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Author Topic: Library Server + Authentication no longer works across internet ...  (Read 1767 times)

Peter Engrav

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I'm inclined to guess this is user/config error but I'm stumped and need a hint.

A few weeks ago I had things working with Library Server running at home and connecting thereto from work. With authentication enabled. I'm on port 52199, have tried several builds, am now on 73 (on both ends). With authentication disabled everything works. If I enable authentication at home and restart MC at work and try to connect I get the password dialog, after typing the password I get "failed and will load default instead". Have tried resetting password several times in case that was it. Including setting it to nothing at all and to a single letter. Failure dialog is very fast (almost suspiciously) to come up. Then turn off authentication, restart MC again, all fine.

On a complete from-left-field guess I tried forwarding UDP as well as TCP traffic on the same port. No help.

I briefly thought this was related to a build update. But I've tried going back to 58 (earliest I had lying around) (on both ends) and problem still repro'd.

If I try connecting thusly from another machine in my house (no internet, no router, no port forwarding) it works (with auth enabled).

Sigh. Feeling dumb.



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Re: Library Server + Authentication no longer works across internet ...
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2010, 08:42:49 pm »

Software firewall such as microsoft's own built-in one or zonealarm?
Symantec or other "security suite".

Check in MC under Tools > Options > Media Network > Library Server.

What's the TCP port?
Under "Manage access to server" what's the access key?
And when you click on "test connection" to this server, what does it say?

PM that stuff to me within the next 3 hours and I'll test it from here for you.


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Re: Library Server + Authentication no longer works across internet ...
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2010, 10:51:58 am »

Based on the settings you PM'd me, I can connect to your library just fine.
So, leave your server alone, it's fine.
Leave authentication disabled until you get it working from work again as it is.

You now need to focus on your client end at work.
You shouldn't have to mess with any port forwarding at that end since there's nothing incoming establishing a connection, and outbound connections from authorized computers will generally be allowed.
That leads me to a best guess of a software firewall running on your machine at work that's blocking or your IT staff noticed some bandwidth going to port 52199 that they didn't recognize so they clamped down on it.

Make sure you are using the same build of MC on both computers.
Try a test using telnet.  On Vista or Windows 7 you'll need to enable it first.  On XP it will already be available.
Go to Start>Control Panel>Programs And Features>Turn Windows features on or off
Check Telnet Client
Hit OK

To run it, goto Start>Programs>Accessories>Command Prompt
Type TELNET 52199      (put your home ip address in for the x's)

In a few seconds it should change to a flashing cursor.
That proves you got a connection to Media Server and it wasn't blocked.

Otherwise it will say Connecting To not open connection to the host, on port 52199: Con
nect failed
If that's the case, you'll probably need to ask a favor of your IT guy.


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Re: Library Server + Authentication no longer works across internet ...
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2010, 09:09:59 pm »

Can't test again tonight, I'm out and about.  Auth works for me on latest build.  Disable splash screen if it is on.  I will test yours again tomorrow if it is on.


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Re: Library Server + Authentication no longer works across internet ...
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2010, 12:28:27 pm »

Just tested.  Works fine with authentication.
Disable the MC splash screen on your client at work and try again.
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