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Author Topic: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here  (Read 10396 times)


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Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« on: July 31, 2010, 10:12:34 am »

This is the latest version of MC 15.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

15.0.87 (7/30/2010)

1. Fixed: Television recordings in transport stream format did not show up in Television > Recordings views.
2. Changed: When playing to linked zones, playback statistics are no longer counted multiple times.
3. Changed: When zones are linked, the between tracks and seek modes will inherit from the first zone in the link.
4. Changed: Leading and trailing silence suppression is disabled when zones are linked, as the amount of trailing silence removed can vary slightly based on buffer states, making it cause sync problems.
5. Changed: Seeking in linked zones works more reliably.
6. NEW: Linked zones monitor drift and if too much drift occurs, playback is stopped at the end of the current file and then the next track is started in sync. (a user can force a manual sync any time by pausing playback)
7. Changed: MCWS Control/Key function supports key combinations like Ctrl;C, Ctrl;Shift;Left, etc.
8. Fixed: After the initial setting of the values of audio jump behavior (number of seconds to jump forward or backward), subsequent changes were ignored.
9. Changed: Added 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, and 55 seconds choices to audio and video jump behavior selection.
10. Faster: Core speed improvements that can make loading views or working with the database a few percent faster.

15.0.86 (7/29/2010)

1. NEW: Added webservice functions for remote controlling the program: Control/MCC, Control/CommandLine, Control/Key.
2. Changed: Options > Audio > Alternate Mode Settings has option 'Use these alternate settings (use Alt+M to toggle)'; no longer appears in menus.
3. Changed: Removed 'Zone Manager'; all zone configuration can be done from Menu > Player > Zones or directly in the tree with right-clicks.
4. Changed: When linking a zone to another zone, the zone being linked in will automatically start playing the same output as the other zones in the link.
5. Fixed: In place editing would get disrupted if an update message caused the display to be redrawn (from ripping, importing, etc.).
6. Changed: Disabling of DirectShow filter tray icons (FFDShow and Haali) is now optional.  The option is under Startup.
7. Changed: Removed 'Find CD' and 'Artist Info' and merged them into the links bar. (sorry, links storage format has been reset and user customization must be redone)

15.0.85 (7/28/2010)

1. Changed: Linked zones work better with DLNA devices.
2. Changed: DLNA zones have the same ID each run of the program so settings like link timing persist nicely.
3. Fixed: When playing to linked zones, one or more of the zones in the link could remain paused.
4. Changed: Playing files directly from Playing Now now syncs when using linked zones.
5. Changed: Recording digital television programs in transport stream format will not include unwanted subchannels.
6. Changed: Worked on improving right-click menu for Playing Now zones in the tree (still in progress).
7. Changed: Zone links have a unique icon in the tree.
8. Changed: Zones can be renamed in the tree (F2 / right-click rename).

15.0.84 (7/27/2010)

1. NEW: Added ability to link zones together to keep their playback synchronized.
2. Changed: Theater View News changes sites when navigating the second roller instead of requiring an explicit 'Enter' press on the remote.
3. Changed: YouTube in Theater View uses higher quality thumbnail images.
4. Changed: Improved YouTube search in Theater View (remembers searches, doesn't use a popup window, etc.)
5. Changed: WebMedia views in Theater View load their files in a background thread[/b], making browsing faster and smoother.
6. Fixed: Netflix metadata was not getting retrieved.
7. Changed: Theater View online media slideshow images are cropped to fill the entire screen instead of top-left aligned with all image borders visible.
8. Fixed: Main toolbars weren't supporting glass-based skins (only applies to last couple builds).
9. Fixed: Image pan & zoom could move in notches at small sizes.
10. Changed: Theater View location text used in skinning no longer includes roller selection.
11. Changed: Submitting track information to YADB runs in a background thread with progress in the Action Window (previously it would block the program).
12. Changed: Collapsing a library tree item with a child item selected no longer changes the selection to the parent.
13. Changed: Revised layout of zones in under Playing Now in tree.
14. Changed: Drag-n-drop of zones in the tree can be used to link and unlink zones.

15.0.82 (7/23/2010)

1. Fixed: Build 81 would report the trial had expired right after a fresh install.
2. Fixed: In some cases, the Playing Now 'List' selection would not track the playing file.
3. Changed: Updated Theater View online media slideshow to support newer Google images layout.
4. Changed: Tuned how Theater View reader-style lists work with single line items so that they're not expandable.
5. Fixed: Expanding a Comedy Central joke in Theater View would show no text.
6. NEW: Hardware accelerated image playback uses mipmapping to eliminate aliasing during pan & zoom, etc. (uses hardware accelerated mipmap generation when possible)
7. Fixed: JRiver URL Reader filter's buffering was too aggressive.
8. Fixed: FreeDB CD lookups could truncate some disc & track titles - especially long classical titles.

15.0.81 (7/22/2010)

1. NEW: Playback jump behavior (Jump forward 30 seconds, backward 10 seconds) is now configurable.  The amount of jump is can be configured separately for forward jump and backward jump.  Audio and video are configured separately.
2. Changed: Minor layout changes in "Video" property page.
3. NEW: MCWS function Playback/PlayByKey has optional "Album" parameter to allow playing the entire album.
4. Fixed: Theater View online media slideshow could pause for the current online request to finish before allowing Theater View to exit.
5. NEW: At the end of the 30 day trial period, a user can request a trial extension to lengthen the trial.
6. Changed: The 'Add...' button when configuring auto import shows a custom folder browsing dialog instead of the system dialog. [testing and feedback would be appreciated]
7. Faster: DLNA engine is more efficient when dealing with duplicated 'alive' broadcasts from DLNA devices.
8. Changed: Visualization data pipeline revised to be more efficient; updated visualization SDK coming later.
9. Changed: WebPlay / WebRemote paginate at 100 items for more manageable pages on slow devices (previously was at 200 items).
10. Changed: Loading, restoring, or clearing a library no longer switches views (unless the view is no longer valid in the new library).
11. Fixed: Remote control receiving was not working properly with a portable install.
12. Fixed: Television recordings ("jtv") sometimes were imported as Data and sidecar files were not created.
13. NEW: Bass Management redirection does energy preserving accumulation of redirected bass so the total dB level, assuming a calibrated system, will be unchanged from redirection.
14. NEW: Reworked Output Format DSP for nicer bass configuration.
15. NEW: Room Correction DSP has a clip prevention stage, so no user settings will create clipping. (i.e. turning up a single channel will turn other channels down)
16. Changed: Some DirectShow audio and video files will have less chance of being imported as Data.
17. Fixed: DLNA video conversion caching was not working properly.
18. Fixed: An image slideshow could crash.
19. Fixed: Resetting logging could fail in some cases, leaving the full log still present.
20. Fixed: Clearing Playing Now using the web service could lead to a hang.
21. Changed: Added buffering mechanism to streaming video using JRiver URL Reader filter.  MC will pause when the network can not keep up.
22. FASTER: Calculated fields are faster.
23. FASTER: Optimizations to string and expression engine, helping view loading times for views that use expressions.
24. Changed: When DVD playback fails, the error dialog now includes a "More info..." button which takes you to a wiki page with troubleshooting tips.
25. Changed: Merged stock visualizations into a single vis_Main.dll plugin. (Visualization Studio removed, slated to return later)

15.0.80 (7/22/2010)

1. NEW: FreeDB support. When a CD is not found at YADB, we now attempt to look it up at FreeDB.
2. Fixed: Requesting the WSDL from the web service (MCWS) would return an empty document.

15.0.79 (7/21/2010)

1. Fixed: Using the search box just after switching from a grouped library view to a smartlist that showed all database locations could lead to a crash.

15.0.78 (7/20/2010)

1. Fixed: Remote control receiving was not working properly with a portable install.
2. Fixed: DLNA video conversion caching was not working properly.
3. Fixed: An image slideshow could crash.
4. Fixed: Resetting logging could fail in some cases, leaving the full log still present.
5. Fixed: Clearing Playing Now using the web service could lead to a hang.

15.0.77 (7/16/2010)

1. Changed: FFDShow audio and video decoder filters are temporarily excluded from stream selection interface query due to crashing of FFDShow builds 3461 and up.

15.0.76 (7/15/2010)

1. Fixed: When no online images are found in Theater View Playing Now, the default theme images would run as a slideshow instead of showing a fixed picture.
2. Changed: Tuned the fade in and out speeds of some of the Theater View Playing Now components.
3. Changed: The splash screen is hidden when connecting to a library server at startup so it won't collide with authentication requests.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2010, 02:29:03 pm »

15.0.84 (7/27/2010)
13. Changed: Revised layout of zones in under Playing Now in tree.

This means I now have to see Zone 1 as my tab header and see an untidy expanded Playing Now in the tree, even though I don't use zones?  :(

Also, I tried right clicking Zone 1 and selecting delete and it caused a crash.

15.0.81 (7/22/2010)
18. Fixed: An image slideshow could crash.
Cheers, this seems to be sorted now from a brief test  :)


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2010, 02:49:35 pm »

Cheers, this seems to be sorted now from a brief test  :)

Although now I cannot see the images 'Playing Now' if I play audio and images at the same time with a detached display?  :-\ Guess this is something to do with the Zones changes.
And it seems to do odd stuff if when doing this I click on my locked Playing Now view when doing this - the display is closed, and my images view is switched to Playing Now...


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Happy licensed MC 15-19 User :)
Mac version early bird
My english is not perfect! My native lang is spanish


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2010, 01:13:15 am »

1. This MC build does everything but open my Heineken...can't you tune the DSP to blast this cap off or something ( I HATE using what teeth I have left).

 Nice work lately. Lots of interesting DSP stuff going on (any chance of protecting against that data shortfall issue we've seen on the Lynx cards). Have a good weekend!

Alex B

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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2010, 02:46:55 am »

Although now I cannot see the images 'Playing Now' if I play audio and images at the same time with a detached display?

It works for me. Once I saw a completely broken display (somewhat similar to what you may see when the display driver/card has frozen), but the display returned to normal when I switched to another program and back.

The transition options seem to be totally missing from the image playback settings. I have not used the slideshow feature for some time so I don't know if this is a new problem.
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2010, 03:11:48 am »

It works for me.

Ok, I've worked this one out.  A locked playing now view is now locked to a specific zone, so when you start playing images alongside audio, it doesn't change to the Images 'hidden zone'.
If I change another view to Playing Now, that shows the images


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2010, 10:40:04 am »

I have a question as total clueless guy when it comes to audiophile stuff :P

In the new build we get a new Menu entry in dsp for sub-woofer tweaking, so:

"Something outside Media Center will make the sub-woofer +10db (standard calibration)" what is that "something" ?:P I mean i'm using Logitech z-5500 with my x-fi titanium card and i have only used my THX console to get the bass level to 71% (no redirection) and to calibrate my speakers distance according to my room's acoustics.

So that means that i should leave the new bass settings enabled as they were or disable them ?


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2010, 03:23:54 pm »

Thanks so much for the new MCWS commands! They now permit WebRemote or an iPhone app to completely control Media Center.

Alex B

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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2010, 05:40:13 pm »

In the new build we get a new Menu entry in dsp for sub-woofer tweaking, so:

"Something outside Media Center will make the sub-woofer +10db (standard calibration)" what is that "something" ?:P I mean i'm using Logitech z-5500 with my x-fi titanium card and i have only used my THX console to get the bass level to 71% (no redirection) and to calibrate my speakers distance according to my room's acoustics.

So that means that i should leave the new bass settings enabled as they were or disable them ?

"Outside" means after MC. A correctly calibrated subwoofer is set to be 10 dB louder than the other speakers. Many HT receivers can do this calibration automatically. I am not familiar with your hardware, but if the subwoofer is obviously quieter than it should be you can try the setting.

More info is available in the recent "bass management" threads:
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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2010, 06:02:37 pm »

"Outside" means after MC. A correctly calibrated subwoofer is set to be 10 dB louder than the other speakers. Many HT receivers can do this calibration automatically. I am not familiar with your hardware, but if the subwoofer is obviously quieter than it should you can try the setting.

More info is available in the recent "bass management" threads:

Thanks a lot for clarifying!


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2010, 10:26:07 am »

Right Click 'Zone 1' in Tree (under Playing Now) -> Delete -> CRASH


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2010, 05:49:59 pm »

Does MC15 support QAM yet?


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2010, 06:06:29 pm »

Does MC15 support QAM yet?



Sorry, no.
Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2010, 01:40:35 am »

Did we have to have rewind and fast forward buried in a seek menu. Possibility of using shortcuts?

I use an old Blue Steel skin in standard view then Obsidan Touchscreen Theater view.

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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2010, 03:09:08 am »

When I'm calling DSP Studio/Playback options from context menu of Zone nodes in tree, I'm expecting to see dialogs for corresponding zone, not the one that is currently selected (as it performs now). Corresponding = one that was right clicked.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2010, 05:31:53 am »

A crash has been bugging me for a long long time...i've decided to try to reproduce and now i can

i have sent matt the library and a "map"

regards Lasse_Lus


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2010, 07:49:12 am »

Updated to build 87 from 80 yesterday, now it looks like the visualization studio, along with all of the custom visualizations I had created are gone.  Are they gone for good? 

AND the MC 15 on my computer at work (also after updating to build 87) won't show any visualizations at all, other than cover art.  Yesterday I was getting a pop-up about not being a "power user," but not today.  So what's going on?


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2010, 09:09:17 am »

Updated to build 87 from 80 yesterday, now it looks like the visualization studio, along with all of the custom visualizations I had created are gone.  Are they gone for good? 

AND the MC 15 on my computer at work (also after updating to build 87) won't show any visualizations at all, other than cover art.  Yesterday I was getting a pop-up about not being a "power user," but not today.  So what's going on?

The internals of the visualization engines have been updated.  Visualization Studio will return in a future release.

Please try the newer build when it is available, and start a new thread if you still have visualization troubles.

Thanks for your patience.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2010, 09:56:22 am »

A crash has been bugging me for a long long time...i've decided to try to reproduce and now i can

i have sent matt the library and a "map"

regards Lasse_Lus

Thanks for the nice details.

The crash will be fixed in a coming build.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center

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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #20 on: August 03, 2010, 11:05:51 am »

[BUG] All my links were removed.

I don't know yet if it was the 15.0.80 or 15.0.87 that did it, but all my Links in upper right corner were reset to default. I had some complex links that are now gone and which I have no idea how to recreate them. Wasn'T those saved in the library, can it be retored from previous back-up?

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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #21 on: August 03, 2010, 05:06:53 pm »

15.0.86 (7/29/2010)
7. Changed: Removed 'Find CD' and 'Artist Info' and merged them into the links bar. (sorry, links storage format has been reset and user customization must be redone)

Retrieve the links.xml file from your library backup. Edit the file to change all occurrences of <Link version="1.1"> to <Link version="1.2">. Copy this to your library folder, replacing the existing file.

This should restore all your links. When I did this, I saved the new defaults as well, but didn't find anything different from what I already had.

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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #22 on: August 03, 2010, 06:26:37 pm » Thx worked like a charm


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #23 on: August 03, 2010, 08:35:10 pm »

Working with 15.0.87:

Cue files are still not treated properly. Even after deletion of the cue file and related mp3/flac file, the cue tracks remain in the Library.

Previously 'reported':

One 'easy' way to correct this, as posted somewhere again I cannot find again, was to re-name the top-level directory and re-scan. Only then does MC correct it's database.

Also, I was having issues simply updating tags. i.e. using another tagging program to remove some of the extended id3v2 tags. Could confirm with other 3rd party apps that the tag changes were good, but MC would not update the tag changes until I made a major change like the example above, with the dir name change.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #24 on: August 04, 2010, 03:09:48 am »

The crash will be fixed in a coming build.

 :D super


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #25 on: August 04, 2010, 10:19:15 am »

DC-Bass source plays m4a okay locally.

I can only convert to mp3 over LS, but can not choose 'do not convert'.

I was under the impression that files are decoded on the server and PCM is sent with that setting but it just won't play the files. First time, the client said it needed a codec and tried to install one.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #26 on: August 04, 2010, 11:05:11 am »

I was under the impression that files are decoded on the server and PCM is sent with that setting but it just won't play the files. First time, the client said it needed a codec and tried to install one.

'Do not convert' means send the original file.

'Always convert' with the format set to Uncompressed WAV (which is PCM) would do what you describe.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #27 on: August 04, 2010, 11:09:22 am »

Wow, really? I swear we discussed this in another thread and I thought the default 'do not convert' was PCM.

So by default MC doesn't decode on the server, it's sends a FLAC or APE to the client?


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #28 on: August 04, 2010, 01:42:18 pm »

'Do not convert' means send the original file.

'Always convert' with the format set to Uncompressed WAV (which is PCM) would do what you describe.

Oh, I never noticed all these options buried in here. Interesting, I'll check it out. I always used Never Convert. Seems like the default should be to decode on the master and let the client do less work.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #29 on: August 04, 2010, 01:45:47 pm »

MC 15.0.87

I have several mp3 files with bitrate 160 that I wish to chage to 128.

I select one the files and then click on Tools->Advanced Tools->Change->Converter->Encoding

When I try to change from the default "Monkey's Audio (APE) to "MP3 Encoder" I get the following error:

"There was a problem loading the selected encoder"
"The default encoder has been automatically selected"

What am I doing wrong?



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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #30 on: August 04, 2010, 02:04:14 pm »

MC 15.0.87

I have several mp3 files with bitrate 160 that I wish to chage to 128.

I select one the files and then click on Tools->Advanced Tools->Change->Converter->Encoding

When I try to change from the default "Monkey's Audio (APE) to "MP3 Encoder" I get the following error:

"There was a problem loading the selected encoder"
"The default encoder has been automatically selected"

What am I doing wrong?


On the first use, it will need to download the MP3 encoder.

Make sure you have a working Internet connection.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #31 on: August 04, 2010, 02:11:09 pm »

On the first use, it will need to download the MP3 encoder.

Make sure you have a working Internet connection.

Thank you. I have a working Internet connection. In fact I came to posting about this by clicking on Help->Support Forum so I know that part is ok. Perhaps the problem is with "On the first use"... I have been using MC for years. Could you please tell me how to force the download? I also tried to download manually but all I see is an empty list of plug ins. Sorry but I'm kinda confused.



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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #32 on: August 04, 2010, 02:15:38 pm »

Thank you. I have a working Internet connection. In fact I came to posting about this by clicking on Help->Support Forum so I know that part is ok. Perhaps the problem is with "On the first use"... I have been using MC for years. Could you please tell me how to force the download? I also tried to download manually but all I see is an empty list of plug ins. Sorry but I'm kinda confused.

From C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 15\Plugins, delete lame.exe and gogo.exe.

Then, when you use the MP3 encoder, it should download these files again to this folder:
C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 15\Plugins\mp3_encoder

We haven't heard other reports of a problem with this system, so try a reboot and reinstall of the latest version if the problem persists.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #33 on: August 04, 2010, 02:29:43 pm »

From C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 15\Plugins, delete lame.exe and gogo.exe.

Then, when you use the MP3 encoder, it should download these files again to this folder:
C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 15\Plugins\mp3_encoder

We haven't heard other reports of a problem with this system, so try a reboot and reinstall of the latest version if the problem persists.


Thanks again. Ok, did all that but the problem persists. By the way, I have neither lame.exe nor gogo.exe anywhere (I searched starting from the C:\ root) and when I try to use mp3 I continue to get the error.
Maybe it has something to do with my OS being Vista Spanish?
Can you please give me a link to lame.exe, or tell me how to find it? that would probably be the quickest way to solve my problem and get off your hair.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #34 on: August 04, 2010, 03:01:00 pm »

I found the bug(?). When MC installs it registers with the firewall (Norton 360 in my case) for "Automatic" internet access, like all well behaved apps do. This works fine for everything (I have full internet access from within MC) except for plugin download, which needs (for some reason) "Unrestricted" status. Please note no other piece of software I have ever installed needed this kind of access. Anyhow, once MC had unrestricted access then the download worked and I can now use MP3. After the mp3 download I have reverted MC to Automatic status.

Thank you for your help.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #35 on: August 04, 2010, 03:22:21 pm »

I found the bug(?). When MC installs it registers with the firewall (Norton 360 in my case) for "Automatic" internet access, like all well behaved apps do. This works fine for everything (I have full internet access from within MC) except for plugin download, which needs (for some reason) "Unrestricted" status. Please note no other piece of software I have ever installed needed this kind of access. Anyhow, once MC had unrestricted access then the download worked and I can now use MP3. After the mp3 download I have reverted MC to Automatic status.

Thank you for your help.

Perhaps you could report the bug to Norton?  We're not doing anything clever.  It's a simple WinInet download of a ZIP file.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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  • Posts: 164
Re: Media Center 15.0.87 -- Available here
« Reply #36 on: August 07, 2010, 04:50:49 am »

MC hangs on switching windows user. Not long time ago, earlier it was ok.
Output - WASAPI exclusive.

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:   APPCRASH
  Application Name:   Media Center 15.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:   4c534876
  Fault Module Name:   out_main.dll
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp:   4c53485e
  Exception Code:   c0000005
  Exception Offset:   000a0a9b
  OS Version:   6.1.7600.
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