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Author Topic: I'm just saying goodbye, you can delete this too.  (Read 2948 times)


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I'm just saying goodbye, you can delete this too.
« on: October 11, 2011, 10:50:53 pm »

JimH, You said "you are done" working on the problem I am having with Media Center crashing every time i plug my clickfree backup device into my usb port, and you ditched me because I submitted a post to inform other members that there are three other media players that work perfectly fine with the clickfree device. You went on to delete my post and went to the trouble to send me a personal email that said i was impatient after I cooperated for 3 weeks to find a resolution. This after spending over $150 on Media Center since purchasing version 7 many years ago.

I don't expect this post to last more than a couple of hours but to those who might happen to read  it before it does get whacked, I do admit that I used to like media center enough to recommend it to friends (some of them even bought it on my advice), i personally upgraded to v16 in August this year, but I've since found out the hard way that if you say anything in these forums that somehow offends Jim's delicate sensibilities you'll find that your loyalty to the product and to the cause has been a waste.  In this age of crappy customer service I'll spend my money elsewhere. Good luck to you all.

(original post by hottuna re: clickfree transformer se)


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Re: I'm just saying goodbye, you can delete this too.
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2011, 11:26:09 pm »

Disclaimer: I don't speak for JRiver.

Seriously, quit being so sensitive. Good luck communicating directly with the developers when you run into a snag with one of your other programs. The time spent on your isolated problem was probably worth a lot more than $150 you paid in.

If you want to get back around to trying to solve your problem, did you ever try to remove and ignore the device in MC under handheld options?


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Re: I'm just saying goodbye, you can delete this too.
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2011, 11:33:02 pm »

Sad.  I've had nothing but great experiences with the guys at JRiver. Love the program and looking forward to the next iteration.
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Re: I'm just saying goodbye, you can delete this too.
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2011, 12:04:35 am »

Bummer if it turns out not to be A J River problem, but the hardware...
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Re: I'm just saying goodbye, you can delete this too.
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2011, 05:36:27 am »

Just my two cents worth...

since purchasing version 7 many years ago

That's over ten years with JRiver and yet you demand an immediate fix from JRiver when a very recently obtained other software program causes a compatibility problem. (Obviously the software in the Clickfree system runs one or more background processes that constantly update the backup archive.)

Probably the new software does something that is not expected by JRiver on a standard Windows OS and thus causes a conflict with MC's background processes (Auto-import, thumbnail creation, database updates, media network, conversion cache, podcasts, etc.) Some lesser media players may not be running similar processes.

Did you report the problem to Clickfree? Wouldn't it be reasonable to ask why their software causes this problem?

In general, I like the Clickfree concept and their products. Backing up data should be easier to regular users.

The website gives the impression that they are honest and dedicated to their business. Possibly they would be happy to try to fix the problem together with JRiver. The manufacturer, Storage Appliance Corporation, is Canadian. Here are the contact and support details:

(My intention was to post something like the above to the original "Clickfree problem" thread, but apparently I was too busy with other things...)
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Re: I'm just saying goodbye, you can delete this too.
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2011, 06:01:14 am »

Good luck mate. You'll need it with that attitude. 3 weeks you say? There are users in this application and others that have been waiting a LOT longer for a fix. You post count says 1 Posts total. Perhaps one or two deleted. Have you really worked hard with JRiver to solve this?? Have you given good descriptions and tried to solve this in every way? I do not think that there is much applications that have this good ties to the developers and solve most problems this quick. And if you see a time frame of 3 weeks as bad, your looking at some bad times in the future.

In my experience, only posts that is not constructive, includes foul words and generally bad behavior is deleted from this forums. Even though I have not read your original post, I think you might have come out a bit strong and demanding in this case.
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Re: I'm just saying goodbye, you can delete this too.
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2011, 06:12:09 am »

I actually have a pretty high tolerance of these sorts of posts as they are an expression of pure frustration on not getting the *(^!(%*! computer to do what you want...and we have all been there at some point.  The issue of course with these sort of posts is that it does not get your issue fixed and just gets everyones back up.

What I do find impressive about MC however is how few of these sort of posts are made in comparison with other SW.  As others have pointed out, try a similar post at XYZ corp and see how you go.  JR lives and breathes on the posts on these forums.
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Re: I'm just saying goodbye, you can delete this too.
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2011, 06:49:42 am »

You post count says 1 Posts total. Perhaps one or two deleted.

Just to keep the facts straight, Nah aka hottuna has posted more than a few replies.

In any case, a positive outcome for JRiver and Clickfree would be to resolve the problem if it is a reproducible problem that shows up on various different PCs. Perhaps just an email from JRiver to Clickfree with a link to the MC installer would be enough to get a confirmation/explanation/a loan device for testing/maybe even a fix from Clickfree. (JRiver may already have contacted them, but I'd guess that usually these things take a lot of time even if the other party is willing to cooperate.)
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Re: I'm just saying goodbye, you can delete this too.
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2011, 07:07:50 am »

... did you ever try to remove and ignore the device in MC under handheld options?
That's a good suggestion.

Hottuna, if you change your mind, we will continue to try to help.  We just need a little more time and a little help.  But it does look like a driver problem to me.   Reporting it to the manufacturer would be worth a try.


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Re: I'm just saying goodbye, you can delete this too.
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2011, 01:05:45 am »

Everyone. I assure you that I've always been a strong advocate for JRiver, a paying customer, a poster (under the handle hottuna), a tester, etc. etc.  and frankly, as someone who has all the facts in this case, I take some comfort in knowing that I'm right. 

I had to make a choice: stop using Clickfree to make backups OR continue to use MC.

Since Clickfree works with everything else on my PC I chose that option and decided to look at other media players to see if they have the same problem with Clickfree that MC does. They don't. So I reported that to the forum and my post was deleted, and the offer to help resolve my problem was recinded.  I don't think what I posted was inappropriate, inflammatory, derogatory or "demanding"... some people, eg. those about to buy a Clickfree, might have even found it informative.

If my post sounded  "impatient" I apologize. Perhaps that's because I was running without a backup and a virus scanning progam which I uninstalled on JRiver's advice. After a week of inactivity on the post I felt it necessary to look for other options and I posted my findings. Frankly I really like the way MC manages my music, it's the best, but my backups are more important. 

To whom it may concern I've reported the problem to both companies, at least JRiver had the decency to reply and attempt to fix it. Clickfree has been silent on this matter. 

Jim, I'm obviously a long time user and supporter of MC and I appreciate the offer to help.  I'm willing to help if I can. The best outcome for me would be for MC and Clickfree to work together.   

As for the suggestion "did you ever try to remove and ignore the device in MC under handheld options", MC only runs for 7 seconds with the Clickfree plugged in, I've tried to disable it in the handheld menu but I can't get through the menus before it crashes.

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Re: Clickfree problem (was: I'm just saying goodbye, you can delete this too.)
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2011, 01:17:27 am »

As a test, could you disable Auto-Import in MC before plugging the device in? -- assuming you have Auto-Import set to run in background. (uncheck: Tools > Options > Library & Folders > Run auto-Import in background)
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Re: I'm just saying goodbye, you can delete this too.
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2011, 09:27:32 am »

As for the suggestion "did you ever try to remove and ignore the device in MC under handheld options", MC only runs for 7 seconds with the Clickfree plugged in, I've tried to disable it in the handheld menu but I can't get through the menus before it crashes.

I think you can do that with the device unplugged.

If you hear from the manufacturer, please let them know we will provide a license for testing and any help they need.

I'll lock this thread now and re-open the old one.
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