I'm running an eval of MC15 (so new to the program and to the forums here)...
So far I'm loving some of the features of MC15, as I'm trying to consolidate some of the programs I use to manage my media collections. My question is around metadata for videos/movies. I've had some success using the "Lookup Movie Info from Wikipedia" option to pull meta data down into MC. Do have some questions around this:
1) Are there other plugins to use different Meta data providers (i.e. tMDB or IMDB)?
2) Once I get the meta data down, can I write it back to tags within my movie files? I know many file formats don't support this, but I'm using m4v/mp4 files at the moment which do support ID3 tags... I've tried to do this by the way... both by pulling down the metadata from wikipedia and by entering it myself, then going to the Update tags (from library) action for the movie I'm trying to update. It spins for a few seconds and says it's successful, but when I try to view the internal file tags (e.g.: from Windows Explorer), nothing has changed... nor has the timestamp on the file changed. I have checked to make sure that the tags that I'm using are set to store in file tags from the Manage Library Fields window. Just wondering if there is something I'm doing wrong or if this isn't supported (which would be a shame).
One more question... any plugins or support (or planned support) for import/rip of video media (dvds/bluray)? And/or conversion and handling of multiple formats for a "title"? Ultimate experience would be to be able to put in a DVD, then have an option for how to store it in the library, including a way to easily manage multiple versions of the same title (i.e.: one for iphone, one for dlna playback, one for local (raw)). Ya... I'll keep dreaming, I guess.
Thanks in advance!