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Author Topic: *MJ8 Beta* A Recap of Fixes (change history)  (Read 1136 times)


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*MJ8 Beta* A Recap of Fixes (change history)
« on: May 09, 2002, 06:04:51 am »'s the history of the MJ 8.0 Betas (so far):

[156 2001-12-13]
(   1)  1. Fixed: "Devices" in the tree wouldn't show the proper device view.
(   2)  2. Fixed: Devices submenu in "Quick Play" would cause a crash.
(   3)  3. Fixed: Media Scheduler would not stop starting.
(   4)  4. Fixed: Encoder plug-in installation from Options dialog is much smarter now.
(   5)  5. Fixed: Uninstalling selected plug-in in Plug-in Manager would not delete plug-in file.
(   6)  6. Fixed: Image in DJ Track Info theme was wrong size.
(   7)  7. Fixed: Media Jukebox would not search Comment field.
(   8)  8. Changed: Custom menus now 3D on non-XP systems.
(   9)  9. Changed: Player Commands moved to root level in system tray menu.
(  10) 10. NEW: Double-clicking on "Full Screen" in menu's now defaults to "Current Resolution".
(  11) 11. Changed: "Load script" changed to "Visualizations".
(  12) 12. Fixed: Customize toolbar menu item was disabled.
(  13) 13. Fixed: Visualizations in mini-me transparent mode would cause problems.
(  14) 14. Fixed: Changes to the external image in File Properties would not always be saved.
(  15) 15. Fixed: Save button in System Info window is removed (specially for Doof).
(  16) 16. NEW: Many enhancements to the visualization studio / engine.
(  17) 17. NEW: Added splitter to the default view of the playing now.
(  18) 18. Fixed: MJ would not play files with semi-colon in their name.

[157 2001-12-14]
(  19)  1. NEW: Math evaluator for visualizations can now process "if" statements.
(  20)  2. NEW: Visualization "Transform" component has several more options.
(  21)  3. NEW: Visualization "Flush" component has more options.
(  22)  4. Changed: Reworked the Playing Now - Default resizing logic and behavior.
(  23)  5. Fixed: Could not in-place edit the comment field.
(  24)  6. Fixed: In-place editing would not allow fields to be emptied.
(  25)  7. Fixed: In-place editing would not always update multiple fields correctly (if first didn't change).
(  26)  8. Changed: John is in the credits
(  27)  9. Changed: Package installer now reports the URL when it fails to open a file.
(  28) 10. Changed: MP3 plugin uninstalled during installation to force an update.
(  29) 11. Fixed: Starting TV would crash Media Jukebox.
(  30) 12. Changed: "Select All" is now functional when the tree has the focus.

[158 2001-12-17]
(  31)  1. Changed: Media Jukebox no longer refreshes everything (which loses sorting and selections) when you change file properties. (press F5 to force a tree view update)
(  32)  2. Fixed: A Playing Now 'Default' tab sizing quirk.
(  33)  3. Fixed: Renaming files in the DB would cause crashes. (move/copy crash, file properties crash, etc.)
(  34)  4. Changed: Now only takes a single click on the tray icon to bring MJ to the top.
(  35)  5. Changed: Increased the reset delay for typed-tree navigation.
(  36)  6. Changed: Reworked typed-tree navigation to be more logical.
(  37)  7. Fixed: Quirkiness in selecting CD drives/tracks for ripping.
(  38)  8. Fixed: TV Tuner view would unnecessarily restart the TV control.
(  39)  9. Fixed: Processing a "Send To" command wouldn't update the right view
(  40) 10. Fixed: Playlists view wouldn't show files not in main library.
(  41) 11. Fixed: 'Export Playlist' was disabled for many views.
(  42) 12. Fixed: Rating would not export properly using "export playlist".
(  43) 13. Changed: Exporting a playlist, and showing only content view fields is many times faster.
(  44) 14. Fixed: Quick Play->Library was broken.
(  45) 15. Fixed: Locate File->Decade didn't function properly.
(  46) 16. NEW: Locate File now shows and selects the file after changing views.
(  47) 17. Changed: Playlist view modes disabled for "special playlists". (top hits and recently played)
(  48) 18. Fixed: Playback would be stopped on double-clicks set to "Replace Playing Now (all)".
(  49) 19. Fixed: Playlist order would not be maintained when converting from MJ 7.x.
(  50) 20. Changed: Playlists are now ordered by default.
(  51) 21. Changed: Double-clicking on an item with no children in the tree performs the user selected double-click behaviour.
(  52) 22. NEW: Added "Add to Playing Now (play next)" double click mode.
(  53) 23. Fixed: Analyze Replay Gain dialog counted files already analyzed in files analyzed count.
(  54) 24. Fixed: Replay Gain analyzer would hang when it encountered unsupported files.
(  55) 25. Changed: Can now enable / disable visualizations.
(  56) 26. NEW: Added a "Full Screen" button to the tab row of Playing Now.
(  57) 27. Fixed: Fixed a few possible buy button crashes.

[159 2001-12-18]
(  58)  1. Fixed: Full screen button didn't use MJ font.
(  59)  2. Fixed: Burn dialog would not always appear after doing a "send to" and clicking on burner drive.
(  60)  3. Fixed: Sorting by "Rating" did not work.
(  61)  4. Changed: Media Jukebox will perform a more aggressive update when a file name changes from a property edit. (required to properly update the list)
(  62)  5. Fixed: If a file failed to be moved, Media Jukebox would still update the database in "Move and Update" mode.
(  63)  6. Changed: Dragging a file to a playlist will update the drop target.
(  64)  7. Changed: Adding a file to the device transfer queue will update the drop target.
(  65)  8. Fixed: Saving/loading of the last send to item was broken.
(  66)  9. Changed: In-place editing now displays a warning if it fails to update the file information.
(  67) 10. Changed: Media Jukebox no longer attempts to update tag information for CD & DVD files.
(  68) 11. Changed: Can now drag tree items (playlists and library entries) to a device.
(  69) 12. Fixed: Wrong error message was displayed for a failed transaction. Also, spaces are now removed from email addresses,
(  70) 14. Changed: "Library" and view schemes in the Quick Play menu are now both double-clickable.
(  71) 15. Fixed: Filters would not always be properly applied.
(  72) 16. Changed: Locate file should now expand the found item in the tree.
(  73) 17. Changed: Filtered files no longer displayed in Playing Now display r-click menu. (under Playing Now)
(  74) 18. Fixed: Jump to playing now and shuffle didn't work with some properly with some double-click schemes.
(  75) 19. Fixed: Auto-name of view schemes was not turning on by default properly.
(  76) 20. Changed: Rewrote column auto-sizing routines... now calculates all files, and is many times faster than before.
(  77) 21. Fixed: Switching to mini-me wouldn't bring mini-me to the top.
(  78) 22. Fixed: Clicking on the tray icon wouldn't bring mini-me to the top.
(  79) 23. Fixed: Typed-list navigation would cause errors if there was no sort column.
(  80) 24. Fixed: Fixed several custom menu placement quirks.
(  81) 25. Fixed: CD burning crashes.

[160 2001-12-19]
(  82)  1. Fixed: Shuffle mode was always on.
(  83)  2. Changed: Updated what add to playing now modes will invoke a shuffle.
(  84)  3. Fixed: APE plugin was not saving track numbers to the file.
(  85)  4. Fixed: Media Jukebox shell extensions were broken.
(  86)  5. Fixed: Setup completion dialog no longer says "Media Jukebox 7.1".
(  87)  6. Changed: Explorer r-click "play" changed to "Play".
(  88)  7. Fixed: R-click "Rename" would allow editing of uneditable columns.
(  89)  8. Fixed: Not all bitrate view schemes would sort correctly in the tree.
(  90)  9. Fixed: Next/Previous playlist remote commands weren't working with playlist groups.
(  91) 10. Fixed: Search engine would not process special and international characters properly.
(  92) 11. Fixed: Current "Send To" item would be reset on double-clicks.
(  93) 12. Fixed: Possible crash when removing files from a list.
(  94) 13. NEW: Added "Name" to the search wizard.
(  95) 14. Fixed: Next/Previous playlist remote command didn't work when play button behavior was set to "play playing now"
(  96) 15. Changed: Player window scrolling slowed down.
(  97) 16. Fixed: Media Jukebox could display multiple sort arrows under some circumstances.
(  98) 17. Fixed: Several circumstances that could cause tree actions to only happen to the selected file. (instead of all the files)
(  99) 18. Fixed: Replay Gain analyzer wouldn't continue with other files after encountering an error.
( 100) 19. Fixed: Burner and converter would hang if decoder failed when starting to decode a file.
( 101) 20. NEW: Playlists now support pastes to specific locations. (copy paste inside a playlist moves files)
( 102) 21. NEW: Selection is now correctly preserved on sort.
( 103) 22. NEW: Full update (F5) now preserves selection.
( 104) 23. NEW: Can now drag-n-drop tree items onto the drop target.
( 105) 24. NEW: Copying files to the clipboard is over 1200 times faster. (went from 2:05.00 -> 0:00.1 for 2500 files)
( 106) 25. Fixed: Burn progress dialog was not destroyed if user cancelled a cancel operation.
( 107) 26. Changed: Simplified some parameters to cd writer control methods.
( 108) 27. Changed: Reworked column auto-sizing.
( 109) 28. NEW: Rewrote list column sort arrows... slightly different look and feel. (disabled when skinning is on)

[164 2002-01-03]
( 110)  1. NEW: Added support for BLP (Winamp 3 playlist) files.
( 111)  2. Fixed: Right click on mini-me would not active the player.
( 112)  3. Fixed: Data CD burning would often hang right after clicking the 'Start' button.
( 113)  4. Fixed: Header of list control would not be correctly painted after sorting.
( 114)  5. Fixed: The update CDDB choice in tree right-click menu works now.
( 115)  6. NEW: Any data file can now be dragged from windows explorer into MJ CD burning window.
( 116)  7. Fixed: The last audio track followed by a data track would fail ripping or playing on IDE drive in NT/2K/XP.
( 117)  8. NEW: Added separate file type display for Handheld Devices.
( 118)  9. NEW: Added progress information to Internet Trackname Lookup.
( 119) 10. Fixed: Deleting files from Current Playlist would not always work correctly.
( 120) 11. Changed: Always on top for Metamorphis skins move to Options sub-menu.
( 121) 12. NEW: Added Shuffle, Continuous and Re-Shuffle items to Metamorphis skin menu.
( 122) 13. Fixed: Mp3 encoder plug-in would not remember custom settings.
( 123) 14. Fixed: Over capacity checking in CD burner wasn't working correctly.
( 124) 15. Fixed: When burning files not in the MJ database, doing a "rearrange data folders" would crash.
( 125) 16. Fixed: After renaming an item in the tree using F2, item would lose focus.
( 126) 17. Fixed: Locate File menu was not alphabetically sorted.
( 127) 18. NEW: Encoding and Playback of Windows Media Audio is updated to Windows Media v8.
( 128) 19. Fixed: Times Played in Top hits is back.
( 129) 20. Fixed: Metamorphis skin would sometimes place components in wrong position.
( 130) 21. Changed: Genre list in Media File properties now only lists genres used elsewhere in the media library.
( 131) 22. NEW: Media Jukebox can now edit tags for playing files. (must stop and restart formats that can't play and tag at the same time)
( 132) 23. Changed: Export generator now uses playlist name for file name.
( 133) 24. NEW: Added Update Playback order to playlist view right mouse menu.
( 134) 25. NEW: Added Select All to content view right mouse menu.
( 135) 26. Changed: Full Screen Mode now remembers last selected resolution (default 640x480x16)
( 136) 27. Fixed: Adding files to Playing Now from an exported playlist would remove the same files from the main database.
( 137) 28. Fixed: Scrolling playlist in mini-me would not work.
( 138) 29. NEW: Implemented Select Scanner functionality.
( 139) 30. Changed: if scanner was not selected, Get from scanner menu item is disabled.
( 140) 31. Fixed: Memory leak in .m3u importing.
( 141) 32. Fixed: Pressing watch in TV Tuner with channels in the list would crash MJ.
( 142) 33. Fixed: When a cd-rw was erased, files were not removed from MJ database.
( 143) 34. Fixed: CD-RW erase using generic driver would crash MJ.
( 144) 35. Fixed: Deleting not selected item in Media Library (left view) would delete selected item.
( 145) 36. Fixed: Editing a virtual folder name for a CD in the tree didn't update the folder column in the right view.
( 146) 37. Fixed: Deleting media files from library would not delete them from current playlist.
( 147) 38. Fixed: Copy and Paste for images in track info;
( 148) 39. Fixed: Because of bug in generic burning library, ability to erase a cd/rw was not enabled.
( 149) 40. Fixed: After a failed CD/RW erase operation, status text in burn dialog was not updated.
( 150) 41. Changed: MJ now supports latest generic burning library which correctly supports burn-proof drives.
( 151) 42. Fixed: MJ would shuffle playlist tracks during import.
( 152) 43. Fixed: Replay Gain now supports 32, 44.1, and 48 khz files.
( 153) 44. NEW: Updated APE playback plugin to 3.94a2. (fixes a few APL issues and long tag field problems)
( 154) 45. Changed: Expanded r-click menu for a View Scheme.
( 155) 46. NEW: Download Manager would prompt if the file trying to download already exist and will also prompt user to re-enter the file name if file name is invalid.
( 156) 47. Fixed: If license restore or purchase was done during run of MJ, burning speed could not be increased beyond 2X until MJ restart.
( 157) 48. NEW: MJ is now locked.
( 158) 49. Changed: Double-clicks in Quick play menu adds files in sorted order. (by location)
( 159) 50. Changed: Media Jukebox starts up to the last open options page.
( 160) 51. Changed: Made file naming options consistent with templates used elsewhere.
( 161) 52. Changed: Altered the player window setup dialog a bit.

[166 2002-01-04]
( 162)  1. Fixed: Virtual CD burn folders were not added to tree in sorted order.
( 163)  2. Changed: MJ how can play and parse playlists inside of MPL files (for Web Media).
( 164)  3. Changed: MJ will not jump to playing now when playing web playlists from inside MJ.
( 165)  4. NEW: MJ now accepts url to playlists in Open Streaming File.
( 166)  5. Changed: The left view tree for data CD's is dynamically updated as you "send-to" new files for burning.
( 167)  6. NEW: RRG file can be restored by double-clicking on it in explorer.
( 168)  7. Changed: MJ is not as strict about rrg file naming (eudora adds numbers to rrg file names)
( 169)  8. Changed: Reworked wait message system.
( 170)  9. Fixed: APL files would not play.
( 171) 10. Fixed: Some sort arrow and column auto-sizing bugs.
( 172) 11. NEW: Added quick search keywords: n=,l=,r=,g=,y=,c=,p=,c1=,c2=,c3=. (name, album, artist, genre, year, custom, playlist, custom 1, custom 2, custom 3)
( 173) 12. Fixed: Audio CD playlist could not be reordered in the burner.
( 174) 13. Fixed: MJ could seek past the beginning or end of a song. (and crash)
( 175) 14. Changed: Updated r-click menu for playlist ordering. (left and right view)
( 176) 15. NEW: Can now shuffle a playlist.

[169 2002-01-07]
( 178)  2. Fixed: Media Jukebox would crash if it could not successfully load a mini-me skin.
( 179)  3. Fixed: Failing to load a Winamp 2 skin would cause a memory leak.
( 180)  4. Fixed: MJ was unable to import WMA files.
( 181)  5. Fixed: Track order column wasn't showing for audio CD burns.
( 182)  6. Changed: Added "Update Order" to right click menu in CD burn list view.
( 183)  7. Changed: Locate in Media Library improved. (better nested playlist handling, UNC location handling, etc.)
( 184)  8. Fixed: Media Library would not allow all valid Playlist Groups to be used in creating a view component.
( 185)  9. Changed: Playlist view defaults to "Files in playlist or below" for Playlist Groups.
( 186) 10. Fixed: TV view would cover up the TV display window with gray.
( 187) 11. Changed: Option to delete virtual CD folder added to right-click menu in tree view.
( 188) 12. Fixed: MJ should work better with international characters.
( 189) 13. Changed: Move File confirmation box only shown when files will change drives or directories.
( 190) 14. Fixed: Move File confirmation dialog could be obscured by the wait message.
( 191) 15. Changed: Can now rename Media Library items to the same name as another item. (no warning... will just do what you'd expect)
( 192) 16. NEW: Mix Album changed to "Album Artist", which can be set to any value. (ie. Assorted, Soundtracks, DJ Mixes, etc.)
( 193) 17. Fixed: MJ would crash on exit if Skin Manager was UP.
( 194) 18. Fixed: MJ would leak resources when switching from on mini-me skin to another.
( 195) 19. Fixed: Metamorphis skins would position child windows incorrectly.
( 196) 20. NEW: File Naming & Location settings remade.
( 197) 21. Changed: MJ will no longer create the ripping and temp directories until it needs to.
( 198) 22. Changed: CD copy and recorder use same file naming schemes as in the track properties stuff.
( 199) 23. Fixed: Paying songs in (winamp) mini-me retains focus on currently playing item.
( 200) 24. Fixed: Columns would loose auto-sizing after going to Options dialog.
( 201) 25. Fixed: Media Jukebox would sometimes crash on start up.

[171 2002-01-09]
( 202)  1. Fixed: Double-cliking on empty list would crash MJ.
( 203)  2. Fixed: APL was not in file information file on the server.
( 204)  3. Fixed: Column autosizing was not correct on WinXP
( 205)  6. NEW: File not imported into DB will have different image.
( 206)  7. Changed: Adding file from playing now to Playlist will automatically import it into DB.
( 207)  8. Fixed: CD burning with generic library could cause an "integer division by zero" error.
( 208)  9. Changed: Player Buttons now use standard WinXP theme.
( 209) 10. Fixed: Doing a "Start" on a remote plugin wouldn't "take" until MJ was restarted.
( 210) 11. Changed: Import window buttons now use standard WinXP theme.
( 211) 12. NEW: Added mini-me button to playing now.
( 212) 13. Changed: In CD labeler, changed text on side flaps to "Artist - Album" rather than just album title.
( 213) 14. NEW: Drag & Drop (and cut/paste) implemented for moving "virtual" files between data folders in CD burner.
( 214) 15. Fixed: User could previously delete a CD burner drive from the Devices tree.
( 215) 16. NEW: Added feature to CD burning options menu for editing CD-Text.
( 216) 17. Changed: When doing a data CD burn, if a previous session is imported, the old playlist.m3u file is prefixed to the new one.
( 217) 18. NEW: Added playback, close and return buttons to Full Screen mode.
( 218) 19. NEW: Added recording device selection to linein properties dialog in case user has multiple recording devices.
( 219) 20. NEW: Ogg Vorbis encoder and playback updated to version RC3.
( 220) 21. NEW: Added VBR mode for Ogg Vorbis encoder.

[173 2002-01-10]
( 221)  1. Changed: Cover Art now stored under current library's data directory. (not always under install directory)
( 222)  2. Changed: Short search keyword for artist changed to "ar=", "al=" for album.
( 223)  3. NEW: Added short search keyword for rating: "r="
( 224)  4. Fixed: In Line in settings, auto volume setting wasn't working for multiple recording devices.
( 225)  5. NEW: In Line in settings, currently selected volume percentage is displayed to right of slider.
( 226)  6. Fixed: MJ would not start if "Don't show Plus message" had been selected.
( 227)  7. NEW: Added TrackImage placeholder to Metamorphis.
( 228)  8. NEW: Added EQOn and EQOff predefined buttons to Metamorphis.
( 229)  9. NEW: Added GetPlaybackState, IsEqualizerOn and IsAlwaysOnTop to Metamorphis script interface.
( 230) 10. Fixed: Media Jukebox would allow creation of empty view scheme.
( 231) 11. Fixed: Tab order in some dialogs was wrong.
( 232) 12. Changed: If an encoder does not support "on-the-fly" action with ripping/recording, it will now silently revert to non "on-the-fly" encoding.
( 233) 13. Changed: Currently playing, and filtered files will be visible in all MJ views.
( 234) 14. NEW: Added Import Into Library item to Playing Now menu.
( 235) 15. Changed: Display grid line option in Content View is gone.
( 236) 16. Changed: Redesigned layout and some wording in Contentview settings dialog.
( 237) 17. Fixed: Export Playlist window would add two dots instead of one.
( 238) 18. Fixed: Export Playlist window would use wrong name for some playlists.
( 239) 19. Fixed: Content view did not use case insensitive sorting.
( 240) 20. Fixed: File naming in sound recorder was inconsistent.
( 241) 21. Fixed: Problems in Find CD and Find Artist.
( 242) 22. Fixed: Pressing Burn CD button sometimes would select incorrect files.
( 243) 23. NEW: Can now specify "==" when doing number searches to force a direct match. (i.e. length==30 won't return 300)
( 244) 24. NEW: Cover art naming / lookup now keyed by "Album Artist" instead of "Artist".
( 245) 25. Changed: MJ uses different image to display currently playing file not imported into library.
( 246) 26. Fixed: Registration message was cut off.
( 247) 27. Fixed: DSP window would not always show.
( 248) 28. NEW: Added menu item to Metamorphis skin to set or remove transparency.
( 249) 29. NEW: Visualization components are now plug-in based. See the Developer's Section on the web for more info.
( 250) 30. Changed: Playlist search wizard now uses playlist ID, so changing the name / moving a playlist won't invalidate the search.

[175 2002-01-11]
( 251)  1. Fixed: Metamorphis button region did not work correctly.
( 252)  2. Changed: InfoDisplay items implementation now supports templates for track info.
( 253)  3. NEW: Added TRACKINFO_INSERT_TRACKPATH keyword to TrackInfo SDK.
( 254)  4. Changed: Grid lines are back.
( 255)  5. NEW: Added support for Hauppauge's Standard WinTV PCI and USB models.
( 256)  6. Changed: Optimized file analysis system. Importing and going to file properties is now faster.
( 257)  7. Changed: Updated APE plugin... analyzing APE files now much faster.
( 258)  8. Fixed: Importing would update the tags for each file it imported.
( 259)  9. Changed: Switched default visualization draw method from Direct X to Standard.
( 260) 10. Fixed: "Select All" was funky in Search views.
( 261) 11. Changed: "Import Into Library" will only show up in the Playing Now r-click menu when files aren't in the library.
( 262) 12. Fixed: Media Jukebox would stop playback when it couldn't find a non-removable file. (still displays a message for removable files)
( 263) 13. Changed: Changing tracks no longer selects that track in Playing Now. (would mess up selection)
( 264) 14. NEW: CD Labeler from tools menu now grabs currently selected tracks and runs in "wizard" mode.
( 265) 15. Fixed: There were several situations where r-click in a Playlist view would show an unusable "Remove" command.
( 266) 16. Fixed: Rename and Delete menu items were not always enabled / disabled properly.
( 267) 17. Fixed: Playlist r-click commands "Update Order", "Remove Order" and "Shuffle" were shown for non-orderable lists.
( 268) 18. Changed: "Update CDDB" menu item changed to more intuitive "Update from CDDB".
( 269) 19. Changed: Attempting to show the file properties dialog when it's already visible now adds new files. (displayed warning before)
( 270) 20. NEW: Added "File Properties" to the double-click modes.
( 271) 21. Changed: Delete option is disabled in CD station right-click menu unless all selected files are "virtual".
( 272) 22. Fixed: Playing Now would update twice on creation.
( 273) 23. Fixed: Track splitting was not working correctly in the sound recorder.
( 274) 24. NEW: Added "Create / Select Playlist..." to the Send To->laylist menu.
( 275) 25. Changed: Smarter progress bar when acquiring cover art from the internet.
( 276) 26. Fixed: Running Visualization Studio could cause Media Jukebox to crash on close.
( 277) 27. Fixed: Cover art would not always change in visualizations when tracks changed.

[176 2002-01-14]
( 278)  1. Changed: Nicer handling in MJ Settings if there are no CD drives or no CD burner drives on the computer.
( 279)  2. Fixed: Install Package did not work for some plug-ins.
( 280)  3. Fixed: MJ would not install components nessesery to run Hauppauge TV.
( 281)  4. Fixed: Pressing Minimize button in Metamorphis skin would close MJ.
( 282)  5. NEW: Added ToggleMute predefined button to Metamorphis.
( 283)  6. Changed: Type="Child" removed from metamorphis
( 284)  7. NEW: ParentWindow attribute added to metamorphis.
( 285)  8. Changed: OnInitialize and OnExit events moved from window events to Global events
( 286)  9. Fixed: Error in the Handheld code that prevented HH's from connecting correctly.
( 287) 10. Fixed: Media Jukebox would not properly handle a plugins tag saving error / success value.
( 288) 11. Changed: Full screen mode getting closer to functional.
( 289) 12. Fixed: EqOn and EqOff buttons in Metamorphis would not work.
( 290) 13. NEW: Added OnMixerChanged event to Metamorphis.
( 291) 14. NEW: Added Mixer object to Metamorphis.
( 292) 15. Changed: MJ now displays the volume while using the mouse wheel to set the volume.
( 293) 16. Changed: Less chance of a double-click starting an in-place edit.
( 294) 17. Fixed: Play icon in playing now would not change

[177 2002-01-15]
( 295)  1. Changed: Top-level Quick Play menu items (browser schemes) sorted.
( 296)  2. Fixed: "Import Into Library" menu item on wrong side of divider.
( 297)  3. Fixed: Media Jukebox would not play Yahoo radio.
( 298)  4. Fixed: MJ would crash if encoder can not be created.
( 299)  5. Changed: Default track image location now can be changed in File Naming & Location window.
( 300)  6. NEW: Added "Quick Play" to right-click on Play button.
( 301)  7. NEW: Added "Playing Now" to right-click on Next / Previous buttons.
( 302)  8. NEW: Added skin manager button to toolbar.
( 303)  9. Fixed: Switching from winamp mini-me to mega-me would break stuff.
( 304) 10. Changed: In device properties, text changed from "Enable CDDB CD lookup service" to "Enable CDDB on-line CD lookup"
( 305) 11. Changed: If "Enable CDDB..." is unchecked, MJ will still check local cache, cdplayer.ini, and CD-Text for info on a CD not in the MJ database.
( 306) 12. Fixed: If CDDB was unavailable, an error message was displayed for each track on the CD. Now it's shown once.
( 307) 13. Fixed: The cdplayer.ini file was updated incorrectly when CD-Text information was "valid" but empty.
( 308) 14. Fixed: Sliders would not work in metamorphis skins.
( 309) 15. Fixed: Tooltips in metamorphis would not always work correctly.
( 310) 16. Fixed: Wait message would stay above other messages.
( 311) 17. Fixed: The removable database did not clear properly.
( 312) 18. Fixed: Media Jukebox would lock when playing RealAudio with RealOne installed.
( 313) 19. Fixed: Media Jukebox could mess up the mixer balance. (introduced in 8.0.176)
( 314) 20. NEW: Option on CD ripper to download cover art when ripping is complete.
( 315) 21. NEW: Much less flicker when switching views / auto-column sizing.
( 316) 22. Fixed: MJ would not always recognize Windows Media Video Streams.
( 317) 23. Changed: Less large cascading menu direction changes.
( 318)

[178 2002-01-16]
( 319)  1. Changed: Switched to new cd writer library with bug fix for non burn-proof drives (error 1023) and minor fix for LG drives in audio mode.
( 320)  2. Fixed: Watching TV would crash MJ.
( 321)  3. Fixed: Delete and Rename would not work in Device view.
( 322)  4. Fixed: Renaming files in portable view would not work.
( 323)  5. Fixed: Pressing F5 button would select all items in right view.
( 324)  6. Fixed: Dragging playlist to CD burner device and then pressing cancel would cause format selection window to loop.
( 325)  7. Fixed: After dragging playlist to CD burner and pressing cancel after format selection window would cause Top Hits playlist disappear from the list.
( 326)  8. NEW: Added confirmation message on delete to Device view.
( 327)  9. Fixed: Dragging a file to CD burner queue from outside MJ would cause incorrect error message.
( 328) 10. NEW: Dragging a music file to CD burner queue from outside MJ will now display file info.
( 329) 11. Changed: On key repeat tree selection will not be changed.
( 330) 12. Fixed: CD burner properties dialog would crash if no burners were detected.
( 331) 13. Fixed: Double-clicking on a playlist in the tree would not perform the default action.
( 332) 14. Fixed: MJ would not remember last full screen mode.
( 333) 15. Fixed: MJ would incorrectly determine Programms folder for international versions or Windows.
( 334) 16. Fixed: Using Import in MJ Shell menu would crash Media Jukebox.
( 335) 17. Fixed: If you start MJ in mini-me, it won't remember that you last had it maximized when you switch to MEGA-ME. Even if it was maximized when you last quit.
( 336) 18. NEW: Added support for playback from portable drives.
( 337) 19. Fixed: Context menu would appear out of place when Hauppauge WinTV's video window is smaller than MJ Display Window.
( 338) 20. Fixed: Wait message would float above the audio/data mode dialog when sending files to CD burner.
( 339) 21. Fixed: If there are "virtual" folders but no files in them, the burn dialog will still show.

[180 2002-01-17]
( 340)  1. Fixed: Playlist order was not remembered for audio CD burning.
( 341)  2. Fixed: An audio format file could not be dragged from explorer onto an audio CD burn dialog.
( 342)  3. NEW: Updated version of CDDB control (1.2.42)
( 343)  4. Changed: MJ will first lookup CDPlayer.ini then CDText and only then CDDB.
( 344)  5. NEW: Added Submit to CDDB menu item to CD drives in tree view.
( 345)  6. Fixed: It was possible to add a folder to an audio format CD.
( 346)  7. Changed: Even if Use CDDB is off Update from CDDB in tree view will be now visible.
( 347)  8. Fixed: CD burning data usage showed 1% even with no files added.
( 348)  9. Fixed: Cancelling a CD burn and then reselecting files didn't update the status fields correctly.
( 349) 10. Fixed: It was possible to get a "Bad data file format" message from the generic CD burner because of a duplicate file.
( 350) 11. Fixed: Certain Removable Drive devices failed would not refresh after uploads.
( 351) 12. NEW: Added preliminary Direct Sound output mode support.
( 352) 13. NEW: Added preliminary Disk Writer output mode support.

[183 2002-01-22]
( 353)  1. Fixed: Locate File submenu would not appear on some operating systems.
( 354)  2. Fixed: Temp files created during ripping and mp3 encoding would not get deleted.
( 355)  3. Fixed: Ripping CD's with album titles surrounded by quotes would fail if title was chosen for file location.
( 356)  4. Changed: Many internal player control changes / improvments... now MJPlayer.dll.
( 357)  5. Fixed: File Naming & Location settings would not save / load properly.
( 358)  6. Fixed: Bug in Handheld file conversion during upload.
( 359)  7. NEW: Updated MpegPlus plug-in to work with MJ 8.0
( 360)  8. NEW: Updated MP3 encoder to lame 3.91
( 361)  9. Fixed: Several toolbar fixes in Visualization Studio.
( 362) 10. Fixed: Switching tabs in File Properties wouldn't kill the editing of a field in "General".
( 363) 11. Fixed: Automatic cover art retrieval would not function properly.
( 364) 12. Changed: Some internal improvements to cover art retrieval.
( 365) 13. Changed: Disk writer will create folders when necessary.
( 366) 14. Fixed: Format converter could add an unnecessary "(1)" to the end of converted files.
( 367) 15. Fixed: Output file base path would not work with UNC filenames properly.
( 368) 16. Fixed: Switching to full-screen mode would not retain the focus properly.
( 369) 17. Fixed: Mouse cursor could be hidden when coming out of full-screen mode.
( 370) 18. Fixed: MJ would give warning about not beening able to update tags for file formats which don't support tagging.
( 371) 19. Fixed: Switching from windowed to full-screen to windowed would cause the window to go to "Always On Top".

[185 2002-01-23]
( 372)  1. NEW: Search summary now makes playlist id searches more readable.
( 373)  2. NEW: Added right-click menu to search summary.
( 374)  3. Fixed: Error in percent completion calculation in mp3 encoder.
( 375)  4. Fixed: If no visualization scripts are present, a divide by zero error could occur.
( 376)  5. Fixed: Play icon would not always update properly on track plays / changes.
( 377)  6. Changed: Convert tool updates MJ database after each file completion instead of at end of entire conversion process.
( 378)  7. NEW: Added Switch to Windowed mode button to playing now.
( 379)  8. Fixed: Data CD burn of track with blank artist/album fields would fail if artist/album folders were selected.
( 380)  9. NEW: Added Year field to CDPlayer.ini
( 381) 10. Fixed: CDDB Windows would not always show.
( 382) 11. NEW: Added CDDB Disk Info menu item to CD drives in tree view.
( 383) 12. Fixed: File conversion for handhelds and progress reporting.
( 384) 13. Fixed: OS display for Handhelds in Plugin Manager
( 385) 14. Fixed: Filenames created during CD copy were truncated when using the external encoder plugin.
( 386) 15. Changed: Media Jukebox no longer requires an aggressive refresh when file names change. (won't lose sorting, etc. anymore)
( 387) 16. Changed: Opimizations to list filling... about 10% faster than before.
( 388) 17. Fixed: DirectSound playback would not stop at the end of a stream.
( 389) 18. Fixed: "Buffering" would not display immediately.
( 390) 19. Fixed: Holding down the Ctrl until it repeated could make navigation impossible.
( 391) 20. NEW: Added a "Cancel" button while gathering info for the file properties dialog.
( 392) 21. Changed: A lot of changes in CDDB code, should work better.
( 393) 22. Fixed: Ogg vorbis plugin no longer crashes when doing CD ripping.
( 394) 23. Fixed: MJ Playback control much faster to close / stop.
( 395) 24. Fixed: MJ will no longer crash when trying to use DirectX output without DirectX installed.
( 396) 25. Changed: MJVisEngine and MJPlayer no longer depend on DirectX being installed.
( 397) 26. Changed: DVD info quering moved to CD Manager control.
( 398) 27. Fixed: MJ should better handle invalid CDPlayer.ini entries.
( 399) 28. Chaged: WaitMessage is not as annoying.
( 400) 29. NEW: All MJ database information now saved in ID3v2 tags. (replay gain, custom fields, etc.)
( 401) 30. NEW: MPL playlists now contain ALL media library fields. (that means it's easy to make a man-readable export of everything)
( 402) 31. NEW: Tag removal now supported for mp3 files.
( 403) 32. Changed: MJ tag metadata format now XML. (IMPORTANT: do File Properties->Update All file properties to upgrade to the new version)

[188 2002-01-24]
( 404)  1. Fixed: Dragging non-audio files into CD burner got broken.
( 405)  2. NEW: Added Find Music and Full Screen buttons to toolbar.
( 406)  3. Fixed: Memory leak in device transfer queue.
( 407)  4. Fixed: If all files were moved from a virtual folder, the delete folder option didn't appear on the context menu.
( 408)  5. Fixed: MPL playlist would not store extended information correctly.
( 409)  6. NEW: Ogg files now support saving of MJ Metadata info (replay gain, custom fields, etc.)
( 410)  7. Fixed: Deleting files from Playing Now could cause crashes.
( 411)  8. Fixed: Adding files to playing now would not update Playing Now.
( 412)  9. Changed: Removing files from Playing Now much faster.
( 413) 10. Fixed: Lots of silliness that could happen when two files had the same filename in Playing Now.
( 414) 11. Changed: Playing Now subjected to "aggressive" updates less often.
( 415) 12. NEW: Added remove tag functionality to Ogg plug-in.
( 416) 13. Fixed: Playing Now would show the play icon multiple times if a file was in the list more than once.
( 417) 14. Fixed: Normalization function would only work intermittently.
( 418) 15. Fixed: In the sound recorder, simultaneous record/encode to APE format didn't work reliably.
( 419) 16. Fixed: Equalizer would not function properly.
( 420) 17. Changed: Equalizer no longer consumes a lot of CPU during digital silence.
( 421) 18. Fixed: Install Wizard would some times try to overwrite msvcrt.dll with old one.
( 422) 19. NEW: WMA input plug-in converted to MJ plug-in.
( 423) 20. NEW: WMA files now support saving of MJ Metadata info (replay gain, custom fields, etc.)
( 424) 21. NEW: WMA plug-in now returns codec information.
( 425) 22. NEW: WMA plug-in now supports tag removal.
( 426) 23. Changed: Filtered songs now always indicated with a different icon. (don't have to be in Playing Now)
( 427) 24. Changed: Filter state does a better job of staying up-to-date.
( 428) 25. Fixed: EQ Preset window would not work in winamp mini-me mode.
( 429) 26. Fixed: CD Labeler was positioning case inserts incorrectly on Stomper labels.
( 430) 27. Fixed: CD Labeler was cutting off some text on the side flaps of CD back covers.
( 431) 28. Fixed: Music01 Server's private mode will not work correctly.
( 432) 29. Fixed: MJ would crash if skin was applied from mega-me mode.
( 433) 30. Changed: Two new skins are added.
( 434) 31. Fixed: Toggle StatusBar message is gone

[189 2002-01-25]
( 435)  1. Fixed: Playlist in mini-me would flicker when moved.
( 436)  2. Fixed: Skin Manager would not display correct name for metamorphis skins.
( 437)  3. Fixed: Uninstall would not remove all files from MJ directory.
( 438)  4. Fixed: In the CD burner, dragging files (or cut/paste) between virtual folders sometimes did not work.
( 439)  5. NEW: Custom menus now work with the keyboard. (display mode menus)
( 440)  6. Fixed: Custom menus would not properly detect multi-monitor desktop dimensions.
( 441)  7. Fixed: After dragging data files from explorer into CD burning list, rearranging the track order could cause a crash.
( 442)  8. NEW: Media Jukebox now responds to menu / app keystrokes. (especially useful in full-screen mode)
( 443)  9. Changed: TV shows video sources as channels, instead of in options.
( 444) 10. NEW: Added registration info to Vis Studio plug-ins.
( 445) 12. Changed: Vis Studio Plug-in now have to be installed.

[193 2002-01-29]
( 446)  1. Fixed: MP3 plug-in would not install.
( 447)  2. Fixed: Visualizations / MJPlayer would not properly stop when reaching the end of a stream when not in standard between-tracks mode.
( 448)  3. Fixed: Decoder (used for burning, etc.) would fail if the temp file directory didn't exist.
( 449)  4. NEW: Wave plug-in updated: Added handling of headerless AU/SND files. Added handling of G721 and G723 ADPCM AU/SND files
( 450)  5. Fixed: Metamorphis skins would not use font specified in xml file for tracklist.
( 451)  6. Fixed: Drag-n-drop on self was not properly disabled in some views. (Find list, etc.)
( 452)  7. Fixed: Showing the right-click menu in full screen mode would re-enable the screen-saver.
( 453)  8. Changed: Visualization studio disables scaling at window sizes below 160x120.
( 454)  9. NEW: Associated MJ with MJS (Media Jukebox Skin) files.
( 455) 10. Fixed: MJ would crash if Metamorphis skin it's loading is invalid.
( 456) 11. Fixed: Metamorphis skins would fail to load gif and jpg files.
( 457) 12. Changed: Added copy and paste to the r-click menu of the search combobox.
( 458) 13. Fixed: Pressing cancel on a "Send To->laylist->Create / Select Playlist" would produce unexpected results.
( 459) 14. NEW: Added "Full-Screen" and "Last Exit Mode" to the startup mode selection. (Options->Startup)
( 460) 15. Changed: Custom r-click menu's now respond to [Escape].
( 461) 16. Changed: List of playlists in "Quick Play" is sorted.
( 462) 17. NEW: Added "Send To" to display right-click menu.
( 463) 18. NEW: Added "Reshuffle" to the display right-click menu. (under Playing Now)
( 464) 19. Changed: "Re-Shuffle" changed to "Reshuffle" everywhere.
( 465) 20. NEW: Added "Reshuffle" to the Player menu.
( 466) 21. Fixed: Using remote control plugins would crash MJ.
( 467) 22. Fixed: Several small issues with the remote control portion of plugin manager.
( 468) 23. Changed: Playback engine changed from MFC to ATL.
( 469) 24. NEW: Reworked playback "Between Tracks" system. (no more modes that destroy and recreate everything)
( 470) 25. Fixed: Handhelds retain dropped order during uploads.
( 471) 26. Fixed: WMA plug-in would lock if data was unavailable.
( 472) 27. NEW: Added Alternate playback mode (Options->layback)
( 473) 28. NEW: TV input sources work like channels. (instead of being nested in options)
( 474) 29. Fixed: Vis Studio Settings dialog would reset Goal Framerate value.

[195 2002-01-30]
( 475)  1. Fixed: M3U playlist file on burned CD's was including non-audio files.
( 476)  2. Fixed: Double-clicking on playlist in the tree would crash MJ.
( 477)  3. NEW: Double-clicking on an Audio CD in Devices would execute default double-click behavior.
( 478)  4. Fixed: Library Manager would lose path to default library.
( 479)  5. Fixed: CD tracks would not display information in visualizations.
( 480)  6. Fixed: All "&" should now look like "&" instead of "_"
( 481)  7. Fixed: When importing via the right mouse button or because of putting them in a playlist, the files would not appear in recently imported.
( 482)  8. Fixed: Playback state would not be correctly determined, causing couple strange bugs.
( 483)  9. Changed: Layout of File Association and Import Files dialogs was modified.
( 484) 10. NEW: Added Gradient to vis star field component.
( 485) 11. Fixed: Setting star density to 0 in star field component would crash MJ.
( 486) 12. NEW: List filling re-written -- can easily be 2 - 4 times faster than before.
( 487) 13. NEW: List sorting much faster. (especially file size column)
( 488) 14. NEW: Quick play menu uses sort configuration specified in options.
( 489) 15. NEW: Media Scheduler can now schedule a custom task where a program path and its command-line can be set.
( 490) 16. NEW: Download Manager now has options to turn off prompting when the downloaded file already exist.
( 491) 17. NEW: Music01 Server can accept command-line "/Share" to start sharing and "/StopSharing" to stop sharing.
( 492) 18. Fixed: Edit channel dialog did not save the number.
( 493) 19. Fixed: CDDB control would crash on multiple file lookup.

[196 2002-01-31]
( 494)  1. Fixed: Column auto-sizing was silly.
( 495)  2. Fixed: Mini-me playlist not updated to new style introduced in 8.0.195. (would show errors when displaying)
( 496)  3. Fixed: Skin Manager would leak memory.
( 497)  4. Fixed: Tab Control in Playback options with Mega-me skin on would not display correctly.
( 498)  5. Fixed: Update playback order did not function properly.
( 499)  6. Fixed: Updating plaback order would leak memory.
( 500)  7. NEW: Added smartlists to Quick Play -> Playlist.
( 501)  8. NEW: Visualization scaling disabled when pixel count is below 240 * 180.
( 502)  9. Fixed: Position slider could move off the scale if a plugin returned bogus position info.
( 503) 10. Fixed: CDDB windows would not belong to MJ, thus causing weird problems.
( 504) 11. Fixed: Clicking on EQ window and then closing it would crash MJ.
( 505) 12. NEW: Added Default & Alternative Stop modes (Options->layback)
( 506) 13. Fixed: Tooltip would not display multiple lines.
( 507) 14. Fixed: Media Jukebox would not properly cross-fading when double-clicking to play a new file.
( 508) 15. Fixed: Playlist in mini-me would not show next files after currently playing.
( 509) 16. Fixed: TracklistPosition slider is now linked to tracklist position.
( 510) 17. NEW: CDDB controls update to version
( 511) 18. NEW: Added "?" rating for unrated tracks. Tracks set to ? by default.
( 512) 19. NEW: Able to Shut Down pc from Media Scheduler.

[197 2002-02-04]
( 513)  1. NEW: Added "Audio Connection ..." item in the Options. (this used to be in a separate function. we consolidated it into the SetOptions function).
( 514)  2. Fixed: Fixed a logic error that could be the cause of WDM driver users still needing to download Hauppauge OCX.
( 515)  3. Fixed: The Continuous and Shuffle settings were swapped in the Player's Settings tooltip.
( 516)  4. Fixed: Track Names dialog did not display correctly.
( 517)  5. Fixed: Track Name dialog has 0 instead of Cancel on the cancel button.
( 518)  6. Changed: Track Name dialog was redesigned.
( 519)  7. Changed: About Box will display even if Shockwave is not installed.
( 520)  8. Changed: Vis Componets are gone from plug-in manager will come back later in Vis Studio.
( 521)  9. NEW: Added new type of plug-ins: native MJ visualization plug-ins.
( 522) 10. Changed: Removed support for Winamp vis plug-ins (sorry folks)
( 523) 11. Fixed: Source Bitdepth selection would not be saved in Options->layback
( 524) 12. Changed: If Metamorphis skin would fail to load it will display name of the invalid bitmap.
( 525) 13. Fixed: Loss of tag data when converting certain files for Handhelds.
( 526) 14. NEW: Added support for storing all information in Ogg files ( images, www., notes, lyrics etc.)
( 527) 15. Changed: Empty tags are removed from Ogg files.
( 528) 16. Fixed: Media Jukebox would remove not supported tags from OGG files.
( 529) 17. Fixed: WMA input plug-in would not support tag values over 256 bytes.
( 530) 18. Fixed: "Cancel" didn't work for file properties.
( 531) 19. NEW: Added beta "Super Transform" visualization component.
( 532) 20. Fixed: Drag-n-drop of the last item in a list would cause a crash.
( 533) 21. Fixed: Playing Now would lose view position when dragging and dropping to update order.
( 534) 22. Fixed: Remove tag in WMA files did not remove all the tags.
( 535) 23. NEW: Added support for storing all information exept image (SDK limitation ) in WMA files ( www., notes, lyrics etc.)
( 536) 24. Fixed: Hauppauge WinTV would not work on Windows 98.
( 537) 25. Changed: Add "tagging disabled in options" to the reasons on the update tag failure message.
( 538) 26. Changed: Failures by MJPlayer.dll to play gives a more helpful error message.
( 539) 27. Fixed: Media Jukebox would not be able to create Playback control

[198 2002-02-05]
( 540)  1. Fixed: Media Jukebox would not flush its "Playing Now" cache after each file deletion.
( 541)  2. NEW: MJ Shell Extention is now enabled for folders.
( 542)  3. Fixed: Send To -> Playlist menu was broken.
( 543)  4. Fixed: Playback Settings would not always save properly.
( 544)  5. NEW: Added "Auto expand tree" option. (on by default)
( 545)  6. Fixed: MJ would crash in Update Library.
( 546)  7. Fixed: Metamorphis skins would not update track position info during playback.
( 547)  8. Fixed: Several playlist (m3u, etc.) importing problems.
( 548)  9. Fixed: Updating playback order would not repaint the right view.
( 549) 10. Fixed: Moving Metamorphis skin around would lose mouse hold.
( 550) 11. Fixed: Selecting "Ignore tag Information" would still import MJMetadata.
( 551) 12. NEW: Multimedia keys work whether MJ has the focus or not.
( 552) 13. Fixed: WMA plug-in would not determine duration correctly.
( 553) 14. Fixed: CD Ripper/Burner/Sound recorder didn't work with new static MFC linking.
( 554) 15. Fixed: Sound recorder handles situation when a modem registers itself as the first wave-in device (with no mixer device associated).
( 555) 16. Fixed: Some errors in recognizing CD burners by Goldenhawk and generic burner libraries.
( 556) 17. Fixed: Proxy authorization did not work with all proxies.

[199 2002-02-06]
( 557)  1. Fixed: Multimedia keys should work better.
( 558)  2. Fixed: A possible crash caused by the "Starfield" visualization component.
( 559)  3. Fixed: Shell Extensions would not work with large number of files.
( 560)  4. Changed: Auto insert notification check now takes place before preparing files for burning.
( 561)  5. Fixed: Visualization studio would not always prompt to save for changes.
( 562)  6. NEW: Information box on how to upload files to Portables.
( 563)  7. NEW: Added file "Statistics" system.
( 564)  8. Fixed: Internal cover art saving / loading did not work for APE and APL.
( 565)  9. Changed: Full Screen background collor changed to black
( 566) 10. Fixed: Full Screen command bars would not be painted correctly with skinning on.
( 567) 11. NEW: Added "Fast Forward" and "Rewind" (Ctrl Left / Ctrl Right)
( 568) 12. Changed: Seeking now faster.
( 569) 13. Changed: Menus automatically enlarged in Full Screen mode.
( 570)

[203 2002-02-11]
( 571)  1. Fixed: Metamorphis tooltips would clip if the player was too close to the edge of the screen.
( 572)  2. Changed: Media Jukebox uses the "Main" Playing Now tab instead of the saved tab if the output has a display. (other than visualizations)
( 573)  3. NEW: Can now hot swap display plugins via. the right click menu.
( 574)  4. Fixed: Rename from file properties did not work properly with an empty directory rule.
( 575)  5. NEW: "Visualization Plugins" system reworked.
( 576)  6. NEW: Track Info now a display plugin (right click on display and switch from viz to trackinf).
( 577)  7. Changed: Smarter decoding / buffer filling in the playback control.
( 578)  8. Fixed: Double-clicking on media file in explorer with MJ running did not work.
( 579)  9. Changed: Automatic pre-buffering adjustments based on source speed by the playback control.
( 580) 10. Fixed: Converter didn't work if temp music directory didn't exist.
( 581) 11. Fixed: If decoder failed in converter tool, MJ could crash.
( 582) 12. Fixed: Playing now main page splitter would not work.
( 583) 13. Fixed: Adding a playlist without expanding the node would not show all playlists.
( 584) 14. Changed: [Enter] simulates a double-click in all file lists.
( 585) 15. Fixed: Several keyboard focus issues.
( 586) 16. Fixed: TV View didn't hide controls properly.
( 587) 17. Fixed: Rating would show up as 0 for "?" in Track Info pages.
( 588) 18. Fixed: Media Jukebox would display an endless stream of errors after loading a non-existent library.
( 589) 19. Changed: In Media Scheduler, the Command Name in the Custom Task is now a required field.
( 590) 20. Fixed: Statistics didn't tally albums and artists properly.
( 591) 21. NEW: Added Albums list to statistics dialog.
( 592) 22. NEW: Added "Mode" to Quick Play.
( 593) 23. NEW: Added "undocumented" search post-processors ~a, ~n##, and ~t##. (get full albums, limit tracks, limit time, respectively)
( 594) 24. Changed: Statistics dialog remembers the last view style.
( 595) 25. Fixed: Location sorting logic was not correct.
( 596) 26. Changed: Added all display of all MJ columns when virtual files exist on Handhelds.
( 597) 27. Fixed: Browser component dialog would not always save information properly.
( 598) 28. Fixed: Media Jukebox would not handle mixed artists CD information from CDDB correctly.
( 599) 29. NEW: MJ Plus message times out after 30 seconds so Media Scheduler can do a wake up call
( 600) 30. Fixed: Filter state updates more aggressively. (so things like lastplayed=<60 get updated every track change)

[205 2002-02-13]
( 601)  1. Fixed: Playlist groups would show up as "ordered".
( 602)  2. Changed: Search engine always processes post-process commands (~) even for searches-in-searches.
( 603)  3. Fixed: Media Jukebox wouldn't ever ignore the "directory" rule when renaming from file info.
( 604)  4. Fixed: Unrating rating would show as "0" in Media Library view schemes.
( 605)  5. Fixed: Better handling of numeric fields (year, rating, etc.) in Media Library view schemes.
( 606)  6. Fixed: Quick-play menu wasn't filled properly. (broken 8.0.203)
( 607)  7. Changed: Song skipping (from filters, etc.) is now directional.
( 608)  8. Changed: Track info replaces new-lines with breaks when replacing fields.
( 609)  9. Changed: Status bar displays 1024-based MB instead of 1000-based.
( 610) 10. NEW: Added ~s### search limiter. (limits to ### MB)
( 611) 11. Fixed: Visualization could not be disabled.
( 612) 12. Changed: Visualization disabled state now saved.
( 613) 13. Fixed: Install Wizard would let Installation continue without user accepting license.
( 614) 14. Fixed: Recently Played and Top Hits would show files that hadn't been played.
( 615) 15. Fixed: Purchasing of MJ was broken.
( 616) 16. Fixed: Could not rename non-existant files using "File Properties".
( 617) 17. Changed: Updated Party Mode dialogs.
( 618) 18. Changed: Playing Now saved with changes like all other db files. (better in case of crashes, etc.)
( 619) 19. Fixed: Entering and exiting Party Mode could cause a crash.
( 620) 20. NEW: Media Jukebox now supports NTLM authentication.

[206 2002-02-14]
( 621)  1. Changed: Playlist lists now sorted like files (# directories figured in to sort).
( 622)  2. Changed: Player options tool tip now shows what filter is in use.
( 623)  3. Fixed: Party Mode dialog would clip text.
( 624)  4. Fixed: Install Wizard would delete Track Info pages
( 625)  5. Fixed: CD Writer window would display incorrect write speed.
( 626)  6. Fixed: MJ would crash after CDDB error.
( 627)  7. Fixed: Rip/encode was broken.
( 628)  8. Fixed: Media Jukebox would leak memory after calling Update from CDDB function.
( 629)  9. Fixed: Media Jukebox would not reliably store genre information in CDPlayer.ini
( 630) 10. Fixed: Request to CDDB would sometimes lock MJ for short period of time.
( 631) 11. Fixed: Spectrum Analyzer component would not detect track / cover art changes for files with cover art inside.
( 632) 12. Fixed: DVD playback failed on an intermittent basis.
( 633) 13. NEW: Added Quick Skin Menu to the Metamorphis skins.
( 634) 14. Fixed: Metamorphis would not store position of child windows correctly.
( 635) 15. Fixed: Repeating "Critical Error" message when starting playback from Explorer.
( 636) 16. Fixed: Current playlist would get saved unnecessarily.
( 637) 17. Change: Layout of some dialogs was changed.
( 638) 18. NEW: Added % indicator to Start Volume slider.
( 639) 19. Change: Updated to latest Goldenhawk 3.8G CD burning library release.
( 640) 20. Fixed: MJ Shell extensions would start during installation.
( 641) 21. Changed: Stop and Start buttons are removed from Plug-in manager Visualization plug-ins pages.

[207 2002-02-15]
( 642)  1. Fixed: MJ Install Wizard would not update media files list correctly.
( 643)  2. NEW: Added "Don't import short files (under 5 seconds)" to advanced importing options. (on by default)
( 644)  3. Changed: Simplified Playing Now.
( 645)  4. Fixed: MPL importing would leak memory.
( 646)  5. Fixed: Importing extended tag info (MJ meta-data) would leak memory.
( 647)  6. NEW: Added support for RMP files (streaming and downloading)
( 648)  7. Fixed: Image visualization component would not detect track / cover art changes for files with cover art inside.
( 649)  8. NEW: Download Manager added "Cancel All", "Pause" and "Pause All" functions.
( 650)  9. NEW: Download Manager now supports .rmp file.
( 651) 10. Changed: Check for Updates download will download MJ using HTTP protocol.

[210 2002-02-21]
( 652)  1. Fixed: Generic CD burn library update fixes bug when cancelling a test write operation. Also some bug fixes for SCSI/USB drives.
( 653)  2. NEW: Download Manager added "Download Now" function.
( 654)  3. NEW: Added BuyButton locking to Download Manager.
( 655)  4. NEW: Added new keywords to track info plug-in: TRACKINFO_INSERT_PN_POSITION and TRACKINFO_INSERT_PN_TRACKS
( 656)  5. Fixed: Keyword TRACKINFO_INSERT_TRACKPATH did not work correctly.
( 657)  6. Fixed: Install Wizard would not display file types supported by MJ.
( 658)  7. Fixed: Applying Winamp skin while MJ is running in Mega-me mode would crash MJ.
( 659)  8. Fixed: Downloading and Applying winamp skin would sometimes crash MJ.
( 660)  9. Fixed: Metamorphis would put included visualization scripts in the old vis studio location.
( 661) 10. Fixed: Auto expand branches did not work when item accessed using toolbar or menu.
( 662) 11. NEW: Root level of Media Library now has Play and Send To Menu.
( 663) 12. Fixed: FastForward and Rewind would not work for video files.
( 664) 13. NEW: Added Year and FileDate fields to MPL file.
( 665) 14. Fixed: A memory leak in the visualization engine.
( 666) 15. Fixed: "Playing Now" database would not always save changes.
( 667) 16. Fixed: Sound recorder needed to be rebuilt because of registration control changes. Was crashing.
( 668) 17. Fixed: "Don't import short files" wasn't always working.
( 669) 18. NEW: Added aspi file checking to system info.
( 670) 19. NEW: Added ability for Hanheld Devices to reorder virtual files before upload.
( 671) 20. Changed: Track Info plug-in was changed, now it uses MJ Automation Interface.
( 672) 21. Fixed: Remove would not work in Top Hits and Recently Played playlists.
( 673) 22. Fixed: Getting file info from CDDB would not work correctly.
( 674) 23. Fixed: Passing mouse over settings button in player view would sometimes crash MJ.
( 675) 24. Fixed: Some of the templates for Track Info did not have correct keywords for Costom fields.
( 676) 25. NEW: Advanced tagging options for mp3 moved to mp3 plugin. (Plugin Manager -> Input -> MP3 -> Configure)
( 677) 26. NEW: Added options when removing mp3 tags as to what types of tags to remove. (ID3v1, ID3v2, etc)
( 678) 27. Changed: Showing file properties could be slow if your library had a lot of playlists.
( 679) 28. Fixed: Media Jukebox wouldn't be happy if you renamed one file to have the same name as another already in the library.
( 680) 29. NEW: Added toolbar button Artist Info, it displayes AllMusic artist info for selected track.
( 681) 30. Fixed: Switch bar in display area did not show disabled buttons correctly.
( 682) 31. Fixed: Metamorphis' REMAINING_TIME value would be set to Live when playback stopped.
( 683) 32. Fixed: Metamorphis' time values would not be reset to 0 when playback stopped.
( 684) 33. Fixed: When ripping CD with various artists MJ would try to get cover art for each track.
( 685) 34. Fixed: Metamorphis' position slider would not return to start when playback stopped.
( 686) 35. Fixed: In Export Playlist dialog Output Range and Included Fields groups worked as one.
( 687) 36. Fixed: MJ was unable to get images and lyrics from files located on CD-R.
( 688) 37. Changed: Default download location for Download Manager changed to "C:\Music\Download Manager"

[211 2002-02-22]
( 689)  1. Fixed: Corrupt WAV files could hang the WAV plugin during analysis.
( 690)  2. Fixed: Control bars didn't work properly in windowed mode.
( 691)  3. Fixed: Control bars would become visible when Media Jukebox didn't have the focus.
( 692)  4. Fixed: Manually typing paths into the import files dialog didn't work properly.
( 693)  5. NEW: Quick Play -> Playlists now branches like the tree. Double-clicks work on groups.
( 694)  6. Changed: File stats used "Album Artist" instead of "Artist" for overall artist count.
( 695)  7. Fixed: Right-click on track info could hang Media Jukebox.
( 696)  8. Fixed: Track info could occasionally show the IE r-click menu.
( 697)  9. Changed: Display bottom bar lets you left/right even if it shows "n/a".
( 698) 10. Changed: Added "File Properties" and "Statistics" to Media Library and view schemes in the tree.
( 699) 11. NEW: Added "gripper" and "up/down" controls to the Playing Now spliiter.
( 700) 12. Fixed: Renaming UNC paths from file properties would corrupt the filename.
( 701) 13. Fixed: Tree auto-expanding did not work properly at the root.
( 702) 14. Fixed: Seeking while paused would dead-lock Media Jukebox.
( 703) 15. Fixed: The "Conversion Finished" message could be obscured by the conversion dialog.
( 704) 16. Fixed: Playback display time could be off by as much as the latency selected in Playback -> Options -> Performance.
( 705) 17. Fixed: Playback display time on seeking could get off by a little.
( 706) 18. Fixed: Pausing, then seeking to the end of a stream (with no more data coming) would deadlock MJ.
( 707) 19. Fixed: Added better error reporting to Metamorphis.
( 708) 20. Changed: Updated Monkey's Audio decoder and encoder to 3.95a1.
( 709) 21. Changed: Returning from Full-screen mode restores the focus to the right view.
( 710) 22. Fixed: Several full screen mode focus issues.
( 711) 23. Fixed: Right-click menu was not working for DVD.
( 712) 24. Changed: Overrode tab in search box, so it returns the focus to the tree. (better for remote controls)

[214 2002-02-26]
( 713)  1. Fixed: CD ripper (analog) and sound recorder provide better support for multiple sound devices on the system.
( 714)  2. Fixed: Ripped and recorded filenames were not following the directory naming rules.
( 715)  3. Fixed: Media Jukebox could crash when switching tracks.
( 716)  4. Fixed: Media Jukebox would crash when doing digital playback of audio CD if aspi was selected for drive type and aspi layer didn't exist.
( 717)  5. NEW: Added new skin to installation.
( 718)  6. Fixed: TRACKINFO_INSERT_PN_POSITION would show one less than it actually is.
( 719)  7. NEW: LeftTree Play and Add to Playing Now feature for Portable Devices.
( 720)  8. NEW: Added jump to Recently Played toolbar button.
( 721)  9. Fixed: Saving currently playing vis script would crash MJ.
( 722) 10. Changed: Splitter bar in playing now 2 pixels bigger.
( 723) 11. Fixed: Vis Studio would be displayed behind vis window.
( 724) 12. Fixed: Vis Studio would occasionally crash.
( 725) 13. NEW: Added TV / Web switching when watching TV.
( 726) 14. NEW: Can now assign a URL to a TV station.
( 727) 15. Fixed: MJ would not update database after Submitting disk to CDDB.
( 728) 16. Fixed: Multimedia keys can get fired multiple times for one press -- now limit the repeat speed.
( 729) 17. Changed: Double clicking on the playing now splitter always goes to a 50/50 split.
( 730) 18. Fixed: Menu and escape keys did not work for TV, WMP, and Real in full screen mode.
( 731) 19. Fixed: MJ would crash after getting image from a scanner.
( 732) 20. Changed: removed dependancy on Intel JPEG library.
( 733) 21. Fixed: Dragging & Dropping a playlist from one group to another would destroy playlist view.
( 734) 22. Fixed: CD ripping property "read speed" now handles IDE drives under WinNT/2K/XP.
( 735) 23. Fixed: Splitter bar would leak GDI resources on Win 9x.
( 736) 24. Fixed: Spectrum Analyzer Visualization would leak resources.
( 737) 25. NEW: Added Connect and Connect to Last to Music01 menu (this items work only for private servers).
( 738) 26. NEW: Music01 private mode would not connect to JRiver.
( 739) 27. NEW: Improved "Super Transform" capabilities.
( 740) 28. NEW: Added Connect and Connect to Last to Music01 buttons to toolbar.
( 741)

[215 2002-02-27]
( 742)  1. Fixed: Rename and Delete would not be enabled / disabled based on context in the left tree.
( 743)  2. Fixed: Delete would be


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RE:*MJ8 Beta* A Recap of Fixes (change history)
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2002, 05:10:04 pm »

This is really nice to have in one place.


Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox
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