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Author Topic: Media Center 17.0.68 -- Available Here  (Read 9672 times)


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Media Center 17.0.68 -- Available Here
« on: January 17, 2012, 09:27:58 am »

This is the latest version of MC 17.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

New Features in MC17

Upgrade Instructions


17.0.68 (1/16/2012)

1. Fixed: Showing Theater View could hang at a black screen in some cases.
2. NEW: Improved Hulu integration (login, queue, more titles per category, nicer playback, etc.).
3. Faster: Convolution uses SSE3 in the convolution kernel when supported (gives about an 8% speed-up to the convolution engine on supported processors).
4. Fixed: When using VideoClock when a large correction was needed (like PAL slowdown), the audio rate could fail to stabilize in some cases, especially when using madVR.
5. Changed: VideoClock will target a maximum deviation of 5% instead of 7.5% to achieve an even multiple between the video and display rates (so 28 Hz material on a 60 Hz display won't target 1:2, but 25 Hz material on a 24 Hz display will still target 1:1).
6. Fixed: The DVB-T channel scanning problem in build 65 is fixed.
7. NEW: The subtitle engine supports sidecar subtitles when playing from a Library Server.
8. Changed: In image preview mode, doing something that shows an Action Window (like Share to Web) will close the image preview so that the Action Window will be visible.
9. Fixed: The option "Video/Crop edges" wasn't working for non-DVD videos.
10. Changed: When DVD playback fails because MS decoder won't connect to splitter, we now fall back to other Mpeg2 decoders rather than failing playback.
11. Fixed: Playing multiple videos in a playlist could unnecessarily delay 5 seconds when starting subsequent videos.

17.0.67 (1/13/2012)

1. Fixed: The DVB-T channel scanning problem found in build 65 is truly fixed.
2. Fixed: When moving or deleting video files with an associated image file, if the image file was also imported into the database, the database entry didn't get moved or deleted correctly.

17.0.66 (1/12/2012)

1. Changed: Library servers without a key (never clicked on access key under Media Network Options) will now show up as a library server instead of a DLNA server under Playing now.
2. Fixed: Minor cleanup of a sent user agent string in Media Network.
3. Fixed: The DVB-T channel scanning problem found in build 65 is likely fixed.

17.0.65 (1/10/2012)

1. Fixed: Convolution was not working properly.
2. Changed: Convolution filter volume normalization is optional.
3. Changed: Better volume handling when convolution resamples a filter to a different sample rate.
4. Changed: Convolution normalization targets a change of -6 dB so that there's enough room to prevent clipping in most cases (it's also recommend that you leave 'Clip Protection' enabled in DSP Studio).
5. Changed: Red October uses the latest LAV filters (v0.44). Intel QuickSync hardware decoding supported, plus other new goodies and bug fixes.
6. Changed: Right-click menu on audio CD tracks no longer shows library tools that don't make sense. Added a button in header for getting track info from YADB.
7. NEW: XMLTV channel IDs can be automatically matched with MC DVB-T television channels.

17.0.64 (1/6/2012)

1. Changed: Renaming a file or folder in the MC Explorer tree now runs a verification to make sure it wouldn't create any invalid (too long) filenames underneath and fails the rename if it would.
2. Fixed: Using the "Rename, Move, & Copy..." tool for a video file with an associated image file was failing.
3. Changed: When resampling audio, the resampler delay at the beginning (a small fraction of a second) is removed instead of outputting the silence.
4. Changed: When importing videos (or doing quick find cover art), sidecar Folder.jpg images will be used if no [Filename].jpg image is found.
5. Changed: Folder.jpg files stored one level above the VIDEO_TS or BDMV folders will be used if no other sidecar artwork is found.
6. Fixed: Setting file association for playlist files like m3u wasn't working.
7. Fixed: Handle the case of file in database being temporarily non-existent for serving via DLNA. Some renderers (i.e. WDTV) really don't like zero byte files being served (it prevented the WD from reading other files without a reboot).
8. NEW: Added 'Convolution' to DSP Studio (more here: ).

17.0.63 (1/4/2012)

1. Changed: The default zone is named 'Player' instead of 'Here' (it's recommend that you rename zones to have a name that is meaningful to you).
2. Changed: DVD scanning speed (FF/REW) capped at 50x since the playback graph was flaky at higher speeds.
3. Fixed: Live digital television playback did not observe Custom Video Mode settings (filter selections).  This problem for analog television will be fixed later.
4. Fixed: Deleting a DVD movie did not delete an associated image file in the same directory.
5. NEW: Added new Netflix browsing category "Recently Watched".  This may require re-configuration under Tools/Options/Services.
6. Changed: WebGizmo tuning.

17.0.62 (1/3/2012)

1. Changed: Reverted the publisher in the uninstall to "JRiver" from "JRiver" because the change could cause problems when rolling back to an old build.
2. Fixed: MCWS/v1/Control/Key was not working in Theater View which made Gizmo Theater View remote mode not work.

17.0.61 (1/2/2012)

1. Fixed: Image playback (or other hardware accelerated views) could get into a state when an unexpected redraw was issued by Windows where presentation stalled the main thread and prevented timers from being serviced (so image playback could stall).
2. Fixed: Customization of Gizmo views in Options > Media Network was not working.
3. Fixed: WebGizmo thumbnails would not have text with some browsers.
4. Changed: When dealing with output signals with more than 8 channels, the program assumes the first 8 channels follow the conventional L,R,C,SW,RL,RR,SL,SR ordering for the first 8 channels so that Room Correction, Parametric Equalizer, etc. can be used on the first 8 channels.
5. Fixed: Netflix search box did not work right after exiting and re-entering the Netflix theater view.
6. Fixed: Sound was muted following a DVD seek operation (ff/rew).
7. Changed: A cancel button was added to the "Export all Playlists" wait message.
8. Fixed: Setting the bitstreaming option would fail in some cases (may require manually reenabling bitstreaming one time).
9. Fixed: Image playback was not handling lost Direct3d devices nicely, so locking the screen, etc. could break playback.
10. NEW: Added advanced option to Options > Video called "Aspect ratio mode" which allows setting a global default for video aspect ratio handling (choices: no change, stretch, crop, automatic).
11. Changed: Some tuning to the look and feel of WebGizmo.
12. Changed: Changed copyrights to 2012.

17.0.60 (12/23/2011)

1. NEW:  WebGizmo merges WebPlay and WebRemote and looks like Gizmo for Android (test by navigating to [Library Server URL]/Gizmo).
2. Changed: Revised the layout of library server webpage themes in [Install Path]\Data so that all are beneath [Install Path]\Data\Library Server.
3. SDK: Library Server's HTML engine supports else clauses in conditionals (see WebGizmo for an example).
4. SDK: Merged MCWS Browse/Image and File/GetImage image handling and parameters so sizing control, png, aspect ratio, etc. is available to both.
5. Fixed: Transcoding MP3's to burn a CD was failing in some cases because MC was under-estimating the final size of VBR mp3 files.
6. Changed: LAV video is now used to play JTV and Mpeg-2 content that used to use the Microsoft video decoder.
7. Fixed: Updated LAV video version to fix an issue with AAC in television.

17.0.59 (12/21/2011)

1. Fixed: Theater View message boxes (or pressing escape to show a message box) could crash in build 58.
2. Changed: Using Rename, Move, & Copy for a video file will also move sidecar edl, srt, smi, idx, sub.
3. Fixed: Renaming a video file would move a sidecar image but not update the image file field, causing the link to the image to be broken.
4. Fixed: Blu-ray titles weren't always showing up in the title menu.
5. Changed: Red October uses the latest LAV filters (v0.43). Improved stability on WinXP, improved MKV performance, fixed problems with MPEG2/H264 broadcasts, AMV decoding, various other improvements.
6. Fixed: Per-file aspect ratio settings were not being preserved between plays.
7. Fixed: Sorting results by match quality wasn't always working well in the Get Movie & TV Info tool.
8. NEW: The file rename and move tool now works with JTV titles in the database.

17.0.58 (12/20/2011)

1. Fixed: In Rename/Move/Copy dialog, VIDEO_TS and BDMV sub-folders were getting doubled up.
2. Fixed: In Detached Display mode, some keyboard shortcuts would not work.
3. Fixed: Rare dead-lock when updating Podcasts.
4. Changed: Renamed the window class names of the playback display (only relevant if you're scripting the program).
5. Changed: Blu-ray title menu shown when "dvd menu" button on remote is pressed.

17.0.57 (12/19/2011)

1. Changed: Updated to madVR v0.80 (fixes issue with black bar cropping in Red October HQ).
2. Fixed: When first adding a folder in Configure Auto-Import, file type selections would not be saved properly.
3. Fixed: CD ripping would fail if meta-data had invalid filename characters embedded.
4. Fixed: Renaming a video with a sidecar image was not working properly.
5. Fixed: Full resolution thumbnail overlays, which are used when using large thumbnails, would flicker when used in album thumbnail views.
6. Changed: JRSS is now supported when doing 12, 16, 24, and 32 channel output (JRSS will populate 7.1 and the other channels will be silent).
7. Fixed: Changes to the bitstreaming mode in Options > Video were not sticking.
8. Fixed: Rename/Copy dialog was showing wrong case for file extension on destination DVD names.


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Re: Media Center 17.0.68 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2012, 11:05:05 am »



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Re: Media Center 17.0.68 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2012, 10:22:11 pm »

This is a really impressive build. Thanks!


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Re: Media Center 17.0.68 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2012, 05:00:00 am »

Still the same issue reported in the last couple of builds with duplicate images being imported via the Camera option.


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Re: Media Center 17.0.68 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2012, 06:32:40 am »

This is a really impressive build. Thanks!
We're about to declare it "stable" unless someone finds something major.  As in _Major_.

Alex B

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Re: Media Center 17.0.68 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2012, 03:02:01 pm »

The resampler does not work when Handheld conversion is set to use it:
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


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Re: Media Center 17.0.68 -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2012, 03:38:50 pm »

MC 17 is getting pretty darn good!  ;D

Improved Hulu interface is really nice, It's great having volume and navigation controls, as well as fewer "breaks" in the program. Do Hulu videos now run completely native within MC A/V engines?

One issue on my computer: Hulu videos get stuck at about 5-8 seconds in, then hangs until I press forward or back a few times.  I run RO standard on all other formats no problem and have a 20 mbps or so wired network. Tried an MC un/re-install and can still replicate this. Maybe a buffer issue?


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Re: Media Center 17.0.68 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2012, 07:49:28 pm »

 :( I have been having a repeated issue with Media Center 17 constantly  force closing. Whenever I am in 3d view and if switch to any other mode the players hangs up and closes. Also after the lastest update when I attempt to enter into theater view I just see a black screen.  Any assistance on these issues would be greatly appreciated. Also vs 16 gave me the same problems. :(


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Re: Media Center 17.0.68 -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2012, 08:20:56 pm »

That may be a video driver problem.  Please try updating it.


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Cover Art path problem
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2012, 03:38:26 pm »


I upgraded to 17.0.68 and suddenly the behavior for the Cover Art folder has changed. The folder path for Cover Art is configured as to the attached picture but JRiver now stores and looks for all cover in Y:\Cover Art\Albums.

Is there any good reaosn for that?




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Re: Cover Art path problem
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2012, 03:49:26 pm »


I upgraded to 17.0.68 and suddenly the behavior for the Cover Art folder has changed. The folder path for Cover Art is configured as to the attached picture but JRiver now stores and looks for all cover in Y:\Cover Art\Albums.

Is there any good reaosn for that?



You can read about the cover art system here:

Use Options > File Location > Cover Art > Clean cover art folder... to move all art into the new structure.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 17.0.68 -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2012, 05:04:47 pm »

MC 16, does not convince me, yet I used MediaMonkey Gold, but the 17 reales is a real strength, Thanks!  :o  :o  :o


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Re: Media Center 17.0.68 -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2012, 11:02:21 pm »

Quote from: Matt
You can read about the cover art system here:

Thanks for the wiki link. My setup uses a File Server so I see the same hierarchy on all my machines in the house.

Since I have my main system always a bit lagging behind the bleeding edge release the simplest way to interoperate between the new and the old releases probably is to copy all cover art files to the [Cover Art Path]\Album folder and update the pathname on the older releases.




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Re: Media Center 17.0.68 -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2012, 01:16:17 am »

Since I updated I have a problem with Youtube. When starting a youtube clip in theater view I get the following message, There was a problem loading the webpage Webmedia://youtube/xxxxx  . Please couble check connection and webpage you're trying to load. Error -302.

Any idea what changed or is the reason for this. Will go back to former version in the meantime.


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Re: Media Center 17.0.68 -- Available Here
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2012, 07:53:16 am »

Theater View - Playing Now - Info panel shows remnant data on any client

Only way to change to the actual data: Click first on 'List' View, then it changes also the 'Info' panel

I can live with this but it still a bug :)



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Re: Media Center 17.0.68 -- Available Here
« Reply #15 on: January 20, 2012, 08:06:26 am »

Since I updated I have a problem with Youtube. When starting a youtube clip in theater view I get the following message, There was a problem loading the webpage Webmedia://youtube/xxxxx  . Please couble check connection and webpage you're trying to load. Error -302.

YouTube works for me in Standard View, however it no longer offers to save the video.
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Re: Media Center 17.0.68 -- Available Here
« Reply #16 on: January 20, 2012, 08:08:36 am »

YouTube works for me in Standard View, however it no longer offers to save the video.
Try a ctrl-click on the video.


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Re: Media Center 17.0.68 -- Available Here
« Reply #17 on: January 20, 2012, 08:32:15 am »

Try a ctrl-click on the video.

No luck there, Jim.

Also, I am getting multiple audio threads on YouTube. Even when I pause the video I've selected some audio thread continues. It may be a channel form the video's audio, or another somehow playing n the background (even though I only selected one and had not played any before it).
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Re: Media Center 17.0.68 -- Available Here
« Reply #18 on: January 20, 2012, 08:32:49 am »

We're about to declare it "stable" unless someone finds something major.  As in _Major_.

'Quick Find In File / Cover Art Directory' is broken. Reported several times over the last few builds. Core functionality broken. Major enough?


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Re: Media Center 17.0.68 -- Available Here
« Reply #19 on: January 20, 2012, 08:52:08 am »

'Quick Find In File / Cover Art Directory' is broken. Reported several times over the last few builds. Core functionality broken. Major enough?

Cover art in the cover art folder must follow the naming convention documented here:

You can use Options > File Location > Cover Art > Clean cover art folder... to move everything into this hierarchy.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 17.0.68 -- Available Here
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2012, 09:37:09 am »

Cover art in the cover art folder must follow the naming convention documented here:

You can use Options > File Location > Cover Art > Clean cover art folder... to move everything into this hierarchy.

Thanks - I guess I missed that advice in an earlier thread. In which case - no problems to report! :)
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