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Author Topic: MC 16 and 17 crashes  (Read 1737 times)


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MC 16 and 17 crashes
« on: April 06, 2012, 08:41:02 am »

I recently stumbled onto MC about a year ago and have had problems with it crashing for some time.  I have read the treads on crashing and done most of the items asked.  I even re imaged the media server.

Can someone help with the attached log files?  I had a crash.. reopened MC and grabbed the log files


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Re: MC 16 and 17 crashes
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2012, 08:54:24 am »

I think it's crashing while scanning an over-the-air television program guide load while it parses some of the data it finds:

0071588: 2964: TV: CETTSection::Parse: Start
0071588: 2964: TV: CPSIPSection::Parse: Start
0071588: 2964: TV: CPSIPSection::Parse: section length: 97
0071588: 2964: TV: CPSIPSection::Parse: Finish (0 ms)
0071588: 2964: TV: CSegmentedString::CSegment::Decode: Start
0071588: 2964: TV: CSegmentedString::CSegment::Decode:     0xe0 0xab 0xfe 0xf7 0xfb 0x98 0xf5 0x79
0071588: 2964: TV: CSegmentedString::CSegment::Decode:     0x91 0x6e 0x7e 0x2c 0x36 0xfe 0xe5 0xaa
0071588: 2964: TV: CSegmentedString::CSegment::Decode:     0xe0 0x47 0xa3 0x72 0x83 0x2b 0xbe 0x5b
0071588: 2964: TV: CSegmentedString::CSegment::Decode:     0x3a 0x7a 0x37 0xc0 0x2b 0x3b 0xeb 0x81
0071588: 2964: TV: CSegmentedString::CSegment::Decode:     0x65 0x7d 0xfc 0xde 0x75 0x23 0xc4 0x5b
0071588: 2964: TV: CSegmentedString::CSegment::Decode:     0x70 0xfb 0x5c 0x2f 0xe9 0x01 0x9e 0x88
0071588: 2964: TV: CSegmentedString::CSegment::Decode:     0x11 0x57 0xe7 0xda 0x7f 0x51 0x99 0x47
0071588: 2964: TV: CSegmentedString::CSegment::Decode:     0xd7 0x7f 0xe7 0x62 0xf7 0x32 0xfd 0xf8
0071588: 2964: TV: CSegmentedString::CSegment::Decode:     0x81 0x5c 0x9b 0xb3 0xbd 0xef 0xda 0xe7
0071588: 2964: TV: CSegmentedString::CSegment::Decode:     0xcf 0xa9 0xa0
0071604: 2964: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Unhandled exception -- program crashing

For now, disable guide loading in Television.

We'll try to test the same thing in the debugger and follow up early next week (JRiver is closed for a few days).

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC 16 and 17 crashes
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2012, 09:22:40 am »

Let me know if you need anything else..  I will disable it and provide feedback


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Re: MC 16 and 17 crashes
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2012, 04:36:41 pm »

No joy.. here is th last hundred lines or so as even zipped he file is to large to attach

11374454: 5364: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::Play: Start
11374454: 5364: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::Play: Playing: M:\Music\Non DTS\Pink Floyd - full discography\1967 - The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn\03 - Matilda Mother.mp3
11374454: 5364: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::Play: Filetype: mp3; Type: 1; Can play: 1; Playback object: 0x6c6b890
11374454: 5364: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::StartPlayFile: Start
11374454: 5364: Playback: CMJPlaybackType::Play: Start
11374454: 5364: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Play: Start
11374454: 5364: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::~CMJWaveFeeder: Start
11374454: 5364: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::~CMJWaveFeeder: Cancel
11374454: 5364: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::~CMJWaveFeeder: Stopping thread
11374454: 5364: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::~CMJWaveFeeder: Deleting input source
11374454: 5364: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::~CMJWaveFeeder: Unloading DLL
11374454: 5364: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::~CMJWaveFeeder: Finish (0 ms)
11374454: 5364: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Play: Created feeder helper for type mp3 (native: 1)
11374454: 5364: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Play: Start
11374470: 5364: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Play: Finish (16 ms)
11374470: 5364: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Play: Play succeeded
11374470: 5364: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Play: Result: 1
11374470: 5364: Playback: CMJPlayerCore::Play: Finish (16 ms)
11374470: 5364: Playback: CMJPlaybackType::Play: Play result: 1
11374470: 5156: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Start
11374470: 5364: Playback: CMJPlaybackType::Play: Finish (16 ms)
11374470: 5156: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Adding skinning
11374470: 5364: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::StartPlayFile: Play returned: 1
11374470: 5364: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::StartPlayFile: Finish (16 ms)
11374470: 5156: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Opening file
11374470: 5364: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::Play: StartPlayFile returned 1
11374470: 5364: Playback: CJRPlaybackEngine::Play: Finish (16 ms)
11374470: 5364: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Play succeeded
11374470: 5364: Playback: CPlayerZone::Play: Finish (32 ms)
11374470: 5364: Playback: CPlayerZone::Next: Applying database changes
11374470: 5728: Playback: CPlayerZoneDisplayInfoUpdateThread::Thread: Start
11374470: 5364: Playback: CPlayerZone::Next: Finish (32 ms)
11374470: 5728: Playback: CPlayerZoneDisplayInfoUpdateThread::Thread: Zone: Media Room (id: 0)
11374470: 5156: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Setting output format
11374470: 5156: Playback: CPlayerZone::OnNewStream: Start
11374470: 5156: Playback: CPlayerZone::OnNewStream: Finish (0 ms)
11374470: 5156: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Start
11374470: 5156: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Using input format
11374470: 5156: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: AllowCustomOutputFormat - modifying input format
11374470: 5156: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: wFormatTag 1
11374470: 5156: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nChannels 2
11374470: 5156: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nSamplesPerSec 44100
11374470: 5156: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nAvgBytesPerSec 264600
11374470: 5156: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: nBlockAlign 6
11374470: 5156: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: wBitsPerSample 24
11374470: 5156: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: cbSize 0
11374470: 5156: Playback: CAutoConfigureAudioOutput::GetOutputFormat: Finish (0 ms)
11374470: 5156: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Preparing to feed data
11374470: 5156: Playback: CMJWaveFeeder::Thread: Running feeder loop
11374470: 5364: General: CMJFileListCtrl::StartFileInsertion: Start
11374470: 5364: General: CMJFileListCtrl::StartFileInsertion: Finish (0 ms)
11374470: 5364: General: CMJFileListCtrl::FinishFileInsertion: Start
11374470: 5364: General: CMJFileListCtrl::FinishFileInsertion: Finish (0 ms)
11376700: 5364: TV: CTVRecordingManager::Process: Start
11376700: 5364: TV: CDeviceList::Init: Start
11376700: 5364: TV: CDeviceList::EnumAndAdd: Start
11376700: 5364: TV: CDeviceList::EnumAndAdd: Finish (0 ms)
11376700: 5364: TV: CDeviceList::Init: Finish (0 ms)
11376700: 5364: TV: CTVManager::CreateTVControlForAllDevices: Start
11376700: 5364: TV: CTVManager::CreateTVControlForAllDevices: Finish (0 ms)
11376700: 5364: TV: CTVRecordingManager::Process: Finish (0 ms)
11381240: 792: Playback: CPlayerZoneDisplayInfoLoadImageThread::Thread: Start
11381240: 792: Import: JRAnalyzer::Open: Start
11381240: 792: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Start
11381240: 792: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Filename: M:\Music\Non DTS\Pink Floyd - full discography\1967 - The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn\03 - Matilda Mother.mp3
11381240: 792: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFileMJ: Start
11381240: 792: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFileMJ: Finish (0 ms)
11381240: 792: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Finish (0 ms)
11381240: 792: Import: JRAnalyzer::Open: Finish (0 ms)
11381240: 792: Database: JRAnalyzerFile::GetImage: Start
11381240: 792: Database: JRAnalyzerFile::GetImage: Finish (0 ms)
11381240: 792: Playback: CPlayerZoneDisplayInfoLoadImageThread::Thread: Image: 03ED6A38
11381240: 792: Playback: CPlayerZoneDisplayInfoLoadImageThread::Thread: Finish (0 ms)
11381396: 5364: Database: CSearchFilesHelper::GetResults: Search: [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 0.109
11381396: 5364: Database: CSearchFilesHelper::GetResults: Search: [Media Type]=[Audio],[Video]; Elapsed ms: 0.088
11381396: 5364: Database: CSearchFilesHelper::GetResults: Search: [Media Type]=[Video]; Elapsed ms: 0.079
11381427: 5364: General: CMCUICore::GetEnableMonitorChange: Start
11381427: 5364: General: CMCUICore::GetEnableMonitorChange: Change: 1; UI Mode: -999
11381427: 5364: General: CMCUICore::GetEnableMonitorChange: Disable change for user option to keep display on
11381427: 5364: General: CMCUICore::GetEnableMonitorChange: Finish (result: 0) (0 ms)
11381708: 5364: TV: CTVRecordingManager::Process: Start
11381708: 5364: TV: CDeviceList::Init: Start
11381708: 5364: TV: CDeviceList::EnumAndAdd: Start
11381708: 5364: TV: CDeviceList::EnumAndAdd: Finish (0 ms)
11381708: 5364: TV: CDeviceList::Init: Finish (0 ms)
11381708: 5364: TV: CTVManager::CreateTVControlForAllDevices: Start
11381708: 5364: TV: CTVManager::CreateTVControlForAllDevices: Finish (0 ms)
11381708: 5364: TV: CTVRecordingManager::Process: Finish (0 ms)
11383876: 5056: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Unhandled exception -- program crashing
11383876: 5056: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Message: 0, wParam: 0, lParam: 0, Window class:
11383908: 4584: Handheld: CWMDMThread::Thread: Start
11383908: 4584: Handheld: CWMDMThread::Thread: Starting work loop
11455029: 4712: General: JRWebApp::Destroy: Start
11455029: 4712: General: JRWebApp::Destroy: Finish (0 ms)
11455029: 4712: General: JRWebApp::Run: Finish (11455014 ms)
11455029: 4712: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Start
11455029: 4712: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Stopping web engine
11455029: 4712: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Stopping callback server
11455029: 4712: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Stopping interface server
11455029: 4712: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Start
11455029: 4712: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Cancelling thread
11455029: 4712: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Cancelling pending run
11455029: 4712: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Stopping thread
11455029: 5748: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::Thread: Thread finishing (cancel: 1; errors: 1)
11455029: 5748: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::Thread: Finish (11455014 ms)
11455044: 4712: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Cancelling response threads
11455044: 4712: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Deleting response threads
11455044: 4712: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Closing notification window
11455044: 4712: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Finish (15 ms)
11455044: 4712: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Finishing


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Re: MC 16 and 17 crashes
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2012, 04:55:51 pm »

As a test, turn off TV in Options > General > Features, and then restart.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC 16 and 17 crashes
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2012, 05:19:26 pm »

Do you have a TV tuner in the box?  If so, disconnect it if you can.


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Re: MC 16 and 17 crashes
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2012, 01:06:25 pm »

Yes I have a TV tuner several actually.. I disabled it via the post two above.  Currently I can not unplug it as it is a needed part as I cut the cord a few weeks go

The most recent crash after disabling tv is as follows 

17439632: 1836: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleRequest: UDP: NOTIFY:*
17439632: 1836: Sharing Plugins: CSSDPWorker::ProcessNotify: ssdp:alive: uuid:Upnp-V1.0.26_OL-000F0D22A2A3::urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:tvpicture:1
17439632: 1836: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleConnection: Finish (0 ms)
17439648: 3696: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleConnection: Start
17439648: 3696: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleRequest: UDP: NOTIFY:*
17439648: 3696: Sharing Plugins: CSSDPWorker::ProcessNotify: ssdp:alive: uuid:Upnp-V1.0.26_OL-000F0D228DF4::urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:tvcontrol:1
17439648: 3696: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleConnection: Finish (0 ms)
17439757: 3972: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleConnection: Start
17439757: 3972: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleRequest: UDP: NOTIFY:*
17439757: 3972: Sharing Plugins: CSSDPWorker::ProcessNotify: ssdp:alive: uuid:Upnp-V1.0.26_OL-000F0D228DF4::urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:tvpicture:1
17439757: 3972: Sharing Plugins: CHTTPListenerWorker::HandleConnection: Finish (0 ms)
17443111: 804: Reader: CInternetReader::Open: Start
17443111: 804: Reader: CInternetReader::Open: Opening
17443111: 5600: Reader: CInternetReader::Thread: Start
17443111: 5600: Reader: CInternetReader::Connect: Start
17443111: 5600: Reader: CInternetReader::Connect: Finish (0 ms)
17443111: 5600: Reader: CInternetReader::DownloadFromHTTPURL: Start
17443111: 5600: Reader: CInternetReader::DownloadFromHTTPURL: Success
17443111: 5600: Reader: CInternetReader::DownloadFromHTTPURL: Finish (0 ms)
17443111: 5600: Reader: CInternetReader::Thread: Finish (0 ms)
17443111: 804: Reader: CInternetReader::Open: Finish (0 ms)
17443111: 804: Reader: CInternetReader::Close: Start
17443111: 804: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Unhandled exception -- program crashing
17443111: 804: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Message: 0, wParam: 0, lParam: 0, Window class:
64844172: 1940: General: JRWebApp::Destroy: Start
64844250: 704: General: JRWebApp::Destroy: Start
64844172: 1940: General: JRWebApp::Destroy: Finish (0 ms)
64844250: 704: General: JRWebApp::Destroy: Finish (0 ms)
64844172: 1940: General: JRWebApp::Run: Finish (64844156 ms)
64844250: 704: General: JRWebApp::Run: Finish (64844250 ms)
64844172: 1940: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Start
64844250: 704: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Start
64844172: 1940: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Stopping web engine
64844250: 704: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Stopping web engine
64844187: 1940: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Stopping callback server
64844187: 1940: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Stopping interface server
64844187: 1940: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Start
64844187: 1940: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Cancelling thread
64844187: 1940: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Cancelling pending run
64844187: 1940: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Stopping thread
64844187: 900: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::Thread: Thread finishing (cancel: 1; errors: 1)
64844187: 900: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::Thread: Finish (64844187 ms)
64844265: 704: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Stopping callback server
64844265: 704: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Stopping interface server
64844265: 704: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Start
64844265: 704: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Cancelling thread
64844265: 704: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Cancelling pending run
64844265: 704: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Stopping thread
64844265: 3860: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::Thread: Thread finishing (cancel: 1; errors: 1)
64844265: 3860: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::Thread: Finish (64844265 ms)
64844203: 1940: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Cancelling response threads
64844203: 1940: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Deleting response threads
64844203: 1940: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Closing notification window
64844203: 1940: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Finish (16 ms)
64844203: 1940: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Finishing
64844281: 704: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Cancelling response threads
64844281: 704: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Deleting response threads
64844281: 704: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Closing notification window
64844281: 704: General: JRIpcServerThreaded::ServerStop: Finish (16 ms)
64844281: 704: General: JRWebApp::ExitInstance: Finishing


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Re: MC 16 and 17 crashes
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2012, 01:39:29 pm »

Try removing it, just to test.


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Re: MC 16 and 17 crashes
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2012, 10:07:58 am »

It does look like you have two separate issues.

I can reproduce a crash in over-the-air guide data scanning.  The crash in your last post appears to be different:

Code: [Select]
17443111: 804: Reader: CInternetReader::Open: Start
17443111: 804: Reader: CInternetReader::Open: Opening
17443111: 5600: Reader: CInternetReader::Thread: Start
17443111: 5600: Reader: CInternetReader::Connect: Start
17443111: 5600: Reader: CInternetReader::Connect: Finish (0 ms)
17443111: 5600: Reader: CInternetReader::DownloadFromHTTPURL: Start
17443111: 5600: Reader: CInternetReader::DownloadFromHTTPURL: Success
17443111: 5600: Reader: CInternetReader::DownloadFromHTTPURL: Finish (0 ms)
17443111: 5600: Reader: CInternetReader::Thread: Finish (0 ms)
17443111: 804: Reader: CInternetReader::Open: Finish (0 ms)
17443111: 804: Reader: CInternetReader::Close: Start
17443111: 804: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Unhandled exception -- program crashing
17443111: 804: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Message: 0, wParam: 0, lParam: 0, Window class:

Here our internet reader tried to open url
Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC 16 and 17 crashes
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2012, 10:54:19 am »

Strange... that is a IP based camera... (I think)  Will validate that when I get home...
As things stand right now I am at 24 hours without a crash and streaming to my phone right now...


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Re: MC 16 and 17 crashes
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2012, 02:39:16 pm »

The ATSC scanning crash will be fixed in a coming build.

For the second internet reader crash, do you have some security software like Norton, MSSE, etc. installed that might get in the middle of network calls and cause troubles?
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC 16 and 17 crashes
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2012, 04:13:23 pm »

No security software on the unit at all as it is in the greenzone on my homenetwork and used only for a media server/IP camera PVR unit
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