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Author Topic: Calculated field from comparing two fields...?  (Read 2079 times)


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Calculated field from comparing two fields...?
« on: May 12, 2010, 02:25:10 pm »

Is there a way to have:

if [Album Artist (Auto)] = [Artist] propagate this into a new field for a custom view

I'm trying to create a custom view which will pull some more common Artists (those that have their own self-authored albums) out of the Multiple Artists Tile when viewing Album Artists (auto).

For the last few years I have been making my own field, skimming through my Multiple Artists, and renaming those that I particularly like, are found in abundance across many comps, or have their own self-authored albums.

This way, I can browse my custom artist scheme sans 1,000's are "extra" esoteric artist found on my Multiple Artist albums, AND I can see ALL albums that my popular and common artists appear in in one place.

For example,  if you play your Willie Nelson tile in your Album Artist (auto) scheme, you are not cycling through any tracks found on Multi-Artist albums because these have been properly tagged as Multi-Artists (and using the Album Artist field does not solve this problem).

Just wondering if expression gurus think there is a way to automate the creation of such a scheme so that once done doing standard tagging of a CD (as Album Artist (Auto) vs. Multiple Artists), the fields could be compared to the Artist field.

The reason this won't really work actually, is because I tend to use Artist to preserve unique names, duets, and mispellings, etc.

 So If Willie Nelson & Jonny Cash are in the Artist field (the one duet on the album), we are all aware that the album becomes Multiple Artists by default, which must be overridden by Album Artist if we want to tag it Willie's album via Album Artist (Auto). Then I would manually fill the custom field with Willie Nelson only.

What are others' thinking on this? It may be anal but I like have the stuff organized like this....maybe it's a lot of work, but since I'm an MC luddite there may be a better way to do this.



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Re: Calculated field from comparing two fields...?
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2010, 01:51:03 am »

Is there a way to have:

if [Album Artist (Auto)] = [Artist] propagate this into a new field for a custom view

you can make a calculated field that will do this. but that would not help to accomplish what you are after (as far as i understand it). i think using a custom field as you do is the way to go. lets say the custom field is called ArtistSong
you could make a calculated field like
Code: [Select]
if(isequal([album artist (auto)],[artist]),[artist],if(isempty([ArtistSong]),Nope,[artistsong])) call this field MyArtist
(did not test the calculation so maybe i forgot a ) or a ( or something else)
this gives artist when its the same as album artist (auto), and the custom field when this is not the case but the custom field has a value.
it gives nope when its artist is not album artist (auto) and the custom field is empty.

when you make a view with in the rule saying
myartists is not nope
and you use myartist as a base to start the view.
when you use list fields it can get a bit more complex but is very doable.

does this what you want?



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Re: Calculated field from comparing two fields...?
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2010, 02:39:11 pm »

you can make a calculated field that will do this. but that would not help to accomplish what you are after (as far as i understand it). i think using a custom field as you do is the way to go. lets say the custom field is called ArtistSong
you could make a calculated field like
Code: [Select]
if(isequal([album artist (auto)],[artist]),[artist],if(isempty([ArtistSong]),Nope,[artistsong])) call this field MyArtist
(did not test the calculation so maybe i forgot a ) or a ( or something else)
this gives artist when its the same as album artist (auto), and the custom field when this is not the case but the custom field has a value.
it gives nope when its artist is not album artist (auto) and the custom field is empty.

when you make a view with in the rule saying
myartists is not nope
and you use myartist as a base to start the view.
when you use list fields it can get a bit more complex but is very doable.

does this what you want?


Interesting. That expression crashes MC15 though. I have to tweak it I guess.

In making a correction for turning a multiple artist album into a single artist (e.g. Willie Nelson is tacks 1-9 and track 10 is Willie Nelson & Johnny Cash), I would tag Album Artist with Willie Nelson to override.

So Album Artist would be a better field to use, but I would first have to copy all tags from Album Artist (auto) to Album Artist as MC does not do this; the field is only a manual override.

But, the reason for my custom field is the "opposite direction"...when files that should be tagged as Multiple Artists because they physically are part of a multi-artist disc or compilation, need to have certain major or interesting artists pulled out into a cleaner and complete Artist view, thus the need for yet another it Album Artist Simple....

You can use Artist view to see everything but it's cluttered and an excessive number of Tiles are created.

You can use Album Artist (auto) but then their are versions of files/songs missing when you are in an artist' s Tile; if they appear on a multiple artists album.

The only solution to create more functional and overall cleaner Artist view is to use a custom field where the user manually chooses and organizes Artist tags under a Meta-Artist field.

Furthermore, I can't use Album Artist because I can't choose more than one value for that field IIRC. I need to be able to tag multiple files with different values in the AA tag field which isn't possible. Yet another reason for a custom field....I think



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Re: Calculated field from comparing two fields...?
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2010, 02:42:59 pm »

That expression crashes MC15 though. I have to tweak it I guess.
Build 46 fixed a crash in several places.  What build are you using?


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Re: Calculated field from comparing two fields...?
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2010, 02:43:47 pm »

.44 still. I'll update now.


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Re: Calculated field from comparing two fields...?
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2010, 02:54:20 pm »

if(isequal([album artist (auto)],[artist]),[artist],if(isempty([ArtistSong]),Nope,[artistsong]))

Crashes. 48

I have no idea about expressions so as Gappie said he may have left out a character....

I added another paren at the end, still crashes.


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Re: Calculated field from comparing two fields...?
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2010, 10:11:08 am »

if(isequal([album artist (auto)],[artist]),[artist],if(isempty([ArtistSong]),Nope,[artistsong]))

Crashes. 48

I have no idea about expressions so as Gappie said he may have left out a character....

I added another paren at the end, still crashes.
i just tested the expression, and it worked for me. you did make a customfield artistsong or changed that in your own custom field name, havent you? and that is not the field where you putted the calculation in?



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Re: Calculated field from comparing two fields...?
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2010, 10:20:12 am »

Might have it wrong here:

I created a new custom field and used a calculated expression for it.

if(isequal([album artist (auto)],[artist]),[artist],if(isempty([ArtistSong]),Nope,[artistsong]))

When I add the field to a view scheme it crashes MC.



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Re: Calculated field from comparing two fields...?
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2010, 10:24:44 am »

when you look at the values in the expression via the tag window. does that work?



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Re: Calculated field from comparing two fields...?
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2010, 01:26:35 pm »

Please try build 46 or later and see if it still crashes.

We haven't been able to reproduce here with the latest, but this fix in 46 might explain it:
Fixed: Possible sporadic crashes (only applies to last few builds).
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center
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