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Author Topic: Volume and replay gain  (Read 1316 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 64
Volume and replay gain
« on: February 25, 2012, 05:22:13 am »

I like the sound in Wasapi event style. The only problem is that via a ripped CD I lose a lot of volume headroom i.e. It's mighty loud at 9 0 clock on my little Sugden A21a s2 amp wheras i'm used to usabale non clipping volume up to at least 11 o clock. I set up MC following current wiki guide for DAC's and therefore have only checked output in DSP and should consequently bypass all windows degradation. The impression is similar to when I once demoed a Densen CD player - sounds good both deep and wide but needs attenuating without softening the sound or losing bits.

Is this where replay gain comes in or would that not achieve my desired goal (I do not want to get less volume at output at the expense of quality - I would rather use the 10mm of usful volume control I now have left on the amp or more likely try a different player that uses my volume control with a little more lassitude).

16 bit downloaded from B&W soc of sound works much better in terms of volume of output - though does not sound better in overall quality compared to the cd rips. volume is ticked as 'system volume' I am not sure what this really means. I use a Rega DAC and Shahinian ARC speakers.

Can I specify a more balanced output volume without degrading the sound quality. if I can what is the best approach according to experienced MC users? I have tried all the wiki advice but do not really understand the nuances of technical nomenclature as presented in the text.

As ever thanks again



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Re: Volume and replay gain
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2012, 05:38:46 am »

You could select "Internal" volume.

Our wiki has some details:

And CompuuterAudiophile just did a review that has a lot details on volume.  We helped him with the volume section so it reflects what we know as well.


  • Junior Woodchuck
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  • Posts: 64
Re: Volume and replay gain
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2012, 07:12:31 am »

This is really useful information. So basically I do not need to worry about replay gain except where editing playlists from different source material?

If I use internal volume and set the slider to the top right of the screen at say 80% will I be losing bits at 16 bit playback? it sounds OK to me on first listen and certainly gives me more control on the amp. How low in percentage can I go on this slider before I start to lose bits?

I am assuming that this breadth of control at the amp is preferable to setting internal volume 100% and having less adjustment on the amp but greater volume for a lower setting (9 o clock as opposed to 10 or 11 o clock) on the passive analogue pot. Also is volume protection a sensible box to check i.e can my described settings damage tweeters if volume protection is not set?

thanks to you for your patience with a music nut who does not much enjoy computers for their own sake, my questions are probably really basic in IT terms but your help is very much appreciated.  :)
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