It's easy to modify the colour just go in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 15\Skins\Standard View\Albedo
And open the main.xml with notepad.
Then locate the string <List>
Here the code for my custom colours
<Colors Text="b7b7b7" Back="181717" SelectedText="1539e9" SelectedBack="e3f8ff" HotText="c9c9c9" Gridline="191818" />
<Entry Name="Background" Bitmap="DialogBack_back.png" NumberImages="4" Margins="2,2,2,2" />
<Entry Name="HeaderBar" Bitmap="List_HeaderBar.bmp" Margins="3,2,3,3" NumberImages="3" TextColor="b7b7b7" OverTextColor="FFFFFF" PressedTextColor="FFFFFF" />
<Entry Name="BrowseHeaderBar" Bitmap="List_BrowseHeaderBar.bmp" Margins="3,2,3,3" />
<Entry Name="Rating" Bitmap="List_Rating.png" NumberImages="3" />
<Entry Name="Selection" Bitmap="List_Selection.png" NumberImages="3" Margins="3,2,3,3" />
Selected text is what you want just change the hexa code colouring by yours.
Here my albedo custom:

Edit:i have found the end of the sentence in the main.xml file it's wrote :
Albedo means: the fraction of incident radiation (as light) that is reflected by a surface or body (as the moon or a cloud