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Author Topic: Get Movie & Tv Info changes file names  (Read 2125 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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Get Movie & Tv Info changes file names
« on: March 06, 2012, 05:35:38 pm »

Hi there, 

I have all my tv shows categorized by folder, season, episode

e.g., Raising hope/season1/raising hope s01e01.mp4

I love the feature of gettign the file info and being able to see it in the theatre view but the file names get chaged to the title of the episode which causes the epsides to no longer be in order.  Is there a way to define foormating for when the file names get changed e.g., raising hope s01e01 - episode title (ie. to add the name of the epsidoe after the existing file name)?


Can I get the file info but NOT have the name changed at all?


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Re: Get Movie & Tv Info changes file names
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2012, 06:08:11 pm »

Sort your view by [Series]-[Season]-[Episode].


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Re: Get Movie & Tv Info changes file names
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2012, 06:08:44 pm »

It doesn't change the file names, it changes the [Name] tag (which isn't the same thing).  It does this because the Episode Title is the most significant and visible piece of information that it gets about the shows from the metadata lookup.  Otherwise, if you want the series title, you'd have to manually fill them all for every episode, which would pretty much defeat the purpose of the automatic lookup system.

Sort your TV Series view by [Series], [Season], [Episode], [Name] (with maybe a date field thrown in there before name, if you choose), and the sorting problem is gone, and you get to see/use the Episode titles.

PS. got me first.  I do think it can be handy to include [Name] dead last in the sorting list, though, as a "fallback position" for shows that get no [Episode] or [Season] tags (like all my episodes of NOVA and whatnot), but where I don't really care what order they're in enough to fix it.
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Re: Get Movie & Tv Info changes file names
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2012, 06:27:47 pm »

Sorry but I am an idiot... Can you please be detailed as to how I do this?  Is this for the basic media center viiew, Theatre view, or both?  How do I set thsi for Theatre view?



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Re: Get Movie & Tv Info changes file names
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2012, 08:13:26 pm »

The method is essentially the same, but you do it in two different places for Standard and Theater Views (they're configured separately).

Standard Views: On the view that you want to change (the one where your TV Shows appear), right click and choose Customize View.  In the Customize View dialog that appears, click the Set rules for file display button.  Then, in the resulting dialog, in the Modify Results section, add a Sort by rule (using the left-hand combo box) and then on the right you can add as many different file tags as you want, in any order that you want.  You can add them Ascending or Descending and pick from any of the tags that MC supports.

When you import a TV Show episode with a filename like the one you described (Raising hope/season1/raising hope s01e01.mp4), MC knows how to read the "s01e01" part of it.  It sets [Season] to 01, and [Episode] to 01 in that example.  That's how it knows what the Episode Title is in the first place, it looks up Season 1, Episode 1 of Raising Hope on  So those tags will be automatically pre-filled for any show you import that has a naming scheme similar to that one (the common ones).

A good "order" for your goal would be something like:


That way, it'll first sort the different series' together (if you happen to be in a part of the view where you can see all of them at once).  Then, Season, then Episode.  Only if two files have matching (or blank) information for all three of those things above would it end up using the Date or the Name sorting.  In other words, it uses these in order.

If Options -> Tree & View -> Sorting -> Save changes on list header clicks is enabled, you can accomplish the same thing by simply clicking on the different "headers" of the Details Style view in the reverse order of how you want them to sort (so Name first, then Date, then Episode, and so on and so forth so that [Series] ends up being listed as #1).

Theater View:  Basically the same idea.  You go to Tools -> Options -> Theater View.  Select the view you want to change in the Items To Show part of the dialog, and then on the right, click the Set rules for file display button.  The rest is the same as above.

For Theater View, you probably don't need to bother with [Series] and [Season] in the sort order because you won't see them all on the screen at the same time.  But, it also won't hurt to do it, so whatever way works for you.

PS.  You're not an idiot.  Just new.  No worries.
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  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: Get Movie & Tv Info changes file names
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2012, 08:52:48 pm »

Thanks for the response.  I still do not seem to get the file names to show like seen in this graphic;topic=66248.0;attach=3843;image

which is related to the following discussion

That is the default view that I would like to have for theatre mode AND also when I use my WDTV Live hub to view the media. (that is can I control how it will be displayed on themedia device as well?

JRiver looks like an amazing pgm.. I am still trying to figure out how to get it to work the way I would like to have it work.

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Re: Get Movie & Tv Info changes file names
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2012, 11:52:18 pm »

I still do not seem to get the file names to show like seen in this graphic

For this, I can point you in the right direction. The file captions throughout Theatre View are determined by the one expression in Options > Theatre View > Advanced > File caption. Mine is...

If(IsEqual([Media Type], Audio), If(IsEqual([Rating], 1), ✘, If(IsEqual([Quality], 2, 6), ✘, If(IsEmpty([.Flag]), , ✘))),)If(IsEqual([Media Type], Image), If(IsEqual([Rating], 1), ✘, If(IsEqual([Quality], 1), ✘, If(IsEmpty([.Flag]), , ✘))),)If(IsEqual([Media Type], Video), If(IsEqual([Rating], 1), ✘, If(IsEqual([Quality], 1), , If(IsEmpty([.Flag]), , ✘))),)If(IsEqual([], Pending), RemoveRight(Right([Filename],7),4) [Series] • If(IsEqual([Season], 1), premiering, returning) [s.Returning], If(IsEqual([], final episodes), [Series], If(IsEqual([Episode.], .series), If(IsEqual(Right([Series], 6), /([Year]/)), RemoveRight([Series], 7), [Series]), If(IsEqual([Type.], Pilot Episode), If(IsEqual(Left([Name], 5), Pilot), [Year] [Name], [Year] Pilot: [Name]), If(IsEqual([Type.], Final Episode), [Year] Final: [Name], If(IsEqual(Left([Episode.], 1), S), <font color="999999">SPadNumber([Season],2) EPadNumber([Episode],2)<//font> [Name], If(IsEqual([Type.], Final Episode), Final: SPadNumber([Season],2) EPadNumber([Episode],2) [Name], [Name]If(IsEqual([Media Sub Type], Movie), / ([Year]/), )))))))) <font color="Mid(0123456789ABCDEF, Math([Rating] * 4 - 5), 1)F9933">Mid(,0,[Rating])<//font> If(IsInPlayingNow(),♪,)

...and I don't recommend you attempt to use anything this complex. The point is, you can create a conditional expression that creates whatever caption you want for different types of media or circumstances. For Series, what might work for you is...

If(IsEqual([Media Sub Type], TV Show]), SPadNumber([Season],2) EPadNumber([Episode],2) [Name], {another expression for other media types})

...this being just part of a nest-If statement that handles all the different captions you need to use.

That is the default view that I would like to have for theatre mode...

That image is of my series view. JRiver and I don't agree much on how video media should be handled, or how meta data should be retrieved and displayed. So I can't recommend you attempt to create a view exactly like this one. I use a dummy file to represent a record for a series, so I can show "Series Information" and a series poster. My episodes are intentionally not tagged as [Media Sub Type]=[TV Show], so the parent of this view will show each series as a row of episode covers—so I can see at a glance the number of episodes available for viewing for each series. This breaks MC's meta data retrieval system, which I don't like or use either.

But by "default view," maybe you just mean the more general aspects of the view, rather than those just related to series. If so, the only aspects other than the captions are the info panels below the cover and the large one viewed by pressing {Enter}. Those are completely configurable at Options > Theatre View > Customize file info panel... You can use different templates for different media types, and place any fields (or expressions that combine fields and/or adapt to different conditions) in any order for each. In short, you can display any information anywhere on those panels, and it can adapt to the content.


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Re: Get Movie & Tv Info changes file names
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2012, 06:45:00 am »

Hi there,

Thanks for your response.  WOW.. You really do use a complex statement.  I am looking for something much simpler. 

I can not find any documentation regarding the SPadNumber field an as such remain unsure as to what it does. 

I want something like the follwoing which works for tv shows when I put it in the location you indicated but does not work for other media tyoes

[Series], Season [Season], Episode [Episode] - [Name]

but does not work for other media files.

Is there a way to write an expression that is somehting like the following:

If(IsEqual([Media Sub Type], TV Show]), [Series], Season [Season], Episode [Episode] - [Name], OTHERWISE DEFAULT FOR EVERYTHING ELSE)


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Re: Get Movie & Tv Info changes file names
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2012, 03:31:56 pm »

I can not find any documentation regarding the SPadNumber field an as such remain unsure as to what it does.

See 6.3.3 PadNumber(...): Adds leading zeros to any given number.

I want something like the following which works for tv shows when I put it in the location you indicated but does not work for other media types

If(IsEqual([Media Sub Type], TV Show]), SPadNumber([Season],2) EPadNumber([Episode],2) [Name], [Name])

See 6.1 Conditional Functions.


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: Get Movie & Tv Info changes file names
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2012, 05:23:39 pm »

Don't know why.. but All I see is the name of the epsiode.  This is when I View in Theatre Mode, Shows, Series

IF I use the following

If(IsEqual([Media Sub Type], TV Show]), SPadNumber([Season],2) EPadNumber([Episode],2) [Name],(SPadNumber([Season],2) - EPadNumber([Episode],2) - [Name]))

In essence, putting it as the ELSE statement I see it in the way that I want but this affects everything.  So the problem lies in the

Media Sub Type], TV Show definitions

This is bizzarre and I am not sure where to go from here.


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Re: Get Movie & Tv Info changes file names
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2012, 05:37:10 pm »

Sorry, there was a typo in my expression. Remove the ']' after 'TV Show'.


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: Get Movie & Tv Info changes file names
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2012, 06:17:55 pm »

works.. thanks for the help
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