Hi, Jim,
I did reset the Hardware buffer and that did seem to help somewhat, but this is very puzzling to me. Let me explain how I got to this point.
Here's a brief overview of my current setup. I'm running an HP s5703w, 2.8 GHz dual-core processor, 8 gigs of ram, 500 Gig HD with a Seagate 1TB external HD, running Windows 7, 64-bit, feeding a High Resolution Technologies Music Streamer II+ USB asynchronous DAC.
Upon starting MC this morning, I made the following settings:
* Audio Output: WASAPI Event Style; Device: Music Streamer II+, Open device for exclusive access; Hardware Buffer: 100 milliseconds
* Output Format: Sample Rate: No change; Bit Depth: Source; Number of Channels: Source * Prebuffering: 6 seconds
* Play Silence at startup: 1 second *Play Files From Memory * Switch Tracks: Gapped Fade 1 second * Gapless for Sequential Tracks
* Stop, Seek & Skip: Gapless/Immediate/Forward 30 - Backwards 10 * Alternate Mode: Switch Tracks: Gapped .1s; Stop: Fadeout Slow; Seek: Standard
I basically went with all the recommended and system specific settings -- and I really wanted WASAPI Event Style, especially after hearing all the hype online. Nothing but stuttering and glitches on 16 and 24-bit files. At this point, I started trying different Hardware Buffer settings, and nothing seemed to work until I set it to "Minimum Hardware Size" -- and, suddenly, GLORIOUS MUSIC -- for about ten minutes.
At that point, the music changed instantaneously to blaring NOISE -- I tried resetting the Hardware Buffer to 100, then 250, then 500 -- no change, just noise. Concerned that perhaps my DAC had wigged, I restarted the System -- nothing, just really loud NOISE. I switched to Foobar -- Music! I switched back to MC -- NOISE. I then switched from WASAPI to ASIO - fixed everything, but that's not what this is all about -- I want WASAPI Event Style, which I HAD for about ten minutes. Switch back to WASAPI -- NOISE. This is the point where I threw in the towel and asked for help earlier today.
I currently have the Hardware Buffer set to 25 milliseconds, and that seems to have essentially fixed the problem, with a few stray ticks and stutters. I'm just wondering if perhaps I've overlooked something -- it's really puzzling to me that everything worked so swimmingly with the hardware buffer set to "Minimum Hardware Size", if only for ten minutes or so -- how could it go from so very good to so very bad, so quickly?
I'll chime back in after I've done some more listening tomorrow.