Thanks, I'm glad someone likes the idea

I really do think it would make the whole media experience easier and usable by a LOT more people.
What do you want to play? Music, Video, TV, Images, other
Where do you want to play it? Zone 1, Living Room, Patio, etc
each user has their own views and tags and MC just manages the details of the connections in the background.
it would need setup by someone "in the know" at first, but a "wizard" could be enough to let my Mom get it started.
Right now, MC is really limited to "geeks" that want to constantly fiddle with settings that aren't terribly well documented, relegating MC to a very small subset of potential users

I tried to show my wife how to watch TV in the bedroom with her laptop last night...
"Okay, it's pretty simple, start MC, select File, Library, Connect to Library..."
(enter the IP address) - "don't worry, you won't have to do this part every time"
"Oh wait, let me fix the extra zones you're seeing" by going into options and unselecting DLNA Controller under Media options so you don't see the zones multiple times. "don't worry you won't have to do this again."
"Okay, now go to Devices and Drives, and select Television."
Her: "Devices and Drives??? Why?"
"Because that's where TV is, I don't know why. Okay, click on Television. Now you'll see the TV schedule, but you can't watch Live TV, you can only watch recorded TV. You have to click here where it says recordings. Here, let's pick this one."
Her: "How do I fast forward?"
"You click ctl-shift-right arrow to skip forward 30 seconds at a time"
Her: "What?!?!"
"ctl-shift-right arrow, all at the same time to skip forward 30 seconds, like this..."
Her: "Why isn't there just a fast forward button, like the remote control?"
"because there isn't, this is how it works with this program."
Her: "Okay?!? I want to watch this show instead."
"Okay, just select it and hit watch.
Then the video stopped moving, the sound never changed, the new program never started.
I explained that it's not quite perfect yet.
She laughed, told me to leave, asked me how to make it stop/close it, then went to youtube and searched for the program she wanted to watch.
She won't even bother with it again, and I'll still be paying for cable, because it just works