Jim, thanks for starting a new thread. Since You suggested that I start a new thread, I did so. I just deleted that thread and moved my new post to this thread.
JimH said
OK, I just tried creating a new library and it's trivial to switch.
Try creating one, and importing something. File/Library Manager.
Then open the "Playing From" section under Playing Now.
You will see all libraries available, both local and remote.
Click on the one you want. Click on Load.
I don't think that you understood what I wrote. I indicated that I had a second library for concert downloads so it should be clear that I know how to create and populate a library.
Right now, MC uses one active library. When you switch to a different library, any activity that was going on stops and context is lost. Here are some consequences:
- When you load a different library, playback stops instantly. So you can't browse images in a second library while you are playing music in your music library.
- Starting in the Last Location (with the last library) is a powerful feature that makes MC much friendlier to use. If I use MC for playing music, I want to start in the Last Location that relates to playing music. If I was browsing an image library the last time I used MC, the Last Location will be relevant to browsing images.
- I understand that I can run multiple instances of MC and that I can specify the starting library with a command line switch. However, I can't have Last Location context information for each instance.
Here is how I want MC to behave:
1. I can create different libraries for different purposes and use one or more at the same time.
2. I can play music from one library while browsing music or images or video in a different library. I'd like to be able to do image editing from one library while playing music from another library as well.
3. I can start MC and have the right context information (such as Last Location) be used. If I want to browse and play music, I want to start with the same library and the same view scheme as when I last browsed and played music. If I want to browse and edit images, I want to start with the same library and view scheme I last used.
4. I want this improved behavior to work when I am using a local image library and using a music library on another PC via the Tremote/Library Server feature.
I have been thinking about this limitation in MC for over 5 years. Since JimH asked "Where we're going next?", I made my suggestions based on that thinking.