Well it looks like plugplayer can send the playlist if the server handles it. Up to the J River folk to make their servers accept a playlist then.
Actually, the renderer needs to accept a playlist which ours does. I'm not sure we are exposing it in a way such that plugplayer knows it can handle the playlist however.
First, I need to get PP working with playlists on some hardware I have available for testing.
I've tried with a Buffalo Linkstation as the server and the WDTV as the renderer and it doesn't work for me.
I deleted the server and renderer configurations from the PP device menu as detailed in the PP forum thread.
When I browse the buffalo, select a few tunes, hit OK to send them to the PP playlist, start playing the playlist and then exit PP to the main iTouch menu, the song plays but does NOT go on to the next song at the end.
So, long story short, unless I can get PP to actually play a list of tunes on hardware I have it's going to be difficult to get it work using MC.