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Author Topic: Transferring files, library and settings to a second copy of MC15 on a new pc  (Read 2309 times)


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I want to copy all my files and library info (tags, cover art) and all my MC settings to a second copy of MC15 on a new pc.  Please can someone explain the best way to do this - essentially I just want to replicate MC exactly as it appears on the old pc to a second machine.  I have restored in the last few days so am ready to download the second copy of MC15.  Copy/paste of all the music files is straight forward ... its the database, tags and settings that's got me foxed.  I have made a backup of the library ... and now I'm stuck!

Many thanks!


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MC15 can backup your settings and restore them on a new PC.

File/Library/Backup and Restore.


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Great, thanks.  So once MC15 and all the music files are on the new computer I simply copy the Backup folder on to a memory stick and Restore with that folder on the new machine? and then re-point the file locations to their new drives?



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No. You copy your files to the new computer. Preferably the exactly same disk letter and path (otherwise you have to do some editing). You make a library backup on your old computer. You restore that backup file on your new computer and choose to restore options with it. You can also move the thumbnail directory as well, so you don't have to rebuild it all.
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Thanks for this.  So I do have different drive letters and folder structure paths - what editing do I need to do?  Do I need to change the paths within MC options for the file locations after I have restored the back up?  Will MC be able to locate the files and assign the tags and cover art if I do it this way?  Thanks


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You can move the media first. Take a backup of the library. Then you select all media, right click -> Library Tools -> Find and Replace. This have to be done on the new computer of course.

Here you can select the two "Path" library fields, or you can just select them all. No irrelevant fields should be changed if you have a more specific search criteria. Search for the previous path like "C:\Media\" and you replace it with the new path like "D:\New Media\"

Alternatively you can use the Rename, Move and Copy option to move the files and update the paths at the same time. It WILL give you a better look at who the paths is going to look. A preview. I have not used this so often my self, so that's why it's my second choice.
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Alex B

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Thanks to all those who helped - I now have all my tags and cover art and wonderful audio using WASAPI through an ASUS Xonar Essence ST to analog out.  When I use ASIO in MC Options I get clicks and distortion on playback and sometimes it all just stops.  I have set the default sound device in Windows as NOT the ASUS card to try and avoid unneccessary operating system routing of the signal, and instead directed MC to the ASUS card in an attempt to get bit perfect/best quality.

Any ideas on getting ASIO to work with the ASUS Xonar Essence ST sound card on Win 7 64 bit Home Prem?



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Why would you go back to ASIO?  I'm no audiophile, and I have not played much with it, but is not WASAPI considered better than AISO in terms of sound quality? And why the analog out?  Why try to get the best sound experience when at the same time you use less than good ways of handling the sound?
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I have an analog stereo amp, hence analoge out of my source.  I have no view on ASIO v WASAPI, that's what I'm seeking views on so I can compare them.


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I see. Time to get a new amp soon then? :D Nah, just kidding. Have been using analog signals for years my self. Can't say that I hear much difference in the quality. The amp was a really good one though.

WASAPI is supposed to be the sound option in windows that provides the least resistance in the signal path? The signals will be transported more or less directly from MC to your soundcard I think. Or was this kernel streaming? Darn. I have WAY to little control on this subject. I'll go in the corner to hide my shame. Good bye.
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This might help:

I'll split this thread later today.
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