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Author Topic: Media Center Expression Help - Images Tags  (Read 3200 times)


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Media Center Expression Help - Images Tags
« on: January 16, 2011, 08:04:20 am »

I'm still using the evaluation version of MC 15 at this point, but I plan to buy if I can get a few more things working...  I love the fact that just about everything seems to be configurable and customizable.
One thing I can't seem to get working consistently is the Custom Field - Expression feature. 
I created a test field: Tools -> Options -> Library & Folders -> Manage Library Fields -> Add New Field
I named the field AAAA so that it would be at the top of my list for testing purposes.
In the Data section I selected the 'Calculated Data' radio button.

I am able to get it to populate this field in the library if I use an expression like this: =Tag(IPTC: Artist) 
but haven't been able to use it to get any field that isn't already loaded. 

There is a lot of information in my jpegs I want to load that didn't come in by default.   For instance the EXIF comments field. 
According to ExifToolGUI this tags name is XPComment.  It has data that I put in it.  If I build an expression like this =Tag(Exif: XPComment)  I get nothing.
I’ve read the wiki
I have tried this with XMP tags, IPTC tags, EXIF tags all sorts of combinations and paid extra close attention to spelling and caps.  No joy.  I really hope to get this working as it will greatly enhance the ability to find media.

Anybody got this working with additional fields?




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Re: Media Center Expression Help - Images Tags
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2011, 08:42:19 am »

Someone else will have to try to help.  You've done your homework.

But here's something to try.  Once you have added a custom tag, try using the Library Tool called "Update Library from Tags".  It reads the tag information again.


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Re: Media Center Expression Help - Images Tags
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2011, 10:12:04 pm »

Thanks for the reply.  I've tried that as well.  Still no luck.   This feature has so much promise.  I'm hopeful somebody out there knows some tricks.


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Re: Media Center Expression Help - Images Tags
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2011, 03:22:31 pm »

Is anyone using expressions out there to load additional metadata into the MC library?  If so, please share your experience.


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Re: Media Center Expression Help - Images Tags
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2011, 02:35:07 pm »

I can't help feeling that this might get a little more attention if Jim moved it out of "Media Network" to the main MC15 board?

energy_tone, unfortunately, I can't help. I think that's because I don't know enough about exif tags and the way they are stored in an image file.

The only success I have ever had with the tag() function and exif data is with "Tag(Exif: Date)". Nothing else seems to work.

I have come to the conclusion that this is because the Tag() function requires that the spelling of the referenced tag must be exact in order to work. Couple that with the knowledge that three different programs can list exif data in three different ways, suggests to me that exif data, both the field names and their values, are open to interpretation.

Here's a snapshot of exiftoolgui and AcdSee both listing exif tags for the same file. Note the differences not only in the field names, but the way the values are presented too. Media Center adds its own spin on data presentation to the mix; "Flash" for example, is simply a one or a zero to MC. "CFA Pattern" and "Metering Mode" are two good examples of what I'm trying to get at....

I've long since given up trying to get other exif data into MC using tag() as quite simply, I cannot get it to work. Creating new custom library fields and running an "update library from tags" won't work either as JRiver need to map the exif tags to MC library fields in order to import the information.


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Re: Media Center Expression Help - Images Tags
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2011, 07:10:58 pm »

  I noticed the difference between the way viewers display tags as well.  I know that MC is seeing most if not all of the metadata I want to access.  By following these instructions, , one is presumably able to see all the data that MC15 is reading.  There must be a way of mapping these tag fields to the library fields of one's choice.  If there isn't, there should be  ;D 

Take a look at this partial screenshot from the "format" tag detail (again, found this from the wiki article above):

free image host
If I posted the image properly you can see that there is a lot of information under the XMP heading and there's alot more too that would take up too much space in the forum to post it all.  I redacted some of the personal data in this screenshot.

Now, take a look at the way the MJMD (Media Jukebox Metadata) tags are represented.  All nice and neat.  These seem to work well with the tag() function:

upload images
So anyway, if all this data is visible in the details of the format tag, this would be a marvelous feature to provide a way to access this data and map it to a library field. 
I’m so impressed with MC15 overall.  This is the only product I’ve found that allows customization of the DLNA menus presented to my PS3.  I’ve tried a bunch and this is by far gives the user the most control over the library. 
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