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Author Topic: MC 15 Feature Requests  (Read 79792 times)


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #100 on: April 07, 2010, 01:20:14 pm »

Can MC15 have the following features?

1.   Dedicated “Now Playing” Plug in for Live Messenger that works in x86 & x64; The ability for the plugin to manipulate the Song title on the fly (I know there is a plugin but it has never worked for me in Windows 7 (32 or 64))

2.   To give the user the choice how to use the program. After Install the user can choose from

Audio (No Video Fields or extensions)
Video (No Audio Fields or extensions)
Audio and Video

(Audio and Video will always contain the image views and fields)

3.   Drag, drop and movable task bar

4.   Double click anywhere on the taskbar in locked mode will minimise or maximise

5.   If MC 15 loads in codec’s first it should activate a system sweep and only install the codec’s that are out of date and do not conflict if the user wants to use a 3rd party media player.if a conflict is found it should offer the user the choice of installing it or not (depending on the usage mode of the user)

6.   A full 64 Bit version!!!!

I would like to buy MC15 but as I am a MC13 user I will have to buy  a full licence for MC15 (I guess)

So in order for me to pay the full price I would like to buy a media player with everything I need.

The suggestions on this forum are cool...especially the Audio rip from DVD (Blue Ray too?) and the IMBD database link (however I do believe that the full IMBD chargeable! (Maybe that could be an offer in MC15 as a subscription))

Thanx  ;D ;D ;D




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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #101 on: April 07, 2010, 01:31:28 pm »

2.   To give the user the choice how to use the program. After Install the user can choose from

Audio (No Video Fields or extensions)
Video (No Audio Fields or extensions)
Audio and Video

(Audio and Video will always contain the image views and fields)

This is already available in Options > General > Features.  You can turn off media types.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #102 on: April 07, 2010, 02:23:16 pm »

This is already available in Options > General > Features.  You can turn off media types.

LOL! Thanx  ;D Never scrolled done that far!!! I have a lot more questions now but they belong in a different thread!

In today’s media players it is only worth having a video player that players ALL formats! For example I have codec’s that allow me to play MOV files in WMP 12 without the bloated QuickTime and Apple software) but the MOV files will not play in MC13, either because it does not see the codec or it sees it but it is not registered for MC13. Even though this file will not play in MC13 it still appears as an option in the right click context menu because the "Enable Shell integration" is checked!

I suppose what I was looking for was the one click choice as an extra menu to have MC15 handle all Audio or all Video Files! If it is chosen that MC15 does not support Video files then after a reboot all Video extensions (in autoruns) and context menu's that are linked to MC15 are un registered and the video tab in MC15 is gone!

The best way would be to allow MC15 to see the codec’s that WMP12 can see and therefore it would be used as the ONLY media player




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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #103 on: April 07, 2010, 11:07:25 pm »

I just installed the Beta (and decided to buy 15), and it's great. I played some pictures and then switched and played some music. The pictures were still being displayed in a slideshow and I saw one I liked. I have right-clicked the image and there is no way I can see to find where this image is in my library (internal or externally). I have lots of pictures, and would like an easy way to find it. Some of the options when I right-click are: Print, Delete Image, Set as Desktop Background, Advanced Image Controls.

Could you please put a "locate" link in there? I like the locate menu, but it is not here for the image slideshow.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #104 on: April 08, 2010, 05:28:37 am »

The pictures were still being displayed in a slideshow and I saw one I liked.

There are a number of different things you could do to get information at this point. Press <space> to pause. Double-click to return temporarily to Standard View. There, a tooltip will show the file name, path and other information. A details view could be used to show some information about all the files, or a tag window could be opened (there's a link below the image) to show all information about the current file. Double-click to return and press <space> to resume the slide show.

You can also add items to the context Send To menu. You might use this to open the image in an external editor, or open the containing folder in a file manager. Send To is available on the image context menu in both Standard View and Slideshow.

If you want easier access to information about images while viewing them, consider using a Details view in Preview Mode (select "Preview Image" from the context menu). This will give you a large view of the image with simultaneous viewing or access to tag information.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #105 on: April 08, 2010, 10:35:07 am »


I would like to see more photos features:

  • Autoplay option, to import photos from cameras.
  • Prev/Next buttons of mouse should show prev/next photo in full-screen mode, and not return to library.
  • I would like to be able to hold photos in a stack or something, so when I select few photos I can still double-click one image in order to see it in full-screen.
  • When double-clicking an image file, It should be able to view other images in the same folder by clicking pev/next.
  • Lightscribe support.

Thanks a lot,




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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #106 on: April 09, 2010, 05:51:35 am »

(Better) Support for A/V containers that can host multiple 'files'

- e.g. Matroska audio and video containers which can host subtitles, images, lyrics, text, and lots of other goodies into one file. The less I have to store external to a media file the better.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #107 on: April 09, 2010, 06:03:29 pm »

I'd love to see the "Group By" feature brought back to the "Now Playing" list.


Also, it would be fantastic if you added the possibility to place podcasts in user-specified directories for *any* portable device ( see: ).
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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #108 on: April 10, 2010, 12:01:09 pm »

I use tabs, about 6 of them, but it always annoys me when I switch between libraries that the tabs don't retain their settings/views. Would it be possible to save the tab settings/views in each library?


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #109 on: April 11, 2010, 05:46:05 pm »

I have a touch screen and the scrolling is not working as it should ie as in explorer, firefox
I have to use the bars, which are very narrow...
Could you implement the scrolling with finger?


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #110 on: April 13, 2010, 10:59:57 am »

My list  ;)

Resizable panes per View
Custom divider per view
Custom tooltip per view (including on and off)

The math function is great, please let us also do math in detailed view = summarize integers

When expanding a stack then included stacks should be "selected"

Be able to add custom Date fields

The possibility to collapse and expand semicolon delimited fileds with a single click

Timestamps for files so you can see the change dates even for files that are not written to

Be able to exlude stuff in the panes


Place the "clear Library" command more childsafe..with a little bit of unluck you can easily clear tons of work

Be able to set if you want to see details or thumbnails in a searchlist, so when you select the searchlist it will show your choise.

More work on Notes, the ideas is great but needs more... (it's also unreliable, notes can disappear)

General: please don't exclude mediatypes from nice features, for example sidecars is only for videos, another example is that you can't use folder .jpg for Datafiles and neither quick coverart lookup for datafiles

color options in the tree


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #111 on: April 14, 2010, 02:32:39 am »

I know its been asked for before (first post in fact), and I know you are kinda getting there with the web remote thing, but I will second, third (or whatever number we're up to now) for the development of a iPhone/Windows Mobile/Android app that can be used to control MC.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #112 on: April 17, 2010, 02:58:47 am »

I too would like this.
change the top display view bar in theaterview. so its larger text and similiar to the awesome bars you guys made on the bottom. so its usable!
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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #113 on: April 19, 2010, 01:32:10 pm »

I have only two pressing requests at the moment:

1) sync ratings and playcounts back to the library from Android devices.

2) picasa photo album uploading similar to the current flickr support.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #114 on: April 20, 2010, 05:18:14 am »

I would like to see some playslist-handling features implmented

1. Mark songs and getting the option "send too playlist" wit auto-naming of the playlist (if all songs are from same artist and album, playlsit is named after that). 

A general more playlistfriendly setup, able to do similar things to playslists as songs, rating them, grouping them

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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #115 on: April 21, 2010, 05:54:49 am »

How about an option to configure the remote to toggle the aspect ratio?



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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #116 on: April 21, 2010, 08:05:34 am »

Allow left main menu sidebar to be locked off and also be moved around the screen to other locations when on.

Allow choice of split view, yes or no, for each main area, ie audio,video,images,tv.

Allow locking of any view produced.

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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #117 on: April 21, 2010, 08:09:20 am »

Allowing the program to take several command line options as input, instead of just one.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #118 on: April 21, 2010, 09:17:29 am »

Make it possible for a playlist to lock the order (sorting-order).
In the past I've had the dreadful experience of messing up some carefully ordered playlists, so it would be nice if they could be (optional) protected with a kind of "Are you sure you want to change the order of this playlist"-question.
Mark Coutinho
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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #119 on: April 21, 2010, 04:51:33 pm »

How about the possibility of viewing hidden videos/files?   That way, I could watch a recording in progress, ala ZoomPlayer.  In my formerly favorite media app, you can watch a video in the process of recording.  At the end of the "buffer" the player remembers the last position that was playing, and resets, allowing you to seamlessly watch the balance of what has been recorded in the interim.  This process repeats every time you bump into the end of what's been recorded.  I hope I've described this satisfactorily.
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TV Series Support/NFO Scanner/Metadata
« Reply #120 on: April 21, 2010, 06:39:17 pm »

Please! Please! Please! add some better video Metadata support!!!

When J River started development of MC14 they looked at the competition; MediaPortal, VMC/7MC, XBMC etc. etc. and I saw the almost exact same thread for MC15. For ages now all of these have had Video Libraries/Plugins that supported metadata scraping from online sources; IMdB, TVDB or TMDB.


1) Can we Please have metadata scrapers for TVDB (for TVSeries) & TMDB (for Movies)?

2) Alternatively or Additionally an .NFO scanner; MyMovies.xml files are great for Movies but does not support TV Series, at least not at episode level.

3) MediaInfo support (as mentioned above SD/HD but preferably by codec and resolution)

This is my only gripe with MC, it is fantastic for Audio (practically unrivalled), but Videos in Theatre View desperately need the Metadata to make the 10-foot interface even worth a look on an HTPC. Please look at those other programs properly to understand what is missing from the video library!

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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #121 on: April 21, 2010, 09:27:29 pm »

Please look at those other programs properly to understand what is missing from the video library!

I have. None of them come close to what I have using Personal Video Database to import and manage my video meta data, and PvdImport to automatically import it to MC. You may prefer an "easier," less comprehensive solution, but there are a number of those as well. If you're interested, there have been a number of discussions here in the past about the merits and feasibility of MC providing video meta data solutions versus using these third party ones.



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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #122 on: April 22, 2010, 03:44:52 am »

I'll look at it again, last time TV Series support was really quite poor and matching episodes was dubious at best.

I'm not advocating for it only to be handled internally, but with the Wikipedia lookup function added I just thought that was the way it looked like it was going. Personally the addition of an NFO import option for TV Series would make things so much easier; a lot of people probably use their own preferred application to gather metadata, and just a way of getting it from local files into the library would be good.

I don't think I'm the only one who finds this feature somewhat lacking; I've seen it mentioned above at least once and I probably mentioned it back at MC13 & 14 as well. Also I note that MC has added YAMMM support, YAMMM itself will be adding TV Series support at some point and if MC will support those files to be imported then all good and well.

Edit: Tried it again, redone the RegEx and imported TV Show properly, however it will not scan the episodes in automatically, I have to select by season and run import and even then it has trouble (silent mode enabled and disabled). I have 132 TV Series, I'll be buggered if I'm going to sit there and work my way through that unaided; I remember why I abandoned this program: There's many much better alternatives that handle TV shows properly!

AutoMeta on the other hand is p!$$ easy to use and it works, great job to the author, would probably like a little bit more configurable metadata but in the absence of ability to import from file will suffice for now.

Mr ChriZ

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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #123 on: April 22, 2010, 10:38:56 am »

MC still needs a drop shadow.  MC feels so left out and 2D compared to other programs.


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Add a favicon to the WebRemote page
« Reply #124 on: April 22, 2010, 03:05:26 pm »

WebRemote is a great feature, much better than what was available in previous releases.  Looks sharp too.  I keep an icon of it in my FireFox bookmarks, which run down the left-side of my screen, but WebRemote for beta MC15 is the only site which does not have a favicon.  It is simply the default rectangular webpage.

Very small request I realize, but makes WebRemote look more polished.



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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #125 on: April 22, 2010, 03:08:30 pm »

I have a lot of minor gripes, but nothing in comparison to the multi-year annoyance that is the inability for the sidebar to stay expanded after MC shutdown once certain selections are expanded. It might work better on startup for people with tiny monitors but for me it's been an enduring pain in the butt.

Also, another multi-year butt pain is the handheld auto-sync not actually being an auto-sync.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #126 on: April 24, 2010, 05:30:34 pm »

I'm very interested on a audio preview of titles (by ONE right an ONE left mouse click), as it has been my wish posted some month ago. To manage this thru zones is a good workaround, but to activate previews by zones is not very comfortable (like right mouse click -> send to -> play (zone x) -> play or add). Does MC have that in future releases? Thanks a lot! :-)


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #127 on: April 25, 2010, 04:34:55 pm »

How about a 3d view for DVD's? you can view dvd files as 3d albums but they only show up as CD covers and cut off the bottom of the DVD cover. Unless i'm wrong (which is a distinct possibility).



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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #128 on: April 25, 2010, 05:23:13 pm »

I have. None of them come close to what I have using Personal Video Database to import and manage my video meta data, and PvdImport to automatically import it to MC. You may prefer an "easier," less comprehensive solution, but there are a number of those as well. If you're interested, there have been a number of discussions here in the past about the merits and feasibility of MC providing video meta data solutions versus using these third party ones.

I disagree. I've been using xbmc for films and will probably continue to do so. I used personal video database to import information and artwork into jriver MC but it's no way near as good as what xmbc can do. Fair dos, your way allows better customisation. But i don’t need that. I want it to get some information and a neat looking cover (after all, I’d like to watch the film rather than write a thesis on it) and I’d like it to look pretty. It would be nice if JRiver MC could have native iso/nrg image file support as well

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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #129 on: April 25, 2010, 06:30:21 pm »

I want it to get some information and a neat looking cover

If that's all you want, your interest doesn't seem to be the same as the person I was responding to. And I suspect you're both missing a subtle but critical element of the meta data issue. JRiver doesn't own or have the rights to any. End users can legitimately (arguably) scrape information from some sites for their own use. A commercial application doing the same thing as a feature for all it's users is more likely to be seen as a violation of copyright.

I believe the only choices available to JRiver are to license something like Allmovies, or make it easier for users to implement their own solutions. The problem with the first option is it would probably only satisfy North American users with only a mild interest in movies and none in TV series—and then they would have to hope the cost could be passed on to users. In the longer run, what is going to serve us better is the development of technologies that facilitate the effective exchange of data generally. A full-featured, easy-to-use, standards-compliant plugin system, for example, is going to be far more effective than anything done right now with the limited objective of delivering pretty covers.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #130 on: April 26, 2010, 02:22:18 am »

End users can legitimately (arguably) scrape information from some sites for their own use. A commercial application doing the same thing as a feature for all i's users is more likely to be seen as a violation of copyright.

I agree, that's probably why the Wikipedia solution was implemented.

On the other hand, an improved plugin API in the area of GUI would make it a lot easier for MC users to deal with the plugins. I am of course talking about customized context menu choices accessible in the plugin API, "selected files events" in the API etc. If that had been present in the first place, some plugin developer might have implemented the Wikipedia solution *for* JRiver.

This has been requested by many people in the plugin forums and one can only guess why no such functionality has been implemented in the first place.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #131 on: April 30, 2010, 03:20:52 am »

With the New "Export to iTunes & iPhone"   Any chance of this being able to do a file conversion as well ?

My music is in FLAC and video is a mix of formats, mostly not iTunes compatable.



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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #132 on: April 30, 2010, 03:35:59 am »

I'd love to see the "Group By" feature brought back to the "Now Playing" list.

Yes, this group by feature would be very nice!


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #133 on: April 30, 2010, 03:16:49 pm »

One wish - visualization plugin from winamp or wmp support please. I'm very weary of products SoundSpectrum.
There is no alternative for many years. I have no success, wrote the authors of some visualization software with the request to add the support MC.
Time to do something in this direction - if third-party developers do not offer visualizations for MC, MC may will support third-party programs.

I think it would be my biggest wish to MC15.
the other wishes I have already written in forum threads).



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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #134 on: May 03, 2010, 11:39:13 am »

Make it possible for a playlist to lock the order (sorting-order).
In the past I've had the dreadful experience of messing up some carefully ordered playlists, so it would be nice if they could be (optional) protected with a kind of "Are you sure you want to change the order of this playlist"-question.

15.0.33 (4/27/2010)
6. NEW: Added the ability to lock a playlist to prevent unintended changes to the order or files.



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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #135 on: May 03, 2010, 12:03:14 pm »


I am a fan of "raw" format, so I use "raw" in imaging, and wav in audio
Both are not good for metadata
Adobe has found a great way, using a sidecar .xmp file, containing all metadata, and making it safe, autonomous, independent of a database
Why not using the same way for music?


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #136 on: May 03, 2010, 12:17:45 pm »


I am a fan of "raw" format, so I use "raw" in imaging, and wav in audio
Both are not good for metadata
Adobe has found a great way, using a sidecar .xmp file, containing all metadata, and making it safe, autonomous, independent of a database
Why not using the same way for music?

Media Center supports WAV tagging.  Search on Interact for more information.

Or you could losslessly compress your WAV files to gain error detection for improved data security.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #137 on: May 03, 2010, 12:40:47 pm »

Allowing the program to take several command line options as input, instead of just one.

+1 - in general, I'd like to see better automation possibilities via scripts  / command line options.   One example:  Force MC to open with a certain zone selected, e.g. There: Zone 1 when using TRemote.   

The ideal solution would be to introduce the concept of scripts - namely that MC could be started with a flag that tells it to read a certain text file.  That text file contains lists of commands as per the current API,  and MC executes them in turn.  MC could either be opened and told to process the script file, or, if already open, executing MC again with the flag would tell it to run the list of commands in the current instance.

I would think this isn't too hard to do, as there is already an API allowing control of MC.  We just need a way to execute a series of commands in a script.

In the future, this could be expanded by the inclusion into MC of some kind of scripting language, like Lua or TCL, both of which are often integrated into programs to give them scriptability.  With that in place, one could write complex scripts with variables and conditions and loops and completely automate various MC functions.   

That would make MC hugely modabble, without requiring the user is an experienced coder able to make plugins.  I think you would see the amount of user-contributed modifications to MC would explode, because scripting langauges like the above are really easy to get in to and powerful to use.

Anyway, I'm not proposing that for MC 15 necessarily - but I think the basic ability to execute a sequence of API commands would be easy to add, and immediately useful.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #138 on: May 04, 2010, 05:54:42 pm »

DLNA Access control.  I replied to a thread elsewhere about this subject, but I thought this is where it really should be posted.

In light of the ability to have multiple (virtual) DLNA servers, it would be really handy if you could restrict access to each server by either MAC or IP.  On my network, the media servers get permanently assigned IPs from DHCP, so it doesn't matter to me whether it is MAC or IP.  However, for those folks whose IPs may change, it might be more useful to filter against MACs.

It seems to me that this feature should (ideally) be configured so that you cannot even CONNECT to a media server unless you're on the authorized MAC list.  That way, I could have one sever for "adults" and one for "children".  The children's server could be limited to only PG content, while the adult's could have no restrictions on it.

I think this feature is about the only basic function that MC lacks.  Even WMP has the ability to control access.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #139 on: May 04, 2010, 06:07:10 pm »

DLNA Scheduling:

The ability to set "run times" for each virtual DLNA server.  In conjunction with access control, would permit the system to not operate during certain hours (such as the middle of the night) for purposes of parental control.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #140 on: May 04, 2010, 06:22:37 pm »


I'm not sure how to express this suggestion, but let me try.
On my D-Link DSM-520, when I connect to WMP, I get a display that (in large fonts, with graphics) shows me three categories:

When I connect to MC, I get the same MUSIC, PHOTOS, VIDEO but, instead of looking big and containing graphics, they are displayed just like any other folders.

I BELIEVE the reason for this must be that the DLNA top-level packets sent out by WMP indicate "categories" whereas those sent out by MC indicate "folder".  It would be nice if the media player displayed the prettier presentation.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #141 on: May 04, 2010, 06:26:06 pm »

DVD Navigation via DLNA

Although most of my video library is in the form of MPG files, extracted from DVD with no loss of quality, there is always the problem of those DVDs which have "forced" subtitles or foreign language films where I need the subtitle display.  If one could navigate the actual DVD menu and select subtitles, audio tracks, etc., when using the DLNA server, it would make life really easy.

Presently, if I drop an entire DVD into a folder and import it, it plays the main VOB but it doesn't see the menu.  Unless I'm doing something wrong.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #142 on: May 05, 2010, 02:52:29 am »

Allow views to be refreshed when the track changes.

I have a bunch of views using the new isplaying() to display the currently playing track against similar tracks (genre, artist etc) in the database but when the track changes I have to manually refresh the view to display the newly playing track.  It would be immensely useful if the view would refresh when the track changes....


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #143 on: May 05, 2010, 03:09:52 am »

Allow views to be refreshed when the track changes.


It would also be nice if IsPlaying() could be zone-specific.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #144 on: May 05, 2010, 03:36:03 am »

DLNA Access control.  I replied to a thread elsewhere about this subject, but I thought this is where it really should be posted.

In light of the ability to have multiple (virtual) DLNA servers, it would be really handy if you could restrict access to each server by either MAC or IP.  On my network, the media servers get permanently assigned IPs from DHCP, so it doesn't matter to me whether it is MAC or IP.  However, for those folks whose IPs may change, it might be more useful to filter against MACs.

It seems to me that this feature should (ideally) be configured so that you cannot even CONNECT to a media server unless you're on the authorized MAC list.  That way, I could have one sever for "adults" and one for "children".  The children's server could be limited to only PG content, while the adult's could have no restrictions on it.

I think this feature is about the only basic function that MC lacks.  Even WMP has the ability to control access.

I looked at similar issues concerning other applications in the past. The result was that i don't really think its the applications job to control access to a given computer resource. In Linux terms you could use a simple Access Control List - you may be able to do this in windows but I think the easiest solution is to install a firewall. I use COMODO firewall, which is highly configurable and can block individual IPs/ports, and I believe also offer MAC filtering.

I think this will be a similar answer for parental control which is outside the scope of a Media Player and more deep routering in the operating system.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #145 on: May 05, 2010, 03:41:53 am »

OK, here's something I would like, but am not sure if it can be done already.

I like to randomise my entire collection, but every so often I will hear a song that makes me want to listen to the entire album from which that song came from. I would like to be able to suspend the randomised playlist (without losing position or starting all over again) and jump to playing the entire album which I have selected. When the album has completed, carry on with the next song on randomised playlist I suspended earlier.

This would need to be done simply as a play option or right click on the playing now song.

Cor, what I would give for this functionality on the iPod.

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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #146 on: May 05, 2010, 06:27:51 am »

I would like to be able to suspend the randomised playlist (without losing position or starting all over again) and jump to playing the entire album which I have selected.

Perhaps a few more clicks than you could like, but it can be done now. Right-click and select Locate Album. Right-click on the album and select Play - Add (as next to play). Locate returns you to your main view. If that's a Pane View, you can easily modify the selection to be played. For example, your album will be selected, but you might right-click on the "5" in a ratings pane to send only the highest rated tracks to PN.

You might also be interested in creating views using IsPlaying() as described here. I use an "Artist PN" view to select additional tracks for PN while listening to otherwise random play.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #147 on: May 05, 2010, 06:36:58 am »

OK, here's something I would like, but am not sure if it can be done already.

I like to randomise my entire collection, but every so often I will hear a song that makes me want to listen to the entire album from which that song came from. I would like to be able to suspend the randomised playlist (without losing position or starting all over again) and jump to playing the entire album which I have selected. When the album has completed, carry on with the next song on randomised playlist I suspended earlier.

This would need to be done simply as a play option or right click on the playing now song.

Cor, what I would give for this functionality on the iPod.

Yeah I agree with this, this is related to my wish for a spesific "random skip" button in addition to a normal skip, becsause i like to jump randomly, and then when i hit something good, play in sequence a while, and jump randomly again. It can be more or less done today, but it takes time and/or many click.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #148 on: May 05, 2010, 01:31:09 pm »

I looked at similar issues concerning other applications in the past. The result was that i don't really think its the applications job to control access to a given computer resource. In Linux terms you could use a simple Access Control List - you may be able to do this in windows but I think the easiest solution is to install a firewall. I use COMODO firewall, which is highly configurable and can block individual IPs/ports, and I believe also offer MAC filtering.

I think this will be a similar answer for parental control which is outside the scope of a Media Player and more deep routering in the operating system.

If one were able to assign different IP addresses for different virtual DLNA servers, then one could use the access control features in Windows to control access.  But that doesn't exist.  If I were to set up 4 diffferent IPs for the DLNA server, then they would appear on all four IPs.

There is a nexus between the DLNA server functionality and access control.


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Re: MC 15 Feature Requests
« Reply #149 on: May 06, 2010, 11:13:42 am »

Would it be asking too much to get a "refresh" button for the library placed in each of the theater play control groupings?  It would beat having to back out of the ten ft gui in order to manually refresh the library every time  I put something new on the local net and MC hasn't caught on to the fact.
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