I say you chaps... After listening to many audio files last night on MC17 in Theatre view, from my on line PC via a 15M HDMI cable into my lounge and viewing on a large flatscreen telly, I feel compelled to commend you for producing such a marvelous piece of software. I've used many, many media players / mp3 jukeboxes over recent years, and this one is head and shoulders above the rest - Canine gonads as they say around here.
A few points for improvement or clarification:
1. Exiting MC from playing now in theatre view - back,back,exit,exit theatre view,close MC (phew!). Am I missing something? cant we have a red X in the top right corner to close MC17?
2. The downloaded images are sometimes way off - The Jackson 5 featuring Michael when he was black, was seen many times and not a single Jacksons song exists in my audio library. A T Rex song played and dinosaurs came on, hypodermic needles for 10cc etc: some fine tuning needed here methinks.
3. the Aspect ratio of the downloaded images should be restricted to the same ratio of the screen - I kept seeing just the top of peoples heads on my 16:9 TV
4. Are these downloaded images stored anywhere or are they just discarded after a session?
Well done and thanks anyhow lads,