Why don't you start a thread with a request, or if you've made one, please bump it.
Ok I know this line wasn't adressed to me, but I have three requests.
1. Menu (Roller):
Make it possible to use images as menu instead of text, this way, I think, would also make it easyer
for those with a touch-screen.
The downside to this is ofcourse it woudn't be as easy to add your own menufield without also have to make
something for it in photoshop, but on the other hand for us who like the eyecandy this could be sweet.
It would also require different ways to set up the menu, the only thing that works good today is the horizontal way.
On the "Homepage"
Make it possible to drag things out from the underlying menu
ex. when over the movie part of the roller
[Date Imported]=>2d [Media Sub Type]=[Movie]
And again have it possible for the audio, images, homevideos etc. etc.
It dosn't need to be clickable, just to show.
3. Playing now
Make it possible to show a little window with the Playing Now (If something is playing) on the "Home screen"
Thats it for now, maybe more to come