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Author Topic: I need plugings to MJ  (Read 964 times)


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I need plugings to MJ
« on: June 13, 2002, 11:56:09 pm »

Spent most of yesterday checking for mp3 in double,for quality of the mp3 and so on
All the time with 'outside' programs who do not give me the possibility to use the MJ logic of how i manage my songs.
I have few folders with rips and so on
I think i am not the only one doing it.
If i want to check a band,i cannot do it from insideMJ,and with external programs you can check only one folder at the time,and to search for songs inside one folder........GOOD LUCK
I would like to search for Giant Sand inside MJ,and from it to 'work' on Giant Sand.The only solution i have is to copy the songs in a new folder Giant Sand and ,after,to work on it

In my opinion,before you start to work on 9,you may built plugings like 'check quality','check mp3 in double '
With this FANTASTIC Interact you will get opinions,critics of the existing programs leading you,from the start to built kind of "best of' of all others programs

I do not mean free plugings.You can charge for it
Maybe think about a 'plus 'and 'gold' for MJ9,but for now,just charge for them
If when 9 out the 'gold' cost less than the 8 |PLS| all the plugings,i do not think it will be a drama for all of us who bought the plugings

The plugings i speak about are not challengic ones
Find mp3 in double or more is a few hours job to you
Check quality is just an existing thing you need to tailored

The programs doing it are ever free or charge MUCH MORE that the price of MJ.I am sure you will stay on the 'fair price to both sides",selling them at cheaper price
Because of it,people will buy them,included the ones who have external registered programs.
The cheap price of the pluging worth the fact to work inside MJ

Anyway,let see that you and MJ addicts think about it

Listening to a VERY VERY bad Michael Nesmith album on my turnable


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RE:I need plugings to MJ
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2002, 12:00:46 am »

>Listening to a VERY VERY bad Michael Nesmith album on my turnable

Why would you do that?


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RE:I need plugings to MJ
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2002, 12:14:20 am »

Cause i got a parcel from France from a friend.We send to each other what we have in double[you find an lp in very good ,and later in mint],and what we fell is big s...t-sorry snow-
from artists we like

This Nesmith lp is BIG BIG

Will never listen to B side and put it in the trash bin when going out.

Cotton-Eyed Loo

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RE:I need plugings to MJ
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2002, 10:38:04 am »

Isn't he the Monkey that didn't show up for the MTV Monkey's Re-United concert?


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RE:I need plugings to MJ
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2002, 11:51:31 am »

Yes it is

He did many records after the monkeys
Some of them very very good
Others not god and ,at least one BIG junk

I think he is still doing records to this days
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