm »

 I have tried turning off the build thumbnail option, I still get the file to be played for a fraction of a second.

 In terms of fields I have completely missed that step!
 I am completely new to MC (which you are right, seems very nice btw) and I really thought pvdimport was an "out of the box" type of solution...
 Could you give me more info on how to add the fields in MC? Is there a list somewhere of fields mapping to pvd's fields?

 Edit: I have just realized there is a list of fields on the pvdimport interface. Still, I am lost on what to do next.

 Second editing: I have just found this from one of your post, this might be the solution, right?

PvdImport does exactly what the field configuration tells it to do. To see all that's available in the default configuration, check "Ignored." Note the convention used is to preface the name of any suggested user fields with a "." (period). If you want to use any of these (like .Genre  and .Rating IMDb), you have to create a field of the required type with exactly the same name in MC using Manage Library Fields. The required type is indicated in the "Description" column. The "McField" name can be changed to whatever you like, as long as it's exactly the same in MC and PvdImport. Once a matching field has been created in MC, remove the check from the "I" (ignore) column.


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Re: PVDimport problem
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2010, 02:32:22 pm »

  mmmm... I've added an MC field called ".Genre" but what options should I use when creating that field.
 Also how do I get it appearing in the library? When I want to customize the list displayed there is no ".genre" field available.

 Also, files still are not in the "movies" section.

 Also, how do I get the posters displayed? My posters are embedded in the pvd file btw.

 Sorry for noob questions but really instructions are not clear enough for my clumsy brain.

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Re: PVDimport problem
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2010, 03:41:06 pm »

Also, files still are not in the "movies" section.

Deal with this first. If your movie files are not showing up in MC, that has nothing to do with PvdImport. If you haven't done so already, set View as (on the view tab menu or the Customize View dialog) to "Panes and Details"—so you can see the file details. Right-click on a column header and add a column for Media Type. This field determines which view a file shows up in. If you don't see your video files here, check in Documents. If MC fails to recognize your video files as such, they will likely end up there (as Data types). If this is the case, you can change Media Type to Video.

I've added an MC field called ".Genre" but what options should I use when creating that field.

Data type = List is the one that matters. Generally, the description column of the PvdImport field configuration indicates what field type is recommended.

Also, how do I get the posters displayed?

Check "Do Covers" and set the location to InTheSameFolderAsTheFile. Use the same location setting in MC options at File Location - Cover Art.


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Re: PVDimport problem
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2010, 11:17:59 pm »

You may also need to update the Media Sub Type Field to get it to show as a "Movie".  The MC Movies section only shows those with media sub type of "Movies".  I was going to the Files section on the tree and manually settting the files in my movies directory and tv shows directories to the correct Media Sub Type.

Adding this to the pvdimport dialog for the field Media Sub Type does it automatically (see other PVDImport thread for more details)

Select Case When (MOVIES."epid" Is Null)
       'TV Show'
Where MOVIES."mid"=@id



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Re: PVDimport problem
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2010, 05:18:28 am »

  Thank you Rick and struct for the answers, it seems to be working now, hurray!! :D

 I have only tested it on a single file so now it's time to do it on about 2000 and see what happens.
 I have noticed imdb and personal ratings have not been included, as well as country, do you know what I should do for these?
 I will edit this note if I find it before your answers, you have been of great help thank you again.

 EDIT: Just found out how to add the fields I need, using PvdImportFieldConfig.xml.
          Media Center looks very promising...


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Re: PVDimport problem
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2010, 10:29:16 pm »

Check "Do Covers" and set the location to InTheSameFolderAsTheFile. Use the same location setting in MC options at File Location - Cover Art

I'm also having problems displaying covers. I've tried the settings above, but I don't see any image file created in my cover art folder (I'm using MC's default folder and I've directed pvd import to it). After I import MC keeps using thumbnails from the videos

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Re: PVDimport problem
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2010, 12:44:54 am »

Is the MC option Create thumbnails for videos off?


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Re: PVDimport problem
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2010, 12:45:59 am »

I'm also having problems displaying covers. I've tried the settings above, but I don't see any image file created in my cover art folder (I'm using MC's default folder and I've directed pvd import to it). After I import MC keeps using thumbnails from the videos

o Does the "Image File" tag for said file change? It should look something like "DVDVideo - [Name].jpg" where "Name" is the value in the name tag.
o If yes, the filename should be named accordingly and there should be a file in the specified folder.
o Select one file and use "send to external", observe the log in the plugin pane, do you see anything?
o Vista/Win7? Since this is a tried and tested feature, I'd try to start MC with administrative rights. This is one thing that has proved to be a big difference between xp and later OSes.
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