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Author Topic: ASIO issue  (Read 3444 times)


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ASIO issue
« on: March 04, 2012, 11:05:44 pm »

When switching between different formats (bd 48 kHz, cd 44 kHz, hi res. audio 96 kHz) in ASIO mode, the playback is not starting.

to get the sound out I have to push stop button, wait a bit then push play again.

putting different buffer sizes in asio settings didn't solve the problem.

Any Ideas?

I am using win7 x64 with RME fireface 800.


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Re: ASIO issue
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2012, 09:27:17 am »

Someone else reported a problem with the RME card switching sample rates.

Could you post a log (Help > Logging) showing ASIO playback fail to start?

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: ASIO issue
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2012, 11:17:09 am »

I have a problem  with Asio. JRiver 17.0.99. Windows 7 in Toshiba satellite A-500 1en. Cakewalk UE 25 ex. Optical toshlink to Amthem MRX 500. Cakewalk asio drivers.
Program don't allow me to use Asio because always try to play in 64 bits mode, but Cakewalk works at 24 bit.
I have tried to change DSP options to 24 bits and source bitdepth, but always with the same result: "unable to play because 2ch 44.1 (or 96,etc) 64 bits isnīt a correct path" (or something similar, I use the spanish version).
With direct sound there aren't any problem.


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Re: ASIO issue
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2012, 11:27:03 am »

64bit is the internal path of MC, but it will output 16 or 24 or 32. 

Make sure you have the "Output Settings" box checked if want to output 24 bit.

Our wiki has information that might help::


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Re: ASIO issue
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2012, 02:32:21 pm »

A few moment ago Asio has started. It seems to run properly sometimes. But There are stability problems.
I think I have done same way that last time, but unplug-plug the card.
I'll tell you new impressions next day


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Re: ASIO issue
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2012, 04:36:14 pm »

Roland makes the Cakewalk 25-ex box, same issue with their Quad Capture Box.  Matt/JRiver told me to contact Roland about their driver (read: pound sand).


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Re: ASIO issue
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2012, 08:19:18 pm »

Someone else reported a problem with the RME card switching sample rates.

Could you post a log (Help > Logging) showing ASIO playback fail to start?


MC was closed after playing bluray with empty log.

24/96 flac file was opened with MC - no sound -

after pushing stop than play button, the sound is finally coming out

Here is the log - first part:

Code: [Select]
Media Center; Version: 17.0.98; Types: 576
0000156: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::CreatePlaybackEngine: Start
0000156: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::CreatePlaybackEngine: Creating
0000156: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::CreatePlaybackEngine: Initializing
0000156: 7544: Playback: CDisplayPlugin::LoadPlugin: Start
0000156: 7544: Playback: CDisplayPlugin::LoadPlugin: Plugin: Cover Art
0000156: 7544: Playback: CDisplayPlugin::LoadPlugin: Finish (0 ms)
0000156: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::CreatePlaybackEngine: Updating for program state
0000156: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::CreatePlaybackEngine: Updating volume / mute settings
0000187: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::CreatePlaybackEngine: Updating playback state, mixer state, etc.
0000187: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::CreatePlaybackEngine: Finish (31 ms)
0000187: 5500: Playback: CPlayerZoneDisplayInfoUpdateThread::Thread: Start
0000187: 5500: Playback: CPlayerZoneDisplayInfoUpdateThread::Thread: Zone: Player (id: 0)
0000187: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Start
0000187: 5500: Playback: CPlayerZoneDisplayInfoUpdateThread::Thread: Finish (0 ms)
0000218: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Handling exclusive playback zones
0000218: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Getting actual playback track
0000218: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Processing play for 'C:\Users\A-Tech\Desktop\2L\5.1 samples\2L38SACD_tr1_mch_96kHz.flac'
0000218: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Updating internal track info
0000218: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Playing: <XMLFN version="1.0"><Item Name="Filename">C:\Users\A-Tech\Desktop\2L\5.1 samples\2L38SACD_tr1_mch_96kHz.flac</Item><Item Name="ReplayGainAlbum">0</Item><Item Name="UserInterfaceModeChangeEventHandle">000001D8</Item><Item Name="SampleRate">96000</Item><Item Name="ReplayGainTrackAutoPreamp">0</Item><Item Name="AlbumSequentialWithLastTrack">0</Item><Item Name="PlaylistIndex">0</Item><Item Name="DatabaseKey">2356</Item><Item Name="BitDepth">24</Item><Item Name="ReplayGainTrack">0</Item><Item Name="FileType">flac</Item><Item Name="ReplayGainAlbumAutoPreamp">0</Item><Item Name="Channels">6</Item><Item Name="ErrorFreeMode">0</Item><Item Name="MediaType">Audio</Item><Item Name="Bookmark"></Item></XMLFN>
0000218: 7544: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::Play: Start
0000218: 7544: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::Play: Playing: C:\Users\A-Tech\Desktop\2L\5.1 samples\2L38SACD_tr1_mch_96kHz.flac
0000218: 7544: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::Play: Filetype: flac; Type: 1; Can play: 1; Playback object: 0x48fb6d0
0000218: 7544: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::StartPlayFile: Start
0000218: 7544: Playback: CMJPlaybackType::Play: Start
0000218: 7544: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Play: Start
0000250: 7544: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Play: Created feeder helper for type flac (native: 1)
0000250: 7544: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Play: Start
0000250: 7544: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Play: Finish (0 ms)
0000250: 7544: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Play: Play succeeded
0000250: 7544: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Play: Result: 1
0000250: 7544: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Play: Finish (32 ms)
0000250: 7544: Playback: CMJPlaybackType::Play: Play result: 1
0000250: 7544: Playback: CMJPlaybackType::Play: Finish (32 ms)
0000250: 4704: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Start
0000250: 7544: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::StartPlayFile: Play returned: 1
0000250: 4704: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Adding skinning
0000250: 7544: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::StartPlayFile: Finish (32 ms)
0000250: 7544: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::Play: StartPlayFile returned 1
0000250: 4704: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Opening file
0000250: 7544: Playback: CDisplayPlugin::LoadPlugin: Start
0000250: 7544: Playback: CDisplayPlugin::LoadPlugin: Plugin: 3D Visualizations
0000250: 4704: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Setting output format
0000250: 4704: Playback: CPlayerZone::OnNewStream: Start
0000250: 4704: Playback: CPlayerZone::OnNewStream: Finish (0 ms)
0000250: 4704: Playback: CWaveOutBin::DestroyBin: Start
0000250: 4704: Playback: CWaveOutBin::DestroyBin: Finish (0 ms)
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Start
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Using input format
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: AllowCustomOutputFormat - modifying input format
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: wFormatTag 3
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nChannels 6
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nSamplesPerSec 96000
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nAvgBytesPerSec 4608000
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nBlockAlign 48
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: wBitsPerSample 64
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: cbSize 0
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Finish (0 ms)
0000250: 4704: Playback: CWaveOutBin::DestroyBin: Start
0000250: 4704: Playback: CWaveOutBin::DestroyBin: Finish (0 ms)
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Start
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Using input format
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: AllowCustomOutputFormat - modifying input format
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: wFormatTag 3
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nChannels 6
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nSamplesPerSec 96000
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nAvgBytesPerSec 4608000
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nBlockAlign 48
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: wBitsPerSample 64
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: cbSize 0
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Finish (0 ms)
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Start
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Using input format
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: AllowCustomOutputFormat - modifying input format
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: wFormatTag 3
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nChannels 6
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nSamplesPerSec 96000
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nAvgBytesPerSec 4608000
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nBlockAlign 48
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: wBitsPerSample 64
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: cbSize 0
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Finish (0 ms)
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Start
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Using input format
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: AllowCustomOutputFormat - modifying input format
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: wFormatTag 3
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nChannels 6
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nSamplesPerSec 96000
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nAvgBytesPerSec 4608000
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nBlockAlign 48
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: wBitsPerSample 64
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: cbSize 0
0000250: 4704: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Finish (0 ms)
0000250: 4704: Playback: CASIOPlugin::Open: Start
0000250: 4704: Playback: CASIOPlugin::Open: Starting ASIO
0000250: 7544: Playback: CDisplayPlugin::LoadPlugin: Finish (0 ms)
0000250: 7544: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::Play: Finish (32 ms)
0000250: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Play succeeded
0000250: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Finish (63 ms)
0000250: 7856: Playback: CPlayerZoneDisplayInfoUpdateThread::Thread: Start
0000250: 7856: Playback: CPlayerZoneDisplayInfoUpdateThread::Thread: Zone: Player (id: 0)
0000250: 6104: Playback: CPlayerZoneDisplayInfoLoadImageThread::Thread: Start
0000250: 6104: Playback: CPlayerZoneDisplayInfoLoadImageThread::Thread: Image: 00000000
0000250: 6104: Playback: CPlayerZoneDisplayInfoLoadImageThread::Thread: Finish (0 ms)
0000374: 4704: Playback: CASIOPlugin::Open: ASIO result (0 is success): 0
0000374: 4704: Playback: CASIOPlugin::Open: Finish (124 ms)
0000374: 4704: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Preparing to feed data
0000374: 4704: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Running feeder loop
0000374: 7908: Playback: CWaveOutBinPlayThread::Thread: Start


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Re: ASIO issue
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2012, 08:20:27 pm »

second part:

Code: [Select]
0096643: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Start
0096643: 7856: Playback: CPlayerZoneDisplayInfoUpdateThread::Thread: Finish (96393 ms)
0096658: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Checking for not loaded playback engine
0096658: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Firing stop to playback engine
0096658: 7544: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Stop: Start
0096658: 7544: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Stop: Closing feeder thread
0096658: 7544: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::~CMJWaveFeeder: Start
0096658: 7544: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::~CMJWaveFeeder: Cancel
0096658: 7544: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::~CMJWaveFeeder: Stopping thread
0096674: 4704: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Finished feeder loop (bCancel: 1)
0096674: 4704: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Finish (96424 ms)
0096674: 7544: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::~CMJWaveFeeder: Deleting input source
0096674: 7544: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::~CMJWaveFeeder: Unloading DLL
0096674: 7544: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::~CMJWaveFeeder: Finish (16 ms)
0096674: 7544: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Stop: Closing main output bin
0096674: 7544: Playback: CWaveOutBin::DestroyBin: Start
0096674: 7544: Playback: CWaveOutBin::DestroyBin: Cancelling play thread
0096674: 7544: Playback: CWaveOutBin::DestroyBin: Deleting play thread
0096674: 7544: Playback: CWaveOutBinPlayThread::~CWaveOutBinPlayThread: Start
0096721: 7908: Playback: CWaveOutBinPlayThread::Thread: Finish (96347 ms)
0096721: 7544: Playback: CWaveOutBinPlayThread::~CWaveOutBinPlayThread: Finish (47 ms)
0096721: 7544: Playback: CWaveOutBin::DestroyBin: Deleting objects
0096721: 7544: Playback: CWaveOutBin::DestroyBin: Finish (47 ms)
0096721: 7544: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Stop: Closing rights object
0096721: 7544: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Stop: Deleting output plugin
0096721: 7544: Playback: CASIOPlugin::~CASIOPlugin: Start
0096736: 7544: Playback: CASIOPlugin::~CASIOPlugin: Stopping ASIO
0096861: 7544: Playback: CASIOPlugin::~CASIOPlugin: Disposing buffers
0096861: 7544: Playback: CASIOPlugin::~CASIOPlugin: Exiting ASIO
0096861: 7544: Playback: CASIOPlugin::~CASIOPlugin: Deleting ASIO wrapper
0096861: 7544: Playback: CASIOPlugin::~CASIOPlugin: Updating plugins
0096861: 7544: Playback: CASIOPlugin::~CASIOPlugin: Deleting buffers
0096861: 7544: Playback: CASIOPlugin::~CASIOPlugin: Finish (140 ms)
0096861: 7544: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Stop: Updating play state
0096861: 7544: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Stop: Finish (203 ms)
0097001: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Processing internal previous / next
0097001: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Clearing display info
0097001: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Updating statistics
0097001: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Updating playback state
0097001: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Updating UI
0097001: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Applying database changes
0097001: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Stop: Finish (358 ms)
0097001: 7600: Playback: CPlayerZoneDisplayInfoUpdateThread::Thread: Start
0097001: 7600: Playback: CPlayerZoneDisplayInfoUpdateThread::Thread: Zone: Player (id: 0)
0101120: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Start
0101120: 7600: Playback: CPlayerZoneDisplayInfoUpdateThread::Thread: Finish (4119 ms)
0101135: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Handling exclusive playback zones
0101135: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Getting actual playback track
0101135: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Processing play for 'C:\Users\A-Tech\Desktop\2L\5.1 samples\2L38SACD_tr1_mch_96kHz.flac'
0101135: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Updating internal track info
0101135: 7544: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Playing: <XMLFN version="1.0"><Item Name="Filename">C:\Users\A-Tech\Desktop\2L\5.1 samples\2L38SACD_tr1_mch_96kHz.flac</Item><Item Name="ReplayGainAlbum">0</Item><Item Name="UserInterfaceModeChangeEventHandle">000001D8</Item><Item Name="SampleRate">96000</Item><Item Name="ReplayGainTrackAutoPreamp">0</Item><Item Name="AlbumSequentialWithLastTrack">0</Item><Item Name="PlaylistIndex">0</Item><Item Name="DatabaseKey">2356</Item><Item Name="BitDepth">24</Item><Item Name="ReplayGainTrack">0</Item><Item Name="FileType">flac</Item><Item Name="ReplayGainAlbumAutoPreamp">0</Item><Item Name="Channels">6</Item><Item Name="ErrorFreeMode">0</Item><Item Name="MediaType">Audio</Item><Item Name="Bookmark"></Item></XMLFN>
0101135: 7544: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::Play: Start
0101135: 7544: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::Play: Playing: C:\Users\A-Tech\Desktop\2L\5.1 samples\2L38SACD_tr1_mch_96kHz.flac
0101135: 7544: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::Play: Filetype: flac; Type: 1; Can play: 1; Playback object: 0x48fb608
0101135: 7544: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::StartPlayFile: Start
0101135: 7544: Playback: CMJPlaybackType::Play: Start
0101151: 7544: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Play: Start
0101151: 7544: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Play: Created feeder helper for type flac (native: 1)
0101151: 7544: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Play: Start
0101151: 7544: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Play: Finish (0 ms)
0101151: 7544: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Play: Play succeeded
0101151: 7544: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Play: Result: 1
0101151: 7544: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Play: Finish (0 ms)
0101151: 7544: Playback: CMJPlaybackType::Play: Play result: 1
0101151: 7544: Playback: CMJPlaybackType::Play: Finish (16 ms)
0101151: 7544: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::StartPlayFile: Play returned: 1
0101151: 7112: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Start
0101151: 7544: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::StartPlayFile: Finish (16 ms)
0101151: 7112: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Adding skinning
0101151: 7544: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::Play: StartPlayFile returned 1
0101151: 7112: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Opening file
0101151: 7544: Playback: CDisplayPlugin::LoadPlugin: Start
0101151: 7544: Playback: CDisplayPlugin::LoadPlugin: Plugin: 3D Visualizations
0101151: 7112: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Setting output format
0101151: 7112: Playback: CPlayerZone::OnNewStream: Start
0101151: 7112: Playback: CPlayerZone::OnNewStream: Finish (0 ms)
0101151: 7112: Playback: CWaveOutBin::DestroyBin: Start
0101151: 7112: Playback: CWaveOutBin::DestroyBin: Finish (0 ms)
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Start
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Using input format
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: AllowCustomOutputFormat - modifying input format
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: wFormatTag 3
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nChannels 6
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nSamplesPerSec 96000
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nAvgBytesPerSec 4608000
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nBlockAlign 48
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: wBitsPerSample 64
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: cbSize 0
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Finish (0 ms)
0101151: 7112: Playback: CWaveOutBin::DestroyBin: Start
0101151: 7112: Playback: CWaveOutBin::DestroyBin: Finish (0 ms)
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Start
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Using input format
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: AllowCustomOutputFormat - modifying input format
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: wFormatTag 3
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nChannels 6
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nSamplesPerSec 96000
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nAvgBytesPerSec 4608000
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nBlockAlign 48
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: wBitsPerSample 64
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: cbSize 0
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Finish (0 ms)
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Start
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Using input format
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: AllowCustomOutputFormat - modifying input format
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: wFormatTag 3
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nChannels 6
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nSamplesPerSec 96000
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nAvgBytesPerSec 4608000
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nBlockAlign 48
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: wBitsPerSample 64
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: cbSize 0
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Finish (0 ms)
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Start
0101151: 7544: Playback: CDisplayPlugin::LoadPlugin: Finish (0 ms)
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Using input format
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: AllowCustomOutputFormat - modifying input format
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: wFormatTag 3
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nChannels 6
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nSamplesPerSec 96000
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nAvgBytesPerSec 4608000
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nBlockAlign 48
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: wBitsPerSample 64
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: cbSize 0
0101151: 7112: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Finish (0 ms)


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Re: ASIO issue
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2012, 08:30:24 pm »

Please put code tags around your log.

[ code ]
your log
[ /code ]

(remove the spaces)



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Re: ASIO issue
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2012, 08:51:03 pm »

The first part of the log shows ASIO open and seems like it's working:
0000374: 4704: Playback: CASIOPlugin::Open: ASIO result (0 is success): 0
0000374: 4704: Playback: CASIOPlugin::Open: Finish (124 ms)

The second part of the log shows the start of a format change, but doesn't ever talk to the ASIO code again.  Is it stuck, or did the whole log just not get posted?

I'll test the same on my side tomorrow and follow-up.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: ASIO issue
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2012, 09:05:13 pm »

I got a message that you can not send more then 12000 characters. that is why I splited it.


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Re: ASIO issue
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2012, 09:42:43 am »

ASIO sample rate switching is working as expected for me.

The log you posted only shows ASIO opening one time, and it should open two times (once to start playback, and once to switch sample rates).

You could try emailing a full log to logs at jriver dot com.

It would also be worth contacting RME, since this issue seems specific to RME hardware.  We would be happy to work with them.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: ASIO issue
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2012, 09:47:40 am »

I also wrote to RME, and will follow-up if I learn anything more.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: ASIO issue
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2012, 09:26:22 pm »

Yes Please. Thank you.


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Re: ASIO issue
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2012, 09:31:31 pm »

What is strange that the problem occurs only when 96kHz is involved. No problem when switching between 44 and 48.


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Re: ASIO issue
« Reply #15 on: March 07, 2012, 10:04:50 am »

hi again.
With Cakewalk UE 25 ex and its own Asio drivers: sometimes it starts, but when you press the stop button MC17 crashes. And the sound is worse than with Direct sound.


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Re: ASIO issue
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2012, 10:09:46 am »

What is strange that the problem occurs only when 96kHz is involved. No problem when switching between 44 and 48.

The log you sent shows playback starting at 6 channel 96 kHz.  ASIO reports it's working.

Then you stop and play 6 channel 96 kHz again.  ASIO reports it's working again.

Where in that flow is there a problem?  Could you describe it in more detail?

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center
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