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Author Topic: Cover Art found using previous versions of MC -- is not being found with MC15  (Read 1727 times)


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I posted this several days ago but received no response...I assume it just got overlooked...

As I am re-ripping hundreds of CD's in .flac (previuosly ripped in older versions of MC), I am finding that during CD Lookup MC15 is often not finding cover art that was easily found in prior versions of MC.  However, if I view the same CD using Microsoft MediaPlayer or other programs they do display the album cover art.... so it's definitely out there to be found, but MC15 is not finding it.

I still have the old .mp3 files on my computer, so I can see the cover art was found when the CDs were ripped in older versions of MC.  Now, many are not found.  Here is an example of just one CD that "The Tango Lesson - Soundtrack".  The only reason I know this is because I can see the old files and the newly ripped ones with no cover art - otherwise I would just assume it's not out there.  While I can probably salvage my cover art from some of the previously ripped files, I am concerned about CD's being ripped for the first time, too many coming up with no Cover Art.  

Is there a reason CD Lookup are not producing as good or better results than before?  I thought with the addition of FreeDB, this might be improved.

SusieM - I'm Using MC on MacOS & Windows 10.

Alex B

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Are you doing this procedure:  ?

It should preserve the old cover art links if the image files are still available.

If the image is embedded (inside file) it will be lost when when the new FLAC file is copied over the old MP3 file.

Have you checked the Image File field values?
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


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Hi Alex,

I really appreciate the response back.   The issue is not saving the cover art (and tags) I already have - I've got that somewhat figured out.  It's tedious process but seems to work well... (I'll explain my re-rip method at the end).  I just happened to discover the issue during this re-rip process because while I still have the .mp3's on my computer I am also re-ripping in .flac - so I temporarily have duplicates on my computer and it became quite clear that Lookup is not finding cover art like it used to. 

So, now that I am aware of the problem the real issue is when I rip new CD's that weren't on my computer before, many of them will be without cover art.  I hope I explained myself better this time...

Now, (nothing to do with this issue) in case you're interested in how I am replacing my .mp3's with .flac's and saving all my tags & cover art... here's my methodology:

1) In each of the respective .mp3 and .flac folders for the same album, I highlight all files and Rename  the "Filename (name)" to exactly the same - such as [Track#] or something simple... (click on Tools>Libary Tools>Rename, Move & Copy Files to do the rename)
2) In MC15 I select all of the .mp3 files and do a Tools>Library Tools>Find/Replace (.mp3/.flac), which renames all .mp3's to .flac's. 
3) Then in Windows Explorer I open two windows - one for each folder and I copy the flac files into the .mp3 directory overwriting all the original files.
4) Back in MC15, I highlight all the new flac files and click on Tools>Update Tags from Library, then Tools>Update Library from Tags. 
5) When all is done, I highlight the new .flac files and click on Library>Rename, Move & Copy Files>Filename (revert to whatever rule you were using before). 
6) Highlight and delete original .flac files and that were imported into temp file making sure to also remove from disk (these should appear as duplicates). 

SusieM - I'm Using MC on MacOS & Windows 10.

Alex B

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Yeah, that is the method you described in the link I posted.

Regarding new albums, the online database is based on user submissions. The Album Artist (auto) and Album field values in your library must match with an already submitted image file. It can work only if someone has submitted a cover art image with the same field values as you have.
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


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Is there a reason CD Lookup are not producing as good or better results than before?  I thought with the addition of FreeDB, this might be improved.

FreeDB only has album titles and track names for CD lookups.  It has no cover art.

You probably got some of your cover art from applications like Windows Media Player rather than just through J River Media Center.  WMP makes use of an online database for album info and also has small low quality cover art.  It has the option of adding tag info and also cover art if you let it.  WMP can do lookups for MP3 files (and Windows Media Audio) but cannot do that for FLAC files.  If you loaded your MP3 library in Windows Media Player it could have updated missing tags and missing cover art without you being too aware of what it has been doing.



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Hi Frobozz - Thanks for the info on FreeDB, I wasn't aware of that.  I have never used Windows Media/Player before, only in the past few weeks (as well as some other application) just to verify when MC15 CD Lookup was not giving me back enough information.   The only other application I ever used was iTunes, but long long ago. Much of what I have imported has been in MC13, so I was pretty certain that it was MC13 that had previously found my cover art.  In fact, I remember using it to lookup missing cover art and it did pretty well.

Hi Alex - thanks again for getting back with me.  My field values should be the same because all I am doing is inserting the very same CD that I used to rip before in .mp3 and now I am re-ripping in .flac.  When I  was reviewing the .mp3 and .flac files (after import) I discovered that many of the newly imported files did not have cover art associated.  While I can use the old cover art, I am more concerned that if the cover art is out there somewhere, why isn't MC15 finding it?   Everything else about MC15 is pretty amazing, I was just hoping that MC15 would be a little more robust in this area...

SusieM - I'm Using MC on MacOS & Windows 10.
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