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Author Topic: Blu-ray support using LAV Filters  (Read 52168 times)


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Blu-ray support using LAV Filters
« on: February 10, 2011, 02:17:23 am »

For a summary see the Everything about Blu-ray / HD-DVD playback in MC thread at

Would it be worth an invite to nevcairiel (over at Doom9 as well) who is actively developing LAVFSplitter (based of ffmpeg) / LAV Audio Decoder : to play with JR?

I've been pretty impressed with his work and responsiveness to date with these filters and I'm sure that he would be another asset (if he wanted to play) to the development of MC in the direct show Video area.  What do you think?

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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2011, 02:39:49 am »

Just thinking outloud on getting a std set of filters that will work for the users "out of the box" and gives a consistant high quality output for Direct Show Playback that we can recommend or even have installed as "Std",
1) Splitter: LAVFSplitter still has some bugs he is working on, but it basically works with everthing I've tested it on
2) Audio Decoder: Likewise the LAV Audio Decoder is simple and decodes everything to PCM and works with JR's Audio Renderer.  The only issues I've found is that like with all other open source Audio Decoders it only does the DTS-MA Core but nevcairiel plans to put an option in to disable this so we can use the hacked Arcsoft HD Audio Decoder for this.  It seems to not like the DTV playback.
3) Video Decoder: ?
4) Audio Renderer: JR's
5) Video Renderer: madVR

The only other filter I'm having to load at present is DirectVobSub for subs....
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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2011, 03:08:59 am »

Would it be worth an invite to nevcairiel (over at Doom9 as well) who is actively developing LAVFSplitter (based of ffmpeg) / LAV Audio Decoder : to play with JR?

I've been pretty impressed with his work and responsiveness to date with these filters and I'm sure that he would be another asset (if he wanted to play) to the development of MC in the direct show Video area.  What do you think?

I'm not sure if it's worth it. His filters should be compatible with any media player without needing any specific adjustment. So him playing with MC would probably not bring any benefit, neither to MC nor to his filters. The situation is different with madVR because the media player needs custom code to make madVR work.


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2011, 10:50:53 am »

First, it's one of the most helpful things for us when users that are active other places help nudge people our way.  We'll get involved or help when we can.

As for the video decoder, I've had good luck with FFDShow.  I just wish it wasn't so complicated.  It doesn't really work with DVD, it requires enabling a bunch of codecs that are off by default, and you need to enable Deinterlacing (and pick from a huge list of types) if you want to use it with madVR and 1080i television (which is a big percentage of my content).  Then, I'm not sure what having the Deinterlacing filter enabled is doing when the video isn't interlaced, say 720p television.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2011, 11:25:39 am »

Matt, could you please export and post (change the extension to txt) your ffdshow settings using "Export All Settings" on the bottom of the video decoder configuration window. I'd like to try them. Having various ffdshow configuration files available might be helpful.



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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2011, 03:39:49 pm »

Matt, could you please export and post (change the extension to txt) your ffdshow settings using "Export All Settings" on the bottom of the video decoder configuration window. I'd like to try them. Having various ffdshow configuration files available might be helpful.

I don't see an export button.

But I haven't done anything fancy.

1) Only enable YV12 output (this is optional, since madVR will require it anyway)
2) Turn off all processing except the Deinterlacer (yadif with 'Double framerate' looks good to me)
3) Enable needed codecs (if any), like MPEG-4 and VC-1
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2011, 04:51:22 pm »

1) Splitter: LAVFSplitter still has some bugs he is working on, but it basically works with everthing I've tested it on

Not knowing much about splitters, I have a rather naive question. How is this different/better than Haali Splitter? Should I care about which splitter I am using as long as I can play the file (i.e. does the choice of splitter affect the quality of video and/or audio)? My naive understanding was that the quality of video/audio depends more on the decoder and/or renderer rather than the splitter.



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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2011, 07:20:57 pm »

Not knowing much about splitters, I have a rather naive question. How is this different/better than Haali Splitter? Should I care about which splitter I am using as long as I can play the file (i.e. does the choice of splitter affect the quality of video and/or audio)? My naive understanding was that the quality of video/audio depends more on the decoder and/or renderer rather than the splitter.


Your right, the splitter has nothing to do with the "quality", but depending of each splitters limitations / bugs they may not be able to open a file, see all the streams / see them correctly (Video, Audio, Chapters, Subtitles etc) or connect them correctly to the downstream filters (Decoders).  They also provide the "seek" functionality so we can play, pause, FFD, RWD, Chapter Skip etc.  Half the posts on the main board of questions like "why does MC....:
....not play the DTS-MA track" is really, a bug in the Haali Splitter means that the DTS-MA track is not recognised in MKV containers muxed by a package
....crash / freeze when I playback / navigate with XYZ files" can be the splitter misreading a stream and trying to connect it to a downstream filter that does not support it, or it is not reading the time stamps at the beginning of the streams or.... static"

The average user just gives up with MC and ends up with another player as "MC is good for music" but XYZ player for video as it "plays everything" (there is a current post right now saying this). 

I've been trying to work DOWN the number of Filters I need to the bare minimum of ones that are as simple as possible that works with as much as possible.  Ideally, JR could then optionally distribute/config such a set so we instead see comments like "I use MC as it plays everthing".
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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2011, 07:50:49 pm »

Your right, the splitter has nothing to do with the "quality", but depending of each splitters limitations / bugs they may not be able to open a file, see all the streams / see them correctly (Video, Audio, Chapters, Subtitles etc) or connect them correctly to the downstream filters (Decoders).  They also provide the "seek" functionality so we can play, pause, FFD, RWD, Chapter Skip etc.  Half the posts on the main board of questions like "why does MC....:
....not play the DTS-MA track" is really, a bug in the Haali Splitter means that the DTS-MA track is not recognised in MKV containers muxed by a package
....crash / freeze when I playback / navigate with XYZ files" can be the splitter misreading a stream and trying to connect it to a downstream filter that does not support it, or it is not reading the time stamps at the beginning of the streams or.... static"

The average user just gives up with MC and ends up with another player as "MC is good for music" but XYZ player for video as it "plays everything" (there is a current post right now saying this). 

I've been trying to work DOWN the number of Filters I need to the bare minimum of ones that are as simple as possible that works with as much as possible.  Ideally, JR could then optionally distribute/config such a set so we instead see comments like "I use MC as it plays everthing".

Thanks jmone - that was very informative. I have been using Haali Splitter for most of my files so far. While it works (mostly), sometimes the seek do not work as well as I like (e.g. it won't seek or the FF/REW seems slow). How has your experience been with LAVFSplitter?



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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2011, 08:20:02 pm »

Thanks jmone - that was very informative. I have been using Haali Splitter for most of my files so far. While it works (mostly), sometimes the seek do not work as well as I like (e.g. it won't seek or the FF/REW seems slow). How has your experience been with LAVFSplitter?


Good for 2 reasons:
1) It works over my test files with little fuss but more importantly
2) The dev fixes bugs - eg I posted some MKV files that would not start to play this week and he updated the splitter to fix the issue.  The Haali splitter rarely gets an update so things like the missing DTS-HD stuff does not get addressed in a timely matter.

Bugs / ? with the LAV Splitter I've still found is:
1) I've posted sample files TS DVB-T files recoded in MC that will not play (I think it is the way the DD track is muxed).  
2) You have to load DirectVobSub for subs to stay (they disappear after a second or so if you just use FFDSHOW.  I'm not sure if this is a splitter or FFDSHOW issue)

Install it, give it a try and see what you think.
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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2011, 08:52:01 pm »

Matt, could you please export and post (change the extension to txt) your ffdshow settings using "Export All Settings" on the bottom of the video decoder configuration window. I'd like to try them. Having various ffdshow configuration files available might be helpful.

I emailed you my home settings.  I must have an older ffdshow at work that doesn't have 'Export All Settings'.

And as a disclaimer, really you should be asking jmone and company these questions as they're a lot deeper into it than me.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2011, 09:16:17 pm »

Here is my ffdshow settings, and I really only made changes where I had to, the main ones being:
- Codecs --> H.264/AVC:  Change to ffmpeg-mt (it handles high bit rate / frame rate content better)
- De interlacing ON --> YADIF, Double framerate
- Subtitles ON
- Output --> YV12 and YUY2 checked (you may need YUY2 for MS Video Renderers)

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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2011, 10:24:16 pm »

I'll try these tomorrow. I think they are about the same settings that I have now. However, it was only recently that I switched to ffmpeg-mt for H.264/AVC and WMV9 for VC-1.

Maybe MC could have a Download section with links to the necessary filters or actually have the files available. They could also have some ffdshow settings files. People could just choose the ffdshow settings file that matches their needs. The Downloads shouldn't be hidden in the forums or the wiki, but available directly from the homepage. Alternatively, MC itself could have a Download Wizard that installs a splitter, video and audio decoders, renderer, and settings file for the decoders. These would then be used with the Automatic setting for Playback Method.


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2011, 10:35:40 pm »

Your right, the splitter has nothing to do with the "quality", but depending of each splitters limitations / bugs they may not be able to open a file, see all the streams / see them correctly (Video, Audio, Chapters, Subtitles etc) or connect them correctly to the downstream filters (Decoders).  They also provide the "seek" functionality so we can play, pause, FFD, RWD, Chapter Skip etc.  Half the posts on the main board of questions like "why does MC....:
....not play the DTS-MA track" is really, a bug in the Haali Splitter means that the DTS-MA track is not recognised in MKV containers muxed by a package
....crash / freeze when I playback / navigate with XYZ files" can be the splitter misreading a stream and trying to connect it to a downstream filter that does not support it, or it is not reading the time stamps at the beginning of the streams or.... static"

The average user just gives up with MC and ends up with another player as "MC is good for music" but XYZ player for video as it "plays everything" (there is a current post right now saying this). 

I've been trying to work DOWN the number of Filters I need to the bare minimum of ones that are as simple as possible that works with as much as possible.  Ideally, JR could then optionally distribute/config such a set so we instead see comments like "I use MC as it plays everthing".

Agreed with everything here, jmone. I was one of those that felt MC was lacking in the video dept. I still keep MPC-HC on-hand for the rare problems I now encounter with MC, but overall, things are a LOT better with MC now. Recently I've been able to play all my DTS-MA and TrueHD files with bitstreaming to my receiver. Usually there's no issue, but the occasional TrueHD file will not allow seeking.
Not so long ago I was sending all HD audio mkvs to MPC-HC to play. I know this represents bug-fixes in filters as much as efforts in MC, but it's very nice to see MC working away at video after pretty much dominiating in its audio quality. Thanks a lot for your efforts for bringing in the Doom9 stars too.
I stuck with MC since version 12 because of all the tagging and library organisation tools; with recent and recently-proposed changes, there'll be many mroe reasons to stick with MC for audio and video.


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2011, 10:41:30 pm »

I'll try these tomorrow. I think they are about the same settings that I have now. However, it was only recently that I switched to ffmpeg-mt for H.264/AVC and WMV9 for VC-1.
Woops forgot that I also changed VC-1 to WMV9 years ago as libavcodec does not support interlaced VC-1 content (maybe it does now - no idea)

Maybe MC could have a Download section with links to the necessary filters or actually have the files available. They could also have some ffdshow settings files. People could just choose the ffdshow settings file that matches their needs. The Downloads shouldn't be hidden in the forums or the wiki, but available directly from the homepage. Alternatively, MC itself could have a Download Wizard that installs a splitter, video and audio decoders, renderer, and settings file for the decoders. These would then be used with the Automatic setting for Playback Method.

There needs to be a better approach.  It's like Maid's latest post in the Main Forum......she is stuck... again... and it is hard work getting her sorted out (if you ever can and she is on my no go list after the last effort trying to help - sorry!).  So how is she going to be supported as at this rate it will be another MC can't play it post....

I think we need a few a "Configure Playback for this File"
1) The ability for a use to right click on a "offending, it will not play file" and have MC collect up the info on it - Container, Streams, etc (eg Like Media Info does)
2) Then display a recommendation of what filters and settings may work (or even make the changes)

This may not be that hard as much of this logic was done for the DLNA streaming profiles by Bob.  However, if I've been optimistic and it is to hard at least this info could be copied to the clip board (like with the filter info) so the user can post it to a support thread.
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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2011, 11:14:22 pm »

There needs to be a better approach.  It's like Maid's latest post in the Main Forum......she is stuck... again... and it is hard work getting her sorted out (if you ever can and she is on my no go list after the last effort trying to help - sorry!).  So how is she going to be supported as at this rate it will be another MC can't play it post....

I know what you mean. Every now and again I take pity and try to help out... then regret it because I let my frustration show through. I think she's installed so many different filters that her system is truly screwed up. And when I ask whether she's prepared to start from scratch, reformat, and let us help from a clean system, there's no response. I'll take a look at her new troubles, but may not foresee that I'll have the patience to help for the entire week that it normally takes.


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2011, 11:21:33 pm »

Agreed with everything here, jmone. I was one of those that felt MC was lacking in the video dept....I stuck with MC since version 12 because of all the tagging and library organisation tools; with recent and recently-proposed changes, there'll be many mroe reasons to stick with MC for audio and video
It's funny as I ended up here in MC12 days as it was the only TheaterView style offering that let you select your filters INCLUDING the splitter.  The rest only supported the MS splitter that would not recognise DTS tracks muxed into a MPG container (pathetic really!).  The base flexibility is there, I'm loving the increasing focus on Video from the JR folk but this is also coupled with a growth of users who just expect it to work out of the box (and currently it does not).
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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2011, 11:22:32 pm »


I know what you mean. Every now and again I take pity and try to help out... then regret it because I let my frustration show through. I think she's installed so many different filters that her system is truly screwed up. And when I ask whether she's prepared to start from scratch, reformat, and let us help from a clean system, there's no response. I'll take a look at her new troubles, but may not foresee that I'll have the patience to help for the entire week that it normally takes.

Mate you are a better man than me!
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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2011, 11:44:33 pm »

I screwed up... I was tempted to help and tried. So for a start, it's not even DTS, it's DTS-MA. And not all my diagnostic questions were answered. :(


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2011, 11:51:25 pm »

It's funny as I ended up here in MC12 days as it was the only TheaterView style offering that let you select your filters INCLUDING the splitter.  The rest only supported the MS splitter that would not recognise DTS tracks muxed into a MPG container (pathetic really!).  The base flexibility is there, I'm loving the increasing focus on Video from the JR folk but this is also coupled with a growth of users who just expect it to work out of the box (and currently it does not).

I started in MC12 too, and it was a godsend to play h264 + AC3/DTS mkvs, even compared to messing with filter merits in MPC. Ah, those days when I used to use AC3filter for all audio. :)


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #20 on: February 11, 2011, 12:43:27 am »

I uninstalled Haali splitter and tried LAV Splitter. It did not seem to work on half of my video files. I tried it on many different types of files. In the cases it did not work, it ended up crashing MC16(.0.28).

  • mkv container with H264 encoded TV shows/movies
  • mts files generated by Digital camera (AVCHD 1080i)
  • m2ts files generated by Digital camcorder (AVCHD 1080i)
  • ts files - recorded OTA HDTV (1080i or 720p)
  • flv files - downloaded from youtube etc.
  • avi files - with Xvid encoding

I ended up uninstalling LAV Splitter and installing Haali splitter back again. LAV Splitter is certainly looking promising though - especially if it could handle subtitles better.



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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #21 on: February 11, 2011, 01:20:21 am »

Thanks Osho - On my test files the LAV Splitter it is still crashing (or playing nothing depending on the other filters being used) with 1080i MPEG / DD DVB-T muxed in a TS container.  The rest of my test files is (including Xvid) is rock solid.  If you could be bothered it is worth posting a sample (eg 30 sec) over in his thread of that stuff that is crashing as he does download and fix issues (or has for me over the last week).
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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #22 on: February 11, 2011, 08:42:54 am »

Ideally, JR could then optionally distribute/config such a set so we instead see comments like "I use MC as it plays everthing".

THAT would be a great idea. Video in MC is rather complex for the average user.
- I may not always believe what I'm saying


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2011, 01:02:37 pm »

After doing some testing and finding some bugs, nevcairiel has stated that he plans to add libbluray!  This will give us a Direct Show Blu-ray Navigation Filter!!!  He was taking about how to integrate it with MPC-HCs menu.  I really think that JR should reach out to him and make sure that this works with MC....Blu-ray light
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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #24 on: February 14, 2011, 02:15:35 pm »

To get the blu ray support working, it is going to need some player menu mods to support it.  He sounds keen to work with JR,
Quote from: nevcairiel;1477938
Like i said, its far from being done, and it might be a while. But i appreciate any support, and player support is always great. :)

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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2011, 02:25:30 pm »

After doing some testing and finding some bugs, nevcairiel has stated that he plans to add libbluray!  This will give us a Direct Show Blu-ray Navigation Filter!!!  He was taking about how to integrate it with MPC-HCs menu.  I really think that JR should reach out to him and make sure that this works with MC....Blu-ray light

That would be amazing! I hardly ever use discs these days, but I would certainly if I could do it within MC. I might even rent movies again!


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #26 on: February 14, 2011, 02:55:49 pm »

We'll offer a license if you want to contact him.


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #27 on: February 15, 2011, 03:14:16 am »

Thanks for that, but I think he will need some direct comms with JR about the development to make it work with MC.  It would be great if someone from JR made contact with him (I've let him know that a JRer may make contact so it will not be a surprise if you do)
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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #28 on: February 20, 2011, 04:10:00 am »

I'm happy to make the into - but don't want to overstep any boundaries.  Would JR be happy to work with him on the Blu-ray playback he plans to add to his splitter as it will apparently require support from as the player (he is working with MPC-HC already on this)?  If so I'll offer the licence (thanks Jim) and suggest he contacts ??.
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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #29 on: February 21, 2011, 10:24:37 am »

How far is libbluray, anyway? From its git homepage, current version seems to be 0.0.1-pre? That sounds extremely non-finished to me.


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #30 on: February 21, 2011, 12:57:30 pm »

How far is libbluray, anyway? From its git homepage, current version seems to be 0.0.1-pre? That sounds extremely non-finished to me.

No Idea - and he may be talking through his hat FAIK, coding in a format that would not work with MC.... and no doubt lots of other things that as a user I'd have little understanding of (and hence why I suggest a JRer make contact).
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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #31 on: February 22, 2011, 08:43:36 am »

If so I'll offer the licence (thanks Jim) and suggest he contacts ??.

matt at jriver dot com.

Thanks for the help.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #32 on: February 23, 2011, 04:07:25 am »

Thanks Matt - I've passed on the kind invitation to play....
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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #33 on: March 09, 2011, 03:01:26 pm »

Matt has Hendrik (LAV Splitter Author) made contact?  Anyway here is the outline of his plans for Blu-ray support
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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #34 on: March 09, 2011, 03:16:37 pm »

FYI from the LAV Thread:

Originally Posted by jmone 
Well I just linked to your blog for the JR Media Center devs to see what your plans are (as per my PM did you contact them, they are keen to discuss what player support you may need for this)

I didnt contact them yet, i've been busy with work and out of town the last few days, but stuff is cooling down now, and i should manage to get all that done soon.
I also don't have a concrete interface yet, but that should come up in the next days/week too.
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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #35 on: March 10, 2011, 09:13:21 am »

nevcairiel just wrote me a nice note.

Thanks a lot jmone for the introduction.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #36 on: March 10, 2011, 09:58:47 am »

Hi guys,

thanks for letting me play in your sand box. ;)

How far is libbluray, anyway? From its git homepage, current version seems to be 0.0.1-pre? That sounds extremely non-finished to me.
The features that i want to leverage out of it are working, that is mostly navigation. Whats not so good so far is Menu support, BD-Live, BD-J, and decryption. But it can properly extract the information out of the .bdmv, .mpls and .clpi files, and putting multi-part m2ts files back together for seamless playback.

Anyway, i'll let you guys know about any progress.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #37 on: March 10, 2011, 10:09:03 am »

Thanks, jmone, Matt and Nevcairiel for working together on bringing this to MC for us.


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #38 on: March 10, 2011, 10:17:45 am »

Hi guys,

thanks for letting me play in your sand box. ;)

Welcome to Interact!

The features that i want to leverage out of it are working, that is mostly navigation. Whats not so good so far is Menu support, BD-Live, BD-J, and decryption. But it can properly extract the information out of the .bdmv, .mpls and .clpi files, and putting multi-part m2ts files back together for seamless playback.

Anyway, i'll let you guys know about any progress.

If playback of the main title is working, you've got everything I want.

How could Media Center start trying to support your filter?  Do we need to manually build a graph, or render a certain file from the Blu-ray, or what?

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #39 on: March 10, 2011, 10:22:31 am »

I'm not sure how i'll do the entry points. One thing i have setup right now is that you just render the index.bdmv file, and the splitter will select the title with the longest duration (usually the main movie), and play that. Other potential (future) possibilities include opening a m2ts file, and it'll figure out which title the file belongs to, and run that. Or opening a playlist file (mpls), or ...

I'll go with the .bdmv solution for now, as the main movie is what people usually want. The only problem with that is with TV Series on a BD, as there are typically 3-4 episodes with a similar duration on there. But i'll get to that once its working.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #40 on: March 10, 2011, 10:30:16 am »

I'm not sure how i'll do the entry points. One thing i have setup right now is that you just render the index.bdmv file, and the splitter will select the title with the longest duration (usually the main movie), and play that. Other potential (future) possibilities include opening a m2ts file, and it'll figure out which title the file belongs to, and run that. Or opening a playlist file (mpls), or ...

I'll go with the .bdmv solution for now, as the main movie is what people usually want. The only problem with that is with TV Series on a BD, as there are typically 3-4 episodes with a similar duration on there. But i'll get to that once its working.

Is there a binary of the LAV filter we could test handing an index.bdmv to, and see if we can get a playable graph?
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #41 on: March 10, 2011, 10:33:58 am »

Nothing really usable yet, after the weekend, hopefully. :)
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #42 on: March 10, 2011, 11:18:57 am »

Other potential (future) possibilities include opening a m2ts file, and it'll figure out which title the file belongs to, and run that.

That could be problematic, especially for TV series. There's sometimes one playlist per episode. But there's also sometimes only one playlist which contains *all* episodes.

One thing that might be useful is this:

For seamless Blu-Rays (e.g. theatrical vs. extended cut, or computer animated movie with English / German / French texts etc) there are usually several playlists, in which every other m2ts part matches and the other half doesn't. This situation should be very easy to detect. It would be nice if there was some comfortable way to switch between the different "editions" then.


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #43 on: March 10, 2011, 11:24:08 am »

That could be problematic, especially for TV series. There's sometimes one playlist per episode. But there's also sometimes only one playlist which contains *all* episodes.
Sometimes there is also both. :) The best idea is still to open the index.bdmv and let the user switch between titles.

For seamless Blu-Rays (e.g. theatrical vs. extended cut, or computer animated movie with English / German / French texts etc) there are usually several playlists, in which every other m2ts part matches and the other half doesn't. This situation should be very easy to detect. It would be nice if there was some comfortable way to switch between the different "editions" then.
It shouldn't be a problem to detect and switch between the editions. You probably won't be able to switch during playback without starting over again, though.

Sadly there are no names attached to titles, its all done through the menus. But it will still beat what we have right now .. which is nothing. :)
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #44 on: March 10, 2011, 11:41:15 am »

You probably won't be able to switch during playback without starting over again, though.

Hehe. If you're in the middle of an m2ts file which exists in both the current and new playlist, then it should be possible to switch seamlessly...  :)  You may have to issue a seek command, though, if the runtime of the two editions is differently.


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #45 on: March 10, 2011, 11:45:46 am »

Well thats for another day, anyway. It should be possible to translate the time from the one edition to the other, but meh. Unsupported use-case! (for now)
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #46 on: March 10, 2011, 06:21:41 pm »

Welcome aboard nevcairiel!  I'm really excited about the leaps the HTPC community is taking in getting high quality video playback going thanks to the work of players like yourself, madshi, Matt etc.  One particular area is getting native Bluy-ray "light" support going and as a user, I'd like to be able to:
1) Associate / Play a "File" that will launch playback of content stored in a Blu-ray Structure (either physical Disc, ISO, or Folder Structure)
2) Select the desired playlist (Std, EE, etc)
3) Select the desired Audio and Subtitles
4) Support decoding (or bitstreaming for those that like this option) of all the various HD Audio options
5) Enable high quality Audio / Video Rendering (including refresh rate switching and sync)

So to me the current situation is pretty encouraging, as we have many of these in place or are planned devs to fill the holes:
1) 2) 3) LAV Splitter: Working on adding Blu-ray navigation.  I don't care about the Java menus etc, just get me to the content!
4) Issue is Decoding DTS-MA and the only workaround I know of is the use the TMT Filters at this stage and I'm not sure I've got it all working well with other filters in my list
5) madVR and jRiverDSP - only missing the refresh rate switching.

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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #47 on: March 13, 2011, 10:22:05 am »

You asked for it, and here it is, a first testing version, its not nearly complete, in fact, it can only do the very basics.
- Open a .bdmv file (index.bdmv and MovieObject.bdmv both work)
- It'll select the longest title from a given BluRay, and play that. No interface to change titles yet.
- Seamless Playback is not working properly (playback usually breaks when the segment changes)
- Extraction of meta-data (stream languages, etc) is not implemented

All this version can really do is to allow you to test building a graph with a .bdmv file entry point.
Oh, and also only 32-bit, i had some issues building libbluray for 64bit...
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #48 on: March 13, 2011, 10:56:23 am »


We'll be sure to play around with this and let you know how we fare.

We have a little work to do first to get Blu-ray setup for DirectShow playback (which there was no point offering before your filter).

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Invite to "nevcairiel" to play? (dev of LAV Splitter and Audio Decoder)
« Reply #49 on: March 13, 2011, 11:00:16 pm »

nevcairiel very impressive for a first go!  I can build a graph now and play the output in both GraphStudio and also in MC (as long as I manually add "bdmv" to "fileassociations.xml").

Couple of points in early testing:
1) Subtitles:  These already work! ... but you need to manually connect the pin to say FFDSHOW first to get it to play.  On my PC it is connecting to "Internal Script Command Renderer" (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\quartz.dll with CLSID {48025243-2D39-11CE-875D-00608CB78066}) and while a graph is built it never "plays"
2) Chapters:  No chapter support you (don't know if you plan to read these in from the .mpls)
3) Filters Preferences:  Oddly, the LAV Splitter seems to like connecting the output to the "Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder" and "ffdshow Audio Decoder" in MC though I had no issue in GraphStudio using any of the other filter combinations (FFDSHOW Video, madVR etc etc).

Great work,
JRiver CEO Elect
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