I thought I'd start a new topic just about JRSS Surround Mixing. It is now available for both Audio and Video sources. Matt suggested that MC might add Subwoofer mixing only (other unused channels silent). However, I don't like to use the same setting for both. For me I would like to use the following:
Audio - Subwoofer mixing only (other unused channels silent) with a crossover
Video - 7.1 with JRSS mixing (If I like it as much as Dolby ProLogic IIx) with a crossover
In other words, I never want to matrix Audio, but I always want to matrix Video to 7.1.

How about doing it with these options:
No Mixing (Unused Channels Silent)
Clone Side Channels to Rear Speakers
JRSS 2.0 Surround Sound for Audio Only
JRSS 2.0 Surround Sound for Video Only
JRSS 2.0 Surround Sound for All Sources
Then have a check box for Subwoofer. When Subwoofer is selected, the crossover frequencies become available.
I would select JRSS 2.0 Surround Sound for Video Only and check the Subwoofer box. This would not matrix Audio sources and would matrix Video sources while providing a crossover for both.
I would also like some more information about JRSS. Ultimately it comes down to how it sounds, but some technical info is always fun. When it goes from 5.1 to 7.1, does it have discreet info for each rear channel or are the rear channels identical? Does it matrix in the time domain or the frequency domain?