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Author Topic: [How-to] Hands-free commercial skipping for JRiver & Windows Media Center  (Read 39259 times)


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Okay, so I’ve spent the last few weeks fine-tuning this, and I think I have it all working just the way I want now.  I thought others might benefit from this, so I’m putting together a guide on how I did it, and will try to answer questions from others if necessary.


When I play any recorded TV program in WMC, or JRMC17 they both automatically skip commercials for me.  Neither requires any manual input from me for any part of this  ;D

The TOOLS:  These are the latest, and currently working versions...

MC-TVConverter 2.1.0  -  -  homepage for the project, but you need the beta from the beta board (password is Beta) -

**This is still a Beta, so if it's not perfect for your needs, he's been very receptive to my requests :)


DTBAddin -

We really only need the DTBAddin, but I’m not sure how to set the .xml save location without the full Toolbox being installed.  I haven’t tested this after totally removing the Toolbox, but don’t think it would work.  My only reason for wanting to uninstall it is that it installs lots of filters I don't need/want on my system, and I'd rather not deal with them.  However, they do no harm, so  ;)

Files needed to update MC-TVConverter:

Comskip.ini (this will give you the correct output files, but the accuracy of the algorithm is not tweaked yet, meaning the commercials it finds are only about 90% accurate)

Config.ini (this tells MC-TV Converter to move the .xml commercial file to the place you specify)

Updated MC-TVConverter.exe (this version uses the config.ini above to move the .xml file for you)

The SETUP:  

Windows Media Center records ONLY to a local drive, in my case E:\Recorded TV

JRiver MC17 may or may not be allowed/able to reliably record to a network/shared/mapped drive, but since WMC can’t, I just set MC17 to record to the same place.

MC-TVConverter sees when a recording has finished, and either ‘converts’ the recorded .wtv or .ts file to a .ts file in another directory, now on the network.  (It really just rips the streams and puts it in a .ts container; no transcoding takes place)

Converted files go into V:\TV\Delete\{show_name}\{episodes go here} (we need to set this up in 2 different places)

I put them here because I usually delete the converted files, but occasionally I will clean up the commercials and keep the episode.  Putting them in a folder for each show makes it really easy to delete the stuff I know I’ll never save (wife’s programs  :-X)

After the file is converted to a .ts file, it then runs comskip on the new .ts file, and puts the .edl file next to the converted file in the folder above.

Additionally, it puts an .xml file in V:\TV\DVR\commercials, which WMC will use to skip commercials using the DTBAddin from babgvant.

Finally, it will move the original file to V:\TV\DVR\

I have WMC set to find/use both E:\Recorded TV and V:\TV\DVR\ for recorded TV, so it always presents me the shows from both locations, no matter where they are in the process.

I don’t have to do anything other than delete the converted files occasionally.
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Re: [How-to] Hands-free commercial skipping for JRiver & Windows Media Center
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2011, 06:24:18 pm »


Install MC-TVConverter

Install DVRMSToolbox

Install DTBAddin

Copy the config.ini to C:\Users\{you}\AppData\Roaming\MC-TVConverter

Open this config.ini with notepad++ (or similar) and edit line 281 to reflect where you want your commercial .xml files to be stored.  I put them in a separate folder because I just don’t want to manage them.  They are 1KB each, so I’m not worried about leaving them for months/years.  It should look like this
Code: [Select]
Copy the comskip.ini to C:\Program Files (x86)\MC-TVConverter\tools\comskip

  • This will overwrite the comskip.ini already in there.  This is fine.  I have cleaned this one up, and included the line needed to make this work.  If your comskip is already working fine for you, you can just add this line somewhere instead.
Code: [Select]
output_dvrmstb=1 ; set to 1 if you want DTBAddin chapter cutlist output (XML)
If you want a commercial file for VideoReDo, add this.

Code: [Select]
output_videoredo=1 ; enable VPrj output for use in VideoReDo
You can just drop this file onto the VideoReDo icon on your desktop, or in a folder, and it'll open the video file and mark the cuts for you, ready for you to edit, or cut the file.

Copy the MC-TVConverter.exe to C:\Program Files (x86)\MC-TVConverter\

  • This will overwrite the existing file.  This is fine.  I’ve been working with the developer over the last few weeks to tweak this process to get this all working correctly for this purpose.  This .exe is what makes this all work.

Launch MC-TVConverter.  

If you click the gear on the top right, it will open the settings dialog.  

The spot circled above will drop down the window to let you watch it work, if you want to see what it's doing.

Here are my settings; you can adjust to your needs.

If you want it to watch a subfolder, go to the "Watch folder" tab, otherwise, skip it

Notice how I have {t}\{t} - {st} - ({m}_{d}_{y})-{h}h{mi}  -  This puts each episode into a folder with the series name.  Also notice that I have the hours and minutes as well as the date.  the date just helps me know when I review.  the time is useful if you record a show that doesn't have "unique" information in your new name.  If you just do this, for example, {t} - {st} - ({m}_{d}_{y}) You would expect a unique name for this recording, since the {st} (episode name) would differ.  However, if it's missing, 2 shows on the same day will throw a wrench in your scheme (TRUST ME)  :(  MC17 can ignore this for you later, so it does no harm in having it, IMHO.

I don't want it converting anything. LAV + MC +MVR handle the raw streams fine.  Add subtitles if you want.  It will keep the Closed Captioning.

Add a shortcut to the shell if you want, it comes in handy ;)

Make sure you tell it to delete the intermediate files or you get a mess.

The history is a list of all the names it's used during conversion, so it doesn't re-attempt if you're not moving the files.  If you are testing, and want to force it to re-scan, find all versions in this list (use the search).  If you follow this exactly, you'll have 3 files to delete to start clean again.  Original, converted/temp, renamed

Once that’s all setup, SAVE your changes and restart the program to effect the changes.

Only one more to go :)
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Re: [How-to] Hands-free commercial skipping for JRiver & Windows Media Center
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2011, 06:52:56 pm »

Great report!  Thanks!

And thanks to babgvant for making it possible.


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Re: [How-to] Hands-free commercial skipping for JRiver & Windows Media Center
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2011, 07:51:55 pm »

Almost done...

Install DVRMSToolbox.  I accepted all defaults.

Install DTBAddin, accept the default settings.

Run DVRMStoMPEGsettings from the DVRMSToolbox program group on the Start menu.

Here are my settings; you can adjust to your needs.

Make sure you set to comskip, or it will download and install ShowAnalyzer.  We're not using either with this program, so it doesn't matter.

Make sure you turn off folder watching, you don't want any conflicts.

Make sure you have it set to skip commercials (or what's the point?), and "Handle Keys" enables the stuff below it, which I don't use.

Set the location where you want it to put the commercial files for you.  Tell it to auto-skip for you (you have better things to do with your time), and "skip back disable" is good, but I can't remember why  :P

You’re all setup now.

Launch MC-TVConverter, make sure it’s set to convert to .ts, select the folder it should watch, check the box, hit the big green play button and it should minimize to your taskbar and start watching your folder.  (If you put it in your Startup folder, you never have to touch it again)  If you drop something into that watched folder, or record something to there, it will launch the process after 5 seconds of inactivity for that file.

A 30 minute SD show takes ~1-2 minutes to ‘convert’ to a .ts file, and another ~4-8 minutes to scan for commercials.

A 60 minutes HD show takes ~5-8 minutes to ‘convert’ and another ~10-15 minutes to scan for commercials.

You can watch what’s happening if you click on the taskbar icon and expand MC-TVConverter, then click the thickish black bar along the bottom with the triangles (circled in red above), it will open a window below and show you the progress of what it’s doing.

Once that’s done, you’re done.  

Play the Original (moved) file in Windows Media Center, and it'll read the commercials file, and stop when the show's over.

Play the converted file (from V:\TV\Delete\{show_name}\{episodes go here}) in MC17 and it too should playback and auto-skip commercials now, and you won’t have to touch anything else, until you want to delete the converted files, if you didn’t already do that in the setup.

Enjoy   8)
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Re: [How-to] Hands-free commercial skipping for JRiver & Windows Media Center
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2011, 08:31:40 pm »

Great report!  Thanks!

And thanks to babgvant for making it possible.

Thanks!  I hope others find it helpful.

Thank you to babgvant and to hudl for making these 2 programs, but also to the people that created the software that they utilize, including erik for creating comskip and being super helpful with user requests for help in tweaking it.

tuning guide can be found here -
help in his forum is here -

Thank you also to the authors of all the conversion tools they include for doing other types of conversions, I'm not sure who many of them are, but I still appreciate their work.
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Re: [How-to] Hands-free commercial skipping for JRiver & Windows Media Center
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2011, 10:54:06 pm »

Justin, this is great!

But while I may be able to follow it and get things working as they should, the "beginners" out there would look at that and go  :o, then run like hell!

Surely there has to be a way to get this process integrated...


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Re: [How-to] Hands-free commercial skipping for JRiver & Windows Media Center
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2011, 11:02:46 pm »

Hehe, yeah, don't I know it!

Okay, so I’ve spent the last few weeks fine-tuning this, and I think I have it all working just the way I want now.   

The beauty of this is that you can just set WMC to record your programs, and a short while after it finishes, MC17 will see a new .ts file and matching .edl file, but if your wife doesn't want to use MC, she still watches the original file without commercials. 

I would think JRiver could call the comskip.exe when it finished recording and generate the .edl, but that's a line they may not want to deal with?

Regardless, this really is pretty easy to do, now that the pieces are in place.  Plus, it's lossless, therefore, fast  ;D

Anyway, I'm curious to know if it works for anyone else.  I just got it 'finished' yesterday, but so far, it really is 'hands-free'
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Re: [How-to] Hands-free commercial skipping for JRiver & Windows Media Center
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2011, 08:01:25 am »


Thanks very much for putting this all together - it's been quite a project for you and I know many will appreciate it.

Here's our problem. We don't use WMC nor do we want to. We want everything done in MC17. But with our Hauppauge HDPVR tuner thus far MC can only record to their .jtv format, not a .ts file. Comskip cannot read .jtv files. So for those of us with an HDPVR we still can't do commercial skipping in MC. I imagine that it would be the same issue with the Hauppauge Colossus tuner.



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Re: [How-to] Hands-free commercial skipping for JRiver & Windows Media Center
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2011, 08:13:56 am »

yeah, I'm not a big fan of WMC either, but for now, it's what we're using.  I'm not sure if there is an easy way to convert the .jtv files to .ts files, but if you could do that, this would then work for you.

Alternatively, you could see if the dev for MC-TVConverter can manage to convert a .jtv file also, but I'm not holding my breath for that to be possible; but still, maybe.  I think JRiver used to offer the ability to convert from .jtv to .mkv, so there is some ability to convert.  I don't have any, or I'd jut try to convert one for you.  I'll try to set up a recording to .jtv for later today and try when I get home tonight.

The last option I can suggest is that you just use WMC to record the shows for you, never use it beyond setting it up to record, and then this will convert those .wtv files to .ts file with a commercial file for you.  Then you can just have MC import the converted folder, and you'll just get your shows as .ts files with commercials identified about 15-30 minutes after they are done recording.  You can even have MC-TVConverter delete the original files for you if you want.

Sorry, it's not ideal in your case, but hopefully there will be a solution to the .jtv situation you now face.
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Re: [How-to] Hands-free commercial skipping for JRiver & Windows Media Center
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2011, 09:46:19 am »

I saw your post on AVSForum.  How about also posting in the JRiver Owners thread here:



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Re: [How-to] Hands-free commercial skipping for JRiver & Windows Media Center
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2011, 11:07:05 am »

I saw your post on AVSForum.  How about also posting in the JRiver Owners thread here:


Good idea Jim.  I was actually going to create a new post for AVS, but maybe I'll just put it in that thread instead.  Or maybe I'll like to it, but either way, I'll make sure this information is there by the end of the day :)

I'm still curious to know if anyone has tried this and had any success?  If not, I'm still very happy with how it works for me :) :)

**EDIT: it's here now -
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Re: [How-to] Hands-free commercial skipping for JRiver & Windows Media Center
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2011, 01:42:41 pm »


Please offer Erik a license.  He could e-mail me at jimh at jriver if he wants one.


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I just read this thread and the linked thread at AVS. It's late in the day and my head hurts! I'm very impressed that you were able to work all this out, but must admit it's a little boggling to me on first pass. As imugli posted out above a beginner would take one look and head for the hills.

I'm wondering for those that only want to record and playback ts files in MC if things could be simplified very much? Might there be some of the steps that could be done with the later MC versions?

Any ideas would sure be appreciated.



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Sorry.  I've seen so many 'tutorials' that left out critical/important steps that I really wanted to make sure I covered everything completely.

I will try to condense it to just processing .ts files recorded with JRiver.  That should clean it up significantly.  Maybe this evening, but likely tomorrow.

However, if you try just walking thru it, step by step, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.  Once you install and open the tools, it makes more sense :)

Either way, I'll post a condensed version soon :)
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Hi Justin,

Thanks very much for wanting to try to simplify the procedure  - really appreciate that!



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In reviewing this for the update, I'm happy to report much of this is not needed any longer, especially for only the .ts files.  For just creating .edl files for TV recordings created by JRiver, this should be all you need...

Download and install MC-TVConverter 2.1.0 Official release  -

Open the comskip.ini file from C:\Program Files (x86)\MC-TVConverter\tools\comskip with a text editor (Notepad++ is free) - navigation is shown below

Make sure that you have output_edl=1 (it's on line 55, but a search for "edl" will locate it for you also).  That should create an .edl file which MC will read and use to skip commercials for you.  It should put this file right next to the video file, and any changes made to the name of the video file WITH JRiver Media Center will rename this file automatically also.

Launch MC-TVConverter. Here is where you enter the folder it will watch and the file type you want in the end.
When you turn on folder watching MC-TVConverter sees when a recording has finished and gets to work.  It can either convert the recorded .ts file to another container (like .mpg, which offers better seeking functionality on playback) or if you don't want to convert the .ts file, set .ts as the output type and it will not do any conversion at all.

If you click the gear on the top right, it will open the settings dialog.  

The spot circled above will drop down the window to let you watch it work, if you want to see what it's doing.

I've highlighted all the areas I changed, adjust to your needs.

If you want it to watch a subfolder, go to the "Watch folder" tab, otherwise, skip it

Notice how I have {t}\{t} - {st} - ({om}_{od}_{oy})-{h}h{mi}  -  This puts each episode into a folder with the series name.  Also notice that I have the hours and minutes as well as the date.  The date is the Original recording date info.  The time is useful if you record a show that doesn't have "unique" information in your new name.   MC17 can ignore this for you later, so it does no harm in having it, IMHO.

I don't want it converting anything. LAV + MC +MVR handle the raw streams fine.  Add subtitles if you want.  It will keep the Closed Captioning.

Add a shortcut to the shell if you want, I haven't used it for some time ;)

Make sure you tell it to delete the intermediate files or you get a mess.

I record shows to E:\Recorded TV

I have it set so that converted files go into V:\TV\Delete\{show_name}\{episodes go here}

I put them here because I usually delete the converted files, but occasionally I will clean up the commercials and keep the episode.  Putting them in a folder for each show makes it really easy to delete the stuff I know I’ll never save (wife’s programs  :-X)

Once the file converted (or not) it then automatically runs comskip on the resultant file, and puts the .edl file next to the video file once finished.  Then, optionally, it can/will move the original recorded file to anywhere you set (I put mine in V:\TV\DVR\), or it can delete the original if you prefer (assuming you did convert to another type).

Once that’s all setup, SAVE your changes and restart the program to effect the changes.

Let me know if you get stuck, I didn't double-check everything when I amended it.
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Hi Justin,

Thanks very much for so promptly revising and simplifying this procedure. I wont get a chance to try it until later but on just a quick look through I'm wondering if it couldn't be simplified even more for some uses. In our case I don't think we need to do any 'Converting'. If we start with .ts files created by MC we should only need it to start Comskip. We also then shouldn't need the step of deleting the Converted files.

Further if we are willing to accept the default MC scheme of not putting shows in separate folders then those steps could be eliminated.

Perhaps we can end up with something quite simple that could be done by most anyone and would accomplish the big goal of generating the .edl files so commercials can be skipped in MC. Or am I misunderstanding something here?

The MC-TVConverter program looks very helpful and flexible for fulfilling a variety of functions. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.




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If you set it to "convert" to .ts format, it won't actually do any conversion, it will just launch comskip immediately.  If you set the output folder to the same place as the watch folder, it won't move anything either.  You can also tell it to include subfolders, if necessary.

There's probalby a way to just get comskip to automatically launch without using this other program, but I've never looked into it, bucause I still record with WMC, so I have to convert the wtv files it generates.

I've inquired a few times as to how others are generating the edl files for use in MC, but I've not seen any responses.

Let me know if you have any questions after you get a chance to try the revised guide.
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Thanks for your further explanations. I think it's now down to a reasonable procedure.

I just made a post in this thread in which gvanbrunt is asking for tasks that could be automated using Scripting. I suggested that creating Comskip edl files would be one of interest.

I too am interested in how others are doing it.

Thanks again.



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I got some time to work on this and have MC-TV installed and running. Tried a couple of 1/2 hour shows and the edl (or xml?) files are not being generated.

Watching at the bottom of their GUI I can see that it starts looking at the show when the show starts and that it does the  callFunc: "findCommercials". I suspect that the problem is related to where Comskip puts it's output. In your simplified procedure you mention opening the Comskip ini file, but not what to do with it. In your full procedure you say "edit line 281 to reflect where you want your commercial .xml files to be stored."

When I open the ini file in Notepad or Wordpad I don't see any line numbers. I also don't see any entries that direct where the output should go. So perhaps the files are being generated but going to some unknown place. BTW I'm looking at the ini at this location:  Program Files/MC-TVConverter/Tools/Comskip/Comskip.ini

I installed Version 2.1.0 of MC-TVConverter. I do have another version of Comskip running in conjunction with Sage, but that's in a different folder so doubt it's causing this problem.

I think that if I can tell it where to direct the Comskip output that this should work and be a fairly simple install/setup procedure.

Any ideas would sure be appreciated.



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When I discuss changing the comskip.ini file to set the output location for the .xml file that is the file that Windows Media Center needs to skip commercials.  You don't need that for MC.  You only need the edl file.

I must have deleted the explanation of what to do when you open the comskip.ini file with notepad++ when I was editing.  I'll fix that right now, but in the meantime, you need to verify that you have output_edl=1 in that file.  (You can/should also set output_dvrmstb=0 which will tell it to NOT output the .xml file that you don't need)

If you're using Notepad++. it will show line numbers along the very left side of the window.  This setting is on line 55.  If you don't see the line numbers do a search for edl, and that should find it.

I will amend the shortened instructions now to correct this.  Let me know if that did not fix you up, or if you still have trouble.

*I finished amending the shortened instructions, please let me know if anything is still unclear, or is not working.

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When I discuss changing the comskip.ini file to set the output location for the .xml file that is the file that Windows Media Center needs to skip commercials.  You don't need that for MC.  You only need the edl file.

I must have deleted the explanation of what to do when you open the comskip.ini file with notepad++ when I was editing.  I'll fix that right now, but in the meantime, you need to verify that you have output_edl=1 in that file.  (You can/should also set output_dvrmstb=0 which will tell it to NOT output the .xml file that you don't need)

If you're using Notepad++. it will show line numbers along the very left side of the window.  This setting is on line 55.  If you don't see the line numbers do a search for edl, and that should find it.

I will amend the shortened instructions now to correct this.  Let me know if that did not fix you up, or if you still have trouble.

*I finished amending the shortened instructions, please let me know if anything is still unclear, or is not working.


Hi Justin,

Thanks for amending your procedure and for the further explanations.

Unfortunately it's still not generating the edl file. I downloaded Notepad++ so I could see the line numbers. Output_edl was at 1. I also set output_dvrmstb=0.

It is giving the Call "find commercials". As it's working it says it's converting a jts file to a ts file. Not sure what that is about. It also creates a folder that it puts its temp stuff into and then deletes it.

Here are Screensaves of my settings. Sorry the first is so tiny. I was able to view it in my browser by doing Control+ several times to zoom in. If you can't read it let me know and I'll figure another way.

Comskip ini file.

 The MC-TVConverter settings:

It's really odd that it's not working for me. Perhaps you can spot something wrong in my settings.

Have you noticed that there have been 1050 views of this thread? There is obviously a lot of interest in using Comskip in MC!

I'm wondering if there may be someone else that has tried this and has it working - or doesn't. Would sure appreciate some reports.



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I don't see anything obviously wrong with your setup.  I do see that you have MC-TVConverter set to keep a log file.  Have you checked that to see if it tells you anything useful?  Can you please post the results of that log file, and I'll take a look to see if I see anything obvious?

I uninstalled all the programs/files from my desktop machine the other night to re-install everything from scratch to write the update, but have not tried processing any files with the new setup yet.

I'll try to test myself in a little bit, and post back if I come up with anything I think might also help, or any more corrections I encounter.

I posted these instructions on AVS forums also, and have asked for feedback several times, but no one has posted that it did or didn't work, so I have no idea if anyone else has had any success; sorry.  I wish I had some feedback to share with you about this.

Also, I still haven't seen anyone on these forums post as to how they are generating the edl files, so I wonder is there is some reason no one wishes to share  ?

I'll write back later, after I've had a chance to test again, and once we get you working, I'll see if the instructions need further tweaking.

I really do want other people to be able to enjoy the benefits of commercial free TV, since it's awesome! :)
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I have followed this thread with interest. I have also tried the procedure above and not getting any edl file generated either. I have the same set-up as Rod and is getting the same result. A converted file but no edl file. I have searched the entire computer for it, without success.

I am glad to know about this program, because it is giving me a very nice conversion tool for my wtv files. Be able to skip commercials would be great.



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JustinChase - I just sent you a PM about the Log. Thanks so much for making such an effort to get this working.

tls62dk - Thanks very much for posting here. Sorry to hear that you are also unsuccessful. But also glad to have another on this 'project'. With perseverance I'm sure we'll get it going.

I have used Comskip in SageTV for a few years. Although not 100% accurate it took TV to a whole new level. It really is great!

If there are others that have tried this we sure would like to have you respond here.



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I just tried, and it's working, in that it's running comskip like it should, but then it's deleting the edl file when it's done, but I'm not sure why.  :(  I've always moved the file to a new location, so the fact that it's not being moved might be the issue, but I'm trying something else now, so maybe I'll have good news soon.

If not, I'll try with it being moved to a new location, and see if that helps get it working at least, then we can figure out the problem with not moving the file.

Okay.  that didn't quite work.  I tried changing the output edlx=1, and it did create an edlx file, but it's useless.

I'm now trying again with "delete intermediate files" turned off, and we'll see what happens.

I noticed in my testing that it's not finding any commercials, but that's not surprising to me, since I'm testing with a file recorded from PBS, so there aren't any "commercials" in the file, other than the front and end of the file, which I think get ignored.  I'm trying this file again, with the "delete intermediate files" turned off, but I'm also copying a show from network TV to the test location to test, but it's a large file and the test will take some time.

the other test will be done soon, and hopefully this will work.  if not, I'll test the larger/network TV file and report back later this evening.

If I can't get it to work, I'll file a bug report with the creator of MC-TVConverter and see if he can get it working for us.  hopefully, this will be working soon.

Last thing; if you want to try again, but tell it to put the converted file in a new location, that will almost certainly work.  i don't think that's ideal for your current setup, but if you just tell MC to record to a different location, one that isn't watched by Auto Import, then it will convert and move to the current location you are using, and I bet it works.
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Okay, that worked, but it leaves the .log and .txt files behind also, which is not ideal.  I verified that the .edl file is blank (no commercials), but it is there now, so it is working.

One more thing to try now.
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Just got your PM Justin - thanks. I'll hold off for now sending you my log file since we are all getting the same results and we are making some setting changes.

It really looks like you are on the right track. Odd that it would create the edl and then delete it. But perhaps it expects the new stuff to get moved. I just started a new 1/2 hour recording and have it set to move the files to another folder. The way the setting is named it sounds like the 'original' file will get moved. Is that the way you see it?

Will post back here when the recording is done.

Re the edl file when there are no commercials: Sage works that way too. As long as Comskip is asked to look at the file it creates an edl.

Glad you will contact the developer about this issue. Will be very interested in his response.

Thanks again.



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There are 2 places to set MC-TVConverter to move the file.  On the General tab, you can set "Output folder" and it will put the 'converted' file there, and will leave the original file alone.  I believe this will actually give you 2 files, so it's probably not what you want, unless you also select the option below, to "move original file to folder" > recycle bin or another folder you can just delete occasionally.

The other method is to use the renaming rules to put it in a subfolder, but I'm not sure it will move the edl file for you (haven't tried yet).

I have also posted a question to the developer in his forum, here...

He usually takes a day or 2 to respond, and that was 6 months ago, so I'm not sure how long it may take him to reply.

Hopefully one of the methods above will work for you, and we don't need to wait for his response, but when he does respond, I'll let you know if there's a fix to do it as you've been trying.

I just turned on file renaming, to see if that alone will "fix" this. :-\

Sorry this didn't work the way you (and I) expected, but I do have faith it will work soon :)
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Your post just came in but I'm going to let this go even though they are out of order. Also did you get my second PM?

The short show just finished and still no edl file. I now have one copy of the show in the regular recording location and it's size is 2,201,008 and it has a time of 5:31 PM. The second copy with the same name is in the new folder. It's size is 2,192,980 and it has a time of 5:34 PM.

Interesting that they have slightly different sizes.

So I'm inclined to hold off on more testing until you hear back from the developer. Although if there is something you would like me to try please let me know.




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Justin, thanks for your great effort here. I am seeing the same thing as Rod, even after disabling the "delete intermidiate file". Examining the log file after the conversation reveals that there is no files to delete in comparison to the log you posted on the MC-TV Converter board. See below.

16-04-2012, 12:07:46: currentFile: Manuel optagelse_TV3+ HD_2011_10_10_22_00_00.wtv
16-04-2012, 12:07:46: converting from wtv to ts
16-04-2012, 12:07:46: callFunc: "convert_wtv2ts"
16-04-2012, 12:07:46: callFunc: "convertTo_wtv2ts"
16-04-2012, 12:07:46: callFunc: "checkStream"
16-04-2012, 12:07:46: run (get streamInfo): "C:\Program Files (x86)\MC-TVConverter\tools\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe" -i "D:\Video convert temp\Manuel optagelse_TV3+ HD_2011_10_10_22_00_00.wtv"
16-04-2012, 12:07:46: streamInfo: stream has no MPEG2 video
16-04-2012, 12:07:46: streamInfo: stream has no AAC LATM audio
16-04-2012, 12:07:46: streamInfo: stream has no E-AC3 audio
16-04-2012, 12:07:46: streamInfo: stream has AC3 audio
16-04-2012, 12:07:46: user settings: convertAacLatm
  • , convertEac3
  • , convertWithFfmpeg

16-04-2012, 12:07:46: Convert WTV using remuxTool
16-04-2012, 12:07:46: callFunc: "convertTo_wtv2tsRemuxTool"
16-04-2012, 12:07:46: run: "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -cp "C:\Program Files (x86)\MC-TVConverter\tools\remuxTool\remuxTool.jar" util.WtvToMpeg -i "D:\Video convert temp\Manuel optagelse_TV3+ HD_2011_10_10_22_00_00.wtv"  -o "D:\Film\Manuel optagelse_TV3+ HD_2011_10_10_22_00_00.wtv.ts"
04/16/2012 12:07:48.452 INFO  [util.WtvToMpeg] +0x2a AVC High-4.0 1920x1080i fps: 25
04/16/2012 12:07:48.452 INFO  [util.WtvToMpeg] +0x29 (dan) AC3 2.0 48000 Hz 192 kb/s
04/16/2012 12:09:50.605 INFO  [util.WtvToMpeg] Finished
16-04-2012, 12:09:50: ---- file successfully converted: "D:\Film\Manuel optagelse_TV3+ HD_2011_10_10_22_00_00.wtv.ts"
16-04-2012, 12:09:50: callFunc: "findCommercials"
16-04-2012, 12:09:50: callFunc: "checkStream"
16-04-2012, 12:09:50: run (get streamInfo): "C:\Program Files (x86)\MC-TVConverter\tools\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe" -i "D:\Film\Manuel optagelse_TV3+ HD_2011_10_10_22_00_00.wtv.ts"
16-04-2012, 12:09:50: streamInfo: stream has no MPEG2 video
16-04-2012, 12:09:50: streamInfo: stream has no AAC LATM audio
16-04-2012, 12:09:50: streamInfo: stream has no E-AC3 audio
16-04-2012, 12:09:50: streamInfo: stream has AC3 audio
16-04-2012, 12:09:50: rename file to: "D:\Film\Manuel optagelse_TV3+ HD_2011_10_10_22_00_00.ts"
16-04-2012, 12:09:50: renameFile - old filename: "D:\Film\Manuel optagelse_TV3+ HD_2011_10_10_22_00_00.wtv.ts"
16-04-2012, 12:09:50: renameFile - new filename: "D:\Film\Manuel optagelse_TV3+ HD_2011_10_10_22_00_00.ts"
16-04-2012, 12:09:50: get orig file created date: 20120416114448
16-04-2012, 12:09:50: set converted file created date to: 20120416114448 - "D:\Film\Manuel optagelse_TV3+ HD_2011_10_10_22_00_00.ts"
16-04-2012, 12:09:50:
16-04-2012, 12:09:50: -------- conversion finished

It looks like it calls Comskip, but I don't see the actual run command I see in your log file. This would explain why no intermidiate files is generated. Are we missing a part of the setup here?

Rod, is your log file showing the same thing?



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Ok. Did som more testing. The recording in the previous reply was from one of my HD channels. Below is output from MediaInfo.

Format                                   : AVC
Format/Info                              : Advanced Video Codec
Format profile                           : High@L4.0
Format settings, CABAC                   : Yes
Format settings, ReFrames                : 4 frames
Width                                    : 1 920 pixels
Height                                   : 1 080 pixels
Display aspect ratio                     : 16:9
Frame rate                               : 25.000 fps
Color space                              : YUV
Chroma subsampling                       : 4:2:0
Bit depth                                : 8 bits
Scan type                                : MBAFF
Scan order                               : Top Field First
Color primaries                          : BT.709-5, BT.1361, IEC 61966-2-4, SMPTE RP177
Transfer characteristics                 : BT.709-5, BT.1361
Matrix coefficients                      : BT.709-5, BT.1361, IEC 61966-2-4 709, SMPTE RP177

After this I tried using MC-TVConverter on another recording from the samme channel but from when it was a SD channel. Below is the output from Mediainfo.

Format                                   : MPEG Video
Format version                           : Version 2
Format profile                           : Main@Main
Format settings, BVOP                    : Yes
Format settings, Matrix                  : Custom
Format settings, GOP                     : M=3, N=12
Bit rate mode                            : Variable
Maximum bit rate                         : 15.0 Mbps
Width                                    : 720 pixels
Height                                   : 576 pixels
Display aspect ratio                     : 16:9
Active Format Description                : Full frame 16:9 image
Frame rate                               : 25.000 fps
Standard                                 : PAL
Color space                              : YUV
Chroma subsampling                       : 4:2:0
Bit depth                                : 8 bits
Scan type                                : Interlaced
Scan order                               : Top Field First
Compression mode                         : Lossy

This time MC-TVConverter was succesful in generating the edl file, even with the "delete intermidiate file" enabled. So I wonder if the format in the wtv file is making the difference here? Will it not be able to seach for commercials when the format is AVC?

Although the edl file was generated and contains information it did not skip the commercial in the file when playing it back through MC, but this may be more relevant for another thread. I think I will play a little with "cut detected commercials" and see where that brings me.



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Hi tls,

Thanks for doing all the testing. Looks like you are gathering some useful information. Very interesting your results between SD & HD.

No, my log file does not show it running Comskip at all.

Are you recording in MC17? I'm wondering about the wtv files that you have. Mine are all ts, although for some reason the log says "converting from jts to ts".




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No, all my recordings are in wtv format from WMC. I did try running one of the wtv files converted to ts through MC-TVConverter again with the same result. Besides the AVC format in the files not generating an edl file, I can see that they also all contain an AC3 audio stream, so I cannot be absolutely sure which may be causing the problem if any of them.



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I think that JustinChase's full procedure at the beginning of the thread might be needed when recording in WMC and playing back in MC. Not sure why though as I haven't looked that closely at it.

What I'm trying to do, and what he wrote the simplified procedure for is to do a ts recording in MC, have it create the edl file and then playback the ts file in MC.



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I think we are trying to do the same thing, just with two different file formats. Justins simplified procedure does work on some of my wtv files. I end up with a ts file and an edl file with the same name. Exactly as it is suppoed to do.

I am just wondering if you could be running into the same problem as me, having some recordings not supported by Comskip? I assume that MC is recording the stream from your tv card just like WMC does, which could result if different content in you recordings depending on what the TV provider is sending.

We may need a expert on Comskip to offer a little clarification what it can and cannot do.



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Ding, ding! You may have just rung a bell. In Sage Comskip runs on all recordings as best I can tell and with fairly good success. But I vaguely recall having to use the 'Donators Version' of comskip and I believe it's because our Tuner is an Hauppauge HDPVR. It's possible that the donators version allowed access to a beta and that whatever was in it is now in the regular version. But I'm wondering about the version used by MC-TVConverter? Have others used it successfully with the HDPVR or Colossus?

Yes I think it would be very helpful to have a Comskip expert pipe in here. At the moment there are 1185 views of this thread. Hopefully out of all the people following this thread someone knows Comskip well, or at least better than we do.

And if anyone else is testing this we'd sure appreciate your piping in here.



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Do you think it might be worthwhile to try to get the MC-TVConverter developer to look at, and hopfully participate in, this thread? If we can get this working it might bring in a lot more users of his program.



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I think the AVC video file is the problem with the WTV recordings.  I don't think any brodcasters in the US broadcast in AVC, so I've never run into this; but I could be wrong.  However, the original procedure is what I would suggest you use for converting from WTV files (since it will convert TO a usable file type).  That process can also be shortened, now that MC-TVConverter is out of beta, but it's still the "right" choice for this process, as it will give you commercial files that work with WTV, and also commercial files that work with MC.  I will work on updating the full procedure soon, so it's less overwhelming.

I also just verified that
Comskip can operate on 3 types of files. The first file type is an MPEG file. The extension must be mpg, mpeg (for mpeg Program Streams), ts (for mpeg Transport Streams) or dvr-ms for DVR-MS). Maximum resolution is 2000 by 1200 and the content must be MPEG2 video and MPEG2 or AC3 audio as recorded by most mpeg encoders.

Regarding the original issue, here is the response from the developer of MC-TVConverter to my post/question.  I thought that nwboater reported that he did actually have commercials in his files, but maybe not...

If you look at the line above your marked ones, it states that it didn't find any commecials. I delete all created files in this case because there is no need for them. Or do you want to keep the files also if there are no commercials in the video? Of course you could select to keep the intermediate files in settings but then all other conversions and helper files will be kept too...

I will need to copy a network show with commercials to test again, but when testing on my desktop, over wifi, it takes a LONG time to copy the file, then to run the test, so I'll have to wait until I can use the HTPC, which is much faster, since it's an ethernet connection.

However, the point is that as long as there are actually commercials, this should work.  Can you please try testing again with a file that definitely has commercials?
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Thanks Justin

Comskip can operate on 3 types of files. The first file type is an MPEG file. The extension must be mpg, mpeg (for mpeg Program Streams), ts (for mpeg Transport Streams) or dvr-ms for DVR-MS). Maximum resolution is 2000 by 1200 and the content must be MPEG2 video and MPEG2 or AC3 audio as recorded by most mpeg encoders.

I was afraid of that. All my HD channels is recorded with an AVC stream, so for now I cannot use Comskip with those.

I did however confirm that Justins simplified procedure does work (even with wtv files) as long as the video stream inside the container is mpeg. That is good to know and means that I can use this procedure for all my SD channels. On top of that, I was introduced to an excellent little free converter for my wtv files.

Thanks guys! Let me know if I can help with anything going forward.



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Good to hear!  If you use the full/original procedure (without having to replace any of the files, as it's now unnecessary), it will convert the WTV files with the AVC video to either .ts or .mpg files, and comskip will run on the converted files, and you will get the edl file for the converted file AND a .xml file that Windows Media Center will use for the original WTV files.  I've used it for months, and it's glorious.  Any place I watch a recorded TV show I don't have to watch commercials.

The best news though, is that this seems to be working as designed.  I guess nwboater is just trying on shows with no commercials, but we'll wait for their response, or for me to test later this evening.

Let me know if you have any trouble with the full procedure, and I'll do what I can to help :)
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Sounds Good! I will definately try the full procedure then. Thanks again!



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Great.  Please let me know if you have any issues, or feedback on the "procedure" I wrote up.

As for the original 'it's not creating an edl file' situation; I came home for lunch, copied a show with commercials to my Desktop (using a thumb drive), ran the program, and it did create the .edl file, just as it should.

I suspect it's just shows with no commercials that threw us off.  I will consider this 'resolved' now, until/unless I get feedback that there's still a problem.

Have fun!! :)
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Justin - Sorry about the show with no commercials - didn't realize that was the case. I thought they were commercial channels. Yesterday was crazy - I was trying to sandwich the recordings between important stuff Sandra had set to record in Sage, writing a bunch of posts and .........

Anyway I just started two sequential half hour recordings of shows that I believe have commercials. I will certainly confirm that before posting here again. So in a couple of hours I should have some news here, hopefully of the good kind.

Thanks again for all your efforts. And very glad to know that it worked for you.



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No worries, nothing to appoligize for.  I know just what you mean by 'trying to work around someone else's important stuff' :)

I hope it works fine for you.  The log file does say if commercials were found or not, so you may look there before posting, if you still have issues.

I'll try to amend the original/full procedure later this evening to make it easier to follow, and hopefully will get some more feedback :)
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Okay I recorded two 1/2 hour shows: The first is Van Buren Boys and has commercials. The second Quake Me When It's Over doesn't have commercials but ended up being a cartoon so we may want to disregard it.

No edl files generated. I can see in the log when it said to find commercials, but I don't see anything saying it did or did not find them.

Justin, I wonder if it would be easier for you if I joined his Forum and posted my problem directly there? You don't need to spend your time as a middle man here. And it also wouldn't litter the JR Forum with all these logs and stuff.

Thanks again for all your help.


15/04/2012, 11:11:39 AM: --- PROGRAM STARTED ---16/04/2012, 11:01:56 AM: --- PROGRAM CLOSED ---
16/04/2012, 11:02:02 AM: --- PROGRAM STARTED ---
16/04/2012, 11:02:02 AM: check for java: user set dir "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\"
16/04/2012, 11:02:02 AM: showErrorOnJavaFault: 1
16/04/2012, 11:02:02 AM: outputDir: F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Completed With Comskip From MC-TVConverter
16/04/2012, 11:02:02 AM: deleteIntermediateFile: 1
16/04/2012, 11:02:02 AM: showConverterProgress: 0
16/04/2012, 11:02:02 AM: ============================================================
16/04/2012, 11:02:02 AM: -------- watching folder started
16/04/2012, 11:02:02 AM: callFunc: "watchFolder"
16/04/2012, 11:02:02 AM: watching folder started for directory: "F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\"
16/04/2012, 11:05:18 AM: currentFile: F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device 2012-04-16 11-5\Hauppauge HD PVR Capture Device 2012-04-16 11-5.jts
16/04/2012, 11:05:18 AM: converting from jts to ts
16/04/2012, 11:05:18 AM: callFunc: "convert_jts2ts"
16/04/2012, 11:06:17 AM: currentFile: F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\The Van Buren Boys 2012-04-16\The Van Buren Boys 2012-04-16.jts
16/04/2012, 11:06:17 AM: converting from jts to ts
16/04/2012, 11:06:17 AM: callFunc: "convert_jts2ts"
16/04/2012, 11:31:07 AM: currentFile: F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\The Van Buren Boys 2012-04-16.ts
16/04/2012, 11:31:07 AM: converting from ts to ts
16/04/2012, 11:31:07 AM: callFunc: "convert_ts2ts"
16/04/2012, 11:31:07 AM: callFunc: "checkStream"
16/04/2012, 11:31:07 AM: run (get streamInfo): "C:\Program Files\MC-TVConverter\tools\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe" -i "F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\The Van Buren Boys 2012-04-16.ts"
16/04/2012, 11:31:09 AM: streamInfo: stream has no MPEG2 video
16/04/2012, 11:31:09 AM: streamInfo: stream has no AAC LATM audio
16/04/2012, 11:31:09 AM: streamInfo: stream has no E-AC3 audio
16/04/2012, 11:31:09 AM: streamInfo: stream has AC3 audio
16/04/2012, 11:31:09 AM: callFunc: "convertTo_tsmuxer"
16/04/2012, 11:31:09 AM: run: "C:\Program Files\MC-TVConverter\tools\tsmuxer\tsMuxerEasyCMD.exe" i="F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\The Van Buren Boys 2012-04-16.ts" o="F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Completed With Comskip From MC-TVConverter\The Van Buren Boys 2012-04-16.ts.ts" m="F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Completed With Comskip From MC-TVConverter\The Van Buren Boys 2012-04-16.ts.meta" mdel=y
16/04/2012, 11:32:50 AM: ---- file successfully converted: "F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Completed With Comskip From MC-TVConverter\The Van Buren Boys 2012-04-16.ts.ts"
16/04/2012, 11:32:50 AM: callFunc: "findCommercials"
16/04/2012, 11:32:50 AM: callFunc: "checkStream"
16/04/2012, 11:32:50 AM: run (get streamInfo): "C:\Program Files\MC-TVConverter\tools\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe" -i "F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Completed With Comskip From MC-TVConverter\The Van Buren Boys 2012-04-16.ts.ts"
16/04/2012, 11:32:51 AM: streamInfo: stream has no MPEG2 video
16/04/2012, 11:32:51 AM: streamInfo: stream has no AAC LATM audio
16/04/2012, 11:32:51 AM: streamInfo: stream has no E-AC3 audio
16/04/2012, 11:32:51 AM: streamInfo: stream has AC3 audio
16/04/2012, 11:32:51 AM: rename file to: "F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Completed With Comskip From MC-TVConverter\The Van Buren Boys 2012-04-16.ts"
16/04/2012, 11:32:51 AM: renameFile - old filename: "F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Completed With Comskip From MC-TVConverter\The Van Buren Boys 2012-04-16.ts.ts"
16/04/2012, 11:32:51 AM: renameFile - new filename: "F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Completed With Comskip From MC-TVConverter\The Van Buren Boys 2012-04-16.ts"
16/04/2012, 11:32:51 AM: get orig file created date: 20120416110618
16/04/2012, 11:32:51 AM: set converted file created date to: 20120416110618 - "F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Completed With Comskip From MC-TVConverter\The Van Buren Boys 2012-04-16.ts"
16/04/2012, 11:32:51 AM: move original file: "F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\The Van Buren Boys 2012-04-16.ts" - to - "F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Completed With Comskip From MC-TVConverter\The Van Buren Boys 2012-04-16.ts"
16/04/2012, 11:32:51 AM: can't move original file to target - file already exists
16/04/2012, 11:32:51 AM:
16/04/2012, 11:34:01 AM: currentFile: F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Quake Me When It's Over 2012-04-16\Quake Me When It's Over 2012-04-16.jts
16/04/2012, 11:34:01 AM: converting from jts to ts
16/04/2012, 11:34:01 AM: callFunc: "convert_jts2ts"
16/04/2012, 12:01:04 PM: currentFile: F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Quake Me When It's Over 2012-04-16.ts
16/04/2012, 12:01:05 PM: converting from ts to ts
16/04/2012, 12:01:05 PM: callFunc: "convert_ts2ts"
16/04/2012, 12:01:05 PM: callFunc: "checkStream"
16/04/2012, 12:01:05 PM: run (get streamInfo): "C:\Program Files\MC-TVConverter\tools\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe" -i "F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Quake Me When It's Over 2012-04-16.ts"
16/04/2012, 12:01:06 PM: streamInfo: stream has no MPEG2 video
16/04/2012, 12:01:06 PM: streamInfo: stream has no AAC LATM audio
16/04/2012, 12:01:06 PM: streamInfo: stream has no E-AC3 audio
16/04/2012, 12:01:06 PM: streamInfo: stream has AC3 audio
16/04/2012, 12:01:06 PM: callFunc: "convertTo_tsmuxer"
16/04/2012, 12:01:06 PM: run: "C:\Program Files\MC-TVConverter\tools\tsmuxer\tsMuxerEasyCMD.exe" i="F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Quake Me When It's Over 2012-04-16.ts" o="F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Completed With Comskip From MC-TVConverter\Quake Me When It's Over 2012-04-16.ts.ts" m="F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Completed With Comskip From MC-TVConverter\Quake Me When It's Over 2012-04-16.ts.meta" mdel=y
16/04/2012, 12:01:17 PM: ---- ERROR in conversion: filesize is 0 bytes
16/04/2012, 12:01:17 PM: callFunc: "findCommercials"
16/04/2012, 12:01:17 PM: callFunc: "checkStream"
16/04/2012, 12:01:17 PM: run (get streamInfo): "C:\Program Files\MC-TVConverter\tools\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe" -i "F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Completed With Comskip From MC-TVConverter\Quake Me When It's Over 2012-04-16.ts.ts"
16/04/2012, 12:01:18 PM: streamInfo: stream has no MPEG2 video
16/04/2012, 12:01:18 PM: streamInfo: stream has no AAC LATM audio
16/04/2012, 12:01:18 PM: streamInfo: stream has no E-AC3 audio
16/04/2012, 12:01:18 PM: streamInfo: stream has no AC3 audio
16/04/2012, 12:01:18 PM: rename file to: "F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Completed With Comskip From MC-TVConverter\Quake Me When It's Over 2012-04-16.ts"
16/04/2012, 12:01:18 PM: renameFile - old filename: "F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Completed With Comskip From MC-TVConverter\Quake Me When It's Over 2012-04-16.ts.ts"
16/04/2012, 12:01:18 PM: renameFile - new filename: "F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Completed With Comskip From MC-TVConverter\Quake Me When It's Over 2012-04-16.ts"
16/04/2012, 12:01:18 PM: get orig file created date: 20120416113300
16/04/2012, 12:01:18 PM: set converted file created date to: 20120416113300 - "F:\MC TV Recordings Starting Apr 14 2012\Completed With Comskip From MC-TVConverter\Quake Me When It's Over 2012-04-16.ts"
16/04/2012, 12:01:18 PM:
16/04/2012, 12:54:58 PM: set watchFolder to false during wait loop
16/04/2012, 12:54:58 PM: -------- watching folder stopped


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I'm not sure, but I suspect you're having the same issue as tls62dk, which is that the 'converted' file is still not in a format that comskip recognizes.  From your log...

16/04/2012, 11:31:09 AM: streamInfo: stream has no MPEG2 video

I suspect that if you check the MediaInfo, you'll find the video stream is AVC, which comskip doesn't recognize.  Maybe not, since I think you're recording it with JRiver, but I'm not sure what codecs it writes when recording.  The conversion should have converted this to a format that comskip recognizes, but maybe that's not happening properly.  tls62dk was recording with WMC, which is different than your situation. 

I also see that you're trying to either move or rename the file, which should not be necessary. 

16/04/2012, 11:32:51 AM: can't move original file to target - file already exists

I know that I suggested you try this yesterday, but now that I know it should work, I don't think this is necessary, and I'd suggest you go back to what you originally tried, which was just to leave the file alone, and convert and process in place.

I linked earlier to the other forum where I reported the issue, and where he responded (here it is again)

If you want to register there, and ask for help from there, it might be faster and easier, since he knows better than I what is or is not supposed to happen.  However, I'm still happy to continue trying to help, as it will benefit others once we find the solution to your issues.  Obviously, others are/will have similar issues.

Once it's all resolved, I'll probalby just create a new post with just the shortened instructions, just to keep it clean.  Maybe I'll add it to the Wiki, if I can figure out how to include photos, or just with instructions, and point back to this thread for more detail.  We'll see.
pretend this is something funny


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Justin - Sorry about the show with no commercials - didn't realize that was the case. I thought they were commercial channels. Yesterday was crazy - I was trying to sandwich the recordings between important stuff Sandra had set to record in Sage, writing a bunch of posts and .........

Anyway I just started two sequential half hour recordings of shows that I believe have commercials. I will certainly confirm that before posting here again. So in a couple of hours I should have some news here, hopefully of the good kind.

Thanks again for all your efforts. And very glad to know that it worked for you.


Justin I just looked closer at your post on the MC-TVConverter forum. The Show with no commercials is "Windsor Arrow Back Chairs" which is not one of mine. Is it your show?



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yes.  it's the one I was testing, that doesn't have any commercials.
pretend this is something funny


  • MC Beta Team
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I'm not sure, but I suspect you're having the same issue as tls62dk, which is that the 'converted' file is still not in a format that comskip recognizes.  From your log...

16/04/2012, 11:31:09 AM: streamInfo: stream has no MPEG2 video

I suspect that if you check the MediaInfo, you'll find the video stream is AVC, which comskip doesn't recognize.  Maybe not, since I think you're recording it with JRiver, but I'm not sure what codecs it writes when recording.  The conversion should have converted this to a format that comskip recognizes, but maybe that's not happening properly.  tls62dk was recording with WMC, which is different than your situation. 

I also see that you're trying to either move or rename the file, which should not be necessary. 

16/04/2012, 11:32:51 AM: can't move original file to target - file already exists

I know that I suggested you try this yesterday, but now that I know it should work, I don't think this is necessary, and I'd suggest you go back to what you originally tried, which was just to leave the file alone, and convert and process in place.

I linked earlier to the other forum where I reported the issue, and where he responded (here it is again)

If you want to register there, and ask for help from there, it might be faster and easier, since he knows better than I what is or is not supposed to happen.  However, I'm still happy to continue trying to help, as it will benefit others once we find the solution to your issues.  Obviously, others are/will have similar issues.

Once it's all resolved, I'll probalby just create a new post with just the shortened instructions, just to keep it clean.  Maybe I'll add it to the Wiki, if I can figure out how to include photos, or just with instructions, and point back to this thread for more detail.  We'll see.

Justin - Thanks for all the explanations.

I just checked the file with Media Info and sure enough the Video is AVC. Actually it says that it's an MPEG-TS with one AVC video stream and one AC3 audio stream. So that AVC may just be the problem.

In Sage, which has Comskip working fine for me it records it as an h.264 file. You need the Donators Version of Comskip to work on the h.264 files and that's what I have.

I'm going to hold off for a bit posting on the MC-TVConverter Forum. I think we should first try to get our ducks in order here to see how to best approach this for everyone involved.

It really looks like the AVC is the problem.

      Since "Comskip can operate on 3 types of files. The first file type is an MPEG file. The extension must be mpg, mpeg (for mpeg Program Streams), ts (for mpeg Transport Streams) or dvr-ms for DVR-MS). Maximum resolution is 2000 by 1200 and the content must be MPEG2 video and MPEG2 or AC3 audio as recorded by most mpeg encoders."

What I'm reading into the above is that although what I have is ts (for mpeg Transport Streams), I don't have MPEG2 Video but instead have AVC.

It then seems that we need to either:

1. See if JRiver can record in MPEG2 or h.264 (as SageTV does,).


2. Se if MC-TVConverter can convert from AVC to MPEG2.

I would certainly prefer 1 because it would avoid a big video conversion job for each recording that takes time and possibly could affect the video quality (?). The only difficulty might be (other than for JRiver) is that if it's an h.264 file the Donators Version of Comskip would be required inside MC-TVConverter.

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