OK, this is interesting, frustrating, and probably useless information...but.....
I confirmed MC15 TV was not working (either timeout or won't change channels).
Closed MC15.
Ran Mc14, said YES to the UNC prompt.
Started TV playback, responded YES to the three UNC prompts (wanting to regiser the filters mentioned above)
TV playback started and I could change channels with TS ON. So far so good.
I stopped playback and closed MC14
I ran MC15, and answered YES to the UNC prompt again
Started TV playback (3 UNC prompts for filters again) and playback started and I could change channels fine.
Stopped playabck
Started playback again, this time I get the "Timeout waiting for writer"
Stopped playback and tried again, same error.
Stoppd playbak and tried to start a different channel, playback started so tried to change channels and MC wouldn't change channels.
Tested other payback software and confrmed that still worked OK with same tuner and MC using.
So not sure what this tells us, but the first time I run MC TV works correctly, but if I stop playback and tey again then things go wrong.... GO FIGURE!!!
This s Win7 x64 and it has got all it's updates, while the other working machine is Win7 32 and hasn;t had an update done for a while (there are 22 important updates outstanding).