Need some help/suggestions here please. I'm all out of ideas, and not super familiar with MC and playlist handling.
These new stream addresses are not good. The expired ones were great. Simply hit "Play", and they would do just that, all day long.
The new ones (there are two variants, one via akamaized and one via cloudfront) play between 10 and 40 minutes, and then just, stop. Very annoying. don't know why this is, but assume it's jiggery pokery at the Beeb's end. The cloudfront links are
a lot worse than the akamaized ones.
What does seem to work, is to send a whole list of the same stream address to Playing Now, so when one stops, the next kicks in pretty much seamlessly, and so on, and we have continuous play. Not ideal, but it does work atm.
As this works, I want a one click solution, in Theater View, so also needs artwork, to get 15 entries of the same stream into playing now.
I tried making my own m3u8 file and pointing the library entry at that. Didn't work.
I tried making my own PLS file and pointing the library entry at that. This didn't work right either.
I tried making MC playlists in an Online Radio playlist group, one for each station, each repeated 15 times in their respective lists. This has gotta work, right?
In Theater view, the playlists show up, each with their own artwork, and if you go inside you see the 15 identical entries. Go up to the roller and choose "Play All" and only one instance is added to Playing Now. Why is that? I specifically asked MC to send all 15 entries in the list to Playing Now.
Switching "Repeat" on is not an option as that would be a disaster everywhere else in theater view
Any suggestions as to how I achieve this, or, is there a setting I can mess with to keep the stream active?