Maybe this was discussed many moons ago and I missed it. How did the Theater View navigation got to be the way it is now, and what reasoning was behind it?
Why do I ask? A few issues, with a movie view shown below
- the selection highlight, can only move 50% of the vertical size of the screen (arrows, faded area), after that
the screen moves (scrolls), (unwanted) navigational jump happens (all the way to left left), or nothing happens (all the way to right). I would make the argument that this is distracting; if I'd like to go above or below what I see I would go to the top or last row and push up or down. Furthermore, if I scroll high-speed, the sensation is that the screen scrolls by itself not because I'm doing anything with my selection (since my highlight selection, will maintain, visually, a position close to the center of the screen).
- about that far left navigation. If I go left while navigating and for whatever (but predictable) reason I overshoot, the screen will jump to top roller which is nowhere near where I was navigating. If I really overshoot the movement ("really overshoot", meh... just 2 more than it should), I may find myself in a total different section of Theater View (Top roller -> Back to wherever, etc).
- If I go far right, on whatever row I may be, everything stops dead. It doesn't even jump to right scroller (should I chose to show it; just an idea.)
Note: there may be other navigational choices in Theaterview that I consider awkward; for Audio, when choosing "More" from the top roller and go for "Toggle style", the "Toggle style" buttons remains the active button as you change styles. Except when choosing the 3D wall style, and the focus suddenly jumps... above if I'm not mistaken. What if I wanted to keep browsing the styles? I have to look around where my focus/selection is to get back.
I don't see how all these can be good. Why isn't the highlight allowed to go absolute-top and absolute-bottom? Why isn't the left-right navigation given some meaning to actually stay on page? Was there some logic for this that escapes me?