Licensing isn't going to change. It's a balance between ease of use and security.
You can restore once and use the Install Key to license your other computers for the next 14 days.
I understand that - but when a site wide rebuild is happening with 3-5 could take months of testing/retesting etc - so a 14 day time frame simply does not work. Hence - burning more license keys. That time frame is so restrictive that I have to now try to plan the best time to grab a key after checking how many days are left on certain machines.
If you want to make licensing truly easy - my suggestion would be some license manager facility within MC itself for me to click File->Licensing and have a dialog that allows me to enter my license info...the app contacts your license server, does it's thing and rock on. Instead of having Internet Explorer pop up, having to deal windows behind windows, strange messages and all the other stuff that goes on. Licensing has gotten better but it still has a clunk factor launching web browsers etc to do this.
I understand your need for security and to protect the IP of the software - just saying that for power-users like myself...there is always room for improvement.
Thanks for reading.