Getting closer, but still not working.
If I start with the view Gappie proposed above I have the following tree:
Date Imported ->
__All Date Imported
(as per image below)
I can set the viewscheme for 'Date Imported' correctly
Setting the viewscheme for 'All Date Imported' sets the default for all the children underneath
BUT because they are 'file lists' rather than just 'lists' I cannot create the views I'm after (as I've done elsewhere with other non-expression views).
Now, if I start navigating within the view, rather than the tree, and for instance go:
Date Imported - 2010 (in) - Albums - then I *DO* get the configurable list style I'm after, but it has to be set on an individual basis... There seems to be now way, using expression trees to do this as the main nodes are 'file lists' which don't have all the necessary views available to them.
What I'm trying to achieve, as the default for any node in the tree is the following view:
I can currently only get that view by navigating through the view of the tree root (as per the image).
I don't think it's currently possible to set this view as the default for any branch of the expression tree...?