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Author Topic: Cover art problem  (Read 2821 times)


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Cover art problem
« on: February 24, 2011, 07:11:48 pm »

In all my album folders I have Folder.jpg. Meticulously chosen and edited cover art files.

Well, MC has taken to downloading cr@ppy cover art from whatever source it uses and over-writing my files when it sees fit! All  I can say is thank F' I have a backup!

Why is it doing this and where is there a safety setting to stop MC from over-writing any of my precious media files?

This is a really unacceptable problem. I noticed that MC14 and 15 are doing the same now, so I really don't know what the heck is going on...

It doesn't do it to all my albums, in the majority of cases it uses the localfolder.jpg file. It just worries me that MC would do this and what else it might decide to replace in it’s wisdom! A single setting to say - don't download cover art - would be nice.

(sorry for the tone, just really annoyed about this).


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Re: MC over-writing my cover art, grrrr....
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2011, 07:28:27 pm »

Options > Library & Folders > Configure auto-import > Get Cover Art

Cover art is never downloaded for files that already have art.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC over-writing my cover art, grrrr....
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2011, 07:44:55 pm »

Yeh, I know that's the way it's supposed to work, but it isn't...

Just tried a few things and it's getting hard to narrow down - I know this much though...

If I create a new library, then run auto import (say including one album folder I've never tried to import before) and set 'get cover art' to DISABELLED (even though it shouldn't matter), it over-writes my Folder.jpg file with one from the Internet...

If I run auto-import again (having replaced Folder.jpg back with my orignal) it doesn't over-write it and it uses my local copy.

Even if I delete the library and do another import, it doesn't over-write it like it did the first time! It's as though MC must be storing something about the cover art when it's been imported once and then it doesn't try and overwrite it again. (I'm not wrting the art to the tags btw).


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Re: MC over-writing my cover art, grrrr....
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2011, 07:51:51 pm »

MC won't over-write your cover art. 


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Re: MC over-writing my cover art, grrrr....
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2011, 07:53:56 pm »

Well it did. I 've just checked the sync between my media drive and backup drive and 380 Folder.jpg files were over-written as a result of the library import (that's probably all the ones for which there was cover art available on the Internet).

It never used to do this.

The only thing that's slightly unusual about my set up - my Media drive is ext3 format and accessed via a SMB share. Could it be that MC is "failing" to see that Folder.jpg exists because of this and some recent change?


Think I've found what's going on and why I didn't used to have this issue (and how to avoid it)...

As above, my media drive is accessed via a SMB share, which I have mapped to A: in Windows. This gives me two ways of specifying what folders are added to the library in the 'Add Folder' window in MC - one is it to pick them from the Computer tree (i.e. picking the mapped drive A:) the other is by via the Network tree.

I had been specifying the folders via the mapped drive, but after a OS rebuild and starting my Library rom fresh, I thought why not go via the Network tree.

When I do that MC finds all my audio files first time, but it doesn’t find my Folder.jpg files. It then either overwrites what’s there by downloading the cover art from the Internet (which under certain conditions (that I haven’t been able to narrow down) it does regardless of whether ‘get cover art’ is enabled or not…) or it doesn’t display anything.

If I add the folders via the mapped drive, all is well – it fins my audio files and cover art files and so there are no issues (I think…)

Anyway, regardless of the advice above, that’s what I’m seeing.  This suggests that there are three  bugs – one with adding folders via the Network tree, one with the ‘get cover art’ option being invoked erroneously, and one with  a not terribly robust check on whether Folder.jpg exists before MC decides to download cover art.


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Re: MC over-writing my cover art, grrrr....
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2011, 08:32:08 pm »

If I create a new library, then run auto import (say including one album folder I've never tried to import before) and set 'get cover art' to DISABELLED (even though it shouldn't matter), it over-writes my Folder.jpg file with one from the Internet...

Could you please post a log (Help > Logging) showing this happen.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC over-writing my cover art, grrrr....
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2011, 08:35:54 pm »

Could you please post a log (Help > Logging) showing this happen.


Hi Matt - happy to create a log (prob tomorrow - it's 2.30 AM here!) let me know if this still stands in light of my further comments. Cheers.


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Re: MC over-writing my cover art, grrrr....
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2011, 08:47:21 pm »

What's an example filename when you find "via the network tree"?  Is it a UNC path like \\SMB\\Music\\1.mp3?

Also, Media Center may not like it if you use A:\ or B:\ for your media.  This is a legacy support thing, because asking Windows any questions about a drive that may be a floppy can behave poorly.  Could you test using any other drive letter to see if it changes the behavior?

Thanks for your help troubleshooting.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC over-writing my cover art, grrrr....
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2011, 10:41:16 am »

i think it might be because the previously chosen cover art was in the folder, not saved to the file's tag. could this be it?


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Re: Cover art problem
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2011, 09:13:50 am »

To clarify - if I specified the import file path via the mapped drive (e.g. A:\Music\...) it was fine.

If I specified it via the UNC path (e.g. \\PCH\share\Music\..) MC was, at least on first import, overwriting my Folder.jpg files.

I don't think it has anything to do with tags (I never store the cover art in the tags)

Unfortunately this is rather time-consuming to recreate, especially now my library is more or less built to my satisfaction, and I have some other issue-ettes I would like clarity on.

Might just have to wait for another unfortunate user to stumble across this. Otherwise I’ll try and do something from a spare PC when I can find the time.
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