Howdee Doodee EpF, long time, no speak!
I'm assuming that you're selecting all the people you want in the "Family" branch, then trying to edit the [People] field for that selection...
If a picture only has one person tagged, then there's no semi-colon to key off, and if there's more than one person, then we have to deal with the first person, as well as the semi-colon delimited others that follow. I have not thought about the possibility of the added complexity of the possibility you have more than one person tagged in a photo, but only one of those is "Family"!!!
This operation has been further complicated by a recent change that adds spaces between delimited items. Try changing a photo list to details rather than thumbnails, and adding a [people] column to a file list.
Any time since the change that MC has updated the tags for a file, it will convert any lists to include the spaces, which means that you are most likely to have a combination of both in your library. Force the issue by selecting all files, add a bogus person, let the tags update, then remove the bogus person again.
Having done that, the following expression should work for "Family" people:
=Family\replace([people],; ,; Family\)
Expressions work on the raw list data, which in this case, is a string of names separated by "; " (a semi-colon and a space). We need to take each instance of that "; " and insert the "Family" nest in there.
The given expression will do just that, but by now, you should understand my misgivings regarding non-family members getting caught up in all of this.
See how bad it is, because if it's not all that bad, it's possible to drag and drop tags between branches when shown in a view pane, so maybe not too much hassle to fix any anomalies.
Try a couple before going wholesale, and if any unforeseen issues crop up, post back and we'll see if we can't iron them out as we go.
The "alphabetic" thing is even more recent, and I've not had a lot of time to work with it. My flimsy grasp was that they would stay alphabetical unless the order was changed by the user, at which point, all alphabetic ordering for that file would cease, and any new additions to the file tag would be appended to the end.
gappie is in on this one, up to his neck.... you there gapster? did I get that right?