I am using MC 17 on a fanless PC referred to as C.A.P.S. Version 1 described on the Computer Audiophile web site.
The device has 2 GB memory, 32 bit CPU, solid state drive, WIN7 professional. I believe it is single core. Nothing else "running" (ie no IE, word processing, etc, etc) on the device except VNC server and Splashtop server. I use these to aces the headless CAPS device. No virus protection, no using the internet. I have NAS drives but all is hooked up WIRED CAT 5. No movies.
I often have lockups, actually more slowdowns, when using MC 17 - Windows box pops up saying "do I want to wait or shut down the program." Waiting 10-30" usually "gets me back" - rarely do I have to totally bail out.
Is there anything I can do to enhance performance or is the PC just too much of an underperformer in 2012 for this much software?
Other music player software, MediaMonkey 3 and 4, has no issues
I want the benefit of better sound but am finding the UI challenge to be a high wall to climb.