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Would you (or a friend) buy a Mac version of JRiver Media Center if it were possible?

- 80 (40%)
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Author Topic: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?  (Read 43434 times)


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #50 on: June 20, 2012, 04:59:52 pm »

Yes, but again I'll say the problem is that you're pushing what's effectively vapourware.
I think that's not accurate.  We're not pushing anything and we're not saying we have anything.  We're asking if you would be interested if we did do the work.

Vaporware refers to a product that has been announced as if it was real, and before it ever exists.  Not the same.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #51 on: June 20, 2012, 05:03:42 pm »

I think he just misread contemplation for condensation.  ;)  ;D


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #52 on: June 20, 2012, 06:25:38 pm »

glynor is so right in his last post, totally agree
Happy licensed MC 15-19 User :)
Mac version early bird
My english is not perfect! My native lang is spanish


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #53 on: June 20, 2012, 06:36:25 pm »

Almost every time someone new comes over to my house, and I fire up Theater View to play some music or a movie or whatever, I get "oohs and ahhs" and questions about the software that drives it.  I always explain.

I get the same.  Then the natural question arises "Do they have a MacOS version?".  Answer, "No".  They ALWAYS respond with either "darn!" or "why not?".

Then you show them JRemote, Zone support, sending different streams to different zones, theater view etc....  Then they say "Why cant iTunes do this?"

You dont even need to show them the insane video support.  One mention that they could delete VLC and import ALL video in MC and they start entertaining building a little PC they can jam under the floorboards.  It never happens though.

If they ever happen to get into a streaming/DAC device, they start calling and texting again "How do I......?".  My answer, "Get a cheap PC."  Conversation usually ends there with typical prejudice not unlike what we are seeing in this thread.  "I dont care what it can do, I dont care if it solves every problem, I will never own a XYZ product"

I say use the best tool for the job.  For media replay and streaming your choices are PC-based, or proprietary system (Sonos, Squeezbox, Meridian, Soloos etc....).  I choose PC since I already have and use them.

Those with Macs are left out in the cold.  Stuck with Kinsky, PlugPLayer or Eyeconnect or something equally deplorable.

For the UPNP features alone MC would be HUGE for a small segment (still a big number though) of serious media users who use Mac exclusively.

lastly, I dont think iOS support for syncing is fully needed.  I have ZERO problem using iTunes to put some music on there or to sync my contacts and calendar to Outlook.  Once again, use the best tool for the job.  The pain in the ass for me on that specific is I have to convert FLACs first.

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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #54 on: June 20, 2012, 06:41:05 pm »

I think a lot of the market research on this will have to be dead reckoning.  Certainly Mac users are accustomed to paying through the nose for software, but I'm not sure if they're the most broad-minded critters on the planet, and how that would factor in to their acceptance of software from a company they might view as an outsider (bearing in mind what the Apple Software logo is a picture of).  

Somebody mentioned price hike, and I'm going to take a moment to be a complete $%#$%^$# (rhymes with "glass bowl").  Compared to other paid programs that I use, MC is easily worth $199 at purchase, if not $299.  Now, many of the more expensive programs don't put out new paid versions very often, while JRiver seems to have figured out that if they charge cheaply and frequently, most customers don't seem to notice that they're on a subscription service.  Of course, the only way to keep that going is to continually bring out compelling new features, which they do.

So my opinion is that the JRiver crew keep comparing their great product to what's out there, and keep eyeballing the upside on price, while maintaining loyalty discounts.  


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #55 on: June 20, 2012, 06:42:27 pm »

I think that's not accurate.  We're not pushing anything and we're not saying we have anything.  We're asking if you would be interested if we did do the work.

Vaporware refers to a product that has been announced as if it was real, and before it ever exists.  Not the same.

Sorry, but I disagree :)
Vapourware isn't perhaps the best term, but essentially it's accurate for the situation as it stands.
You're asking the general populace if they'd be interested in the 'maybe', without providing any real specifics, timeframes or anything else. This will essentially generate scepticism as to whether this 'maybe' will ever materialize.
We'll agree to disagree I think- I'm trying hard to describe the situation as I see it, not make criticisms.

Wandering off onto another tack, have you considered the options this might bring with store content?
I haven't tried the Performer store overly much, but being able to provide a secure audio path and a means to promote store content through an alternative commercial player must be worth something? It'd be interesting to see the stats for music purchased through online stores on the different operating systems.



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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #56 on: June 20, 2012, 06:50:35 pm »

Sorry, but I disagree :)
Vapourware isn't perhaps the best term, but essentially it's accurate for the situation as it stands.
You're asking the general populace if they'd be interested in the 'maybe', without providing any real specifics, timeframes or anything else.
The question was this:

"Would you (or a friend) buy a Mac version of JRiver Media Center if it were possible?"


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #57 on: June 20, 2012, 07:06:02 pm »

Is the type of user drawn to Apple also interested in the features and complexity of MC or are they just satisfied with itunes?  I'm also a bit surprised Jim posted this given his experience over the years with the now defunct support for ipods (which is a far bigger market).  I'd rather see dev work going back into ipod/ipad client support.

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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #58 on: June 20, 2012, 09:55:00 pm »

I've been a Windows person for years and years, but the next laptop I buy will be a MacBook Pro Retina because there's no comparison in terms of hardware quality. I will probably buy it to run Windows. But, since it would be marginally more convenient to run MC in OSX, I might buy such a version.

An iOS version would be more attractive since my ability to play content on my iPad is limited right now.

Still, I think it's important to recognize the opportunity cost of J River developing for other operating systems. I'd honestly rather have the time that would be spent porting it to OSX be spent, instead, on blu-ray menu support, recording support on library server clients, streaming live TV to library clients and to WebGizmo, etc. etc.

The bottom line is that if I want to run MC on a Mac, there are already ways. But if I want new features and a more robust MC, only J River can do that, so that's what I'd hope their time would be spent on.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #59 on: June 21, 2012, 12:43:02 am »

Although, for the people that voted no.   You can take your existing PC and make it run OS X.

Why would i do that?
MC17 is mature on Windows, even if a Mac version will exist in the future, it'll take years to reach the same level of maturity (its not only about the app itself, but also interaction with Video and Audio pipelines)
~ nevcairiel
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Re: Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #60 on: June 21, 2012, 04:40:40 am »

Yes I will. A little bit more than the windows version if need be. I am currently using my MC in Parallels on my mac and also running MC on a media center running windows 7. My ideal utopia will be that both can run natively and work with each other like how it is working now between machines.
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Re: Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #61 on: June 21, 2012, 05:58:35 am »

Yes I will. A little bit more than the windows version if need be. I am currently using my MC in Parallels on my mac and also running MC on a media center running windows 7. My ideal utopia will be that both can run natively and work with each other like how it is working now between machines.

+1 on this one.  I would also like to run JRiver MC natively on my Mac mini.  I do have Windows PC's as well.  However, I started out in the Computer Audiophile fourms where MAC minis are mostly used.  This just may get a lot of interest there.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #62 on: June 21, 2012, 06:02:47 am »

Discussion split:

Cross platform


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #63 on: June 21, 2012, 04:28:39 pm »

Just to note... A few people mentioned that OSX already comes with a home theater "front end" built in.  That's true, I suppose.  It has a feature called Front Row now, that can, in a pinch, serve that function.

However, it hasn't been updated in years, and it certainly doesn't even come close to comparing to MC's Theater View.  Also, since many of you aren't heavy Mac followers who try the betas and follow the threads, I thought I'd pass along:  Apple discontinued Front Row in the forthcoming (next month) Mountain Lion release of OSX.  It is being removed when you upgrade.  And, if you know anything about OSX release uptake rates, just about everyone will update by the end of this year (especially since it is only $20).  EDIT: I was wrong (I didn't realize because all my Macs are still on Snow Leopard).  Front Row was discontinued and removed with Lion.  It is already gone.

I also disagree that "competing with iTunes on a Mac would be too hard".  The same could be said on Windows.  Windows comes with Windows Media Player, after all, and iTunes is ubiquitous and free.  Plenty of companies "compete" with Apple branded or built-in software by offering things that are in the same category, but do more.

Now, if MC was just a clone of iTunes, with no substantial additional value, then I'd agree.  But it isn't.  At all.  It does WAY more than iTunes, and does it WAY better.  That's like saying there's no reason for Adobe to make Photoshop and Premiere for Macs because they already come with iPhoto and iMovie.  That's just absurd.  Like I said before, most of the Mac users I know personally (who, generally, are "pro" or "scientific" users, not "grandmas") loathe iTunes.  They love iPhoto and Keynote, but iTunes is not a favorite.  And it isn't a home theater front-end, and it barely handles video (and not well).

Also, as a side note, I think one of the most appealing features for many Mac users would be Theater View.  The aesthetic of Theater View is already VERY Applesque, and it would work splendidly with the Apple Remote that comes with most Macs (since it only requires the arrow keys, enter, and the "green button" that could be remapped to the remote's menu button).
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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #64 on: June 21, 2012, 04:45:02 pm »

A couple of years ago I would have called JRiver on a MAC absolute nonsense.
The MAC user does it the Steve Jobs way. Period.
Today there are a lot of players for OSX ranging from free to rather expensive.

Obvious there is a market but I haven’t the slightest idea how profitable it is.
One thing is for sure, Sonic studio Amarra started with $999 and where forced to drop their prices substantially.
Pure Music at $129 seems doing fine and is often recommended on audiophile forums.
All of them are audio only.
If JRiver OSX would sell at $49 it would be the low baller.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #65 on: June 21, 2012, 04:45:19 pm »

Nope. Have no intention of ever running an Apple OS. My few friends who run Macs are fairly techtarded, think iTunes is Gods gift and could never and would never have the desire to figure out MC.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #66 on: June 21, 2012, 04:47:47 pm »

Agreed on Front Row.  It is weak.

I believe most Mac peeps are looking to things like Plex for a HTPC look and feel.  I have never seen it in action though.  Something tells me it cant do all that MC can.
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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #67 on: June 21, 2012, 06:05:10 pm »

Agreed on Front Row.  It is weak.

It doesn't matter if it is weak or strong.  It is discontinued and has been removed, and is, therefore, not competition.  That was my point.
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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #68 on: June 21, 2012, 06:38:57 pm »

Oh I know.  I was just trying to participate.  My buddy must be rolling an old OS because he always runs it when I go to his house.  He tries to compete with Theater View.....  hilarious.

HTPC (ASRock Mini PC 252B: i5 2520M Sandy Bridge/HD3000 - 2.5 GHz - 8GB RAM - 256GB Intel SSD - Win7 Home) > MF V-Link 192 > Wireworld Ultraviolet > Naim DAC > Naim NAC 102/NAPSC/HiCap (PSU) > Naim NAP 180 Amp > Naim NACA-5 Speaker Cables > Naim Ariva


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #69 on: June 21, 2012, 07:29:54 pm »

Nope. Have no intention of ever running an Apple OS. My few friends who run Macs are fairly techtarded, think iTunes is Gods gift and could never and would never have the desire to figure out MC.

Also, there are already lots of MAC media players out there that's going to bring the same sort of issues that JRiver is experiencing with new users.  EYE CANDY.  Yep it's back.  Not only does XBMC have lots of it, now we have to deal with Plex users as well.  Plex is a different beast altogether.  It now can run as a service on some unix and windows servers.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #70 on: June 21, 2012, 10:08:11 pm »

Actually, on Lion it is disabled.  You can renable Front Row in Lion.

Yes, I found that when I was looking, and also that it had been pulled completely from the Mountain Lion developer builds.  But no one does that (a handful of geeks aside), and it won't work in a month in any case.
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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #71 on: June 22, 2012, 01:25:04 am »

Yes, I'd buy it in an instant. We run all major OSes at home: Win7, OSX, Linux (unRaid), iOS and soon Android.
It would be great to have MC on my wife's MacBook. No more VLC!
I also agree with all glynor says.

My only stipulation is that it's a full port to OSX, including an equivalent of RedOctober. That means support for lossless audio too, providing of course that the hardware is capable.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #72 on: June 22, 2012, 01:44:56 am »

My only stipulation is that it's a full port to OSX, including an equivalent of RedOctober.

This is not going to be easy.  As nevcairiel points out, all the code for the splitter, decoders, and renderers required for RedOctober are 3rd party and use the MS DirectShow framework.  I have no idea how JR plans to tackle this one or what the current state of inbuilt media support is on OSX.... as the last time I had someone try a whole heap of test files on the Mac we found all sorts of unsupported combinations such as DTS in a MPG container.  Also, good luck with BD playback on OSX as I have not heard of any on the fly decryption options for OSX either. 
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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #73 on: June 22, 2012, 03:55:09 am »

An OS X version of MC would be the only reason for me to use MC again.

After changing to the Mac some years ago, i use iTunes and i'm very happy with it, because it supports the Apple ecosystem very well.
Before i was a very satisfied user of MC, but iPhone support lacked.

You certainly would win me back to MC with an OS X version.

Besides, i find it funny that most of the comments here come from PC users, that never would use a Mac 8).
I'm sure they never need MC on OS X, too ;D.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #74 on: June 22, 2012, 04:44:35 am »

An OS X version of MC would be the only reason for me to use MC again.

After changing to the Mac some years ago, i use iTunes and i'm very happy with it, because it supports the Apple ecosystem very well.
Before i was a very satisfied user of MC, but iPhone support lacked.

You certainly would win me back to MC with an OS X version.

Besides, i find it funny that most of the comments here come from PC users, that never would use a Mac 8).
I'm sure they never need MC on OS X, too ;D.

Porting MC to OSx would not automatically mean that JRiver would support newer iDevices. It will still be locked down unless JRiver spends time on decrypting those things.

It's not strange at all that most comments here comes from PC users that don't use Mac. JRiver MC is a Windows only software. Why would there be much Mac only users in here? Most people use or know windows.
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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #75 on: June 22, 2012, 05:04:59 am »

It's not strange at all that most comments here comes from PC users that don't use Mac. JRiver MC is a Windows only software. Why would there be much Mac only users in here? Most people use or know windows.

But notorious windows users are not the target group of this poll ;D.
And there are many, many hybrid users that well know both of the worlds!

To speak for myself, i have used MC for many years on windows, but i don't do it anymore for a couple of years.
First step was, i wanted to sync my iDevices with MC and it didn't work well.

On my job, i'm working with PCs (as a software engineer).
But my private computing has changed to Macs completely and i'm happy with it.
In the beginning i used MC under Parallels, but that was not fun at all.
So i used iTunes for my music (on a MacMini that is always on and consumes nearly no energy) and after some struggles because of the transition i'm happy with it, too.

That doesn't mean, that i would not like to have more than iTunes on my Macs.
I can remember that MC was very well configurable.
So me and my friends (all audiophile Mac users 8)) would appreciate MC on OS X!


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #76 on: June 22, 2012, 10:46:39 am »

Also, good luck with BD playback on OSX as I have not heard of any on the fly decryption options for OSX either.  

There isn't a good on-the-fly solution for Macs.  Apple hasn't (and won't in all likelihood) ship a computer with a BluRay drive built-in, so the market is too small.  The best on-the-fly decrypter for DVDs is Fairmount (which is free), but they don't support BluRay.  They might be able to plug-in to something like Macgo's BluRay Player.  I don't know.

There are a BUNCH of great BluRay rippers though.  MakeMKV, of course, is an OSX application as well (which is what I'd use).  If you want to rip the whole disc to your drive intact, DVDFab makes a full-featured Mac version of their product (but not Passkey, unfortunately).

Otherwise, OSX has a very nice set of media playback APIs, comparable to DirectShow/Windows Media Foundation.  And, as I mentioned elsewhere, Perian is an open-source, full featured expansion to the included Quicktime engine that provides support for the media types that don't work out of the box.  I don't know about support for DTS Master Audio.  Aside from that, you should be able to support anything you want with Quicktime+Perian.
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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #77 on: June 22, 2012, 02:26:43 pm »

a native iOS MC...

Not sure if it would help much. I have a lot of apple stuff and run a windows htpc with a nas as my main music distribution. I am not sure if I need iOS clients on my laptops or desktop. Plus, with apps becoming increasingly available across all apple operating systems, one could use jremote on all apple devices to play and use MC.

Glynor summarized it well in this thread. Apple users will gladly pay more, so if you market it as a stand alone media center for iOS, I am sure there is a market, but it will be a different market than the people currently on these boards discussing their audio/techie/nerdie installations...

One more vote for a control4 driver though.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #78 on: June 22, 2012, 02:41:07 pm »

Plus, with apps becoming increasingly available across all apple operating systems, one could use jremote on all apple devices to play and use MC.

There is a HUGE chasm between a full-fledged MC installation and JRemote.  There is really no comparison.
HTPC (ASRock Mini PC 252B: i5 2520M Sandy Bridge/HD3000 - 2.5 GHz - 8GB RAM - 256GB Intel SSD - Win7 Home) > MF V-Link 192 > Wireworld Ultraviolet > Naim DAC > Naim NAC 102/NAPSC/HiCap (PSU) > Naim NAP 180 Amp > Naim NACA-5 Speaker Cables > Naim Ariva


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #79 on: June 22, 2012, 02:52:53 pm »

There is a HUGE chasm between a full-fledged MC installation and JRemote.  There is really no comparison.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #80 on: June 23, 2012, 01:36:56 pm »

First, I have barely touched a MAC in 20 years, so this is heresay/supposition.

It seems to me the draw of MAC is that everything 'just works' great.  That's what I've always thought Apple did well.  A 5 year old can use an iPod.  My friends 18 month old uses an iPad without assistance.

My mother installed and troubleshot networks for a living 20 years ago.  She gives up on MC rather quickly.  She has a licensed version, but barely touches it.  She builds her own machines (with my help).  MC is just "too complicated" for the benefit she gets out of her effort.

I don't know if that would be 'acceptable' on a MAC.

Perhaps I'm totally wrong, but I thought it worth considering.  Even if you could get the full MC experience on a MAC tomorrow, you'd surely sell hundreds of copies, probably thousands; but would they complain more than us about "usability" issues?  Could you keep up with all the extra complaints, if it were to happen?

No disrespect meant, just 'food for thought' :)
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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #81 on: June 24, 2012, 09:02:29 am »

Consider the the audiophile market. JRiver is king here, and many audio gearheads exclusively use Mac machines.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #82 on: June 24, 2012, 12:50:54 pm »

Absolutely. Especially if it can play blu-ray iso's from my network server and bitstream the lossless audio via hdmi to my pre-amp.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #83 on: June 24, 2012, 03:15:02 pm »

I think it is absolutely irrelevant if Windows-Only-Users vote against a Mac version of MC because they will never use the Mac-MC.

In this case only Mac users will ever buy this software.
And as said before, there are many Mac audiophiles that are waiting for a really elaborate software for their needs.
Contrary to the perception of many Windows-Only-Users, not all Mac users are too stupid to use a computer in a complex manner.
So even Mac users might be able to use a software like MC :).


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #84 on: June 24, 2012, 05:16:19 pm »

I think it is absolutely irrelevant if Windows-Only-Users vote against a Mac version of MC because they will never use the Mac-MC.

In this case only Mac users will ever buy this software.
And as said before, there are many Mac audiophiles that are waiting for a really elaborate software for their needs.
Contrary to the perception of many Windows-Only-Users, not all Mac users are too stupid to use a computer in a complex manner.
So even Mac users might be able to use a software like MC :).

Yes Fred1,

It would be very interesting to see how the community over at ComputerAudiophile would embrace JRiver MC for Mac's.

Maybe it'll be a good idea to set up a poll over there?  Just an idea.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #85 on: June 24, 2012, 05:45:55 pm »

It would be very interesting to see how the community over at ComputerAudiophile would embrace JRiver MC for Mac's.  Maybe it'll be a good idea to set up a poll over there?  Just an idea.
I posted there:


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #86 on: June 24, 2012, 07:37:45 pm »

I posted there:

Your way ahead of me Jim..  However, I see the poll points back to here.  What if the users over there are not members over here, would they still be able to vote?


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #88 on: June 24, 2012, 07:55:30 pm »

really, for me, the question isn't would i buy MC for OS X... it is would i get rid of windows if MC were on OS X, and the answer is yes.

Me too. We have 3 computers at home, and only the HTPC is windows. I would ditch it in a second and run and and buy a mac mini if there were a mac version of MC.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #89 on: June 24, 2012, 09:56:53 pm »

How would you suggest doing that?  I could try posting on Apple's forums, but I doubt it would be allowed.

I did post at ComputerAudiophile and at AVSforum.

Great heavens, I cannot imagine why anyone would object.  But mostly, if you get serous about it, a lot of folks are going to give you word of mouth coverage. Jaon Sell over at Macworld (and a few others) are music fanatics as well, and will surely give you plenty of coverage when you have a port ready.

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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #90 on: June 25, 2012, 09:26:49 am »


I followed the links to the polls on both C Audiophile and AVS.  In both cases there are comments that people didn't wasnt to register to vote.  I can only guess at the number of people who didn't bother joining in because of that.  IMO it is worth going the extra mile to get these people involved--can the polls be reconfigured so that they can participate on their own sites?


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #91 on: June 25, 2012, 01:16:39 pm »

It seems to me the draw of MAC is that everything 'just works' great.  That's what I've always thought Apple did well.  A 5 year old can use an iPod.  My friends 18 month old uses an iPad without assistance.

My mother installed and troubleshot networks for a living 20 years ago.  She gives up on MC rather quickly.  She has a licensed version, but barely touches it.  She builds her own machines (with my help).  MC is just "too complicated" for the benefit she gets out of her effort.

I don't know if that would be 'acceptable' on a MAC.

Perhaps I'm totally wrong, but I thought it worth considering.  Even if you could get the full MC experience on a MAC tomorrow, you'd surely sell hundreds of copies, probably thousands; but would they complain more than us about "usability" issues?  Could you keep up with all the extra complaints, if it were to happen?

I expressed similar concerns in another thread but not as well as you did.



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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #92 on: June 25, 2012, 02:07:03 pm »

It seems to me the draw of MAC is that everything 'just works' great.  That's what I've always thought Apple did well.  A 5 year old can use an iPod.  My friends 18 month old uses an iPad without assistance.

My mother installed and troubleshot networks for a living 20 years ago.  She gives up on MC rather quickly.  She has a licensed version, but barely touches it.  She builds her own machines (with my help).  MC is just "too complicated" for the benefit she gets out of her effort.

You can throw "it just works" right out the window once you move beyond what grandmothers and infants are trying to do with their Macs.  Hit up people trying to do anything media related beyond buying a movie on iTunes and sending it to a Apple TV from their iPad. 

There are TONS of people who want to stream different music to different areas of the house (zones).  Good luck.  You want to play FLACs on your Mac, have a blast with Fluke or whatever.  Want to play that obscure video codec?  Close iTunes and open up VLC.....

Anyone pushing the outside of the envelope with audio and video will welcome J River with open arms.

Just imagine all of the people who were/are willing to spend up to a $1000 for Amarra  :o

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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #93 on: June 25, 2012, 04:45:01 pm »

First, I have barely touched a MAC in 20 years, so this is heresay/supposition.

I understand where you're coming from, but your entire premise is based on old prejudices from the Mac/Windows "wars" of days of old, that were never particularly justified, and certainly are not in the modern era.

OSX is BSD UNIX with a very fancy GUI shell on top.  You can open up a full-featured BASH console, and it comes with Apache, PHP, Perl, and all sorts of "advanced" development tools built in.  Sure, there are some grandmas who use it, but probably no more than there are of Windows users, percentage wise.

Many Mac users will expect a design that fits "at home" with other Mac applications.  For example, the Close Min/Max buttons should be where they belong on the top-left, the toolbar needs to work "right" (attached to the system toolbar, not the application Window), and the dock icon should behave properly with its associated bounce and right-click menu and whatnot).  But the days of the strict adherence to the HIG are long-since past (Apple themselves being one of the worst violators).

There is plenty of popular "advanced" software packages available on OSX, especially in the Multimedia "space".
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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #94 on: June 27, 2012, 09:26:34 am »

A preliminary consideration: as MC is currently Windows only, this forum is possibly visited mostly by Windows users, so will this poll reach a broad audience of Mac users and give a complete representation of the full potential of MC with Mac audiophiles?

Back to the initial question: YES, I would buy it.

I think many are in the same situation as me: I consider Mac as an excellent hardware in many respects and although I am not fully convinced by iTunes and am missing a MC-like solution for Mac OS X, I just intend to stay with Mac.
But if MC becomes available for Mac OS, I will be among the first to buy. MC will not replace iTunes for the broad consumers market, but based on what I can read on audiophile forums, I am convinced it has a great potential within the Mac audiophile niche.
I very much like MC for the sharp audiophile quality, the superb customisation options, the excellent management of large libraries, and last but not least, the excellent JRemote (so much better than the ageing Apple
The only thing that I am missing is the Apple Lossless support, but as it is now an open format, I assume that this could be addressed easily?
Thanks, js


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #95 on: June 27, 2012, 09:29:53 am »

The only thing that I am missing is the Apple Lossless support, but as it is now an open format, I assume that this could be addressed easily?
MC supports ALAC.  But maybe you want encoding to ALAC, which it doesn't do.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #96 on: June 27, 2012, 10:04:43 am »

MC supports ALAC.
Thanks for correcting and pointing this out. It makes it even more attractive for me as a Mac user with an existing ALAC library.


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #97 on: June 27, 2012, 10:45:42 am »

I would definitely buy it. I just think Mac laptops have the best combination of hardware design, ergonomics, and parts (e.g., nice screens). I have a Macbook Pro retina on order now. It's simply not matched by any Windows laptop for power/portability, screen quality, and trackpad responsiveness. Being a student, I would also say at least a third of students at my university have macs (I swear, the next time a professor quips about how many macs there are in the auditorium, I'm going to scream). Macs are the only computers a lot of people know, and I bet that usage is only going up, especially because the price of the macbook airs are becoming within reach of more people. I plan on running JRiver within a Windows virtual machine when my mac arrives. Hopefully I'll have a native app one day!


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #98 on: June 29, 2012, 02:46:56 am »

Now, if MC was just a clone of iTunes, with no substantial additional value, then I'd agree.  But it isn't.  At all.  It does WAY more than iTunes, and does it WAY better.

Also, as a side note, I think one of the most appealing features for many Mac users would be Theater View.  The aesthetic of Theater View is already VERY Applesque, and it would work splendidly with the Apple Remote that comes with most Macs (since it only requires the arrow keys, enter, and the "green button" that could be remapped to the remote's menu button).

Couldn't agree more.

For me, the major strengths of MC are
- numerous possibilities of customization,
- Theater View,
- excellent tagging tool,
- handling of DSD.

I have been a Mac user for a long time now, and I have purchased Windows and Parallels Desktop licenses just to use MC on my iMac ! (and I am delighted with it).

So, if you decide to release an OS X version of MC, it is too late for me, but I think it would be a great alternative to the hegemony of iTunes (and built-around-iTunes players) on this platform.

Keep up the excellent work !


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Re: POLL: Would you buy MC on OS X ?
« Reply #99 on: June 30, 2012, 11:42:18 am »

If I had any Macs, yes. I don't so wouldn't  ;D

But, I also would love a native Linux version. As good as Windows is for most things, it's bloatware for a slim HTPC.
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