Same problem -- switching tracks by clicking on them sometimes takes 30 to 60 seconds! Suggested fix doesn't seem applicable, hoping for other suggestions...
MC used to run fabulously on this PC, so it's a shock that it now is virtually unusable when manually jumping among tracks. MC switches tracks on its own (to next track in list) just fine, implying the problem is only when choosing a random new track. BUT, this used to work perfectly too, until a few days ago. Other aspects of MC seem to be responsive even now; the problem seems limited to random manual track switching.
Behavior: Start a track playing, which is now always slow to start. While playing, click another track in the list. The playback TIMER freezes, but the music keeps playing and the "meters" keep bouncing. AND, the cover image of the NEW track immediately appears! Eventually (30 seconds or more) the new track starts to play and the display switches to show its running time.
Not using Last.FM, never used it, no account there, so presumably that means it is "disabled"? If not, how can it be truly disabled? Anything else MC could be doing in the background that I can disable?
The problem happens even when Task Manager shows Media Center 15.exe using 50% of CPU, and the other 50% used by System Idle Process. Paging file use is very low.
The PC doesn't seem suspect -- everything else runs on it at top speed (dual proc, 3GB RAM, etc). I can open 50 tabs in Firefox and it doesn't slow down (just a test

). Disabling MSE doesn't help. No changes in system hardware of software. No evidence of major drive fragmentation, but running a defrag just in case...
The only "change" has been to install MC16 to buy the new license. In fact, that's roughly when the problem appeared. MC16 is not yet being used actively, but could its installation somehow have affected the performance of MC15 by altering the registry or substituting a key file?