I would like to propose an event-based system in MC, I think that would greatly enhance the program, and also be a good stepping stone for more advanced functionality if needed. I will try to explain the idea in generalized terms. What I want is a system that in a way resembles the remote command system, but is much more flexible when it comes to input. In a general form "When event A happens, performs action B" (or when even event A&B happens perform action C&D). I would like the actions to be as many as the program can perform, but at least the ones we can do with the MCC-commands.
Examples can be "On inactivity for 1 minute, start display view", "On starting mkv-file, run a given file", "on playing flac-file, change to preset DSP-setting" or even "on running movie with 24fps framerate, and pressing button B on remote, blast IR-blast for activating "movie mode" on TV" And so on, the possibilities are endless. Is this a possible option for the future? Would it be possible to implement? This would greatly enhance the usefulness of the program in my eyes