Yes that is what I am using but since the channel scan only finds 2 channels due to my signal coming from a dual tuner satellite receiver I don't have enough channels to associate the PG channels to if I don't go in and manually add the channels through the edit channel list in "TV Options". Manually entering all of the channel numbers, names and I*.* data is a major PITA.
What are the chances of MC using a xml file for the channel list instead of whatever it is using now which I assume is a jmd file in C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center xx\Library. I opened a couple of files that I would have thought would be the channel list in several text editors but when I tried to copy or paste anything in them I got an error saying "Cannot cut, copy, or drag and drop text containing null (code=0) characters".
I am really hoping that the TV functions of MC becomes more robust/modern as they are lacking IMHO when you consider that most people use a STB for their TV whether it be cable or sat'.
Don't get me wrong I still think MC is the best all in one media application available with the exception of it's TV features.