Hi, feel free to move this message to the right place if this is not it.
Ok, my problem is that I have a windows 2008 server acting as my file server and I can't play movies from a client (only internet explorer opens on my client with a blank window and stays there). On the server, I installed the latest media center (16.176) and I have also the same version on my client (windows 7). If I use the initial library on my client (where I have indicated that my movies are located in \\Theater-Server\Videos\Bluray\), everything plays beautifully like I expect; meaning media center loads the iso image and starts the movie.
In order to centralize everything, I setup the same library on my windows 2008 file server and activated library server (including authentication). I created a new library on the client that synchronize with the server library. If I play music using that synced library, the music plays nicely (from \\Theater-Server\Music\). If I try to play a movie (same directory as above), internet explorer opens ?? and an authentication windows opens. I fill up the information, the window closes but a blank page stays on internet explorer. I removed the authentication requirement but internet explorer still open and stays on a blank page. How can I have Mediacenter play the movies using the library from the server??

There must be something wrong that I am doing and I just can't figure it out (not to mention it took me forever to be able to find that I had to create a new library in order to synchronize with the server; this program looks to be very nice but it needs better info or be more intuitive).
Thank you