The problem with the initial suggestion is it was much too vague.
No, it wasn't vague at all. If you'd done even basic research into your competitors, you wouldn't need me to even bring this up.
And certainly wouldn't need me to draw a picture for you. Even a simple Google search, after the fact, would've set you straight.
Knowing any kind of fixed-format report would be rather useless for many...
You've asked them? They've
tried it and said, "Please don't add this feature! It'd be useless to me."
Really doubtful. Scrobbling to Lastfm is such a popular thing because people like seeing their collections on display.
People love bragging. If anything you should take this suggestion and
go further with it. Make these reports
postable on lastfm, FB, etc. After, that is, you get the function up and running. And you will.
Most of the information in the illustration is available to me dynamically in my primary Audio Panes View.
First off, false. It's not available. Not with three clicks. Not with a million clicks. And, definitely not on one screen.
I'll gladly wait for you to post, as I've already done, a screenshot showing:
~ Top genres played, total file number, total length in h:m:seconds.
~ Top artists played, total file number, total length in h:m: seconds.
~ Top albums played, total file number, total length in h:m: seconds.
~ Top year played, total file number, total length in h:m: seconds.
~ Total genres in library, total file number, total length in h:m:seconds.
~ Total artists in library, total file number, total length in h:m: seconds.
~ Total albums in library, total file number, total length in h:m: seconds.
~ Total years in library, total file number, total length in h:m: seconds.
~ List of ALL artists sorted by total file number, total length in h:m:seconds.
~ List of ALL genres sorted by total file number, total length in h:m:seconds.
~ List of average track number per album, favorites and total.
~ List of average length per track, favorites and total.
~ List of average bitrate in your entire library, favorites and total.
~ Average number tracks per artist.
~ Average number tracks per genre.
~ Average number tracks per album.
~ Average number tracks per playlist.
~ Average track number played per day?
~ How many tracks do you have with 5 stars?
~ What genres are they mostly in? How many h:m:seconds would it take to play 'em all?
~ Average rating of tracks both in the total library and in those you've played.
And on. and on. and on.
All on one page! ===> Available with just three clicks.
Not gonna happen. MC can't do this. You know it. I know it. Quit lyin'.
Grouping by columns is basic, boring and not at all what I'm talking about.
Not at all what other programs
are already doing. It's not rocket science.
Your lunch is getting eaten, and you're saying, "I wasn't hungry anyways."
I can slice & dice the collection any way I like.
Bully for you. Even if you could, somehow, cobble together a report like the one above, it's of zero significance here as most of your customers aren't you.
I don't want to know how my television or car works. That's why I pay people to handle it.
You're getting paid, then bragging that because you know how to do something, everyone else should too.
In other words, you're completely missing the point.
I think it would be far more useful to have an option to display applicable count, total, average and standard deviation for every group in a list, for every field in the view, and with values for all the files in the view at the end. I would then be able to include any files of any type and get detailed statistics for any grouping I cared to define. 
So, first you insult anyone supporting this suggestion. Now you're taking full credit for it? Yeah, classy.


Anyways, it's not that big of a deal one way or the other:
I'll just use one of the competition's programs to do my report. And, to 'fade-to-sleep' at night as well.
Heck, since I'm already there...maybe I'll just go ahead and sign up for their program? Why not?
At least when I offer free advice on their software, I won't be condescended to and attacked.
HaiGuy, that is amazing. How did you do that? External software? Hidden in MC? Personal custum plug-in?
Well, that's what the competition is already doing. Three clicks. Actually, one click a hover and another click.

Fun, isn't it? A joy to play with! AND==>
Easy to use. A complete report. And, if you noticed the little sidebar,
those two screens
are just a small sample of the output. there's more to it than those two screens.
Here's another example. This one with just ONE CLICK:

Now, don't judge the software by my measly collection.
Same with the other images above. If you had a longer history, your stats would be FAR more interesting!
Ciao! Don't sweat it.