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Author Topic: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out  (Read 7903 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« on: July 06, 2011, 03:32:38 pm »

I'm new to AutoEQ, but it seems to be having a significant malfunction for me.
(I've tried both the version from the JRiver site and sourceforge)

Installation is fine, no errors.

I can play a track, adjust the equalizer in AutoEQ, and hit set, and it saves the settings for the song.

Problem is when MC16 continues on to the next track, AutoEQ begins sliding the levels around, and then the right-hand four sliders (6k on and above) suddenly jump to +100.  If I go in and look at DSP Eq, it shows the "custom" preset, and everything is flat.

At this point, adjusting sliders in AutoEQ does nothing (no change in sound).  If I select a preset from DSP EQ, AutoEQ then reflects that change, and I can adjust the sliders in AutoEQ again.

I wasn't sure if I should post this here, but the support forum for AutoEQ on Sourceforge seems totally inactive.

I love the idea of AutoEQ, but it's basically non-functional for me because of this.

Any ideas please?


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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2011, 05:55:54 pm »



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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2011, 03:01:39 pm »


I'm sorry for my late response. These last few months have been pretty hard on me. Moving from Switzerland back to the Netherlands, starting a new job, searching for a home, etc. have taken their toll. But slowly I'm getting up to speed again. I will take a look soon. If you can't wait for me you can also take a look yourself. The sourcecode is on SourceForge but if you're not able to develop that's not a solution ;-)

Have a bit more patience and I will get back to you.



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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2011, 11:13:54 pm »

Thank you Paul for looking into this...


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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2011, 03:24:36 am »

Hi wer,

I can't reproduce the problem you're describing. Could it be that you've set the maxing out values for the sliders you mention as a the 'Save as default'?

Do the following:
  • Go to AutoEQ in the 'Services & Plug-ins' section of MC.
  • Select a 'MC Preset' or slide the slider to set the eq when no AutoEQ value is present and press 'Save as default'

This should store the default to your registry on PC. You can check the values stored in the registry here:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JRiver\Media Center 16\AutoEQ

The value in the 'DefaultEQ' should reflect the setting you did after the 'Save as default'.

Second, you can only set values for a song to the song you've selected inside the AutoEQ plug-in. So what you need to do is
  • Search for a song/artist/album or press the 'Playing now' button inside AutoEQ.
  • Select one or more songs in the AutoEQ grid
  • Set the sliders of the AutoEQ to reflect the settings for the selected songs
  • Press the 'Set' button inside AutoEQ

You can check the values set in the grid or in the song details. When you want to check the AutoEQ value in the song details, do the following:

  • Go to 'Playing now' in MC.
  • Select 'List style' --> 'Details' from the Tab of the Details view.
  • Right click on the header of a column of the details view.
  • From the columnchooser select the 'AutoEQ' field.

This should show all the AutoEQ values as a column in the details view.



  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2011, 01:08:15 pm »


Thank you very much for your reply.

I did not mangle the default values when saving them.  I also verified that AutoEQ writes the correct values to the registry for the default setting.  And I set values for songs inside the plugin in the way you describe.

All I can say is please look at this video.  It shows AutoEQ autonomously moving sliders in a way not directed by the user.  It show AutoEQ saving eq settings that do not agree with the position of the sliders.  It shows updates to the sliders not being recognized when the values are saved.

I could think of no better way to illustrate the problem than to show it to you.  There's no sound, but please take my word for it that the sound is NOT modified properly.

I'm sure you will see from the video that something is amiss.

I'm grateful for your efforts, and would be glad to supply you with any additional information you need to resolve the problem.  MC is at 16.0.145 and I downloaded your plugin fresh for this video.

Thanks very much...


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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2011, 03:11:52 pm »

Hi wer,

Hmmmm.... Very weird indeed. Looks like the conversion of the values fails somehow.

It might be the 'good old decimal point is comma' problem. Try and set your regional setting to Dutch. We have a comma where you use a period. If that solves it I know where to start looking.



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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2011, 12:59:19 am »

Hi wer,

I've tried to reproduce the problem here by setting my regional setting to 'United States' (I assume that's where you are) but it just keeps working fine here.

Is there anyone else experiencing this problem?



  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2011, 01:00:27 pm »

Sorry Paul... Setting to Dutch had no effect.  Still the same problem; it's just totally unusable.
Even did the installation of the plugin as Dutch...

I gave you my MC version earlier.  Windows is Win7, 64bit.

It just seems that the slider interface is totally broken... Positions don't respect values, either on saves or loads.   Could it have something to do with the "gradual transition" you've built in?  Perhaps instant EQ changes would not exhibit the bug.  Perhaps if you bypassed the "live" eq changes and just did a one-time update of the equalizer setting when the user presses an "update" button after playing with the sliders?

I'm just trying to suggest areas of code to bypass that might indicate where the bug is.

It's more interesting that the values are not respected on load.  I can look at the autoeq settings for a track in the database, and it will show the correct values.  However, AutoEQ mangles the sliders when it loads the values, and since the "live settings" seem to be tied to the sliders and not the stored values, that means the equalization is mangled too.

I have found a trick that will allow me to set correct values for songs (since manipulation of the sliders causes AutoEQ to go nuts as you saw).  If I set the values using a preset in the MC DSP equalizer, and then just search for the tracks in AutoEQ and click Set, AutoEQ will set the values properly, as long as I have not touched the AutoEQ sliders.

If it could just read them in without going haywire, that would be enough of a workaround for me.  

It would appear that AutoEQ can read and store tagged values correctly, and that it can read the current state of the MC EQ correctly, but that any attempt to UPDATE the live EQ values, either by dragging the AutoEQ sliders or loading AutoEQ tagged values that differ from the current settings, causes it to have fits.

This seems like it's a great plugin, and I'm pretty desparate to get it working...  Is there any other diagnostic or logging info I can give you?  I will gladly test a special diagnostic or test version, or sacrifice a goat, or whatever I can do to help...

Thanks very much,



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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2011, 05:31:58 am »

Hi Will,

I'm just as frustrated as you are about this. I just can't think of anything that might break the code as it does. Do you have any other plugins installed that could cause this. Maybe it's an idea to do a clean install with only AutoEQ (meaning you'll have to uninstall MC, clean it's directories and then do a reinstall, don't forget to backup your library!!!).

There is some debugging in the code but that's not in the release version of AutoEQ. If the clean install doesn't solve it I will have to do some programming to get the debugging in. Let me know how things go.



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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2011, 06:05:13 am »


Another possibility could be to set up a remote connection to your PC (provided we can find a mutual exceptable time) and debug the code locally at your place.

Option 1 Remote Debugging:
I've never done any remote debugging but there's a first for everything. Take a look here: Would that be possible on your PC?

Option 2 Local Debugging:

You would have to install several things:
  • Visual Studio 2010 Professional (don't know if the Express version will do the trick too)
  • The AutoEQ code (I'll tell you where to download)
  • And of course Media Center 16

This will only work if your PC is fast enought. Tell me the specs (Processor, memory, Connection speed, etc).

Let's try and get to the bottom of this nasty bug.



  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2011, 05:11:23 pm »


I really appreciate your help.

I tried a fresh install but it didn't help.  I've also tried disabling all other DSP effects in JRiver, to no avail.

No other plugins are installed other than the normal JRiver loadout. 

I'd suggest let's try getting the debugging statements in before trying more drastic measures like remote debugging...


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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2011, 12:47:56 am »

Hi Will,

Yeah... that would be the easiest to go for now. Now the problem is where to put what. Since we don't know how the bug manifests itself that is not an easy task at all. A handson debugging session would make my life a lot easier though.

Would you be prepared to let me start a remote desktop session on your pc and try and install the remote debugging possibility? Or install that youself if you can? We will run into firewall issues and so on but we can tackle that when we communicate with each other (Skype?).



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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2011, 04:34:57 am »


I think I have 'good' :( news. I wanted to test remote debugging here locally on a Windows XP Pro box I have here and guess what. After installing MC16 and AutoEQ I've got the same problem you have. This probably means that I can debug the problem here. I'll let you know how it goes.



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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2011, 11:53:46 am »


If you're listening in on this discussion. It looks like the Equalizer is causing my maxing out problem. I've debugged it on a Windows XP Pro installation and found the following.

In the debugging info below you can see 2 situation is my plugin.
1. I'm moving a slider in the plugin and set a value in the MJMixer corresponding band.
2. I set the sliders when I get the 'NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED' event to the Mixers values.

What strikes me is when I move Slider 1 (60 Herz) below a value of -36 I suddenly get the notification message for all sliders with a value of 100.


Code: [Select]
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-35;2=13;3=-19;4=-32;5=-19;6=3;7=13;8=39;9=39;10=39;
EQ On/OffTrue
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-35;2=13;3=-19;4=-32;5=-19;6=3;7=13;8=39;9=39;10=39;
EQ On/OffTrue
Setting 1 = -38
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Setting 1 = 100
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Setting 2 = 100
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Setting 3 = 100
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Setting 4 = 100
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Setting 5 = 100
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Setting 6 = 100
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Setting 7 = 100
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Setting 8 = 100
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Setting 9 = 100
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Setting 10 = 100
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=100;2=100;3=100;4=100;5=100;6=100;7=100;8=100;9=100;10=100;
EQ On/OffTrue
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=100;2=100;3=100;4=100;5=100;6=100;7=100;8=100;9=100;10=100;


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2011, 01:57:05 pm »

I could not be more pleased that you're having this problem!   :)

You have to admit, after experiencing it yourself, that it's a mystifying experience to see the sliders go all wonky...

Have you tried setting values directly, rather than moving the sliders?  I'm wondering if it could be the constant updating of the slider (-26->-28->-30->-36 etc) that's provoking some error instead of just instantly setting it to -50.  I've noticed that when AutoEQ sets the sliders upon loading stored values, they move gradually, which if live would generate a lot of events...


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2011, 04:08:51 pm »

One more thought... I noticed a couple of odd things about your findings.

First, although you see events for all bands going to 100, only the top 4 bands jump to reflect it (see my video.)  Are your sliders also only jumping in response to some of these events and not all?

Second, when AutoEQ is in this state, it does not seem to set the EQ correctly; by this I mean although it may show some bands as +100, the SOUND for those bands does not go to +100.

Does this have anything to do with the fact that the MC EQ screen goes to "Custom" with a flat configuration when AutoEQ is in use, despite whatever the AutoEQ sliders show?  That's they way my PC behaves.  Is this normal?

I would expect (for no reason I guess) that the MC EQ sliders would always match the AutoEQ sliders.  When you first activate an MC EQ loadout, the AutoEQ sliders adjust to match... But the same does not seem to happen in reverse.


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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2011, 05:50:43 am »


To understand how this works I need to tell you a bit about the way I programmed it.

I never set the plugins sliders values directly. I always wait for MC to tell me the new value set in its mixer. This means that setting the sliders (of the plugin) is indirect. The maxing out to 100 is what MC tells me is the new value of a particular slider. What I set is the value in the MC Mixers band0 - 9 and MC reacts to that by sending me an event that the slider value has changed.

This way I prevent unwanted loops (I set my slider, the slider set the MC Slider, MC sends me an event, I set my slider, .........).

There are 2 situations:
Situation 1 - A slider is changed in the plugin with the mouse.
  • Bandx is changed in the plugin
  • Set the value in the MC Mixer for the bandx
  • MC sends me an event that the bandx value changed (is ignored during plugin slider changes)

Situation 2 - A slider in the MC Mixer is changed with the mouse.
  • MC sends me an event that value of bandx has changed
  • Set the plugins bandx to reflect the new value



  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2011, 10:43:16 am »

Any luck with this, Paul?  I don't know if Matt's aware...


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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2011, 09:55:39 am »

Hi Will,

No, still waiting for an reply. I sent him a PM a few days ago. I guess he's not arround at the moment.



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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2011, 10:54:47 am »

Matt's terrific about addressing things... I'm sure he'll look at it as soon as he gets back.


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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2011, 04:24:40 pm »

I saw Matt listed a fix in .179 about the parametric EQ not saving settings sometimes... Does that have any impact on this problem?


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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2011, 01:48:48 am »

Hi wer,

No, I don't think so.



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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #23 on: November 14, 2011, 09:04:13 am »



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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #24 on: November 14, 2011, 12:16:31 pm »

Hi Paul, I'm looking at this issue.  Can you describe what I should try here to replicate the problem?  I had never used the plugin before, but I've played with it quite a bit this morning and after figuring out how to use it,  it always seems to work as expected.
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #25 on: November 15, 2011, 01:24:12 am »

Hi John,

Hmmmm.. That's strange. I must say that I haven't tested it with the very latest version of MC lately. I will do that as soon as possible. I'll let you know how that goes.



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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #26 on: November 17, 2011, 03:16:52 pm »

Hi John,

Just upgraded to MC17. Can't get it wrong either in this version. I'll test a bit more before giving it a 100%. In an earlier attempt to test this in MC16 I couldn't get it wrong either (as you can read above) but after a while it went wrong. I'll let you know how it goes.

What however still doesn't work is enabling/disabling the Equalizer from the plugin. Enabling/disabling from the DSP is reflected in the plugin. Enabling/disabling from the plugin is not reflected in the DSP.



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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #27 on: November 17, 2011, 03:41:25 pm »

Hi John,

This is going to be difficult to troubleshoot I guess. There is defenitly some weird stuff going on. When AutoEQ changes it's slider values it sends out the changes to MC and waits for MC to tell it to change the slider position. Sometimes the slider react eratically. The magic still happens when a certain value is hit. What you see below is a normal set of values being passed from to and from MC.

Code: [Select]
Setting EQ Values
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-35;2=-35;3=-35;4=-35;5=-35;6=-3;7=-35;8=35;9=35;10=13;
EQ On/OffTrue
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-35;2=-35;3=-35;4=-35;5=-35;6=-3;7=-35;8=35;9=35;10=13;
EQ On/OffTrue
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-35;2=-35;3=-35;4=-35;5=-35;6=-3;7=-35;8=35;9=35;10=13;
EQ On/OffTrue
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-35;2=-35;3=-35;4=-35;5=-35;6=-3;7=-35;8=35;9=35;10=13;
EQ On/OffTrue
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-35;2=-35;3=-35;4=-35;5=-35;6=-3;7=-35;8=35;9=35;10=13;
EQ On/OffTrue
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-35;2=-35;3=-35;4=-35;5=-35;6=-3;7=-35;8=35;9=35;10=13;
EQ On/OffTrue
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-35;2=-35;3=-35;4=-35;5=-35;6=-3;7=-35;8=35;9=35;10=13;
EQ On/OffTrue
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-35;2=-35;3=-35;4=-35;5=-35;6=-3;7=-35;8=35;9=35;10=13;
EQ On/OffTrue
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-35;2=-35;3=-35;4=-35;5=-35;6=-3;7=-35;8=35;9=35;10=13;
EQ On/OffTrue
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-35;2=-35;3=-35;4=-35;5=-35;6=-3;7=-35;8=35;9=35;10=13;
EQ On/OffTrue

But as soon as the magic value is hit the behavior becomes strange:

Code: [Select]
Setting EQ Values
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Setting 1 = -58
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-58;2=-55;3=-55;4=-55;5=-55;6=-6;7=-55;8=55;9=55;10=23;
EQ On/OffTrue
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-58;2=-55;3=-55;4=-55;5=-55;6=-6;7=-55;8=55;9=55;10=23;
EQ On/OffTrue
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Setting 2 = -58
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-58;2=-58;3=-55;4=-55;5=-55;6=-6;7=-55;8=55;9=55;10=23;
EQ On/OffTrue
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-58;2=-58;3=-55;4=-55;5=-55;6=-6;7=-55;8=55;9=55;10=23;
EQ On/OffTrue
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Setting 3 = -58
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-58;2=-58;3=-58;4=-55;5=-55;6=-6;7=-55;8=55;9=55;10=23;
EQ On/OffTrue
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-58;2=-58;3=-58;4=-55;5=-55;6=-6;7=-55;8=55;9=55;10=23;
EQ On/OffTrue
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Setting 4 = -58
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-58;2=-58;3=-58;4=-58;5=-55;6=-6;7=-55;8=55;9=55;10=23;
EQ On/OffTrue
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-58;2=-58;3=-58;4=-58;5=-55;6=-6;7=-55;8=55;9=55;10=23;
EQ On/OffTrue
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Setting 5 = -58
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-58;2=-58;3=-58;4=-58;5=-58;6=-6;7=-55;8=55;9=55;10=23;
EQ On/OffTrue
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-58;2=-58;3=-58;4=-58;5=-58;6=-6;7=-55;8=55;9=55;10=23;
EQ On/OffTrue
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-58;2=-58;3=-58;4=-58;5=-58;6=-6;7=-55;8=55;9=55;10=23;
EQ On/OffTrue
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Setting 7 = -58
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-58;2=-58;3=-58;4=-58;5=-58;6=-6;7=-58;8=55;9=55;10=23;
EQ On/OffTrue
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-58;2=-58;3=-58;4=-58;5=-58;6=-6;7=-58;8=55;9=55;10=23;
EQ On/OffTrue
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Setting 8 = 58
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-58;2=-58;3=-58;4=-58;5=-58;6=-6;7=-58;8=58;9=55;10=23;
EQ On/OffTrue
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-58;2=-58;3=-58;4=-58;5=-58;6=-6;7=-58;8=58;9=55;10=23;
EQ On/OffTrue
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Setting 9 = -58
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-58;2=-58;3=-58;4=-58;5=-58;6=-6;7=-58;8=58;9=58;10=23;
EQ On/OffTrue
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-58;2=-58;3=-58;4=-58;5=-58;6=-6;7=-58;8=58;9=58;10=23;
EQ On/OffTrue
MJEvent type: MCCommand/MCC: NOTIFY_EQ_CHANGED/0
Got value from MJMixer: 0=0;1=-58;2=-58;3=-58;4=-58;5=-58;6=-6;7=-58;8=58;9=58;10=23;
EQ On/OffTrue

The sequence is longer too because of the values being sent from MC. I can't punt my finger on the problem. It looks as if MC is changing other slider values when it receives a certain value for 1 of the sliders.

Have you any idea how we can try and tackle this problem?



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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #28 on: November 17, 2011, 08:49:19 pm »

Bless you two for working on this!  :)

I'm looking forward to being able to actually use AutoEQ!


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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #29 on: December 25, 2011, 06:08:53 am »



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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2012, 01:36:36 am »

Hi John,

I think it's time we solve this one once and forever.



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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #31 on: January 05, 2012, 12:32:55 am »

Hi John,

Have there been changes in this area? I've just tested it again for an hour and I just can't get it to go wrong anymore. Now we've seen this before and then suddenly after a while, bam, it starts going wrong again but it didn't happen during testing today.

Something else I noticed is the following. In the AutoEQ module there's a button that en-/disables the equalizer as in the DSP panel. I earlier reported that changes in my button aren't reflected in the DSP anymore. That is not quite 100% true. When I click the button nothing happens in the DSP. When however a value of 1 of the sliders is changed the state of the DSP is updated to the state of the button in AutoEQ. To show this behavior do the following:

  • Open the AutoEQ panel
  • Open the DSP by clicking the square button that says 'DSP' or open the DSP Panel in MC.
  • Click the Round button saying 'EQ'. (note that the checkbox in the DSP is not changing).
  • Move 1 of the sliders in AutoEQ (note that the checkbox in the DSP is now reflecting the state of AutoEQ)

I guess that changes to the EQOn in the MJMixer object are not passed on immediately. During slider changes however this state is propagated to the DSP Panel.

@wer: I've updated to the latest version of MC (17.0.33) and it looks as if the problem has vanished. Could you please test this again?



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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #32 on: January 05, 2012, 08:46:54 am »

Paul, I was seeing the same thing when I was testing the other day.  Like you, I thought it was a fluke so I waited and tried testing again later but I still can't repro the problem.  We didn't make any specific changes to fix this, but there have been lots of other changes and bug fixes that could have affected the same areas of the program so I suppose it could be a collateral effect.
John Thompson, JRiver Media Center


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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #33 on: January 06, 2012, 05:35:47 am »

I already knew this was going to be a difficult one to test and debug  ;D

Did you also take a look at the EQOn thing?


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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #34 on: February 21, 2012, 07:29:42 pm »

The problem doesn't occur in the version of MC17 I tested.  Unfortunately, I can't use MC17 because it has dealbreaker problems I've documented elsewhere.

JohnT, any chance of a resolution in MC16?


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Re: AutoEQ problem - top 4 bands max out
« Reply #35 on: February 21, 2012, 08:11:55 pm »

JohnT, any chance of a resolution in MC16?

No, sorry.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center
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