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Author Topic: Edit (Feature Request) - Re: Skinning Help  (Read 3167 times)


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Edit (Feature Request) - Re: Skinning Help
« on: December 22, 2011, 08:58:06 pm »


I am trying to edit my favourite skin mano..

I am only making a few changes to suite my taste, I've made the main window background colour black instead of white, I've changed the colour of the stars to gold..

I want to change the font and or background colour of the dropdown pane...

I can't find anything in the skinning tutorial that helps me, I thought it was between the Cutomtab tags but I think I was wrong..

Can anyone help please



  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: Skinning Help
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2011, 11:07:59 am »

If you want to make some change on that part look at the main.xml file
     <Colors text="ffffff" HotText="ffffff" background="e5e5e5" HeaderBackground="545252" />
     <Entry name="HeaderBackground" Bitmap="new.png" NumberImages="1" Margins="0,0,0,0"/>
Above is the area you looking for, and this is only the part where you can change the font color, and if you want to change the color of the tab, you need to search for "SplitViewTab_Button.png" and make the changes.
Hope this it help you needs.


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Re: Skinning Help
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2011, 07:37:48 pm »

Thanks Sirgeo

I am away for Christmas at the moment but I'll be sure to try it as soon as I am back

Thanks again

Merry Christmas



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Re: Skinning Help
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2011, 04:59:41 am »

Ty and happy holidays as well.


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Re: Skinning Help
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2011, 11:05:38 pm »


sirgeo worked great, the mano skin main.xml didn't have the corresponding code but just pasting the code in and taking the images from another skin worked fine..

Just wondering I decided to make to hotText red, and then I thought.. Normally with dropdown panes when you make a selection the text turns bold.. I'd wish for the text to turn bold and have the font colour change from the normal colour to red or something.. This way I could more easily identify which panes are active.. 

Anyway to do this??

Thanks again


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Re: Skinning Help
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2012, 08:19:48 am »

Happy New Year first off all
From what i tested on that skin with what changes you do, you have only a small space to play on that part.
Because is pretty limited from what i know, you can need to do 2 things.
To match your background with the font color, and if you do that you need to do in a way that it can be readable.
I did put red on hot text but i changes the font color to this code #222222, that way when is not selected the font, is still bold but it is more visible than what you can see, that if you copy code from what i say early.
So basically this is the code if you want to use
     <Colors text="222222" HotText="ff0000" background="222222" HeaderBackground="ffffff" />
     <Entry name="HeaderBackground" Bitmap="new.png" NumberImages="1" Margins="0,0,0,0"/>
And down is an example of what i made it, hope it work for u.



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Re: Skinning Help
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2012, 06:22:21 pm »

Hi Sergio, I have done something along the lines of that allready

What I was meaning is can you make both your artist pane, containing Ellis Bextor and when you select the album Make A Scene in your album pane.... Can you make both of them appear red at the same time whilst all other panes if any, stay black.. And then when you make further selections the text should turn red..

Right now when a selection is made I can't seem to keep the text red as soon as I click on something else it will turn back to white as well..

Oh & I was curious to your columns with the musical notes I am curious as to what they do?? The one & zeros and the bars..

Thanks Sergio


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Re: Skinning Help
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2012, 04:34:01 am »

I don't think you can do in that way, because is by design that and you need to appeal at someone else not me :D
But if you want to have the font in red, then you can have both red, either is selected or no, and you can change only the background of the tabs.
And for the other question, the 2 columns are, for witch track have a lyrics on tag or not, and the other one is how many time is a file played, each time a track is played, it add automatic a new bar.
Hope that it helped you.


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Edit (Feature Request) - Re: Skinning Help
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2012, 11:27:41 am »

Thanks Sirgeo

Those columns are quite cool...

I'll appeal directly from this thread then and change the title....

Hi J River Team could you please add the ability within the view header tags to change the font colour of selected text, so that when one or more drop down panes have been selected the colour will stay the same.. This will help distinguish which panes are active and make the reset button needed less, for me anyway.. When I am browsing through my library I only normally use the reset button when for a moment I can't figure out which pane is active..



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Re: Edit (Feature Request) - Re: Skinning Help
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2012, 11:56:50 am »

hey, i also tried the same thing (selected one in white - the unselected ones in lightgrey), and i could't solved it...

anyway, i think your request will not be fulfilled coz i also made some requests to improve the skin, and yet there is no answer to my messages that i send directly to the admins.

here is the thread:;topicseen
(maybe you can add your idea)

oh yea, and ive somewhere read that one of the updates support the different textcolor of the Splitviewtab and the textcolor of the Viewheader. But it does not work.
So supporting something is one thing, but pls also give a description how to use the commands...
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