Name is Name. And name for TV Shows is the Title of the Episode. What you're describing is really just the filename. This is just the way it is, and how it have to be. Anything else would make no sense for most people.
I guess your problem is captions in theater view. If that is the case, then you'll need to change the captions to include this other things like Season and Episode numbers. Go to Options, Theater View, Advanced and Caption to configure this. I would suggest something like this: "S[Season]E[Episode] - [Name]". This will only be good for TV Shows. You can combine captions with IF sentences to make different captions for each Media Type and Media Sub Type. Just search on the forum here, and you'll find lots of suggestions.
Here's a more complete caption example, which I use. Only thin I have not gotten around to is to change the rating to actual stars. It includes the "Other" Media Syb Type as well, which I use for Standup. And it does not include caption for Images, as I have non of them.
If(IsEqual([Media Type], Audio),[Name] /([Artist]/) Rating: [Rating],If(IsEqual([Media Sub Type], TV Show),If(IsEmpty([Name]),S[Season]E[Episode]/ (NP:[Number Plays]/),S[Season]E[Episode]/ (NP:[Number Plays]/) - [Name]),If(IsEqual([Media Sub Type], Music Videos),If(IsEmpty([Artists]),[Name],[Artists] - [Name]),If(IsEqual([Media Sub Type], Other),If(IsEmpty([Season]),[Name]/ (NP:[Number Plays]/),[Name] - S[Season]E[Episode]/ (NP:[Number Plays]/)),[Name]))))