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Author Topic: Pane - List Style: Album View Request  (Read 7870 times)


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Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« on: November 18, 2011, 12:10:30 am »

Since using panes, I have basically completely stopped using categories for view schemes..

One of my favourite pane views is to make the view listed by Album Thumbnails.

It great, I use it for a lot of my browsing, but there is only one area in which I can fault it in comparison to a categorical view listed by album thumbnails.. In the category views I can select an album and click the file link to  bring up all the files below, Like in the image below.. Please in the next build or so could you enable this for panes.

If you do I wouldn't include the option in the customise view to always show files, because in a pane and file view combo constantly having the file view up would make it unusable..

I can foresee one problem if you allow this request, The panes filter the thumbnail albums and can't filter both the thumbnails & the file list at the same time, so you could either

1. When the file list is opened for an album, make the panes un-selectable until the file list view has been closed (Maybe easy making the panes half faded out)..

2.When the file list is opened for an album, make the album thumbnails  un-selectable so you can still use the panes to filter through the file list until the file list has been closed..  (Maybe even half fading out the album thumbnails during this)

3. When the file list is opened for an album, make the panes & the album thumbnails un-selectable until the file list is closed (Again possibly half fading the panes & Album thumbnails during this)

I personally prefer the first option because the reason I'd open a file list view for an album, is that I just want to select a file to play or tag.. 

I hope this one goes through because this is the only disadvantage that I've found in panes compaired to categories..




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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2011, 09:58:29 pm »

I just thought of a workaround for this if it is even possible..

Is there anyway I can use a Playing Now Smartlist..

[Media Type]=[Audio] ~d=t

And use it in a pane but display it's contents as a list??

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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2011, 01:20:34 am »

Is there anyway I can use a Playing Now Smartlist.

I don't know what this has to do with your request for a Pane/Category hybrid view, but I'll start by saying being able to restrict the view to items currently in Playing Now is very useful. No Panes view should be without the means to do so. You could use ~d=t in a Search List pane, or create a smartlist using it and include that in a Playlist Group pane. There's also the IsInPlayingNow() function for use in expressions. So you could use that in an Expression Pane, and/or an Expression Column to flag tracks currently in PN. Lots of choices!

It's useful in this way: Use your panes view to make a selection of tracks to play—an "on the fly playlist." Having committed the selection to PN, Reset Selection and continue browsing your collection, or do something else. On hearing something you like, restrict the list to what's in PN, locate the track(s) in question, use the panes to select the Artist, Album, or any other category of interest, then de-select the InPN selection. Sounds tedious, but it's a very convenient way to locate more of the same Album, Artist, Genre or whatever. Those items can then be selected and added to, or used to replace what's in PN.

So I'm not sure why you would want to "display it's contents (in a pane) as a list." (Maybe that's not what you meant.) When the file list is restricted to what's in PN, all the other panes will be restricted to the values present in those tracks. You can then use them to make further selections.


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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2011, 10:17:21 am »

It works, thanks.. I used if(isinplayingnow(),[Track #] - [Name],) in a pane

It works the only downside is I have to press the refresh button if I change what is playing now. Is there another way to get the same results but that updates the contents without pressing the refresh

This is primarily for my album view with panes so I can see which tracks belong to an album and have the ability to select individual tracks without leaving the view.

Thanks Rick


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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2011, 10:30:11 am »

I've just found a serious flaw,

I don't think this can work for what I want to use it for... I want this to display all the tracks of an album that is playing now in a pane... It does do this bar the refresh problem.. One other problem is that I can't use the list to select a track to play from the album.. Because if I do it changes the playing now, meaning I only get to change the track once and then the playing now is focused solely on that track, not the album..


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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2011, 10:36:29 am »

I've just found a serious flaw,

I don't think this can work for what I want to use it for... I want this to display all the tracks of an album that is playing now in a pane... It does do this bar the refresh problem.. One other problem is that I can't use the list to select a track to play from the album.. Because if I do it changes the playing now, meaning I only get to change the track once and then the playing now is focused solely on that track, not the album..
In Tools/Options/General/Behavior, you can change what "play" does.


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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2011, 11:45:03 am »

Thanks Jim, it worked :)

I changed the behaviour to "Double-click: Add to playing now (play now)"

I kinda like the the way "Double-click: Add to playing now (to end)" I thought the Play button column was useless until now :)

I would like to be able to use both of these if possible.. Is there any way to make a view scheme override the default behaviour...

That way I could have the playing now pane in my album panes view scheme.. And for all others I could have the play button as a column and have the default behaviour of a double click to add it to the end of playing now.. (This would be nice when people are over, because I could simply hide the play button and people couldn't just skip songs.)


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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2011, 06:31:00 pm »

Your pane is clever, but is contrary to the purpose of panes. Panes are for selecting files, not displaying them. I suppose you want it as a means of displaying what's in Playing Now when using an Album Thumbnails list style (which will show the albums, but not the tracks of what's playing). That's fine, but don't expect such a pane to be of any practical use together with other panes, or for controlling playback.

If you add an InPlayingNow pane as I describe (keep the one you have, if you like), selecting it will result in all your panes reflecting the values present in the items in PN, and the list will show the files (or album thumbnails, if that's what your using). This way, the panes are still functional—in the manner they were intended. Part of that functionality is playback. You can double-click on any value shown in the panes, and the matching files will be played. Or right-click on the value, and select the desired playback operation.


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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2011, 08:03:39 pm »

I suppose you want it as a means of displaying what's in Playing Now when using an Album Thumbnails list style

That is exactly what I want, as well as away to select tracks from an album, ideally it would populate just from selecting an album...
I'm not bothered about the pane being functional as it will only be for the two above mention functions..

It works fine the way I did it if you change Playing Now behaviour.. But while that if fine for that view I would wish for all my views to behave that way. This is why I propose the ability to set Playing Now behaviour in the advanced settings for a view scheme.. I don't see why not, individual view schemes, can have individual rules for file display, why not at with least some of the available library options.. This could open up a whole new dimension of customisability..

I just thought of a potential way to solve this.... It rests on something being possible in the first place though... Can I make a pane that will act essentially as a view switch?? Using something along the lines of the following code


If yes is selected it will only show the thumbnail of the current playing album and no will show all album.. Is it possible to change the calculated data of a field based on whether or not yes or no is selected in my pane? If you can, then I could make a field called view and if yes were selected in the pane, it could dynamically change the value of view it would also with the nature of the expression show only one album that is playing..

The code would then change to something alone the lines of if(isinplayingnow(),Yes&[View]=1,No&[View]=0)

If the selection of yes put the value of 1 into view then I could make an expression to be placed in the thumbnail text that would only show if view had a value of 1..

The thumbnail expression extension would be along the lines of;
if(isequal([view],1,2),if(isinplayingnow(),[Track #] - [Name],),)

The tracks would not be selectable though, only visual, tracklisting would iin theory only appear on the screen the conditions are similar to the second image below..


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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2011, 10:15:37 pm »

Is it possible to change the calculated data of a field based on whether or not yes or no is selected in my pane?

No. And it's also not possible to in any way compare or aggregate data from different files. The expression language operates on one file at a time.

But I don't understand what problem you're trying to solve in the first place. As I've already explained, double-clicking on any pane value will result in the (configurable) default play behaviour. If you want some other behaviour, use the context menu. Seems flexible enough to me. But even if you disagree, I don't understand what your InPlayingNow panes have to do with playback behaviour. Can you explain exactly what it is you want to do that you can't do now?


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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2011, 03:08:49 pm »

No. And it's also not possible to in any way compare or aggregate data from different files. The expression language operates on one file at a time.

I wan't meaning aggregate data from files just that is the expression were to be true that is would set a specific value within the calculated data of a field.. But I understand what you mean by aggregating, because there may be more than one file in the playing now list. (I think that means the same expression would run for however many files were in the play now list.. Meaning that if there were 10 tracks the same value for the calculated data for the view field would be written 10 time.. A waste of resources really..)

I'm just trying to see of different ways to get a playing now list in an album thumbnail type view.. For me that is the only thing lacking this type of view.. If there was a way to make a pane that could do this sort of behaviour without messing with other panes etc, I think would always use that kind of pane..

I tired just using a InPlayingNow expression in a pane but I don't understand how that would help all I got was a 1 or 0 and if I selected the one it would just show the the album thumbnail..

I like pushing the boundaries to see how far you can push something.. Even if that is not what it was intended for   :)

I can probably live with it the way it is thanks for your help though..

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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2011, 07:05:59 pm »

I like pushing the boundaries to see how far you can push something.. Even if that is not what it was intended for

Those who don't are using iTunes. I was trying to help you understand you were pushing from the wrong side. ;)

I tired just using a InPlayingNow expression in a pane but I don't understand how that would help all I got was a 1 or 0 and if I selected the one it would just show the the album thumbnail.

You could use ~d=t in a Search List pane, or create a smartlist using it and include that in a Playlist Group pane. There's also the IsInPlayingNow() function for use in expressions. So you could use that in an Expression Pane, and/or an Expression Column to flag tracks currently in PN.

See the screenshot...

  • This is a Playlist Group pane pointing to my audio playlists. One of those is a ~d=t smartlist. It works fine for selecting files in Playing Now.

  • This illustrates an Expression pane. The expression is If(IsInPlayingNow(), Playing Now, ). By itself, this is a waste of a pane, but the expression could include any number of tests (played yesterday, recently imported, etc.) to create a menu. Unless you really like expressions, it's probably better to use a Search List pane to do the same thing (i.e., a collection of useful search lists). I did this until recently, when I decided to include everything in my Playlist Group pane.

  • This is an Expression pane using your expression If(IsInPlayingNow(), [Track #]. [Name], ) for displaying a track listing of what's in Playing Now. It's not particularly useful for selecting items, but it's fine if all you want is a list. It requires a refresh to display, and it seems it won't update to reflect changes in the playing order.

  • Sometimes an Expression Field can be used where the same expression cannot be used directly. Here, I use a custom field [IsPlaying] = IsPlaying() in the Thumbnail Text If(IsEqual([IsPlaying], 0), , P L A Y I N G   N O W) to flag the currently playing album. In this situation, IsPlaying() is unable to evaluate all the files in an album. But with [IsPlaying], the values are already there. The IF test works because if the album contains the one file playing, [IsEqual] for the album evaluates to 'varies' rather than '0'.


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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2011, 07:35:15 pm »

Those who don't are using iTunes.

I completely skipped that step before this I was just folder surfing with Explorer & using Winamp, I had been using that for years & I thought it was an ok program (I was completely wrong)

Alright cool thank you, that'll certainly do the trick :)

Unless you really like expressions, it's probably better to use a Search List pane to do the same thing (i.e., a collection of useful search lists).

Yeah, when I first started using MC I underestimated how useful search lists could be, I made all my views with expressions. You can do almost everything with search lists with minimal fuss, I wish I knew that then.. Suppose not at least I got some practice of the expressions..



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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2011, 03:46:42 pm »

Sorry for reviving this, but I found a solution to my problem..  ;D

To have panes and both being able to view the playing now files in an album thumbnail type view I used Split View, with two rows, with the second row being locked on playing now. Like in the image..

Got one question though, is there anyway in which I can make the playing now view not show the Play Doctor part, to save some screen space?

I'm thinking I might have to make a completely now Playing Now view Scheme, that doesn't have the play doctor by default..  How would I do this?



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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2011, 04:40:13 pm »

I've tried making my own custom view scheme, by setting the rules for files display to limit the database to playing now.. But it doesn't seem to work as well as the stock playing now view.. So I am kind of relying on being able to hide the play doctor part when in split mode.



I've figured it out I can simply drag the bottom part up to cover the play doctor  ;D

This make me very happy... At first I only wanted to be able to view the playing now for my album thumbnails but I think I can see it working for most view schemes

Edited Again

The only view which this doesn't work well for is my view scheme that is just a pane view which just lists all the files (It appears like a mirror image)..

It would be nice if in the display rules for a view scheme that I could set it to ignore that split screens is activated (It would have to be a separate option for split 2 & 3 I think to allow maximum functionality). Then this would only show for the panes I choose. Please Dev team, I know I always pester you with requests but this one would really make my day :)


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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #15 on: November 28, 2011, 09:10:10 pm »

It would be nice if in the display rules for a view scheme that I could set it to ignore that split screens is activated (It would have to be a separate option for split 2 & 3 I think to allow maximum functionality). Then this would only show for the panes I choose. Please Dev team, I know I always pester you with requests but this one would really make my day

Are you sure you're not pushing your quest for a "unified view" a bit to far? It's nice to be able to three things at once, but each of them are somewhat cramped. And it's fine to show Playing Now in a split—if you never use it alone. If you do, you'll forever be changing it's split so you can see Play Doctor and/or a visualization.

Split views are for showing independent views. It doesn't make sense (and is probably not feasible) to include a setting in one that will control the behaviour of another, or somehow include split view management in a view configuration. Your earlier request for a hybrid Panes/Categories view is probably more viable (but still unlikely to be implemented).

Are you aware there's a Toggle List Style command? You can use Ctrl-U or a toolbar button to toggle between Album Thumbnails and Details. That toggles between four styles, so you might prefer to create your own shortcuts to set one or the other directly.


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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #16 on: November 28, 2011, 09:52:15 pm »

I know you can toggle between styles, but I like to have three view schemes that use panes that are almost identical..) One is listed by Album Thumbnails, the other by Album Artist (So I can view the complete works of an artist bunched together) and one that is listed by Album Artist then Albums..

I like to keep them separate, just so I can remember what different kinds of views I can use.. And more so for other people using my library.. Kind of like set in stone with no need to think about it, it's all there.. Just click on what you want no need ro change any config or viewing style..

It's nice to be able to three things at once, but each of them are somewhat cramped.

That's why I've opted to revert back to drop down panes (Only for the grouped by thumbnails view).. That way it still feels like there are only two things "cramping" the screen...

I don't think it is that unreasonable for the ability for a view scheme to over ride how the rest of the library is viewed.. I only want split panes for the Thumbnails view, and maybe a one other (Haven't decided on that yet).. I'm sure that the coding in can't be that different from how each view scheme can have it's own viewing rules that doesn't match the parent view, essentially the ideas and framework are already there within mc..

I could manually disable split screens every time I change what view scheme I am using, but I know that would definitely become tedious over time...

Are you aware there's a Toggle List Style command? You can use Ctrl-U or a toolbar button to toggle between Album Thumbnails and Details. That toggles between four styles, so you might prefer to create your own shortcuts to set one or the other directly.

Even if I did use the Ctrl-U or toggle, I don't wish for the split view to show up for every style, only thumbnails.. That why I'd have my three separate view schemes that are for the different viewing styles and the split pane would only be applied to the one I want..

I rather switch which scheme I was using rather than change the viewing style of one scheme.. I think it is easier that way.

(and is probably not feasible) to include a setting in one that will control the behaviour of another, or somehow include split view management view configuration.

I understand what you mean but I'd say that is the wrong way to think about it..
There wouldn't be a setting to control any behaviours of another.. For instance the Album Thumbnails view would have a setting that would tell MC when Album Thumbnail scheme is in view, also include Playing Now row split at the bottom.. I don't see anywhere in that logic that allows one scheme to control the behaviour of another..


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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2011, 11:44:48 pm »

I understand what you mean but I'd say that is the wrong way to think about it.

Anything is possible, and it would be wrong to believe otherwise. I'm only guessing the it might be less feasible and less practical than you think. You might be able to improve the odds of the idea being considered by answering some of the obvious questions it raises...

If this view is to cause Playing Now to be shown in the split and modified, is it somehow going to put Playing Now back in it's normal state when the view is no longer used? Should it be assumed the use of this view means the normal Playing Now will not be used, or does it require the major change of allowing two Playing Nows for the same zone to be maintained at the same time? Should it be possible to add tabs to the split, as is the case with the normal use of a split? If so, what should happen if another view with this option is added to the "Playing Now split"? If that is to be prevented in this "special" split, what happens to any splits currently in use when such a view is added to one of them? And what is the point of all this, when you have no intention of using the split as a split—your only need is for an additional file list pane in the view?


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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #18 on: November 29, 2011, 12:21:10 am »

If this view is to cause Playing Now to be shown in the split and modified

Only a split view I haven't said anything about modifying anything other than a view schemes ability to have a split view when others do not.

is it somehow going to put Playing Now back in it's normal state when the view is no longer used?

Again Playing Now won't be in another state.. I've already implemented this split screen view and haven't modified anything on either views. I only wish that for split view is only active the view schemes I choose.. If I click on another view screen where the "rule" wouldn't be set it would simply revert back being no split.

Should it be assumed the use of this view means the normal Playing Now will not be used, or does it require the major change of allowing two Playing Nows for the same zone to be maintained at the same time?

No only the same playing now is required.. Before I requested the ability to hide the play doctor because it would hog space in the kind of setup I am talking about.. I later found out that it is already possible to hide the play doctor in a split view just by clicking on the edge of the file pane and dragging it up..

Should it be possible to add tabs to the split, as is the case with the normal use of a split?

Yes that is allready possible.. I have the split view in rows, the playing now is locked at the bottom.. You can change the top tab to anything you want but because the bottom split is locked, the only tab you can open, is that one that allows you to go on to the Amazon mp3 store.. Thats fine.. I assume one would only ever need or want to use tabs in one of the splits anyway and it is possible now..

If so, what should happen if another view with this option is added to the "Playing Now split"?

The same thing would happen, that view would get a playing now split at the bottom, it wouldn't include the prior thumbnail split.. I think one key aspect of this would be that there would always be a dominate split, with another split that would have to be locked to complement the main split. (Or if you don't want either split to ever change, you might as well lock both)

If that is to be prevented in this "special" split, what happens to any splits currently in use when such a view is added to one of them?

I think I understand what you mean here, It would look like those infinite image things..

This would be simple to solve.. When adding a split to another split, because one would alway be dominate, you would just have to code that splits cannot share their sub splits...

So if I had my album thumbnail split together with my playing now split... (Also playing now could never be dominate as it isn't in some sense a view scheme like any other)  and I was going to make a Artist dominate split with the view scheme album thumbnail... The Artist view would simply ingnore that the Thumbnail view scheme contained split rules and ignore its' sub split.

And what is the point of all this, when you have no intention of using the split as a split—your only need is for an additional file list pane in the view?

The point of this is that in an Album thumbnail view scheme, it wouldn't be an additional file list pane, it would be the only one, allowing the selection any of subset of an playing now albums files.

As I said earlier the view scheme is up and running, it is only a view schemes' inability to keep their split to themselves which is hindering this idea..

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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #19 on: November 29, 2011, 01:47:15 am »

Serves me right trying to make a point with a set of rhetorical questions. ::)

The point of this is that in an Album thumbnail view scheme, it wouldn't be an additional file list pane, it would be the only one, allowing the selection any of subset of an playing now albums files.

Of course it's a file List pane, displayed with the "Album Thumbnails" List Style. Why are you going to such extreme lengths to deny what you're asking for is simply and additional pane in which you may display selected files? Perhaps it's because you believe it essential show the files playing now. But this is not the case. As I've explained before, a pane can be used to select files currently in Playing Now (or, if preferred, the album of the file currently playing). So your Playing Now pane is unnecessarily restrictive. An additional file list pane could show file details for whatever is currently selected in the panes, including an IsInPlayingNow selection (which may be all that's playing now, or a subset determined by other pane selections).

An additional file list pane is not likely to be implemented, but at least it's of potential use to others, and it's feasible.


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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2011, 02:42:45 am »

There're isn't any right & wrong way in which somebody want their files to work.

Just because you don't see a use for something doesn't mean it doesn't have a valid use

I don't think you understand what I am getting at. Your rhetorical questions barley had any significance relating to what I was talking about. I never wanted to modify how stock panes work. Not in the slightest, yet most of your "rhetorical" questions seemed based around that..

There isn't any big dilemmas in how this could happen as you are trying to state. The dev team could make this happen, they probably deal with far more complicated problems....

I would like one view scheme that contains two panes split and every other view scheme would be blind to that, they don't mix, mingle or affect each another and most of all the playing now pane is just the regular playing now pane..

It's not really an extreme length.. I do like the album view and yes I do believe you should be able to see the files which are playing now if you want & I do.. (Ahh the playlist editor, the only thing I miss about winamp)

This setup works perfectly, apart from the only niggle that if I have split view activated it is activated for all schemes not just the one (& toggling the view style doesn't make a blind bit of difference), Without this I would constantly turn the panes on & off or live with it.. When viewing my other schemes that are built around a file list view, having a split pane that is playing now if I click on one file it makes the entire library go on playing now, This would make both panes contain a list of all my files, pointless.. And that is exactly why I would want my file list view scheme not have a split view but equally I don't want to have to constantly set up a split view.. (In theory is isn't that much to ask to have split view stick for one scheme)

a pane can be used to select files currently in Playing Now (or, if preferred, the album of the file currently playing).

Yes that is true but I've tried it in an album thumbnail view type you still can't display all the files of an album that is playing, without changing the view type (Which I don't want to have to do).. I know the toggle buttons are their for a reason but the way in which I want my library to operate, is that each view is designed for a specific need and once it has been designed,  I wish it to be static, no changing anything, no view style nothing, nada, I have a collection of different views tailored for my needs and wish them to stay that way, this would allow that. This way when other people use my library it would have minimal hassle, they don't need to know how to change a view style or anything, just how to switch between viewing schemes..


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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #21 on: November 29, 2011, 03:29:56 am »

you still can't display all the files of an album that is playing

Of course you can. As I've explained a number of times, you can display any set of files having any determinable relationship to the file playing now. The most obvious of those are the files of the album and the files of the artist. One should not be permitted to operate a Panes View that doesn't offer those selections.

I know the toggle buttons are their for a reason but...

Stop it already! I only mentioned this because I thought you might not be aware of it. It might help once you realize what you're asking for is not feasible.


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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #22 on: November 29, 2011, 06:45:08 am »

Of course you can. As I've explained a number of times

I tried that it that way many times but I never feel happy with how it works. I'm a stones throw away from getting it there.. I love how the split view works even though I think it is lacking a little

I much prefer the files showing in a pane at the bottom, also there isn't a refresh problem this way, the Playing now pane at the bottom updates instantaneously when the tracks are changed. For me it all round works better, bar the split issue when changing view.

Here is a nice updated pic of the setup.. Nice & clutter free & got everything I want, my panes at the top, album covers in the middle and the playing now at the bottom..

You're methods have their benefits but are not what I am looking for in my library..

what you're asking for is not feasible.

In the utmost respect, I simply don't believe that remark, of course it is feasible, it is only potentially a set of rules.

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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #23 on: November 29, 2011, 12:17:34 pm »

You're methods have their benefits but are not what I am looking for in my library.

I really don't care what methods you choose to use, and I have no interest in convincing you to use mine. I will attempt to correct false statements that occur in a conversation I'm party to. But even then, I don't care what you choose to believe. It's for the benefit of anyone who may be reading this.

In the utmost respect, I simply don't believe that remark, of course it is feasible, it is only potentially a set of rules.

As I said, anything is possible. In the context of an application used by thousands of people other than you, I don't believe the request is feasible. But that's just my opinion. So I'll shut up and let others show their support for your request.


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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #24 on: November 29, 2011, 02:41:11 pm »

thousands of people other than you

That is true in regards, to both of us.. I will keep pursuing my ideas, and I will not let your comments try and stop me.. For we are both 1 in the 1000's of users and we both don't know what everybody else thinks, for that reason alone I'll pursue what I think mc could benefit from jsu like any other.. Because you disagree doesn't mean your wrong but equally doesn't mean your right either.. I didn't mean to get your back up over it, all my ideas for mc are only ever intended as a light hearted discussion. And the reason this idea keeps reoccurring with me is because I keep getting other ideas of how to achieve that goal.. If I simply forgot about it on the basis you say it isn't feasible would be silly...


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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #25 on: January 29, 2012, 04:45:18 pm »

Rick i have a question.
How did you obtain that half of stars from your image, you use a symbol or how you do that.
i will glad to know if you are willing to share this info :)

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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #26 on: January 30, 2012, 12:30:09 am »

I created it using the Windows Private Character Editor as described here and the following messages. This one for detailed instructions.


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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #27 on: January 30, 2012, 02:27:06 pm »

I created it using the Windows Private Character Editor as described here and the following messages. This one for detailed instructions.

I follow the links and understand how to do the stars or the half stars.
Obvious i need to make both stars full/half because they look misplaced from what it is on character map, so far so good
Now my question is how to add the half stars along with the full stars that is what intrigue me.
So can u help me at this part?

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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #28 on: January 30, 2012, 03:00:03 pm »

Mid(★★★★★, 0, [a.Rating])If(IsEqual(Right([a.Rating], 2), .5),, )

[a.Rating] is an album rating from 1 to 5 in 0.5 increments. The blue expression produces a number of stars equal to the integer part of [a.Rating]. The green expression adds my half star (which displays as '' here) if [a.Rating] ends in '.5'.


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Re: Pane - List Style: Album View Request
« Reply #29 on: February 10, 2012, 10:12:47 am »

Since using panes, I have basically completely stopped using categories for view schemes..

One of my favourite pane views is to make the view listed by Album Thumbnails.

It great, I use it for a lot of my browsing, but there is only one area in which I can fault it in comparison to a categorical view listed by album thumbnails.. In the category views I can select an album and click the file link to  bring up all the files below, Like in the image below.. Please in the next build or so could you enable this for panes.

If you do I wouldn't include the option in the customise view to always show files, because in a pane and file view combo constantly having the file view up would make it unusable..

I would love to see the same feature implemented. As I wrote in another entry:
I'm using pane view with the list style "albums thumbnails". I'm narrowing down the number of albums with a couple of panes (genre, period, style,...) and then browse through the filtered albums using the "albums thumbnails" view because I'm faster that way than if I use the list style "Details" - in the detailed view one only sees 1-2 albums at a time on the screen and it's hard to read the titles while scrolling down.
However if I then click on an album thumbnail I would expect it to open a list of the contained tracks (a file list) - in the same way as in the album category, where you can either double click on an album to open the file list or click on the thumbnail once and then select the appearing "File". Instead the album starts to play from the beginning.
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