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Author Topic: MC 17 Individual VOB's in directories show up as individual movies (Newbie)  (Read 2521 times)


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I have searched the forum and internet for a solution. I have a large library of VOB's and video files in invidually labeled directories. When the library is added, MC displays artwork of the videos but the video artwork generated from VOB's contained in the directories shows multiple artworks of all of the individual VOB's. Each artwork is identical and associated with a specific VOB continued in that directory. The Theater view is a mess with multiple images of each VOB (each about 20 to 30 minutes long). I went and looked at MC 16 still on the same PC and it is mess too. I don't remember this condition before installing MC 17.  I have deleted the database and rebuilt with no love. Is their a setting I am missing? Any help is much appreciated.


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It's not clear what you're asking.  Sorry.


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If these are DVD movies with multiple .VOB files in the VIDEO_TS folder, you only need the main .IFO file in your library. You can delete the .VOBs from the library (not the disk itself!). MC can play the whole disc structure using just the .IFO file. Then you'll have just one cover art per folder. Apologies if I've misinterpreted what you're asking.


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I think that is what OP is saying. I see it too. I rip a DVD to Video_TS (folder structure) and when MC imports from that drive it adds all the VOBs and ther IFO as separate entries shown in the Standard View >Files. Then I go back and delete the VOBs (from MC) and just download the movie metadata for the IFO. it didn't used to do this, but its not a big issue for me because I rarely by DVDs these days.


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My install started doing this recently too. Everything was fine up until a couple installs ago. I could go remove VOBs from the library, but I never had to before.


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I usually create and import ISOs, but I gave VOBs a try and I'm getting the same results, in that MC is importing every VOB file for the same movie and creating sidecar files for each VOB file.

I assume it is supposed to create a sidecar for the IFO file only (and only import the IFO for that matter).

Is this a bug, or by design?
A wise man once said don't count your years, but make your years count. Or was it beers?


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I realize this is a new posting (my comment was from back in November) so the problem must still exist for some - but I now see that all the VOBs are imported just as the OP complained, then shortly after all the "ripping" is done, the VOBs remove themselves and just leave the IFO file.
I don't know if an update fixed this - or if I was just too impatient before to let MC finish the job itself. However, it seems to be working properly on my machine now. Go figure.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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I had posted a while back about this, but perhaps I can add a bit more info to see if it helps anyone.  CountryBumkin just posted that the VOBs are removing themselves from the library.  Is that only when the DVD is ripped from MC?  I don't rip DVDs on my HTPC, mainly for two reasons, one of which may not even be a good reason to NOT rip them on the HTPC.  My main reason is that the HTPC is in the basement where it's free to be as loud as the loud PSU fan in it wants to be.  (Too lazy to fix it, I don't notice it in the basement)  All of my external hard drives can lay around and look like hell in the basement too.  The second reason is that I haven't figured out if it's possible just to rip the main movie from MC.  It might be possible, but again, I haven't looked into it.

Here's how I rip my movies from another PC on the network.

Fire up DVDShrink and re-author the movie so that only the main movie is selected.  Rip the movie via  \\Server\Movies\Movie_Name\VIDEO_TS

If DVDShrink doesn't work, DVDFab almost certainly will get it ripped, via the same network naming convention.

So this past weekend I picked up a copy of Puss In Boots and lest my kids destroy the physical media, I promptly put the movie into another PC and ripped it to the HTPC (in the basement)

The Auto-Import that I have set up monitors folders and assigns genre tags automatically based on those folder selections, so when I go to Theater View, under Video I have Kid's Movies where anything that resides in the "Kids movies" folder on the HTPC will show up.

The last several months I've noticed almost all (but not 100%, weird) of the movie rips will show up with 4 or 5 covers in Theater View.  If I pop out of Theater View and select the VOB files and remove them from the library, everything is dandy.

It's nothing major, just an inconvenience, but if there was a setting or something that I could switch to alleviate it, that would be great.

What CountryBumkin just made me realize is that I'm probably doing things oddly by not ripping movies on the HTPC itself, and secondly, from within MC.


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I just ripped a movie (DVD) to watch how things are working now and I did not see any of the VOB files from the rip in Standard View>Video>Files. I only got the IFO file. And, as I posted before, I think this was fixed a while back, or perhaps I just changed my ripping procedure so I'm not seeing the problem anymore.

For comparison: My current method is to first create a new folder (such as F:/My Movies/Hugo) on my SERVER computer. All my movies go under the subdirectory "My Movies". Hugo being the folder name of the movie in this example. 

Then I rip my DVDs using a program called CloneDVD (by SlySoft). With CloneDVD I select only the main movie (no extras, previews, ads, etc.) and only the English sound tracks, and I rip the movie to the folder "Hugo" (now in Video_TS format). If I stop there, and look in Standard View, MC will have the IFO with the correct name, description, and cover art (no VOBs shown).

But I go one step further - I now switch to the program "MakeMKV" to convert all the VOBs/IFOs (in the Video folder "Hugo") into a single MKV file. Then I rename the mkv file "Hugo.mkv". MC handles this format the same way, downloading the movie info and cover art automatically. This gives me one single file which MadVR will work with. Then I delete the "Audio and Video" folders in "Hugo folder" just leaving the Hugo.mkv file.

So, I am ripping on the computer I use as the Server. Then my other HTPC (connected to TVs and/or AVR) are just client machines using the Library (data) from the Server. I don't import anything. Maybe this is the difference.
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