I don't see that behaviour in any of my views.
That's certainly how it is here. Drill down into a non-thumbnail view (list or Lineup Style) with more than one Category, but don't stay at the top of the list (arrow down within each category before you open it). Say, for example, a [Series]/[Season] View of TV Shows.
Now, hit Left Arrow to go all the way back to Home.
Press 1 - Takes you to the Top Roller
Press 2 - Takes you to Back and navigates back one view. Then (and this is what is new), the "cursor" jumps back down to the list, with what you'd previously opened highlighted.
Press 3 - Takes you back to the Top Roller
Press 4 - Takes you back another step.
It is WAY worse if you happen to be using a multi-level Thumbnails-style view. Then it can be TONS of repeated left arrow presses, if the previously selected item happened to be "mid-grid".
Before it was...
Press 1 - Takes you to the Top Roller
Press 2 - Takes you to Back and navigates back one view. The top roller stays highlighted (the cursor just moves back to highlight the View's name).
Press 3 - Takes you back another step.
If you do needed to navigate the list in this second "tier" you could still do it with, two "down arrows" (one to go to the lower roller, and another to go back to the view). It was even smart enough that it would
then put the highlight on the previously opened item.
I find in multi-level views like that, if I'm going backwards from the file level, I almost always want to get back to the top category (the [Series] list in my example), not to a different season of the same show. Sometimes you do need it (if I just watched the finale of a particular show, for example), but more often not. Speed and fluidity of going "back" is more important to me ("get me out of here" style).