Wow, thanks for all the feedback and suggestions. Lots to think about.
Do you mean Red October HQ?
Yes, I mean HQ. I am running the latest version on all three machines, only having trouble on the mac mini and only with the standard renderer.
Did you know that you can setup the Video Mode>Advanced>Custom so that the mp4 file can play with a different renderer. Perhaps use MadVR instead of EVR for only Mp4 when in RO-Standard. I would also suggest that you reinstall MC just in case soemthing installed wrong (as you mentioned in your post) - since this is easy to do.
I did not, and that's very cool to know - that's a decent short-term solution.
Did you try installing the latest nVidia drivers?
I'm not sure where to get them for the mac mini - seen reports that the standard nvidia ones don't work, and before I make the wife angry by taking out her media machine, I wanted to try low-hanging fruit first
What are your machine (mac-mini) specs and which nVidia gpu does it use?
It's the 9400 on-board card. This is the mac mini that doesn't have the HDMI out.
Do you have hardware acceleration on?
If you mean within MC, no I do not. Turning it on makes the video even worse - it's all garbled and "swirly" almost like when the digital cable box screws up
Reinstalling MC hasn't helped.