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Author Topic: Media Center 15.0.28 -- Download Here  (Read 5445 times)


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Media Center 15.0.28 -- Download Here
« on: April 19, 2010, 02:11:29 pm »

This is a beta version of MC 15.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved. (requires an MC15 license)

15.0.28 (04/16/2010)

1. NEW: Added "Tweet 'Listening To'" to the Playing Now right-click and view header menus for Twitter.
2. Changed: When explicitly trying to play a file that can't be found, the player won't silently advance to the next track. (but still will in the middle of a playlist)
3. Changed: The view header menu appears on the right-most breadcrumb, and the left-most breadcrumb is a link to the home of the view.
4. Changed: Library Server 'Port' option renamed to 'TCP Port' to be more precise.
5. Changed: Added some example URLs to the 'Connect to Library' dialog.
6. NEW: Added Options > General > Advanced > Popup transparency mode. (useful on netbooks or other lower powered graphics hardware where showing the player or on screen display causes stuttering)
7. Fixed: The new television subscription option to not record programs that have already been recorded wasn't working properly in certain cases.
8. Changed: Enlarged the import wizard because the folder list could be cut off when using large fonts.
9. Changed: Reworked 'Move / Copy Fields' dialog and added support for field name translation.
10. Changed: In Options > Network, the server options are disabled until the main checkbox for that server is checked.

15.0.27 (04/15/2010)

1. Fixed: The 'List Style' view customization menu didn't always contain the new mode 'Tiles'.
2. Fixed: Using WebRemote, adding a single track to the current playlist would not work.
3. Changed: Added a maximum width to the default WebRemote appearance so it looks better with a desktop browser.
4. Fixed: Setting sorting in the Customize View dialog using 'Set rules for file display...' would not work properly.
5. Changed: A list, tree, or options control more visibly represents when it is disabled.
6. Changed: Skins can specify a list DisabledTextColor and DisabledBackColor.
7. Fixed: Audio problem when playing a television channel using JRiver audio renderer.

15.0.26 (04/14/2010)

1. Fixed: Locking all views in a split view configuration would cause problems.
2. NEW: The video thumbnail capture position is now configurable.
3. NEW: Added television subscription option 'Do not record programs that have been recorded in the past'. (doesn't know about programs from before this change that have been recorded and deleted)
4. Fixed: Multi disc burning was broken - it would not continue to the next disc in the burn process.
5. NEW: Added support for CUE files that point to multiple files.
7. Changed: Numerous refinements to how views are customized.
8. NEW: Every level of a categories view can be independently configured (thumbnail size, text, sorting, etc.)
9. Changed: Switching the sorting for a category list using the view header menu changes the same thing as picking the category in Customize View and changing the sorting.
10. Changed: "Video Audio Renderer" feature becomes permanently enabled and removed from the Features list.  Its selection is moved to Video > Audio for Video, DVD, & Television > Playback Device.

15.0.25 (04/13/2010)

1. Fixed: Tiles list style was not honoring skin text coloring.
2. Changed: WebRemote is available using http://host:port/WebRemote/ or http://host:port/WebRemote.
3. Changed: SDK requests for artist, album, and name for the file playing in the active zone will return the playback-time-only values like web radio song titles, etc. (useful for NetRemote)
4. Changed: Improved how library server access keys are displayed and managed.
5. NEW: Added the ability to view, reset, test, etc. a library server access key.
6. NEW: Added locked views to allow locking any view in a split view to avoid unintentional view changes. (view changes will simply occur in an unlocked split view)
7. NEW: Added the ability to maximize the Tag Action Window.
8. Changed: The Action Window Tag mode 'Show Tags With Values' would show tags filled with a default value (i.e. Bookmarking: Default)
9. Changed: More tweaks to the Customize View dialog.

15.0.24 (04/12/2010)

1. Changed: Viewing a DVD under Drives & Devices could use the wording 'CD' instead of disc.
2. Changed: When viewing an empty disc drive under 'Drives & Devices', the header will have a 'Refresh' button instead of a 'Play' button.
3. Changed: A name can be entered when ripping some types of discs.
4. Fixed: Drawing of some edit controls wouldn't properly clip text at the margins, instead letting the text run right to the border.
5. Changed: When a control has a label above it, the label will be close to make the relationship more clear.
6. Changed: Added a 'Lookup Movie Info From Wikipedia' button to the view header of a DVD.
7. NEW: Added 'Tiles' list style designed for better viewing of movie and television collections. (still rough around the edges)
8. Fixed: DirectShow and VST DSP Plugins did not work in video playback, displaying "Not authorized for this output".
9. Changed: Made it easier to create a library view with no panes or categories.
10. Changed: Revised the 'Customize Current View...' dialog so that each section of the view has its own panel. (still a work in progress)
11. Fixed: DLNA avi's were not showing up on the Xbox 360. They will work now if the codec is supported.
12. Changed: Using codec info (if we have it) to set the DLNA flags for content directories of video files.

15.0.23 (04/09/2010)

1. NEW: When connecting to a Library Server, only changes from the previous connection to a library server are downloaded instead of the full library. (also makes syncing server changes back to a client much faster)
2. NEW: The system of using an access key to load a library server works on local area networks by using local addresses whenever possible.
3. Fixed: Some YouTube video would not play when user chose "Play the file inside the player".
4. Fixed: Installing to or using folders that began with a dot could cause problems.
5. NEW: Media Center will import data from MyMovies-style xml file created by Yammm.

15.0.22 (04/08/2010)

1. Changed: Default timeout when reading internet resources is 10 seconds instead of 60 seconds (please report any issues).
2. NEW: A "Default video renderer" option that is applied to all file types whose video renderers are set to "Automatic".
3. NEW: WebRemote is part of Library Server (makes access using the new method introduced in build 21 easier)
4. Fixed: Long web media URLs would not always open properly.
5. Fixed: When in Cover View, the button to close the view from the view header was only available in library views.
6. Fixed: In Theater View, the play remote button didn't work as expected in 'Playing Now'.
7. Changed: Renamed 'OK' button to 'Use This Data' in Lookup Movie Info From Wikipedia.
8. NEW: Added a link to send an email invitation to connect to a Library Server / WebRemote in Options > Network.

15.0.21 (04/07/2010)

1. NEW: Added new system to simplify accessing a Library Server across the internet. (enable Options > Network > Library Server > Register your server to allow access from anywhere)
2. NEW: Added new dialog File > Library > Connect to Library for loading from a Library Server or DLNA Server.
3. Changed: DSP Studio no longer selects an effect when clicking the checkbox to toggle it.
4. Fixed: Library Server was not honoring user port selections.

Vincent Kars

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Re: Media Center 15.0.28 -- Download Here
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2010, 02:31:01 pm »

9. Changed: Reworked 'Move / Copy Fields' dialog and added support for field name translation.

I see 2 fixed dropdown list with field names, what is this "field name translation" ?


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Re: Media Center 15.0.28 -- Download Here
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2010, 02:51:47 pm »

I see 2 fixed dropdown list with field names, what is this "field name translation" ?

It's the language, like German, Spanish, etc.  The lists used to appear in English, even when running in another language.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 15.0.28 -- Download Here
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2010, 04:00:55 pm »

I can not disable Gridlines in the options. enable or disable has no effect.
When i go back to 15.0.23 it's ok.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.28 -- Download Here
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2010, 04:05:33 pm »

I can not disable Gridlines in the options. enable or disable has no effect.
When i go back to 15.0.23 it's ok.

This will be fixed in build 29 and later.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 15.0.28 -- Download Here
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2010, 06:03:27 pm »

The Media Center Client allows the user to 'delete' a file. The 'delete...' selection brings up the standard delete dialog asking if you want to permanently delete the file, place it in the recycle bin, etc.

How does this work? Does it delete the file off of the server? Or should this option be unselectable on the client?


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Re: Media Center 15.0.28 -- Download Here
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2010, 08:01:05 pm »

This has been reported before:
Tools-Options-Tree & View- Advanced-right click recent command count. I changed to 8

There is no recent commands for the following

                        Locate .. Artist
                        Locate.. album.

it just saves the last one used as LOCATE  It used to save all 3 in version 13.

There is a way to compare tags


thanks marko


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Re: Media Center 15.0.28 -- Download Here
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2010, 08:58:40 am »

I think it's a bug:
I have previously disabled pictures so when i have try to reenable them (option=>functions=>checked pictures) i have restarted MC15 but pictures doesn't appear anymore.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.28 -- Download Here
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2010, 01:34:13 pm »

I posted the next already in the last build's episode, but didn't get an answer. Therefor, again:

Lock view: I still can change my views and I don't see the item. Or is it within the Split View-section?
If so: that's a bummer, 'cause I thought this viewlock would mean locking the view/order of a playlist. Thát would be really great.
So: is this latter possibility now within MC or is it just the Split View-thing?
Mark Coutinho
Dutch Top 40 collector of lyrics, sleeves and bios


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Re: Media Center 15.0.28 -- Download Here
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2010, 02:07:37 pm »

I posted the next already in the last build's episode, but didn't get an answer. Therefor, again:

Lock view: I still can change my views and I don't see the item. Or is it within the Split View-section?
If so: that's a bummer, 'cause I thought this viewlock would mean locking the view/order of a playlist. Thát would be really great.
So: is this latter possibility now within MC or is it just the Split View-thing?

Locked views allow locking a split view so that they can't be (accidentally) changed.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 15.0.28 -- Download Here
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2010, 04:49:29 pm »

Locked view worked strange on MC-client after library sync and reload.
MC reset all opened views to start page, and locked side too. So, I need unlock them, change, and lock again ). Until next sync..


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Re: Media Center 15.0.28 -- Download Here
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2010, 10:30:54 am »

Locked view worked strange on MC-client after library sync and reload.
MC reset all opened views to start page, and locked side too. So, I need unlock them, change, and lock again ). Until next sync..

same here, but with library server, even the locked view reset to start page, it should remain locked
Happy licensed MC 15-19 User :)
Mac version early bird
My english is not perfect! My native lang is spanish


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Re: Media Center 15.0.28 -- Download Here
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2010, 01:52:22 am »


When one of my movie DVDs has the (incorrect) title of 'DVD VIDEO' in MC, renaming the DVD by right clicking on the dvd drive in 'Drives & Devices' -> Rename, does not change the 'name' tag.

Also, when using the Wikipedia feature, and finding the correct movie by searching by the correct title, the 'name' tag still does not get updated.

Side Note:

IMO, in the DVD header (under the play/rip disk buttons), for movie DVDs, the 'By: [Artist]' should be changed to 'Directed By: [Director]' All of my DVDs always say 'By: Unkown Artist' because I don't fill in the artist field for DVD movies (again, this is IMO). This seems to be for audio. Is the artist field commonly used for movie DVDs?


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Re: Media Center 15.0.28 -- Download Here
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2010, 09:16:59 am »

Can't do synchronize current zone on client to "There:server zone". Server zone still empty.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.28 -- Download Here
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2010, 08:19:20 pm »

Finally got a chance to try this one... alas - still no joy synchronizing video to an iPod Classic


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Re: Media Center 15.0.28 -- Download Here
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2010, 03:53:19 am »

MC doesn't remember slideshow duration in image playback options. But entered value used for next slideshow.
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