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Author Topic: Problem with MC15 as DLNA controller  (Read 1563 times)


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Problem with MC15 as DLNA controller
« on: April 07, 2010, 06:38:47 pm »

DLNA serving works perfectly with my new Onkyo TX-NR5007 mega receiver. I was very pleased to see cover art show up too. Now I wish all my receivers in the new house were network receivers!
However, when MC acts as controller there's a problem. If I "send' an mp3 (only format tried) to play on the receiver, it shows as playing, the receiver shows it as playing, but there's no sound! After about 15 seconds playback stops or restarts. Any ideas, anyone?


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Re: Problem with MC15 as DLNA controller
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2010, 06:42:39 pm »

DLNA serving works perfectly with my new Onkyo TX-NR5007 mega receiver. I was very pleased to see cover art show up too. Now I wish all my receivers in the new house were network receivers!
However, when MC acts as controller there's a problem. If I "send' an mp3 (only format tried) to play on the receiver, it shows as playing, the receiver shows it as playing, but there's no sound! After about 15 seconds playback stops or restarts. Any ideas, anyone?
I answered your other post on this.
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